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The PokeHub: Universal PokeProject Thread-Feraligatr, Gardevoir and Hoppip Videos!


Smash Journeyman
Jul 4, 2009
why do you care?
i'll be away for about a week, so i decided to post a DL for rotom in his thread, so go download if u want him. also, brainstorming ideas for Celebi, which will have custom attacks, and not attacks from the pokemon series, except maybe a few. i DO need someone who can vertex hack to do something to Celebi for me, however.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 27, 2009
Has ANYONE figured out where to find the animation for dropping down through a fall-through platform? That's pretty much all I have left to do, but I can't find it ANYWHERE...! ;~;
Isn't it 'Pass'? o.o

Omniscient X

Smash Journeyman
Mar 6, 2010
Just ran the newest test for Tyranitar *Jaw Drops* There is now only one word for Tyranitar: Power. Raw power!
Tyranitar is turning out very well, Earthquake Ttar's d-tilt works to perfection as does Dragon Claw Tyranitar's F-Tilt, his Up-Tilt Destructive Roar works great I just am experimenting with graphics to see which looks best :) the standard A+A neutral combo is great one slash then followed up by a tail slam both are slightly over powered but still great, Hyper Beam is very near perfect, Tyranitar's F-Air Mountain Crusher has been nerfed in lethality as it could kill at 0% near the center of the stage but is still a quick and lethal move, Tyranitar's D-Air Spike Slam looks ok for now anyway I'm taking a break for about a week I'll be back and working on it soon though
Oh and I started Rock Storm it's looking sweet I'll post screenshots near the end of either this week or the next :lick:
He's kinda overpowered in his current state as I said because teams of level 9's don't work in teams they are no match for his strength and my strategic use of Earthquake to set up kills but I've had my friends play against him and one combo of character's works as of now: Pit to hold the front lines with his Mirror Shield, Squirtle using Withdraw on the ground back and forth and Sonic/Meta Knight in the air doing annoying damage although he can occasionally crush this combo with some of his moves, for the most part they can beat him like 4 out of 7 times so they're pretty solid against him (note it takes a team to even fight on par with Tyranitar, ya overpowered might be an understatement lol :laugh:)


Smash Journeyman
Feb 20, 2010
Canton Georgia
Just ran the newest test for Tyranitar *Jaw Drops* There is now only one word for Tyranitar: Power. Raw power!
Tyranitar is turning out very well, Earthquake Ttar's d-tilt works to perfection as does Dragon Claw Tyranitar's F-Tilt, his Up-Tilt Destructive Roar works great I just am experimenting with graphics to see which looks best :) the standard A+A neutral combo is great one slash then followed up by a tail slam both are slightly over powered but still great, Hyper Beam is very near perfect, Tyranitar's F-Air Mountain Crusher has been nerfed in lethality as it could kill at 0% near the center of the stage but is still a quick and lethal move, Tyranitar's D-Air Spike Slam looks ok for now anyway I'm taking a break for about a week I'll be back and working on it soon though
Oh and I started Rock Storm it's looking sweet I'll post screenshots near the end of either this week or the next :lick:
He's kinda overpowered in his current state as I said because teams of level 9's don't work in teams they are no match for his strength and my strategic use of Earthquake to set up kills but I've had my friends play against him and one combo of character's works as of now: Pit to hold the front lines with his Mirror Shield, Squirtle using Withdraw on the ground back and forth and Sonic/Meta Knight in the air doing annoying damage although he can occasionally crush this combo with some of his moves, for the most part they can beat him like 4 out of 7 times so they're pretty solid against him (note it takes a team to even fight on par with Tyranitar, ya overpowered might be an understatement lol :laugh:)
Hey if you need a really good beta tester i could help ya out with that ;0 i can get everythign from how much a move needs to be toned downed and how much it needs to be toned up jsut pm me wehn you want something tested.


Smash Ace
Mar 16, 2010
Can someone plz direct me to the buizel pokepark model or get me one I wanna start on this as soon as i can


Smash Journeyman
Feb 20, 2010
Canton Georgia
so guy, since it apparently wont upload for vick how bout you let me have a shot at making a video? (I think it didnt upload because im destined to make it) ;)

Omniscient X

Smash Journeyman
Mar 6, 2010
So I have came to a conclusion after last night I designed Tyranitar's Down Special I think I'll name it Rock Blast because that's a pokemon move that Ttar can learn from breeding so Tyranitar pulls a rock out of the ground and you can hold B to charge up a blast that unleashes a bigger boulder and goes farther or just releasing B immediately causes Tyranitar to take the rock and charge the opponent smashing it against them (this attack will be a near shield breaker as with most of his attack already)
The projectile will be quiet fast and fully charged it can fly the length of Final Destination and it will deal approximately 10% damage uncharged and 20% fully charged. Also should you choose to you can hold the charge (This is Tyranitar's only holdable charge as Giga Impact cannot be held)


Smash Rookie
Dec 18, 2009
This looks Awesome! but do you think you could me an approxiamate date? i know it takes ages so im not worried, good stuff!


Smash Lord
Jun 8, 2009
...Okay, apparently editing some of the animations caused the hurtbox problems to return tenfold. Dammit. ;~;


Smash Hero
Oct 5, 2008
Dedham, MA
So...uh, whats up with all the clunkiness of Gatr?

Looked much more fluid in the PSA screenies :p

(btw, is there any way someone could give me a crash course in this? Id love to help out with my babie.....creations)


Smash Champion
May 12, 2008
Baltimore, MD
Sure JOE!, and LOL, upB is maaaad dumb. I was trying to input the animation in BBox, but I think I should just PSA his path instead and just keep him in place during the animation.

Some animations are clunkeh, ye, gonna fix them when I feel like getting off my *** and...getting on my *** and fixing them. xD

For now, I'm gonna iron out Attack11, then work on some more basic animations. He needs landings. -_- (Also...his falling animation is a bit weak. I need to refer to JOE!'s post more.)


Smash Journeyman
Mar 26, 2008
Just announcing it now, I just started the LONG process of trying to add/make moves for my Ho-oh model swap


Smash Journeyman
Mar 20, 2010
Just announcing it now, I just started the LONG process of trying to add/make moves for my Ho-oh model swap
Curse you! I wanted to start Ho-oh after Chik. Well anyway, good luck. How about this moveset?

B Heat wave
B> Ancient power
B^ Sky attack
Bv Brave bird

FS: Sacred fire


Smash Journeyman
Mar 26, 2008
Curse you! I wanted to start Ho-oh after Chik. Well anyway, good luck. How about this moveset?

B Heat wave
B> Ancient power
B^ Sky attack
Bv Brave bird

FS: Sacred fire
Sounds good.

But since you wanted to do it anyways, we could work together. I'm not very good at Smash Attacks or Animating, so it's pretty overwealming for just me now


Smash Journeyman
Mar 26, 2008
Sure, I'd love to help
k. All I've done so far was swap Ho-oh's model for ZakoBall's and edit the bones so Ho-oh performs some of ZakoBall's motions. Do you need a download for this, or is it easy enough to replacate that you don't need one?

Also, I don't think Ho-Oh can have B moves, as he can only replace Alloys, who don't have B moves. (with the bone number and all that)


Smash Hero
Oct 5, 2008
Dedham, MA
Sure JOE!, and LOL, upB is maaaad dumb. I was trying to input the animation in BBox, but I think I should just PSA his path instead and just keep him in place during the animation.

Some animations are clunkeh, ye, gonna fix them when I feel like getting off my *** and...getting on my *** and fixing them. xD

For now, I'm gonna iron out Attack11, then work on some more basic animations. He needs landings. -_- (Also...his falling animation is a bit weak. I need to refer to JOE!'s post more.)
allrighty, what programs/etc do I need to do this?


Smash Champion
Dec 21, 2007
Hippo Island
Hi guys. This is my first-ever PSA "project". I have a WIP Weavile moveset that I would like to submit here. I didn't see one being done in the OP but if someone is already making a Weavile set feel free to tell me, I don't want to infringe on anybody's work.

The model I see him using would be his in-Brawl model, and I'm thinking he could be based on MK (small speedy character). The KO percents I use in the moveset are more of estimates of how strong I envision the attack rather than exact amounts.

So without further ado...



Ground Movement Speed: The little guy can move quickly! Practically the same as Captain Douglas J. Falcon!

Traction: Very good.

First Jump: Average.

Midair Jump: Average

Fall Speed: Slightly floaty.

Aerial Movement: Good. Not quite Wario’s level, but good.

Size: Exactly the same as the Weavile you see from the Pokeball item.

Weight: Around MK’s level.


Neutral Special: Pursuit
Weavile pulls back his arms and then he lunges with his claws out-stretched. The pounce homes in on opponent’s like Sonic’s Neutral Special, though the similarities stop there. The move has half as much startup lag as Sonic’s Neutral Special, it only ¾ as far, and actually has low end lag so you aren’t simply giving your opponent a free hit if they shield it (though it’s still very punishable if you spam it). Connecting with the attack deals 10% and knockback that KOs at 140%.

Now, here’s the interesting part; this move can damage characters who are respawning or in the middle of a transformation move (like Pokémon Switch, how appropriate!). If you connect with the move under these conditions, it deals an extra 4% and has a darkness attribute. Of course, your opponent can still fight back during their respawn time, so it’s far from a free hit.

In particular this would be a blast to use in team games, where your opponent’s team-mate would be trying to cover their partner’s respawn, but then you don’t use this move, so they fight as normal, so then you DO use this move so they go back to supporting their partner…sheesh, yomi anyone? Besides that, the main uses of this move are for approaching and punishing escape attempts.

Side Special: Night Slash
Weavile pulls back an arm as darkness gather around his claws, then he dashes forwards as fast as the Star Fox character’s Side-specials, leaving behind purple after-images. He goes as far as 1/3 of Battlefield, and at the end of the dash he delivers a powerful slash with darkness bursting from his claws.

Being hit while Weavile is dashing deals 6% and light set vertical knockback. Being hit by the slash at the end deals 13% and a paralyzing effect like Zamus’ DSmash. Weavile goes through projectiles during the dash. The move has moderate startup and end lag. Its main uses are punishing projectile spammers during your approach, and to chase after opponents, using the stun to get in even more hits to demoralize the fool who dared to run away from you.

Up Special: Ice Punch
Weavile pulls back one arm as he leans forwards and slides forwards as ½ of battlefield at the same speed as Fox’s dash, a trail of ice left behind him on the ground that disappears once Weavile completes the slide. Weavile’s entire body is a hitbox that deals 8% with knockback that KOs at 170%. Below average startup and end lag.

Now, any point during the slide, you may press the Special Move button again for Weavile to immediately stop sliding and launch straight upwards with a fierce spinning uppercut as his fist is encased in icy energy (Ice Shoryuken lol). He goes as high up as Luigi’s Up-B and his fist deals 12% with vertical knockback that KOs at 130%. There is moderate end lag to the punch and Weavile ends the move in mid-air without entering free-fall.

In the air, Weavile just does the uppercut portion of the move and enters free-fall afterwards, but he rises up twice as high as he does on the ground. It’s a decent enough recovery. Overall, the move is meant to be used on the ground, with the sliding part as an approaching/chasing tool, and the uppercut is for anti-air and punishing.

Down Special: Swords Dance
Weavile spins around with his arms out-stretched for a moment. This also causes large orange claw-marks to spin around with him, extending the hitbox of the move, and it hits to both sides. Weavile can be steered a little to the left or right while spinning. Weavile hits about 6 times, each time dealing 2% and the final hit deals vertical knockback that KOs at 160%. This move also has a nifty benefit of restoring the stale move levels of all of your moves by 1 for every hit you connect, and this move does not stale. Moderate startup lag, low end lag.


Jab: Fury Swipes
This is one of those “rapid attack” jabs like Meta Knight’s. One “use” of the move is comprised of 4 quick alternating slashes. Each slash deals 1% and slight hitsun for the next one to connect. What makes this unique from other jabs of this type is that Weavile actually has an additional part to the move after the rapid part. Tap A while Weavile’s doing his slashes and he will suddenly do a more powerful slash that moves him forwards 2 character lengths and has below average end lag. It deals 5% and set knockback as far as Marth’s height. You can use the second part of the jab to close in that last bit of distance on your opponent, or to deal more damage when you anticipate the enemy DIing out of the multi-hit part.

Forward Tilt: Cross Slash
Weavile slashes with both arms, crossing them in front of himself. This is really fast, with low startup lag and below average end lag, though Weavile’s short stature means the move doesn’t have a lot of range. 11%, KOs at 170%. It’s a nice close-range pressure tool, but you’ll have to approach with other moves first.

Up Tilt: Rising Cut
Weavile hops up his height in distance while performing an upwards slashing motion with one arm, then falls back down to the ground. His arm has a hitbox during the entire rising portion of the move, and it deals 11% with vertical knockback that KOs at 180%, but he is vulnerable while falling down. Low startup lag, no end lag once Weavile touches the ground (you could call the falling part the end lag).

Down Tilt: Low Kick
Weavile takes a page from Capcom with this slide-kick maneuver. He will kick out one foot and quickly slide forwards 2 character lengths, dealing 9% and tripping anybody in his way. The move has low startup lag and Weavile can slide right under many projectiles with this, but it has moderate end lag so Weavile can be punished if he spams it. It’s a nice supplement to your approach but don’t rely on it for everything.

Dash Attack: False Swipe
This is very similar to the move Weavile uses when summoned from a Pokeball. Weavile pauses for moderate startup lag before near-instantly dashing forwards as far as ½ of battlefield with his claws outstretched and there is no end lag to the move. If he hits an opponent (his entire body is the hitbox), he keeps going and deals a lol-worthy 1% to the enemy…though just as with the Pokeball attack, this deals a great amount of hitstun to the opponent. It’s not quite enough for Weavile to capitalize on unless he hits them around the end of his dash, but it’s still a really safe pressure tool overall. Just don’t abuse it at close range.


Forward Smash: Bob and Weave
Weavile pulls back an arm as well as his entire body, quickly jumping back 3 character lengths along the ground before suddenly leaping forwards along the ground for 4 character lengths with a powerful strike (so he goes a net distance of 1 character length from where he started the move). His arm is a hitbox during the entire forwards portion of the attack, and it deals 12% with knockback that KOs at 120%. Startup lag is the time Weavile is jumping back, and the move has below average end lag. Charging takes place before he jumps back.

Besides being a potential KO move, this can be used as an evasive maneuver + a counter attack rolled into one. If you’re fighting a Weavile who likes to use this, projectiles are your best bet to stop it.

Up Smash: Avalanche Slash
Reference pic
Weavile near-instantly leaps upwards as high as Marth is tall before doing a quick forwards dive with his claws outstretched. His dive is angled about 30 degrees He is invincible as he rises, and while diving his claws deal 12% with knockback that KOs at 125%. He has below average end lag upon hitting the ground, and it’s possible for him to go straight past his opponent during the dive, making this a relatively safe move as well as a great counter to horizontally-focused attacks. Naturally, the best way to counter this move yourself is to use attacks with good vertical range, smacking Weavile right out of his dive. Oh, and yes, it is possible for Weavile to SD if he does this too close to the edge.

Down Smash: Ice Whirl
Weavile spins around with his claws outstretched, icy mist emanating from them. This hits 5 times to each side, each dealing 2%, and the final hit freezes opponents, allowing Weavile to follow-up with additional pain. Low startup lag, moderate end lag.




Weavile leaps forwards 2 character lengths with his claws outstretched, and if he makes contact with someone he grabs onto their face with his claws. This is similar in appearance to Diddy’s side special. This has low startup lag and Weavile travels through the pounce quickly, but he is punishable if he whiffs it. Since Weavile leaves the ground as he does this, it is possible for him to go off the edge of platforms with hit and potentially catch someone in mid-air. If he does, he will automatically perform his FThrow on them (think what happens when you grab a Primid in the SSE).

Pummel: Slash Scars
Weavile claws at his opponent’s face, dealing 2%. This is your typical pummel, but with a cool animation.

Forwards Throw: Flip Lifter
Weavile does a back flip while raking the enemy with the claws on his feet, dealing 9% and also lifting the enemy for set knockback as high as Ike is tall. Weavile ends the move in the air a moderate distance from his opponent horizontally. The use of this move is a launcher for when your opponent is easier to pressure in the air, or to deal damage while getting Weavile in the air.

Back Throw: Separation Strike
Weavile kicks-off his opponent, dealing 13% and horizontal knockback that KOs at 190%. Weavile ends up moving back 4 character lengths, and if he goes off the stage he’ll regain control after a moment. This deals the most damage out of Weavile’s throws but it places him further away from his opponent so he has to make his way back to them.

Up Throw: Head Stomp
Weavile flips onto his opponent’s head and uses it as a springboard to jump up twice his height in distance. Weavile enters his air-game at the apex of his jump with no end lag, and his opponent takes 9% and a footstool effect from having their head turned into a spring. It’s a decently damaging throw and if your opponent has poor anti-air moves, you can use the jump to attempt a follow-up move, or simply use it to reposition yourself for your next move and keep up pressure.

Down Throw: Take Down
I have no idea if Weavile learns Take Down, I just thought it sounded appropriate, lulz.

Weavile once again flips onto his opponent’s head, but this time he stomps HARD onto them, forcing them onto the ground on their stomach with Weavile standing right beside them. This deals 11%, but opponents can tech the throw…

Unlike other teachable throws, however, Weavile exits the move very quickly, so it is possible for him to tech-chase his opponent when the move is finished. Even if they avoid the damage of the throw, Weavile can always punish their roll with some other attack and place them into an even worse positional disadvantage.

*Playstyle synopsis will be provided once the aerials are completed*


Smash Champion
May 16, 2006
Yay finally someone working on Weavile. I hope you know what you're doing though as Weavile's probably the pokemon I want to play as the most. No pressure here though. :p


Smash Journeyman
Mar 26, 2008
Anyone got advice on why my Ho-oh model swap can't fly? He does his flying animation, but he is too low to the ground and his wings cut through the stage.

Beren Zaiga

Smash Ace
Feb 6, 2009
Saw the vid.

You're doing well, but I agree with the guy who made the first comment on the vid, some animations are a bit stiff, and there is no sign of Feraligatr transitioning from Wait1 to Squat, and I think his first jab could be done a bit better than it has. The Jump and Run animations are looking great though, and Waterfall actually does look like an Aqua Headbutt of sorts.

Though it is looking great so far.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 8, 2009
Monster hasn't PM'd me back in a long, long time, so that means that progress on CUbone will remain at a standstill until further notice. This also means that I'm open to help other projects again.
Feraligatr, Weavile, and Flygon are among my favorite pokes, so I'm willing and able to help you guys out in any way possible, including animation :3


Smash Journeyman
Jul 27, 2009
Hi guys. This is my first-ever PSA "project". I have a WIP Weavile moveset that I would like to submit here. I didn't see one being done in the OP but if someone is already making a Weavile set feel free to tell me, I don't want to infringe on anybody's work.

The model I see him using would be his in-Brawl model, and I'm thinking he could be based on MK (small speedy character). The KO percents I use in the moveset are more of estimates of how strong I envision the attack rather than exact amounts.

So without further ado...



Neutral Special: Pursuit
Weavile pulls back his arms and then he lunges with his claws out-stretched. The pounce homes in on opponent’s like Sonic’s Neutral Special, though the similarities stop there. The move has half as much startup lag as Sonic’s Neutral Special, it only ¾ as far, and actually has low end lag so you aren’t simply giving your opponent a free hit if they shield it (though it’s still very punishable if you spam it). Connecting with the attack deals 10% and knockback that KOs at 140%.

Now, here’s the interesting part; this move can damage characters who are respawning or in the middle of a transformation move (like Pokémon Switch, how appropriate!). If you connect with the move under these conditions, it deals an extra 4% and has a darkness attribute. Of course, your opponent can still fight back during their respawn time, so it’s far from a free hit.

In particular this would be a blast to use in team games, where your opponent’s team-mate would be trying to cover their partner’s respawn, but then you don’t use this move, so they fight as normal, so then you DO use this move so they go back to supporting their partner…sheesh, yomi anyone? Besides that, the main uses of this move are for approaching and punishing escape attempts.

*A moves to come, and a short playstyle synopsis will be provided once more of the set is laid out*
This sounds really interesting, but how are you gonna pull off Pursuit PSA-wise? As far as I know, homing and attacking intangible opponents is impossible.


Smash Hero
Oct 5, 2008
Dedham, MA
he's not making it, he's doing what I did and submitting amoveset for you 1337 haxx0rz to do :p


Smash Champion
Dec 21, 2007
Hippo Island
Feraligatr, Weavile, and Flygon are among my favorite pokes, so I'm willing and able to help you guys out in any way possible, including animation :3
Thanks for the support. As JOE! said, I'm not able to do the actual coding/animating part for these yet (though I'm looking to acquire the programs and stuff eventually), so for now I'm strictly designing the on-paper moveset. Feel free to work on the animations if you'd like. :3

This sounds really interesting, but how are you gonna pull off Pursuit PSA-wise? As far as I know, homing and attacking intangible opponents is impossible.
According to JOE!, there's a flag that allows certain things to hit respawning/transforming opponents, so I figured it would be cool to try implementing into a moveset.

Thaks for the support. I'm spending a lot of time brainstorming this guy so he isn't just "MK with claws." This is my favorite Pokemon so I intend to make something memorable. :)


Smash Hero
Oct 5, 2008
Dedham, MA
All I know is that the invulnerability is a flag, and I think there is a way to unflag some things that it is invincible against?


Smash Champion
Dec 21, 2007
Hippo Island
I see.

Well, if it turns out to be undoable, it's not a huge loss. Pursuit isn't meant to be the cornerstone of Weavile's playstyle so I'd be ok with giving him a new neutral special.
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