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The *Official* Pittsburgh Melee Weeklies Thread of the LoL WoW Love


Smash Lord
Dec 6, 2010
South Park
duq. puppy dog tourney dj drumsticks results:

1 swag
2 naka
3 lake
5 bret
5 carroll
7 tal
7 ganon matt
9 logan (forfited 2nd round)
9 pepe


Smash Ace
May 24, 2006
Young boy, Gilbert Noodle is your average 9 year boy, until today. Gilbert woke up at early morning and took a shower. While he brushed his teeth, he looked in the mirror, “what the heck is this” Gilbert said looking at his upper lip, I got a Moustache! He said with great excitement.
Gilbert went on with his day, when he got on his school bus he walked with great swagger with his head up and his hands in his pockets, Gilbert was a 4th grader. The first kid got on the bus, his name was Philip and he was a big 5th grader who had bullied many kids, but when he saw what Gilbert thought was an astounding moustache Philip laughed. When Gilbert got to school he walked pass his unpopular friend, Pablo. Gilbert acted like he did not know who Pablo was; Pablo lived next to Gilbert since he could remember. They were considered to be Best friends, but today Pablo was offended, he went up to Gilbert with great anger and said “what’s the deal Gilbert I thought we were friends” Gilbert said back at him whispering, “Come on Pablo can’t you see that your over reacting, see my moustache, I can’t be talking to you any more, I could be talking to Susan”. Susan was a 4th grade girl that every body in the school had a crush on. Gilbert went up to her and asked her out, “Eewh, what is that, look how nasty that thing is!” She walked away with force. Gilbert had his feelings hurt, for the rest of the day he was quiet and tried to cover up his moustache with his hand.
When Gilbert got home he Shaved with his pap’s razor blade, Gilbert smiled while rubbing his chin. The next day Gilbert woke up, his moustache was back and hairy than ever, awl man said Gilbert, What in the world is happening to me. He shaved it back off. He then jumped in the shower and noticed that he also grew arm pit hair. This was very awkward to him because he was only 9 years old. When he got out the shower he noticed that more hair was growing on his upper lip. Gilbert was so embarrassed, he decided to skip school. He went near the creek by his house and looked under his shirt there was hair all over his little white chest. Gilbert started to wipe the tears that were dripping from his face. Gilbert had to tell someone what was happing to him.
He decided to go over to Pablo’s house after he was done with school. Gilbert knocked on the door “Yea, What do you want” Pablo said with an attitude. Gilbert had tears in his eyes and said, “Look at me, look at what I’ve became” Pablo quickly interrupted him and said “I thought you were too popular to talk to me” then he slammed the door.
Gilbert took a bus to downtown. He does not know where he is going or why, while downtown he saw an old obese man with a great white beard; He started to shed tears once again. Everyone on the bus gave him their attention, which did not help Gilbert at all. A young lady with long dark hair with glasses and dirty teeth she put her hand on Gilbert’s shoulder “what’s wrong, honey” She said. Gilbert’s face turned red, and then he said “I really don’t wana talk…” Gilbert started crying. “Its okay Hun you can tell me” said the young women with a cheesy smile on her face. The bus stopped “here, come with me” Gilbert followed the women. Once they both got off the bus. The women grabbed him from his shirt and Ran. Gilbert just got kidnapped. She brought Gilbert to a dark alley with a dumpster to the right and a box with some kittens to the left. Gilbert was screaming and kicking, but the women had her hand over his mouth. Gilbert was frightened, and then suddenly Gilbert started getting even more hairy. He rapidly grew as hairy as a bear in an instant, his arms were going out of control, Gilbert’s eyes turned dark pink, and his whole face was covered with brown fuzzy fur, Gilbert became a monster.
The lady dropped her jaw and put her hand over her mouth. Gilbert picked up the lady and threw her against the thrashed brick wall. Gilbert was no longer in his right state of mind. All he could think of is how Susan broke his heart he wanted to get vengeance. Gilbert walked with his knuckles and his feet. He came out of the alley, it was now dark. Gilbert was running toward Susan’s house; she must have heard Gilbert out side because she peeked out of her window. He was standing on her street looking straight at Susan through her window. Gilbert screamed and charged, right before his eyes he fell on the ground in excruciating pain, He just got shot. Gilbert was carried by his legs into a cage on to the back of a pick up truck. Gilbert was dying he was trembling in pain he could only see out of his squinted pink eyes. Gilbert was good as dead in a matter of seconds, then Gilbert’s twitching eyes started to close. As his eyes where slowly shutting, his vision stared to fade. He notice a yellow blur which he believed was a bus, and every one on the bus had a moustache.
Does everyone understand why Rob and I don't want to be teachers anymore? Just in case there was some question in your mind.


Smash Lord
Jan 27, 2008
Butler, PA
Yeah, but that's Alan's only justifiable paradox. He's allowed to get away with that one, cause it's just who he is.


Smash Lord
Mar 6, 2007
Some of the worst argumentative logic that still gets perpetually used.

I don't have to be a movie director to be allowed to say that somebody else's movie sucks.
True, but your claim that a particular movie "sucks" would carry less weight than Steven Spielberg's would. Have you ever written a research paper before?


aka Logan
Aug 27, 2009
Pittsburgh, PA
Alan has the balls to set himself up for complete and total failure and disappointment in life, and not give a single **** about it

Da Shuffla

Smash Lord
Aug 29, 2008
Or. . . . you could just stop responding to him.

He's like the child throwing the tantrum in the frozen food section.

Just wants attention. So ignore him.

Or hit him in the head with some Eggos.


Smash Ace
May 24, 2006
I think the questions we all need to be asking ourselves right now is:

Who is Gilbert Noodle?

Are we not all a piece of Gilbert on the inside?

Is Gilbert a metaphor for society?

Covetous, selfish, lacking in self-esteem, riddled with self doubt, Gilbert may be a brutal effigy of each person's hidden self, ready to lash out at any moment once provoked. Holding onto our one and only relic of self worth, only to get put down by the elitists of society in one swift shot, relegated back to practical nonexistence.

Can we not see that we are the elitists to each others inner Gilbert's? That by smiting one an others inner faults with ridicule we are the ones creating these Gilbert's for others to feed on and continue to create a fissure of despair. I say nay, nay I say, we shalt not fall prey to this cycle of society, let us now stand tall in the face of others creating Gilbert's and becoming Gilbert's and say, "Love one another, love one another no matter what." For is that not what this story is teaching to us?

I think we all need to deeply reexamine this fine parable, and let it not tear us apart, but bring us closing together by coming to terms with our own inner Gilbert Noodle.

trolling English is easy and fun for everyone.


Smash Master
Aug 8, 2007
Butler PA
Silentswag that was one of the most insanely idiotic things Ive ever read

at no point during your rambling incoherent response

did you even come close to anything

that could be considered rational thought

everyone in this thread is now dumber having listened to it

i award you no points

and may god have mercy on your soul


Smash Ace
May 24, 2006
Silentswag that was one of the most insanely idiotic things Ive ever read

at no point during your rambling incoherent response

did you even come close to anything

that could be considered rational thought

everyone in this thread is now dumber having listened to it

i award you no points

and may god have mercy on your soul
Top tier Adam Sandler quote. Well played. And Alan has to be trolling. I watched that movie every year before the first day of school for 6 years.



Smash Champion
Sep 13, 2007
We all knew Alan already had bad taste.

Miss Lippy's Car... is green.

Billy likes to drink... soda...


Smash Lord
Jan 27, 2008
Butler, PA
I saw Dumb and Dumber: unrated last night, and the scenes that were normally excluded make Lloyd's character look like a total creep as opposed to a hopeless romantic.

Answer me this Pittsburgh!!!

Which one do you think is dumb and the other dumber?

I vote Harry as dumb and Lloyd as Dumber.


Smash Champion
Sep 13, 2007
If it's just a body that flies, then you can make one in a lab. But I got sick of that ages ago... However, I did find the reason as to why human's cannot fly.

It's not because their bodies are heavy.

It's that their hearts are heavy.
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