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The Ohio Thread


Smash Champion
Aug 25, 2001
Hey omni did you happen to find a grey party poker beanie round your house?

Im pretty sure i left it there


Smash Journeyman
Jul 30, 2005
Kern, if you want a tournament so badly, why don't you find a place large enough and post about it? C'mon, Kern, quit failing! :chuckle:


Smash Journeyman
Sep 25, 2004
hell, but a nice neighborhood

Anuj- we first talked about having cga2 BEFORE SUMMER, then got pushed back to sept, then nov, then dec, now its january, and its most likely that it wont happen then either. and i want people to come, so just pick a date and make a **** thread so ppl know about it, thats how u make sure ppl come, by giving time before for ppl to make plans

deathscythe... stfu, still noone asked u. U get on my nerves a lot. quit using the internet as a safe median. say **** to me in real life or keep ur mouth shut online

im not "whining" i just want this tournament in ohoio to actually happen sometime.

who the hell are u anyways


Smash Journeyman
Jul 30, 2005
I've met you before, and I would tell it to ya if I remembered. But I probably wouldn't care by then. Plus, you seem to be cool outside these forums.

It sounds like whining to me. You say you want something, but you're not going to do anything to help it happen. You complain about CGA not doing another tournament, yet you don't seem to offer any solutions.

Also, you should learn this by now, you're on public forums. Everyone can see what you say and has a right to say something back. You did not direct your message to any one person; you directed it to all Ohioans. Had you said, "Anuj, get a tournament started," I could understand why you have a problem with me talking about it.


Smash Master
Apr 25, 2004
Columbus, OH
lol Kern is part of the CGA. Anuj does pretty much all the work anyway. If he asks us to help we will, but yeah its pretty much when anuj ever wants to have this thing we'll have it.


Smash Ace
Jul 24, 2005
Pickerington, OH
If you want an Ohio tourny, make one yourself, Kern. Why do you need Anuj? I'm sure if you put everything together he'd come. Is he your mother or something? Does he have to do everything for you? If you want one so badly then organize it yourself. "If you build it, they will come." And it's a good thing I use the internet as a safe middle of the set of data, or median as you like to call it (but I prefer the word medium), because I'm so afraid that you might get upset and then I'd have to laugh at you for not being able to take any critisism while you give it out more than anyone I've ever known.


Smash Journeyman
Sep 25, 2004
hell, but a nice neighborhood
the only thing that upsets me is that u kids think u have any idea what ur talking about. im a member of the cga, anuj is the PRESIDENT of the cga, therefore when i want the CGA tournament to make some progress who do u think i should address? and good job correcting my grammer, that makes me feel so inferior. i didnt address anything towards u deathscythe, or ur little buttbuddy, and i dont care to hear ur input. so untill u get a knowledgebase on what im talking about, plz stfu, and stop posting with ur useless remarks.


Smash Master
Apr 25, 2004
Columbus, OH
Buttcrust said:
If you want an Ohio tourny, make one yourself, Kern. Why do you need Anuj? I'm sure if you put everything together he'd come. Is he your mother or something? Does he have to do everything for you? If you want one so badly then organize it yourself. "If you build it, they will come." And it's a good thing I use the internet as a safe middle of the set of data, or median as you like to call it (but I prefer the word medium), because I'm so afraid that you might get upset and then I'd have to laugh at you for not being able to take any critisism while you give it out more than anyone I've ever known.

ROFL you PSG guys have no idea what you are talking about, so dont try to get involved. Anuj will handle everything his way so dont worry bout it. Kern will beat your *** IRL just so you know.
bad grammar rockzors


Smash Ace
Jul 24, 2005
Pickerington, OH
Funny how you all just say we don't understand or know what we're talking about yet you've never said anything we didn't already know. Had you said, "We need another CGA tourny." and left it at that then we wouldn't have said anything. You referenced all Ohio tournaments so we added our input. Deathscythehello's first comment was meant to just be a joke (note the smiley) but then you made it into something it never was meant to be. And the only reason I bothered to correct your grammar, Kern, was because you were trying to sound intelligent and intimidating when you actually came off as stupid and a hypocrite. You said to stop using the internet as a safe means of arguing... while on the internet. Granted it is the only way to converse, but that applies to both sides. And while I'm not entirely sure what IRL means (in real life?) I'm sure Kern won't/can't/is too lazy to try to kick my ***.

But, back to CGA, when you guys do get a solid date I'll be sure to be there. I agree that DEC. would probably be a bad time for most people, but a small, warm-up tournament is never bad.


Smash Journeyman
Sep 25, 2004
hell, but a nice neighborhood
anuj..... who uses the word "anyhoo" twice in one post


buttcrust ... stfu u still dont know what ur talking about, i dont understand whats so hard to understand about "stfu". i dont wanna argue with ur uselessass about useless sh*t. just stfu.


Smash Master
Apr 25, 2004
Columbus, OH
Buttcrust said:
Funny how you all just say we don't understand or know what we're talking about yet you've never said anything we didn't already know.
I know what im talking about. Im in the CGA and i talk to anuj regularly. I dont need to prove to you that i know about stuff about the tourney either. You guys arent apart of the CGA and you guys dont talk to us soo NO you dont know what your talking about. Let anuj handle it.

Buttcrust said:
And the only reason I bothered to correct your grammar, Kern, was because you were trying to sound intelligent and intimidating when you actually came off as stupid and a hypocrite. You said to stop using the internet as a safe means of arguing... while on the internet. Granted it is the only way to converse, but that applies to both sides. And while I'm not entirely sure what IRL means (in real life?) I'm sure Kern won't/can't/is too lazy to try to kick my ***.
lol kern could kick your ***. Hes too lazy? Wtf?


Smash Ace
Jul 24, 2005
Pickerington, OH
First of all, I again, know that you're in CGA. It is in your sig. and I knew it from the last one anyways. I'm not saying Anuj can't handle it. In fact I'm saying just the opposite. My point was for Kern to lay off Anuj unless he's willing to do something to help out. And Kern, I understand "stfu" completely. I also understand that if you don't want to argue with me you don't have to read or reply to my posts. You keep saying I don't know what I'm talking about. How so? Everything you've said I already knew, and all that really was was that you're in the CGA. Anuj gave some more insight to the situation, but that much could already guessed. I'm not trying to even argue, at least not at first. All I'm saying is that when you start talking about having tournaments in Ohio I'm just as qualified and and have the same rights as you to speak my part. You're not any better than anyone else who wants to speak about tournaments here, and I'm not talking about skill in the game. And Kern can kick my ***? Okay, when you guys get a CGA scheduled I'll show up and we can fight. And the too lazy thing was simply meant to imply that even if he saw me walking down the street and knew who I was he wouldn't feel like putting in the effort needed to fight a person. He'd just let it be. But a fight would be fun. Seriously, I'll fight Kern at the next CGA if he wants to.


hey people....kinda new to this, from ohio just looking for some good competition. me and a bunch of my friends smash and we were looking for any good tourneys in this area, or even out of this area that we might go to. dont really check my computer alot so if you dont here back just e-mail me batman0033jt1@aol.com and let us know.

also we were wonderin if these tournaments include any casj prizes or if its all just fun, just let me know


Smash Journeyman
Jul 30, 2005
This is what I'm getting... You say, "We're apart of the CGA." But then you say, "Let Anuj handle it." So... what's your part in the CGA? :chuckle:

Just a P.S.- that's just a joke; I understand that you all probably have your own roles within the CGA, I'm just manipulating your words around. Same thing with the first thing that started this whole "arguement".

Heh... when you said the "understanding stfu" part, I see "stfu" usually something that I hear/read from some twelve-year-old ******* who just doesn't want to either A) actually type out the word, or B) want to think of something to argue with. So when I read "stfu", I usually just see another moron... I'm not saying that you, Kern, are a moron, I'm just saying of what I "understand" about "stfu".

-End of useless part-

Alright, onto actual tournament discussion... Anuj, whenever you find a date or whatever, I'm sure I could get some people to go to it... I, myself, am out of tournaments for a bit... long story short, they just aren't as playing casually for me as of right now. But, again, I'll try to help with it.

Batman, usually tournaments include cash prizes and have a fee. Smash fests are usually free or of low cost and are just for fun. There don't seem to be any tournaments around Ohio anytime soon...


Smash Master
Apr 25, 2004
Columbus, OH
Buttcrust said:
First of all, I again, know that you're in CGA. It is in your sig. and I knew it from the last one anyways. I'm not saying Anuj can't handle it. In fact I'm saying just the opposite. My point was for Kern to lay off Anuj unless he's willing to do something to help out. And Kern, I understand "stfu" completely. I also understand that if you don't want to argue with me you don't have to read or reply to my posts. You keep saying I don't know what I'm talking about. How so? Everything you've said I already knew, and all that really was was that you're in the CGA. Anuj gave some more insight to the situation, but that much could already guessed. I'm not trying to even argue, at least not at first. All I'm saying is that when you start talking about having tournaments in Ohio I'm just as qualified and and have the same rights as you to speak my part. You're not any better than anyone else who wants to speak about tournaments here, and I'm not talking about skill in the game. And Kern can kick my ***? Okay, when you guys get a CGA scheduled I'll show up and we can fight. And the too lazy thing was simply meant to imply that even if he saw me walking down the street and knew who I was he wouldn't feel like putting in the effort needed to fight a person. He'd just let it be. But a fight would be fun. Seriously, I'll fight Kern at the next CGA if he wants to.

Its the CGA tourney not yours. We the CGA will handle the tourney. And if Anuj wants Kern to lay off him he will tell him himself and doesnt need you too. Kern will kick your *** stop trying to be a bad.***


Smash Ace
Jul 24, 2005
Pickerington, OH
I'm not trying to be a badass. If you think he can kick my ***, then let's see if it's true is all I'm saying. You two are the ones trying to be badasses. I want you to prove it. Put your money where your mouth is, so to speak. (Ha, I just realized you tried to be "cool" and get around the language filter. But apparently it's been updated and you got own'd.) You will handle the tourny. I never said you wouldn't. I'm just saying if you're not going to put any effort into the process of setting it up then you have no room to complain.

And, yet again, I understand "stfu". And again, you don't have to listen. But now I can add you to the list of people whom have become so angry with me that they are forced to resort to the dreaded ALL CAPS!!1!??!1! Oh no! Caps lock!? What shall I do now? I would define what stfu means, but Deathscythehello already did that for me. Unlike him though, I am calling you a moron.


Smash Journeyman
Sep 25, 2004
hell, but a nice neighborhood
i am calling YOU a moron for continuing this useless conversation. yes i think i can beat ur ***, but i never threatened u or even said i wanted to beat ur ***, and ur hardass is like "what? wanna fight? bring it on." u know nothing about the cga tourny or its preperations, so dont pretend like u do. all of your arguments are useless. go find a friend


Smash Lord
Sep 27, 2005
buttcrustation CGA owns u, no ones heard of u, u blow, and get off the "stfu" thing **** only noobs argue about that jeeze it means SHUT THE *** UP oh hows that for getting past the filter d1ckface anuj is the CGA leader and they are all friends who kno eachother and who can talk **** to eachother, so by u saying "let anuj this and that lay off anuj" its really no point in u saying anything because anuj is just a simple indian who makes bombs and hosts tournys and u obviously dont kno him that well enuff to care so much. so please, please, STFU KIDFACE im not even in ohio and u irritate me ****.

CGA <3 :laugh:

oh and btw $ match drephen or kern, buttcapsule


Smash Master
Apr 25, 2004
Columbus, OH
Buttcrust said:
I'm not trying to be a badass. If you think he can kick my ***, then let's see if it's true is all I'm saying. You two are the ones trying to be badasses. I want you to prove it. Put your money where your mouth is, so to speak. (Ha, I just realized you tried to be "cool" and get around the language filter. But apparently it's been updated and you got own'd.) You will handle the tourny. I never said you wouldn't. I'm just saying if you're not going to put any effort into the process of setting it up then you have no room to complain.

And, yet again, I understand "stfu". And again, you don't have to listen. But now I can add you to the list of people whom have become so angry with me that they are forced to resort to the dreaded ALL CAPS!!1!??!1! Oh no! Caps lock!? What shall I do now? I would define what stfu means, but Deathscythehello already did that for me. Unlike him though, I am calling you a moron.

How the **** do you know that im not putting any effort toward OUR tourney? Wtf, more **** goes on besides whats on these boards. And yes you are being a badass STFU. Kern will kick your *** that a fact. Wtf at making fun of me cause of the language filter, what a ****in loser you are. Make fun of us all you want but the truth is that you will never win anything or come even close too. and you will get your *** kicked if you start a fight. done and done


Smash Journeyman
Jul 30, 2005
Uh... Drephen... he says that he knows you'll handle the tourney in the post you quoted... He even says that he never said that you wouldn't handle it...

I guess I could see you getting offended with the "if" thing, but that's an "if". Doesn't need to apply, which in this case, it shouldn't.


Smash Lord
Sep 27, 2005
yea, anuj owns u all so STFU D1CKFACES

and if anyone wants to get owned/$ match a noob/get **** talked IRL and called d1ckface IRL come to the next CGA tourny because its gonna be a doozy, i am coming 4sho and sad to say it shall be my last considering im leavin for the armed forces in like a month(oh yea im badass 5 foot 11) but no im JK guys jus come to the CGA tourny to have fun an prove urselfs, we gonna have mad ppl there DO IT :D and if u wanna stick around for drinking(if your payin 4 yours :D) then stick around for good times hopefully it will be within the nex 3 weeks even tho im not runnin it, i <3 anuj and i kno he doin his best to set things up for pplz to have a good tim, and incase no one noticed ohio is the coolest smash state there is yall jus dont kno :D so i have 100% full faith in anuj like i was havin dis n1ggas baby, a baby that makes bombs in my uterus LOL neway go to the tourny he hosts whenever it is its gonna be a blast


Smash Ace
Aug 31, 2005
Midland, MI
hell yeah it will be and imma attempt to come with some people as well! so just gimme an update on the time and place of this tourny! dope if ya ever go into the armed forces imma guaranteed be better than you when u get back so you prob shouldnt! lol


Smash Ace
Jul 24, 2005
Pickerington, OH
I know you didn't say you wanted to fight me, Kern. But Drephen said you could kick my ***, in a very random comment that I don't know where it came from, and I personally enjoy fighting so I was just looking for some fun. No big deal. If you want to fight I will, but if you don't I won't care. Anyways, I'll be at the next CGA. I won't be money matching people, especially Kern or Drephen because 1) they're better than me, and I don't play very much because there isn't much competition around here other the DSH, 2) if I was as good with my character as they are with theirs I'd still lose because they use top/high tiers whereas I use DK, 3) I don't care about money. I see no gain even if I were to win. I just like to play. And about the "never win anything", if you mean in Smash then I agree. I don't go to tournaments much because I don't care enough about videogames to travel someplace and get my *** handed to me. If you literally mean everything, then you are very mistaken. Dopey, I don't even know what you said about Anuj, "know him that well enough to care so much"? But I have met Anuj several times if that's what you mean. And you have thoroughly impressed me with your amazing abilities to get around the language filter and to change my name around into different words. I never even thought of that when I came up with it. And it was such a mature way to insult someone as well. I can't even come up with a comeback for that.


Smash Master
Apr 25, 2004
Columbus, OH
Buttcrust said:
I know you didn't say you wanted to fight me, Kern. But Drephen said you could kick my ***, in a very random comment that I don't know where it came from, and I personally enjoy fighting so I was just looking for some fun. No big deal. If you want to fight I will, but if you don't I won't care. Anyways, I'll be at the next CGA. I won't be money matching people, especially Kern or Drephen because 1) they're better than me, and I don't play very much because there isn't much competition around here other the DSH, 2) if I was as good with my character as they are with theirs I'd still lose because they use top/high tiers whereas I use DK, 3) I don't care about money. I see no gain even if I were to win. I just like to play. And about the "never win anything", if you mean in Smash then I agree. I don't go to tournaments much because I don't care enough about videogames to travel someplace and get my *** handed to me. If you literally mean everything, then you are very mistaken. Dopey, I don't even know what you said about Anuj, "know him that well enough to care so much"? But I have met Anuj several times if that's what you mean. And you have thoroughly impressed me with your amazing abilities to get around the language filter and to change my name around into different words. I never even thought of that when I came up with it. And it was such a mature way to insult someone as well. I can't even come up with a comeback for that.

OMG stop mentioning the language filter you loser. Kern will kick your *** (not a badass trashtalk comment but its a fact sry thnx buh bye).

I think we should make this tourney dedicated to dope whose doing our country pround :suess:


Smash Champion
Aug 25, 2001
nvm ill be civil for now...

but yes the cga tourney needs to step it up


Smash Journeyman
Jul 30, 2005
As I stated earlier, I will not participate, but is there an entry free to just come and watch? Good video game matches are usually excellent to watch. Such as recent local NCAA football tournaments I've seen. Many matches were a lot more interesting to watch than actual football games.

Also, is there gonna possibly be an open gaming area or Smashfest sort of deal? I'll gladly play people there. It's not that I'm afraid of wasting money- I do that often- or that I'm afraid to lose- I also do that often, I just don't really like too serious of matches...

Oh, yeah, and P.S.- I'm pretty sure that Buttcrust doesn't give a **** about who hates him or likes him.

Master WGS

Smash Lord
Oct 25, 2004
Canal Winchester, OH
DeathscytheHello said:
Oh, yeah, and P.S.- I'm pretty sure that Buttcrust doesn't give a **** about who hates him or likes him.
Agreed. Anyways, unlike my good sir Deathscythe, I will probably participate. Once a concrete date and such is set up, I'll be there with my bizzare cast of buddies and baddies ready to give/recieve whoopin's. Let's try to get our rears in line and stop getting all pissy about stuff people are sayin' and start discussing good ol' Ohio and her need for better tournies. K?


Smash Ace
Jul 24, 2005
Pickerington, OH
Dopey's post are entertaining. I agree. And Drephen, facts can be incorrect. A fact is any statement that isn't an opinion. A fact can be proven right or wrong, an opinion can't. So while what you said is a fact, it may not be correct. Unless Kern decides to take me up on my offer, it will be like the proverbial "How many licks does it take to get to the center of a Tootsie Pop?". The world may never know.
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