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The Pikachu Survivor Game - Week Three: Pandemic


Nightmare Weaver
Oct 10, 2008


Fevers, colds, chicken pox… those all came and went without a problem. However, when Pika Flu came along… let’s just say neither you nor your medicine cabinet were prepared…

The city where you live was suddenly overcome by a mysterious sickness called Pika Flu, and when anyone catches Pika Flu, they instantly find themselves permanently transformed into a Pikachu. In order to win this game, you need to be the last human standing. In addition, you get to laugh at the twenty-two people who are now looking up at you from four feet below as yellow, fuzzy Pikachus.

If you become a Pikachu, you must have the following avatar and change your Smash Character icon to Pikachu to remind you and everyone else you are a Pikachu!

The insanity of this game is where the fun really is.


At the beginning of the game, everyone gets a number. Then, every day a randomized roll will be made to see who becomes a Pikachu due to Pika Flu. If your number is rolled, congratulations! You’re now a Pikachu! That’s not a good thing if you’re trying to win though.

What makes it even more exciting is that the daily roll isn’t the only way you can become a Pikachu. Slow Action Pika Flu, which contestants can use against each other, works the same way. Once a person is infected with Slow Action Pika Flu, they have only three days (exactly 72 hours from when it was contracted) to get a Gold Elixir or Blessed Cure to remove the effect and remain human. If you don’t get either before the time limit is up, those red cheeks, yellow fur, thunderbolt tail, and shiny black eyes should be a clear indication of what happened.

Meanwhile, to protect yourself against the randomized roll, there are items such as Immunities and Guards that offer protection from it. However, remember that they won’t permanently protect you, their effects wear off and you need a constant income of protection if you want to make it to the end. Also, despite the effect of items, the randomized roll will keep going until someone becomes a Pikachu.


To get your hands on protective items (or weapons to turn others into Pikachus!), you need to participate and win challenges, which are based on trivia questions that can come from any subject. As for Blessed Cure challenges, these are 100% Pokémon related questions. That will be your only hint. Also, the more powerful an item is, the harder its questions will be.

There are two ways to submit answers to these trivia questions. The first and best way is to VM them to me. The second way is to post them in this thread. Whoever submits the right answers first out of both methods gets the item. Remember to answer fully also, as people can lose out on items for forgetting to put details in their answers, or only answer one part of the question. Also, if you submit answers and at least one of them is wrong, I’m only going to tell you your answers are not 100% right. I won’t say which ones, you need to find that out on your own.

In the rare case of two people getting the challenge correct at the exact same time, there will be a sudden death challenge for the two participants. Only then will you post your answer instead of VMing it. That way, whoever posts the right answers first wins.

Challenges will be offered in a series (which means you’ll sometimes have multiple challenges at once). When two challenges appear, you may only submit answers for one. Please, please, please, don’t submit answers for both challenges, because I won’t be able to take them and you’ll only find yourself missing out on both. You will need to select one of the challenges to go for and submit answers for it. If you win that challenge and you get the item, you will need to ignore the other challenge and let other people go for it. This is done so that several people have better chances to get an item, rather than allowing one person to nab them all. But, say you submitted answers for Challenge 1 and someone else got it before you did, you can still try your luck at Challenge 2, and vice-versa.


Immunities last for a short while, but they give you infinite protection against Pikachu rolls for the time they last. Your number could be rolled a million times, if you have an active Immunity for the day, you’ll be fine. However, once that Immunity’s time is up, it’s gone, and you’ll have to get a new one to continue the effect. Also, I’ll label the days the Immunity will be active. “ACTIVE IMMUNITY” means you possess an Immunity that will still protect against future Pikachu rolls. “EXPIRED IMMUNITY” means you had the Immunity for today’s Pikachu roll, but it’s been used up and it won’t be there tomorrow. Also, toward the end of the game, Immunities become more powerful and valuable than they were in the beginning.

Also, it is possible to extend an already existing Immunity by earning another one.

Weak Immunity – Weak Immunities protect for one day. Considering there are 24 people in the beginning, these will be next to useless toward the beginning of the game. However, when the numbers start thinning out, expect to see more of them.

Strong Immunity – Strong Immunities protect for two days. Other than that, they behave like a normal Immunity.

Mega Immunity – Mega Immunities protect for three days. Some will be offered in the beginning, but later on, they will stop appearing.


Guards have no time limit like Immunities and last with you until you need them. However, they only work once per Guard. If you have a guard and your number is rolled, you will be protected for that one shot. They will save you from becoming a Pikachu as long as you have them with you. It is also possible to have multiple guards at once.

Power Guard – The Power Guard will protect you from one Pikachu roll. However, if your number is rolled, the Power Guard is used up, and the roll takes place again.

Avenger Guard – The Avenger Guard will protect you from one Pikachu roll. However, if the Avenger Guard is used, it becomes an Immunity for the day and triggers a second Pikachu roll! Just note, these will only be offered in the beginning. Toward the endgame, I will stop having challenges for them.

If you happen to have Immunities and Guards at the same time, the hierarchy of what goes first if and when your number is rolled goes like this:

Immunities > Avenger Guards > Power Guards

Which means your Immunities will protect Guards, but if you have no Immunities, your Avenger Guards will be used first before your Power Guards are. Power Guards are pretty much your last stand before becoming a Pikachu.


These are all fun devices to use against other contestants. If you’re trying to win, why not take a few of them out to make it easier for you?

Spear of Revenge - Whoever wins the Spear of Revenge gets to select three people who they think would make really great Pikachus. After they’ve been selected, the next Pikachu roll occurs only between those three people, while everyone else gets to watch the pleasure. However, if any of these three victims have Guards or Immunities, they are still counted. This can be used to your advantage though if you’re clever with who you pick.

Make sure you’re the one using the Spear of Revenge, not one of the people that are going to become a cute, fuzzy, yellow, electric mouse.

Also, the Spear of Revenge can not be held, it must be used instantly.

Slow Action Pika Flu Syringe – Getting this allows you to give another player Slow Action Pika Flu. Give it to a friend, or an enemy! They’ll become a cute Pikachu if they don’t a Gold Elixir or Blessed Cure in three days time. Also, it must be used instantly, and can not be held to be used later.

The Grudge Hammer – The Grudge Hammer allows you to target another contestant, and put two more numbers on them, greatly jacking up their chances of one of those numbers being rolled by the randomized Pikachu Roll. So say if they were #10 on the list, they’re now #10, #11, and #12, and any one of those three numbers being rolled will count against them! But hey, the greater chances of someone else’s number being rolled, the lesser chance your number is rolled.

The Challenge Trap – This is a mean, mean trick you can use on people that just seem to be winning too many challenges. If you get the Challenge Trap, you can use it at any time you like, but once there are only three people remaining, it will disappear. This is definitely one of those things that can’t be taken into the endgame. When you want to use your Challenge Trap, you will silently and quietly create your own challenge with your own created questions and answers, and then secretly PM it to me. When Challenge time comes around, your challenge will be up there and look like a very authentic one, but anyone who goes for it and submits the answers… will find themselves becoming a Pikachu instead. This works better if you make questions similar to mine, rather than doing something totally different.

Immunity will be your only protection against someone else’s Challenge Trap, whereas Challenge Traps kill guards and turn you straight into a Pikachu. If you submit correct answers via PM to a Challenge that’s actually a trap, but you have immunity on, you’ll get a message from me that the challenge is a fake (but it leaves the trap open to spring on someone else). However, if you post your answers in the thread itself, Immunity won’t matter, since if I give any warning or do anything to the post, it will give the trap away.

Also, DO NOT alert other people to the trap if you have Immunity on you and you got the fake challenge warning. If you give it away, everyone will thank you for volunteering to set the trap on yourself. You’ll become the Pikachu instead. :p

So if you have Immunity and challenges are up, use PMs. Otherwise, you’ll be one very silly Pikachu when the trap goes off.

Pika Flu Weapons of Mass Destruction - Pika Flu Weapons of Mass Destruction is the ultimate item for the insane, the psychotic, and those that want a little more attention. Its also for those people that love Pikachu almost as much as I do, or just joined to get the Pikachu avatar, and felt like taking out a few people with them.

When you get Pika Flu Weapons of Mass Destruction because people overestimated your sanity levels, you set off a massive detonation and launch an enormous mushroom cloud of Pika Flu into the air. Because you’re at ground zero, you instantly become a Pikachu. Congratulations! But, that’s not all! You also get to choose two other people to become Pikachus with you, as a little extra company. If they’re wearing guards or immunities, it doesn’t matter from the overwhelming, MASSIVE exposure to Pika Flu. And if that wasn’t enough, two other people in addition to that get Slow Action Pika Flu! Cool, eh?

Also, you can’t get it to keep it away from other people. It’s also used instantly.


Okay, so you don’t want to be a Pikachu after all…

But you weren’t able to help it, or some mean or nasty psychotic person hit you with Slow Action Pika Flu and you’d like to get rid of it before you find yourself having to use your hands to climb a staircase. These are how you get cured!

The Blessed Cure – This is undoubtedly the best item in the game, and it’s the only way to get back into the game after becoming a Pikachu. If you win the Blessed Cure, you become human again, and you can get back into the game. Or, if you have Slow Action Pika Flu on you, this will get rid of it just in time.

Also, Blessed Cure Challenges only have Pokémon-related questions. That’s the only hint you’ll get. Also, you can’t participate in a Blessed Cure Challenge unless you’re a Pikachu or have Slow Action Pika Flu on you.

Gold Elixir – If some nasty person hit you with a Slow Action Pika Flu Syringe or a totally insane psychopath used Pika Flu WOMD and tagged you with Slow Action Pika Flu, this will help bail you out in time. Don’t wait too long to get it, or you will become a Pikachu. Also, only people who have Slow Action Pika Flu can participate in Gold Elixir challenges.


WARNING: If you become a Pikachu and you take off your Pikachu avatar, that’s considered forfeiting from the game and you will be unable to come back (Again, it’s a part of the game!) Just keep them on and wait for Blessed Cure challenges. They’ll come!

And lastly, if you win this massive PSG round, you’ll receive a free download of any Virtual Console game less than 2000 Wii Points. Also, you’ll get to laugh at the twenty-two Pikachus that this crazy game threw into action. Now who wouldn’t want that?

So, ready to gamble your humanity for one heck of a prize? Let’s do it!


Nightmare Weaver
Oct 10, 2008

#1 Clownbot
#2 StinkomanFan
#3 kitsuneko345
#5 Kirbyoshi
#6 Cacti
#7 KingK.Rool
#8 karthik king
#9 Mewter
#10 Shake~ =ACTIVE IMMUNITY= (8/19/09 - 8/21/09)
#11 Darkslash
#13 Baloo <POWER GUARD x1>
#14 Nicholas1024 =ACTIVE IMMUNITY= (8/19/09 - 8/21/09)
#16 Macman
#17 Ronike <AVENGER GUARD x1>

agidius - PIKACHU
Sonic the Baron - PIKACHU
Kris121 - PIKACHU


Smash Lord
Jun 9, 2009
This idea is awes:bee:me, Khold. :bee:

Now... *puts on glasses* Where do I sign?


Nightmare Weaver
Oct 10, 2008
Okay, thanks for joining guys!

Current participants:
Stinkoman Fan​

And remember, the fun is playing, not the prize.


Banned via Warnings
Jun 17, 2009
I WANNA JOIN. I WANNA BE A PIKACHU IF I LOSE. There is no pokemon Id rather be than a Pikachu!!! But If I become one can I be one that knows volt tackle?

But I have a question about the avatar thingy. See if you lose you can take it off right? It doesnt have to be on forever?


Smash Lord
Jun 9, 2009
I WANNA JOIN. I WANNA BE A PIKACHU IF I LOSE. There is no pokemon Id rather be than a Pikachu!!! But If I become one can I be one that knows volt tackle?

But I have a question about the avatar thingy. See if you lose you can take it off right? It doesnt have to be on forever?
It REALLLLY helps to read the whole OP. :ohwell:

Read the "Closing" section, and any other parts you missed, plz.


Nightmare Weaver
Oct 10, 2008
I'll play for the heck of it.
Same here. It seems like an interesting game to play.
Okay, thanks for joining!


I WANNA JOIN. I WANNA BE A PIKACHU IF I LOSE. There is no pokemon Id rather be than a Pikachu!!! But If I become one can I be one that knows volt tackle?

But I have a question about the avatar thingy. See if you lose you can take it off right? It doesnt have to be on forever?
1. Read the OP
2. No "moves"
3. You can take it off after the contest is over. If you take it off while the contest is still going, you're disqualified.




Banned via Warnings
Jun 17, 2009
It REALLLLY helps to read the whole OP. :ohwell:

Read the "Closing" section, and any other parts you missed, plz.
Gah but what I meant is that you dont have to keep the avatar on forever right. Like lets say when this game is WELL over you can take it off right

EDIT: Yeah never mind I was ninja'd I read the last post


Smash Lord
Nov 26, 2005
Ugh... on the one hand, I'm incredibly lazy and will probably forget about this.

On the other, it can't hurt to sign up, to help out a droog. And I AM fond of Pokemon and trivia...

So yeah, why not? But changing my avatar once I go Pikachu, not so sure about that. Maybe I'll just forfeit when (IF) that happens.


Nightmare Weaver
Oct 10, 2008
Ugh... on the one hand, I'm incredibly lazy and will probably forget about this.

On the other, it can't hurt to sign up, to help out a droog. And I AM fond of Pokemon and trivia...

So yeah, why not? But changing my avatar once I go Pikachu, not so sure about that. Maybe I'll just forfeit when (IF) that happens.
But having a Pikachu avatar is the fun of it! Oh well...

Thanks for joining!

*adds droog in a SPECIAL COLOR*


Evil Eye

Selling the Lie
Jul 21, 2001
Madison Avenue
Just wanted to say that expecting 75 people to not only sign up but actively play is... really not a good idea.

Any decisive game over 20 people is typically doomed to failure. Inactivity tends to plague them. Just look at any mafia game bigger than 15 people.

Something to consider.

DtJ Jungle

Check out my character in #GranblueFantasy
Jul 29, 2008
If you can even get 75 people...that would be pretty amazing

Only expect 1/10th of them to be active though.


Nightmare Weaver
Oct 10, 2008
I'll join in. Looks like fun if it's organized.
Thanks droogy.

And @ Evil: This game is much more fun in numbers. If you post it, they will come.

If you get that allusion, I will give you a pirate hat free of charge.


Smash Lord
Jul 27, 2008
SE Washington
Dr. Marquis de Singe

Dr. Marquis de Singe is an aristocratic doctor, and former physician to King Louis. However, his ambitions got the best of him... he was sentenced to exile on the deserted Flotsam Island for illegal cross-breeding experiments with the Queen's poodles. While there, he discovered a giant wind machine, built by the ancient civilization of the Vaycalians. He managed to manipulate the machine to pull in all the winds towards the island, causing many pirates and hapless sailors to become marooned there. Among these pirates was Guybrush Threepwood, whose hand had been recently infected with the hateful toxins of his arch-nemesis. Interpreting the hand's possessed behavior as part of the mystery shrouding the secrets of eternal life, De Singe made it his goal to extract and study all the secrets surrounding the disease, starting with capturing Threepwood... alive.


De Singe is your average light-framed 40-something year old doctor. He's light, a bit on the slow side, and doesn't have much going for himself in the strength department. His jumps are unimpressive, but usually adequate. He focuses more on self-defense with his close-ranged attacks, and requires a bit of stalling and careful planning to score his kills. Oh wait, did I say kills? I meant, um, "necessary measures."

Neutral Special - Pox of LeChuck

It's that infernal disease Threepwood carried with him onto Flotsam island... a concentrated mist of voodoo magic gone awry, the Pox of LeChuck. Through the assistance of famed bounty hunter Morgan le Flay, De Singe was able to get a rather heaping sample of it, with which he has outfitted an old-style perfume bottle. For his Neutral Special, De Singe squeezes the bulb at the end of the bottle, releasing the churning green mist forward and upward in an arc. While this deals no damage, it releases the pox into the foe's body, (assuming they touch it, of course) which has benefits of its own. It also puts the foe into a footstooled state if they are midair, an indication that the attack was successful. There's a detailed explanation of the pox's effects below, but to put it in a nutshell the longer the foe is affected the slower and weaker they become, with a side effect of losing control of their body... not to mention the fact that if they hold out until the disease runs its course, they'll be transformed into a hideously broken beast that De Singe has no hope to fight.

In the early stages of the pox, the foe's body takes on a light green tinge, with splotches of darker green, as seen in the above image. This phase lasts for two minutes, and has a very mild effect on the foe. Their overall agility is reduced to .75x, including attack speed, run speed, jump height... even rolls aren't quite as far as they used to be. The foe is still just as strong, so De Singe needs to take care with his frail frame. This phase also begins the loss of control... about every 20 seconds or so, the foe's hand will spasm uncontrollably for half a second, interrupting whatever it was they were doing. Annoying, but since De Singe is rather lacking in ways to punish said spasm, it'll end up saving him from taking damage more than it will enable him to dish it out.

The next phase is key to De Singe's game, and it's a shame that it has the shortest window of opportunity: a mere 45 seconds. At this stage, the foe's skin takes on an even deeper shade of green, and their flesh even begins to peel away. Stink lines are constantly emitted, they lose the ability to dash (it's replaced with more of a shamble, so they can still perform their dash attack) and their attacks gain Ganondorf levels of lag. Occasionally, they may be simply unable to attack, grasping their head in their hands under a great deal of pain. The foe's spasms become far more frequent; every eight seconds or so. They'll even start to take minor damage... apparently flailing your limbs about wildly is hazardous to your health when your body is falling apart. Heck, they can't even LAND like they used to... a failure to tech will result in 10% and heavy stun. Should De Singe fail to finish off the enemy even in this state, or if he's going for style points, the next stage will make all their suffering worth it...

The transition to the final phase is marked by three seconds of uncontrollable spasming. The foe will be on the ground, on their back, tossing and turning in pure agony... or just tumbling in midair, I suppose that's also a possibility. Regardless, after three seconds pass, the Pox takes on its true form by transforming the foe into a grotesquely muscular, thoroughly zombified version of themselves. You could probably find these forms on Deviantart if you looked hard enough; the internet is a scary place. This form has generic buffs in power, and makes the foe doubly threatening to fight against than they would be normally. While this may seem to be a suicidal goal, turning the foe into this deadly monster can be beneficial for De Singe in the long run... read on.

Side Special - Pneumatic Rifle

De Singe's preferred form of self-defense is a large rifle of his own design. When the Side Special is inputted, De Singe pulls it out from the folds of his jacket (he has lots of pockets) and aims it directly in front of himself. With slightly less than the start-up lag of a Falcon Punch, he fires a burst of compressed air, which knocks any foes within half Battlefield's length flying into the air, slightly backwards but mostly upwards. They fly far, far past the Star KO barrier, but... aren't KOed for some reason? It must be because the attack does no damage or hitstun. Regardless, they're now out of commission for a few seconds as they work their way back down to the ground. This is effective as a stall to let the pox eat away at the foe, and in later stages of the pox, to deal damage to foes as they land. Note that in stages where the camera is moving down, foes will not fly as far up, only slightly above the upper limits of the camera.

Up Special - U-Tube

The Pneumatic Rifle serves another purpose... as a powerful but harmless pushing device, it makes an incredibly effective means of self-transportation! However, due to the length of the gun, it's impossible to aim it at oneself. Enter the U-Tube, a curved glass structure which conveniently nestles right into the open end of the rifle. By taking out both tube and rifle and deftly inserting one into the other, De Singe creates a device with which he can rocket himself skyward, in a process that takes somewhat longer than the standard recovery due to the preparation needed. However, the distance recovered is comparable to that of Diddy's fully charged recovery, and can even be aimed in a similar fashion. There is no hitbox to this move, and the distance recovered is far shorter than the distance this attack will blow opponents away.

Down Special - Examination Room

There's only so much a doctor can do in the field... eventually, he must return to his office for his more complex procedures. Fortunately, through the wonders of Enlargorama technology, De Singe has managed to take his office with him... just the necessities, of course. When this move is used, assuming De Singe is on the ground, four objects will spring into being in the background: an operation chair, two pedals (one on either side of the chair,) and a vole-powered lightning generator. The general layout is similar to that of the above image, but as mentioned the pedals are separated. Should this be a moving stage, a platform will appear to carry the equipment along.

The only instantly visible purpose of this move is that of the left pedal. Stepping on it will cause a banana to fall from the sky, or from the next highest ceiling. This banana heals 5%, and there's a delay of a few seconds before the pedal retracts, preventing abuse of the system. The other pedal lowers a hunk of cheese in front of the vole, causing it to run and produce an electrical charge. As long as one stands on the pedal, the vole will continue to run, although this serves no purpose whatsoever other than staying true to the source material.

The chair, on the other hand, is a key part of De Singe's grab game, as well as the primary location where he can score his kills. A full explanation of the chair's myriad uses can be found in the Throws section.


Grab - Examination

Well, that was certainly quick. For his standard grab, De Singe limply reaches out a single hand, an apprehensive look on his face. This has standard range, but there's a rather amusing blink-and-you'll-miss-it look of disappointment on De Singe's face if he fails to reach the foe. If the grab is activated near De Singe's office chair, the grab gains a notable amount of range and priority, to the point where Dedede himself trembles in fear... perhaps it's the contorted look of prideful rage on De Singe's face.

Of course, once De Singe grabs the foe, the fun has only begun. In about a two-second process, he shackles the foe down to the office chair. (location and size of the shackles vary depending on the character.) This grab is about 4x as difficult to escape as a standard grab, and being under the effects of the pox add an additional 1.5x, 2x, and .25x multiplier depending on the pox's intensity.

Unlike most grabs, the foe is not entirely helpless while on the chair. As long as De Singe is not monitoring them, (press shield to release his grab, leaving the foe behind,) they can move around to an extent. Pressing up and down allows them to move the chair from the reclined position (seen in the picture) and an upright position, from which they can reach the pedals to either side of themselves, but not do much else. They can also press left and right to face either side, doing 10% with the knockback of a thrown barrel. Hey... suddenly being strapped down to a madman's operating table about to have your limbs hewn off doesn't seem like such a bad deal!​

Forward Throw - Diagnosis

Delivering bad news to a patient is a difficult task for most doctors, but De Singe revels in it. In fact, he makes it his duty to deliver bad news whenever possible -- he once cut off someone's foot in order to heal a stubbed toe. With this move, he skips the niceties and skips straight to the operation, starting by retrieving his trusty miniature guillotine from beneath the operating table. With the eyes of an expert, he identifies the area of the pox's maximum concentration, locks the guillotine in place, and... well, the moment the blade falls isn't seen. The screen flashes white, a thunk, a scream, and a giddy laugh are heard, accompanied by the foe's severed limb falling to the ground. Morbid.

As it sounds, this takes quite a deal of time. In fact, it takes about half a second longer than Snake's DThrow, which I -believe- is the longest throw in the game, but you can feel free to correct me. And of course, the separation of one's limb from one's body is quite painful. 35% damage is dealt to the foe, which seems preposterous until you consider that this is really De Singe's only way to go about dealing damage. Unfortunately, it also has the side effect of healing the foe's pox, regardless of what state it was in. Then again, their freaking arm or leg was cut off. (which is chosen is random) This prevents the foe from using any attacks which involve that particular appendage and reducing the effectiveness of attacks which use both, the effects of which vary by the character. For example, if Ike's arm is cut off he'll have no problem attacking (since he can wield the sword with one arm) but he won't be able to grab. Donkey Kong's recovery won't be harmed by a missing leg, but having one arm gone will halve the distance recovered, and if both are gone he's pretty much helpless. Shields will drain faster if the arm was hacked away, and a missing leg will no doubt slow down the foe's running ability.

Ah, but what if the foe has no arms or legs left? What if they've only three limbs, as in the case of ROB? In this case, De Singe shakes his head and clicks disapprovingly, as he sets the guillotine where it's best known for attacking -- the neckline. Instant KO. If De Singe somehow manages to get the foe onto the operating table when they're in their demonic form, he will always go for the head... they're simply too dangerous to let them live.​

Back Throw - Sample

Perhaps anxious to share his discoveries with the scientific community, De Singe eagerly pulls a clear syringe from the folds of his cloak. He jabs it into the opponent, dealing 7%. He also pulls the blood from the foe, which spills into the tube. A corrupted foe's blood will be a chunky green sludge, and a demonized one will have pure black blood.

De Singe has managed to extract three doses of whatever intensity of pox his victim had, and can give that intensity to the next foe he grabs with another use of this move. Should he inject the aforementioned black blood into a fully healthy opponent, their body will reject it and they will keel over and die after suffering serious internal hemhorraging. If they had already been exposed to the pox, however, they'll just gain their demonic form instantly. Nice going.​

Up Throw - Diode

Did you really think that we were just going to let a vole-powered lightning generator go to waste? You underestimate De Singe's perversity. In this move, he slices open a small, off-camera portion of the opponent's skull, and inserts a small device we can't quite make out, but almost looks like a motion-sensor bomb. It's not quite THAT devious, but almost as painful. The operation deals 8%, and has a nasty side effect. Now, each and every time the shock pedal is stepped on, a jolt of lightning is fired up from the vole-powered generator, and is fired back down at the foe. The foe only takes damage comparable to Pikachu's Thunder Jolt, but the lightning - on its way up and its way down - is comparable to Melee Pichu's Down B. This penetrates through stages, effectively turning the foe into a mobile trap... even after De Singe's last stock is lost in an FFA.​

Down Throw - Anesthetic

Neutral A - Sissy Punch

Forward Tilt - Encourage

Up Tilt -

Down Tilt - Ankle Grab

Dash Attack -

Forward Smash - Sharpen

Up Smash -

Down Smash -

Neutral Aerial -

Forward Aerial -

Back Aerial -

Up Aerial -

Down Aerial -



Nightmare Weaver
Oct 10, 2008
Er... just a second. Do you think it'll be possible to play this game if I can only play three days out of the week? :(
Sure, but you better be lucky that no one targets you or you don't get rolled.

Deleted member

Ehhhh.,...i`ll join Khold.

Where do i sign? :bee:

*arm breaks off for typing on the wii too much*


Nightmare Weaver
Oct 10, 2008
Sure i'll join BUT. How do I change my character stock thingy on the bottom. I never figured it out?
1. Go to "Edit Your Details"
2. Scroll down
3. There's a "Smash Character" section
4. Click the arrow
5. Select
6. Save your changes

Thanks for joining.

Ehhhh.,...i`ll join Khold.

Where do i sign? :bee:

*arm breaks off for typing on the wii too much*
Thanks. Why are you on SWF on your Wii?

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