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The Original Midna for Brawl thread. (Debate the Wolf here!)

Midna In Brawl?

  • Only Midna in Brawl!

    Votes: 277 30.8%
  • Midna and Wolflink in Brawl!

    Votes: 398 44.3%
  • I don't want Midna in there, period!

    Votes: 89 9.9%
  • Just give me Wolflink sans Midna!

    Votes: 30 3.3%
  • I really couldn't care less.

    Votes: 105 11.7%

  • Total voters


Smash Ace
Aug 13, 2007
I personally would like to see the real form of Midna

black-and-white (with green) FTW.


Smash Master
May 23, 2006
I personally would like to see the real form of Midna

black-and-white (with green) FTW.
Your not alone in that!
I personally want her to transform into her true form as to have both in.
Midna with True Form Transformation FTW!


Smash Apprentice
Aug 14, 2007
I think that Link shouldn't get more than two spots on the roster. (Himself and Young Link) If you can play a three-Player match and everyone's the same person (but a different character) then something's wrong.

Ferro De Lupe

Smash Lord
May 12, 2006
Shawnee, OK
That whole thing is flawed because Midna+WolfLink = bearly even Midna. . . :ohwell:

Twilight Princess spoilers...

(It is a Wolf Link/Midna team, but they will be referred to as Midna by the announcer.)


Attack: ***

Attack Speed: ****
Wolves (like foxes) are naturally agile and quick.

Reach: *****
Because of Midna’s hair-extensions (no joke intended), she will have good reach.

Jump: ***
Both of Wolf Link’s jumps combined would equal one of Fox’s second jump (because wolves are not built to jump.) However, Midna brings this up with her teleport abilities. All-in-all, it would be average.

Gravity: ***

Height: ** (and a half.)
Wolf Link is about as tall as Ness, but add in Midna and he’s taller.

Weight: **
Because Midna is so small and light, Wolf Link has all of the weight here.

Wall-Jump: No

Playing Style: You would control Wolf Link for about half of the “A” attacks, all the movement (walking, running, etc.), the first two jumps, and very few air and “B” attacks. Midna would handle some “A” attacks, all/most of the “B” attacks, all/most of the aerial attacks, control the “third jump”, and control the “Super“ attack. Midna uses all handheld and equip items, while Wolf Link uses all throwing items.

Fighter Stance: Wolf Link would stand on all fours (duh) in a “ready to fight”-like pose. While Midna would hold onto Wolf Link with both hands and lower her head. Stand still for a little bit and Midna will look around.

Movement Speed: One notch lower than Fox.

Taunt: Wolf Link sits and looks back at Midna while she yawns in classic Twilight Princess style.

Victory Music: The music from Twilight Princess anytime you defeated a boss/learned a hidden skill.

Victory Poses:
1) Wolf Link jumps around in circles trying to get Midna off of his back (like when she first mounted him.) The picture freezes with Wolf Link’s front paws on the ground, back paws in the air, and Midna hanging on for dear life.
2) Wolf Link howls and then spins (like in TP.)
3) A Moblin is seen on the screen. Suddenly, Wolf Link comes from the side and (easily) vanquishes the Moblin. As the Moblin “poofs”, Wolf Link and Midna turn to face you.
(Open to suggestions)

Icon (face): Triforce (Midna)


Stage: Kakariko Village - Unlocked once Midna becomes playable. This level is very similar to Onett. There is no falling on this level. KO is only possible on the left, right, and up. Start with the shrine on one side, put Barnes’ Bomb shop on the other, and add every building against the western cliff side between the two.
You fight on the roofs of the buildings with two gaps. The first gap in between the shrine and the first house, while the second gap is between Barnes’ shop and the last house. These gaps will let you fight on the ground between them. You can also fight on the other side of Barnes’ shop and the shire, but it’s dangerously close to the level edge.
Level Hazard: Every now and then, a Goron will roll by and harm anyone caught in the path (down in the gaps.)

Adventure Mode Level: Twilight Palace - You start at the bottom of the palace and have to fight several Twilight-themed monsters while making it to the top. You can not advance to the next floor of the level until all the monsters in the area are defeated. After about 5-6 floors, you arrive at the top for a 300 stamina battle against Zant. Note: Zant does NOT become playable if defeated. Also, Zant’s life decreases to 150 on Easy, 75 on Very Easy, and increases to 450 on Hard, 600 on Very Hard.

How to Unlock: Defeat Zant in Very Hard difficulty Adventure mode with Link.

Gale Boomerang - Throwing item. Once thrown, the boomerang releases a small tornado around it. If the boomerang hits anyone, they are engulfed in the tornado, spun around, and thrown into the air [think Hyrule Castle from SSB] (the boomerang then returns to the thrower.) If it doesn’t hit anyone, the boomerang returns. The boomerang can be thrown three times. Can also be used to grab items from a distance and put them at your feet. Unlike Link’s boomerang, it will not return if you don’t catch it.

Oocca - Throwing item. Basically, they are the new Mr. Saturn item.

Shadow Stone - Equip item. Gives the user wolf-like characteristics (tails, ears, fur, etc.) and temporarily increases attack speed (gives them wolf-like agility.) Works in the same way that the Bunnyhood, Super Mushroom, and Metal Box do.
(In retrospect, this item would be tricky to see on Wolf, Krystal, or Fox.)

Alternate Colors:

Inverted - Midna’s white areas become black, and her grey areas become white. Her hair also becomes blue. Wolf Link also becomes white.
Tupic Green - Wolf Link become the same green as his tunic. Midna stays normal.
(Open to suggestions) (Needing someone willing to make images)

Kirby Hat: Kirby equips Midna’s hat and hair, while the remaining exposed area becomes covered in fur. This symbolizes the Midna/Wolf Link team.

Because of Midna’s great reach, all of her hair-hand attacks have extended hit-boxes (like a sword.)

NOTE: * = Taken/Modified from Twilight Princess.

A: Chomps forward once.* No knock back. 2%

A twice: Second chomp.* No knock back. 3%

A three: Quickly turns and tail swipes.* Low knock back. 5%

Dash A: Midna’s places her hair-hand in front of Wolf Link and makes a fist; acting as a battering ram. Decent knock back. 6-7%

Forward Tilt: Wolf Link swipes with his claws. Low knock back. 5-8%

Up Tilt: Wolf Link swipes upward with his claws. No knock back. 6-7%

Down Tilt: Wolf Link tilts his head to a diagonal angle and aims for the ankles (or hands if they’re hanging from the edge) with his teeth/fangs. Low knock back, good for edge-guarding. 6-7%

Forward Smash: Wolf Link leans back and puts all of his weight and strength into his back legs. When released, Wolf Link pounces forward ready to bite anything in his path. Decent knock back. 10-14%

Down Smash: Wolf Link quickly spins around with claws, teeth, and fangs attacking anything in the way.* Decent knock back. 10-12%

Up Smash: Midna moves her hand in an arc above her. As her hand makes the arc, a trail of Twili magic is left behind in the form of an offensive barrier. The barrier does not protect against projectiles, but will harm anyone it comes into contact with. It fades about a second after it’s made. No knock back, stuns opponent and opens for attacking. 10-12%

Aerial A: Wolf Link spins around using his tail as a weapon. Minor knock back. 3-5%

Aerial Forward A: Wolf Link rolls forward while Midna’s hair-hand slaps in a downward arc-path (think DK‘s F-air with Midna‘s hair-hand acting as his fist and Wolf Link acting as his body.) This is a spike. Great (downward) knock back. 10%

Aerial Back A: Midna’s hair-hand swings around and hits behind her. Decent knock back. 6-9%

Aerial Down A: Wolf Link rolls forward slightly and chomps underneath of himself. No knock back. 5-7%

Aerial Up A: Midna swipes both her hands across each other above her head and shoots a small sphere straight up. Little knock back.* 5-7%

Forward Throw: Midna grabs the target with her hair-hand, rears back, and then smashes the target into the ground in front of Wolf Link. Low knock back. 7-10%

Back Throw: Midna grabs the target with her hair-hand, smashes them against the ground behind her, then smashes them against the ground in front of Wolf Link, and then finally throws them behind her. Decent (backwards) knock back. 4%, then 4%, then 2%

Up Throw: Midna grabs the target with her hair-hand, and throws them backwards… catapult style. Good knock back. 2%

Down Throw: Midna grabs the target with her hair-hand and smashes them against the ground. Then Wolf Link attacks using his “finish the poe” maneuver.* No knock back. 13%

B: Dark Energy - A 360 degree sphere of Midna‘s magic surrounds Wolf Link. It is a chargeable attack, but cannot be saved. You will also have restricted movement while charging. While it is charging, any enemies that enter the sphere become highlighted to show that they are targeted. Once “B“ is released (or the attack has been held too long) Wolf Link will perform a near-impossible to dodge chain of quick attacks. The only real way to avoid being hit is to get out of Wolf Link‘s jump range. All highlighted targets will be auto-targeted and attacked (unless they avoid it) with increasing damage per target (I.e. target one takes the least damage while target three takes the most.) If there are no targets highlighted, then Wolf Link does his “Down Smash” with increased lag. In the air (and if used correctly,) this attack can become a nice recovery, but it’s very risky because Wolf Link is stunned until he hit’s the ground if no targets are highlighted. Great knock back regardless of damage, best used in close-quarter combat.* 5%, then 10%, then 15%

Up B: Twili Teleport - This is the only move that keeps Wolf Link’s jumping stat from getting a one star. It works identical to Zelda’s, with some slight modifications. Midna turns herself and Wolf Link into the “twilight squares” and teleports in the direction selected. The big difference between the two is the damage. Zelda‘s causes damage while she is casting the spell. Midna‘s would cause damage after the spell is cast and she is moving. Minor damage is given for each “square” that the target is hit with. No knock back.* 1% per square

Down B: Hair Fist - Midna turns her hair into a giant fist. Then both she and Wolf Link rear back to get some extra momentum. They both then come forward and she pounds the ground in front of her. Getting hit with the fist before it hit’s the ground causes some decent knock back and damage. Getting hit with the fist into the ground causes you to take the full damage, but has no knock back (because you’re being flattened into the ground.) The pounding also creates a small shockwave. The closer you are to the center of the shockwave (without being under the fist) the more damage and knock back you take. Of all of their attacks, this one has the worst lag. Very dangerous attack at upper percentages (60+.) Should only be used when you can guarantee a hit. 20%

Forward B: Hair Spear - Remember how Midna…dispatched of Zant? Pretty much all I need to do to sum it up. She launches a spear made out of her hair at the target causing a nice bit of damage. Good knock back.* 10-15%

Super Smash: Fused Shadow Creature - Midna equips the Fused Shadows and uses the giant spear to “impale” one target for massive damage.* 75%
And this is just one example of a possible moveset where Wolf Link/Midna work together with Midna being the central focus of the two.

@Odlanier: Midna/Wolf Link = Midna, not Link. Therefore you have one Link (two if you're supporting Young Link) and one Midna.


Smash Apprentice
Aug 14, 2007
Still, Link will have a major identity crisis if three versions of himself are in.


Smash Champion
Jul 26, 2006
Exactly. I don't even like the idea of link vs. link (same character). Come on people, ANOTHER link? I kinda doubt y. link will get in, even though I want him to...but still... No wolf link... and no midna in her 'true' form...she looks more recognizable as her imp form...and more kickass haha


Smash Lord
Aug 26, 2007
right here...at smashboards
Well I would agree she should be in her Imp form if anything. They what she did battle in so it's only reasonable she should be in her battle form rather than an obscure from that was only onscreen for a minute or two.


Smash Journeyman
Sep 14, 2007
i love zelda, and a wolf link and midna combo would be great, infact, its the only new character i want in brawl


Smash Ace
Aug 15, 2007
Well I would agree she should be in her Imp form if anything. They what she did battle in so it's only reasonable she should be in her battle form rather than an obscure from that was only onscreen for a minute or two.
Meh, alot of these characters had to have attacks made up for them. I'd like to see what Sakurai could do for True form Midna. Besides, I personally don't want them to add another Link, especially not one from the exact same game.


Smash Lord
Aug 22, 2007
Salt Lake City
I haven't posted here yet, and that is just wrong.

I would love to have Midna in Brawl. I thought she was one of the neatest new Zelda characters ever. However...as Midna's true form is only seen in two scenes in the whole game, I find it hard to imagine them using that version of her. Maybe, like...as a final smash or something, though I can think of other final smashes that would probably be better for her.

But Midna all the way. She'd be one of my potential mains if she is. With Wolf Link, without Wolf Link. However they wanna put her in is fine with me...I'm actually not sure which I would prefer. The phrase, "This game's winner is...Wolf Link and Midna!" feels a bit of a stretch. And giving credit to one of them and not the other is kinda unfair in that respect...

Midna did have one attack in her true form- the amazing BOMB TEAR!!!!!


That is frickin' awesome.

Mr. Ocax

Smash Journeyman
Sep 18, 2007
Ocarina of Time was still better than Twilight Princess. I can't understand why people want Midna in Brawl. Play as Link if you loved the game so much.


Smash Lord
Aug 22, 2007
Salt Lake City
Even if you do think that OoT was better than TP (I personally think they're more or less on Par with each other...there are a lot of things I like better about TP, but OoT had the origin of the Zelda mythology as its plot, so I DO like that story better), who else would you add into Brawl from OoT? Navi? Some boss character? Midna's relevance to TP's plot is probably more important than any other character from any other Zelda game to their respective game (who wasn't Link, Zelda or Ganondorf). She's a unique character with tons of personality and style and a huge potential for a unique moveset. What more do you want?


Smash Master
May 23, 2006
And this is just one example of a possible moveset where Wolf Link/Midna work together with Midna being the central focus of the two.
Doesn't really matter if the move-set is "central focused" on Midna, if she is riding Wolf Link and he has any presence in the moveset than she will be seen as Midna AND Wolf Link and not just Midna.

Which is why I say that Midna and Wolf Link=Bearly even Midna seeing as she would be working with another character.

And I still say Midna + True form Midna as a transformation like Samus into Zero (FS transformation). The more Midna the better IMO.

Mr. Ocax

Smash Journeyman
Sep 18, 2007
Even if you do think that OoT was better than TP (I personally think they're more or less on Par with each other...there are a lot of things I like better about TP, but OoT had the origin of the Zelda mythology as its plot, so I DO like that story better), who else would you add into Brawl from OoT? Navi? Some boss character? Midna's relevance to TP's plot is probably more important than any other character from any other Zelda game to their respective game (who wasn't Link, Zelda or Ganondorf). She's a unique character with tons of personality and style and a huge potential for a unique moveset. What more do you want?
Exactly the problem. Because all of the logical character choices from Zelda were in Melee, people are desperate to throw in all sorts of pointless Zelda characters. I don't want any new characters to be added. Four characters is perfect for Zelda. If people say, "ZOMG NOT FAIR FOR ZELDA FANS!" consider this. Ganondorf and Young Link will get a completely different moveset becoming completely different characters. So even though it isn't bolstering the number of Zelda characters, it is still in essence two new character additions.


Smash Cadet
Sep 24, 2007
I'm not convinced we'll be seeing more than one version of Link - or indeed any character - in Brawl. I got the impression that the two alternates we got in Melee, Young Link and Dr Mario, were added simply because they could be programmed as straightforward clones. Assuming that there won't be clones this time around, I think that removes a lot of the motivation for making alternate versions of characters. Sure, you could give Young Link an original moveset if you wanted to... but if Link's already in the game, why not just give the spot to a completely different character? And rather than making WW Link a seperate character, why not just incorporate some WW moves into the existing Link's moveset? I just can't imagine Sakurai ever saying "Well, we were going to put Lip/Jill/Olimar in the game, but then we thought: 'What people really want is three different versions of the same one character'". A bigger variety of characters equals more satisfied customers.

That said, I think the most likely "alternate Link" - and indeed the only one with a decent chance of inclusion - is indeed Wolf-Link, as a partner to Midna. I'd sooner see her as a standalone character, maybe with Wolf-Link as a summon, but any playable form would be great. I take the point about her being a relatively obscure character, and she's not going to get in before Ganondorf does. She does have quite a fan following, although I'm not sure if that necessarily makes a lot of difference: the only character who I can recall making it into the games based on popularity rather than prominence in their respective franchise is Jigglypuff. But as a fourth Zelda character, Midna is quite feasible, as are a bunch of others. I'm hopeful that her visual uniquness and potentially interesting moveset will tip the balance in her favour. It would also be nice to have at least one female character (besides Nana, who's really just half a character) who doesn't fall into the "sexy blonde fanservice" archetype: Samus used to fulfill that role, but she's joining the fanservice clique in Brawl. Seriously, we aren't all hormonal teenage boys...

It's also one of the reasons that Midna should be playable in her imp form rather than her "true form". Aside from the obvious reason that people are much more likely to recognise the form that she took 99% of the time in TP, imp-Midna is just so much more of a unique character, design-wise. Given the choice between "generic if unusually pale sexy lady" and "statue-headed freak", I'd be quick to opt for the latter. It'd be nice to see her true form at some point, maybe as her Final Smash, but for the regular character, I think the designers would get a lot more mileage out of her imp form.


Smash Lord
Jul 5, 2007
Doral, FL
I kinda agree with you......because if they could put in Young Link(by that I mean WW Link) then thats great...but if that spot could go to someone else...then the more unique character should get in...

on the Midna issue...I think that Midna has her own moves used directly from TP to make her fight alone without being a "Mewtwo clone"....

sadly I dont have time to post my ideas now...cuz I gotta go to school but yea...


Smash Lord
Aug 22, 2007
Salt Lake City
Exactly the problem. Because all of the logical character choices from Zelda were in Melee, people are desperate to throw in all sorts of pointless Zelda characters. I don't want any new characters to be added. Four characters is perfect for Zelda. If people say, "ZOMG NOT FAIR FOR ZELDA FANS!" consider this. Ganondorf and Young Link will get a completely different moveset becoming completely different characters. So even though it isn't bolstering the number of Zelda characters, it is still in essence two new character additions.
While the assumption of giving them completely different movesets isn't unfounded, no one from Sakurai's camp has actually stated that's what's going to happen yet. Personally, I still don't know if I can see them bringing back Young Link, replacing him with WW Link, etc etc what have you.

You also have to consider that, in the entire history of Zelda, Midna is one of the only characters who ISN'T Link that you get to control. I think the only other time that's ever happened is when you got to control Kafei in Majora's Mask for that brief segment getting the Sun Mask.

@dooky: We already have more than one version of one character in Brawl. Zero Suit Samus.


Smash Cadet
Sep 24, 2007
@dooky: We already have more than one version of one character in Brawl. Zero Suit Samus.
That's true, but I was referring to starting characters: I got the impression that Zero Suit Samus is a consequence of using Samus' Final Smash, rather than a separate starting character in herself: kind of a Zelda/Sheik deal. Her having her own place in the Dojo characters section does cast some doubt on this, admittedly, although everything Sakurai's written about her points to her being a transformation of Samus rather than a Young Link-style alternate Samus.

Ferro De Lupe

Smash Lord
May 12, 2006
Shawnee, OK
Exactly the problem. Because all of the logical character choices from Zelda were in Melee
Correction, all of the logical character choices from Zelda AT THE TIME were in Melee. In that six year time frame, new characters have sprung up since then, with Midna on the top of that list.

people are desperate to throw in all sorts of pointless Zelda characters.
Vaati and Midna...pointless? Now that's funny.

I don't want any new characters to be added.
Your personal preferences =/= Only logical choices.

At least I don't make my assuptions off of blind bias... I look at the facts.

Like it or not, a bigger roster means more characters and more characters means more characters from the top franchises. Zelda = Third top franchise = We're getting at least ONE new character (my money is on Midna and then Vaati.)

Still not convinced about Midna's chances? Look at the facts:
TP-themed Link
TP-themed Zelda
Eldin Bridge

It's obvious that Sakurai is using TP as the foundation of the LoZ parts of the game. Following the pattern, Midna is the best bet for a new character.

Add in that TP is the (second) most recent addition to the franchise, the praise it (and Midna) has recieved, the large fanbase Midna has developed in less than a year, the in-depth character development of Midna (more in-depth than Zelda, Link, and Ganondorf combined) that makes her a very lovable character, the fact that Sakurai had access to the TP files before the game launched (which means he knew about Midna's details long before we did), that Midna is one of the only females in the group of newcomers, the possibility of the first quadruped-based moveset (though both points are minor, they're still points) and the fact that at least 50% of everyone with a Wii has TP......

The evidence speaks for itself. You can't argue with the facts and all of those points are FACTS.

Midna is the most likely new character addition from LoZ. Does it guaranteed her slot? In reality, no. In my opinion, yes.

Four characters is perfect for Zelda.
Four characters? Learn to count. Melee had five. But, I'll amuse you... Zelda, Link, Ganondorf, and MIDNA! Have Shiek be number five, Vaati be number six, and WW Link be number seven with Tingle, Tetra, and Skull Kid trailing far, FAR behind.


Smash Apprentice
Sep 20, 2007
Midna and Wolf Link in Brawl seems like the best choice for a LoZ char. WW Link is a runner up, but seeing as TP is the central focus for Brawl, as Ferro De Lupe said, Midna and Link seem like a more likely addition.

@Ferro De Lupe: I like the moveset you have for Midna and Wolf Link. The "twilight squares" move is similar to my idea of Dark Samus's phazon particle teleportation move. I was actually thinking that their down special could be Midna turning into Link's shadow, giving Link a slightly different moveset when this is utilized. Worlf Link would be more agile. You could of course bring Midna out of the shadows at any time you feel the need to by again doing the down special. Seems like a cool idea, but I'm not sure how other people would view the possibility.


Smash Journeyman
Sep 23, 2007
now that you mentioned dark samus it made me remember a cool idea i had a while ago. I was thinking it would be cool if there was a level in the dark world of prime 2, complete with those light crystals. Fighting would take place like normal, although if one would venture out of the light bubbles they would take damage kinda like from a lipstick. But then I had the crazy idea that what if link, stepping outside of the light bubble and into the dark, would turn into the wolf like TP! It's a cool idea that almost seems to tie metroid and zelda games together. It's cool to think about, but of course not really plausible.


Smash Apprentice
Sep 20, 2007
now that you mentioned dark samus it made me remember a cool idea i had a while ago. I was thinking it would be cool if there was a level in the dark world of prime 2, complete with those light crystals. Fighting would take place like normal, although if one would venture out of the light bubbles they would take damage kinda like from a lipstick. But then I had the crazy idea that what if link, stepping outside of the light bubble and into the dark, would turn into the wolf like TP! It's a cool idea that almost seems to tie metroid and zelda games together. It's cool to think about, but of course not really plausible.
That actually would be kind of cool. But seeing as the Prime games aren't getting any rep this time around, I doubt that a Dark Aether stage is going to happen, let alone any stage based on Prime. It's really sad. They could do so much with repping Prime, but I guess it's still a possibility. I'm not getting my hopes up though.

The thought of Link transforming in the Dark Aether world seems like a cool idea also. Wolf Link would only be playable in that stage however. I love the idea of there being light crystals and the toxic atmosphere though.

Anyway back to the Midna topic. I think they should create a Twilight Realm stage. I hadn't really thought about it before, but chances are that they probably will.

A Dark Aether stage seems so much cooler though. That's my Metroid obsession talking though.


Smash Ace
Aug 15, 2007
I don't see how Midna is "another pointless Zelda character", seeing as how she's the central focus of Twilight Princess.

And I don't see why we can't have true form Midna. Maybe it's just that I want more magic users in Brawl, but she could have alot of potential. Besides, it's not like Zelda ever did anything and there she was in Melee. (Ok she did SOME stuff, but nothing interesting until TP)

Mini Mic

Taller than Mic_128
May 5, 2007
This may have already been suggested but how about for a final smash a twilight vortex thing appears above the stage sucking up and damaging all other players in it before spitting then out in random directions.


Smash Lord
Aug 22, 2007
Salt Lake City
I don't see how Midna is "another pointless Zelda character", seeing as how she's the central focus of Twilight Princess.

And I don't see why we can't have true form Midna. Maybe it's just that I want more magic users in Brawl, but she could have alot of potential. Besides, it's not like Zelda ever did anything and there she was in Melee. (Ok she did SOME stuff, but nothing interesting until TP)
Even if they put her in as an imp, she could still be a magic user, and would almost HAVE to be what with her small stature. Unless she's on Wolf Link.


Smash Lord
Jul 5, 2007
Doral, FL
I think that Midna should be by herself without Wolf Link because she can do just fine on her own and why would the announcer call her Midna if Wolf Link is clearly there....see cuz it makes sense not to call the Ice Climbers Popo & Nana and we dont know what the announcer is gunna call Pokemon Trainer...


Smash Journeyman
Sep 23, 2007
I think putting in midna in true form is like putting peter parker into a game like ultimate alliance INSTEAD of spiderman. Sure, they are the same person, but...you get the point.

Also I think she needs the wolf. For one thing, that was one of the core mechanics of TP, and it is what most people think of when they remember the game. Similar to why pokemon trainer has 3 evolutions of the original starters as opposed to 3 random evolutions of other pokemon. The idea of playing the wolf with a combination of midna's attacks used in the actual game TP also sounds much more appealing than just playing midna with mostly made-up attacks for the purpose of smash.


Smash Master
May 23, 2006
Well I say put in both Peter and Spidy (Midna solo + True form Midna as a transformation via FS).

And Midna should be solo imo. IDK about you all but when I think Midna I think "Shadow-giggles-devilish persona-floating-magic-etc" and when I think TP LINK I think "Link-sword-arrows-bombs-boomerang-WOLF LINK with Midna on his back". And more so when I think Wolf Link I think LINK. . . not Midna.

I feel that she "deserves" to be her own character and not to have too share her character and move-set with yet another form of Link. . . .a character who could by all means go down in smash history for having the most forms as selectable characters IF Y.Link comes back and Wolf Link comes to.

And plus, if we see her solo and she becomes a loved smash character than who knows, that may be the tipping point to TP dev's choice to bring her back (True form Midna would only help more in that respect). We already know that he is willing to bring her back if he sees enuff fan uproar for her, smash would times that by 10 in his face. (there enuff fan uproar for her either way but you never know, he might not know of the huge fan-forums for her)

And I don't understand why Midna "should" be with Wolf Link in some of yall's post. The best thing for Midna, as a character, would be to have her fight solo using Twilt magic that revols around her character and history. Not only would we be given a unique character that has nothing to do with Link (no shared move-set) but we would also be get a character that comes the way most of her hard core fans want her.

And plus, I think that the focus of most people's attention would be on WL if they where together. Most people wouldn't think "hey, thats Midna fighting on Wolf Link's back!", they would think "hey, Wolf Link is fighting and that lil imp helps him!".

There, thats my lil rant as to why I feel Midna should be Solo. (AND I feel True Form should be a transformation)


Smash Journeyman
Sep 23, 2007
well I don't neccessarily agree with you, I would rather see the wolf with her, I do think that midna's true form would be cool in some final smash form


Smash Master
May 23, 2006

I mean't Midna becomes the huge thing and stabs the stage as her FS anthan becomes fully playable True Form Midna like Samus into Zero.


Smash Lord
Jul 5, 2007
Doral, FL
yea I do think that Midna's Final Smash should be the Fused Shadow power by turning into that octapus/spider thing and she takes out a spear and just......pwns....

and I totally agree with you Black/Light...


Smash Apprentice
Sep 20, 2007
I admit that Midna by herself would be really cool imo. And I think that Final Smash idea could work. In fact, if my down + b idea were utilized, which is to have Midna turn into Wolf Link's shadow whenever the combo is used, then there would be three movesets available for the two. One with Midna on Wolf Link. Another with Wolf Link by himself (since Midna would be his shadow) and a third moveset when the final smash is initiated, allowing Midna to float off by herself. Sounds like a good idea to me.
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