Smash Ace
- Joined
- May 29, 2008
- Messages
- 695
Well since Ademisk's old one died and was never stickied, and he hasn't made a new one, I decided to take it upon myself to do so. This time it'll be a bit more organized.
Just fill out this form:
User name/Tag:
Region: (Atlantic North, Atlantic South, Midwest, Southwest, Pacific West, Australia, Canada, Europe, Central and South America, or International.)
Brawl Friend code: (XXXX-XXXX-XXXX)
Do you go to tourneys? (Yes or No, this is to determine if you might play one of these Ness' at your local tourney, and to count how many do)
You do not have to main Ness you just have to play him.
List of Ness players:
Atlantic North:
User name/Tag: 13370
Region: Northeast USA
Brawl FC: 4254-1216-3108
Do you go to tourneys: Every once in a while.
User name/Tag: AfroThunderRule/(Love)
Region: Atlantic North
Brawl Friend code: (3823-8768-8358) I play online ALOT.
Do you go to tourneys? I went to one tournament before, this one:
And I lost to someone called Blackanse. XD (I may go to it again in the future if I had more money. XD)
User name/Tag: blankvi/blank
Region: Atlantic North
Brawl Friend code: 4983-8273-5352
Do you go to tourneys? no
User name/Tag: Chris
region: Atlantic North
Brawl Friend Code: 5155-2597-2904
Do you go to Tourneys?: No, maybe once I get my driver's licence...
User name/Tag: Earthbound Zero/EB0
Region: Atlantic North (Ohio, like what Crazed Sign says.)
Brawl Friend code: (4983-4744-8110)
Do you go to tourneys? Only if they're nearby.
User name/Tag: Falco_Waddledoo
Region: Atlantic North
Brawl Friend code: (4725-7628-5327)
Do you go to tourneys? No, not a lot.
User name: Jorge
Region: Atlantic North
Brawl Fc: 2836-1218-3608
Do you go to tourneys? : No but Im going to start going.
User name/Tag: Jtails
Region: (Atlantic North, NYC)
Brawl Friend code: dont have wifi
Do you go to tourneys? Yes every weekly and monthly in NY. as well as some random side tournies here.
CT and NJ if resources permit..
User name/Tag: M&M
Region: Atlantic North
Brawl Friend code: 5241-3816-7731
Do you go to tourneys? Sure, if it's close by
User name/Tag: Mik!
Region: Atlantic North
Brawl Friend Code: 2364-1673-9257
Do you go to tourneys? ... not yet
User name/Tag: Mrtyr
Region: Atlantic North
Brawl Friend code: 5370-0098-4146
Do you go to tourneys? No.
Tag: N.OW
Region: Atlantic North
Brawl Friend code: 2148-7806-8763
Do you go to tourneys? Yes, haven't been to one in a while though
User name/Tag: NessOnett(Ness)
Region: Atlantic North(NY)
Brawl Friend code: 1633-3884-0685
Do you go to tourneys? Those that are nearby
Username/tag: Ness_Success
Region: Atlantic North
Brawl FC: 4253-3149-4379
Do you goto tournies: Yes
User name/Tag: Ref
Region: Atlantic North
Brawl friend code: I go on spectator only.
Do you go to tourneys? Yes
User name/Tag: SlipperyNess/Rodpy
Region: Atlantic North (summers Pacific West)
Brawl Friend code: Still no WiFi
Do you go to tourneys? Yes, but they're tough to find in the middle of New Hampshire...
User name/Tag: Sage
Region: Atlantic North (NoVa)
Brawl Friend code: Don't play online
Do you go to tourneys? I go to tournaments.
Username/Tag: TLOZ
Region: Atlantic North
Brawl Friend Code: 1547-4751-2949
No tourneys
Region: Atlantic North(Maryland)
Brawl Friend code: 0473 8732 1427
Do you go to tourneys? Yes
Username/Tag: CNOTE
Reigion: Atlantic North
Friend Code: NO ONLINE for me.
Do you go to tournys: permitting work and school yes
User Name/Tag: Falco Waddledoo
Region: Atlantic North
Brawl Friend code: (4725-7628-5327)
Do you go to tourneys? No, not a lot.
User name/Tag: VivaTheSaturn
Region: Atlantic North (Long Island, New York)
Brawl Friend code: 0775-2419-2842
Do you go to tourneys? Yes
User name/Tag: x3l1t3x
Region: Atlantic north
Brawl friend code: 3351 5920 8317
Do you go to tourneys? If I can
Tag: C-Vac
Region: NJ (for the next month)
Friend code: 3866 7705 2922
Tourneys? No, I'd like to though
User name/Tag: SwallowFury
Region: Atlantic North (Bronx, New York City)
Brawl Friend code: 3567-0386-1996
Do you go to tourneys? No, but soon. Travel johns.
User Name/Tag: x13mako
Region: Atlantic North (Cortland, New York)
Brawl Friend Code: 5370-0177-9373
Do you go to tourneys? Not yet but I would like to.
User name/Tag: Funen1
Region: Atlantic North/Midwest
Brawl Friend code: None.
Do you go to tourneys? Yes.
User name/Tag: Mac77
Region: Atlantic North
Brawl Friend Code: 2535-3273-3318
Do you go to tournies? Not as of late...
Atlantic South:
User Name/Tag: Crio(sphinx)
Region: Atlantic South (Repping the South Carolina)
Friend Code: Online is made of universal fail
Tourney goer?: Yes. Placed 7th at WABA and 3-5th every week for the past 2 or 3 months at the Gamer's Edge Weeklies. Looking to broaden my tournament going horizons, but they're so far away (Georgia or FL mainly)
User Name: Forsworn
Brawl Tag: Reach
Region: Atlantic South (Florida)
Brawl Friend code: 3480-2205-0657
Do you go to tourneys? No
Username/tag: Masky
Region: Atlantic South (Gainesville FL)
Brawl FC: I forgot... but if you want to play then PM me, even though I don't play online a lot I'm always happy to learn from or teach other Ness players (:
Tournaments: Yes
User name/Tag: mobilisq/red/zerg
Region: Atl. S. (j-ville, FL)
Brawl Friend code: 0583 7415 2942
Do you go to tourneys? I would, but so far havent managed to
User name / tag: NeoN
Region: FLO RIDA... I mean, Atlantic South.
Brawl FC: 3694 9684 5281
Tournaments: Only participated in one, been to 3. So... no, I guess.
User name/Tag: P 4
Region: Atlantic South
Brawl Friend code: 1676-3340-7993
Do you go to tourneys? Just one, on the release night, but none since then because there aren't many locally.
User name/Tag: R
Region: Southwest (miami, florida)
Brawl friend code: 5112-3091-0035
Do you go to tourneys? I want to, but no.
User name/Tag: RoyTheFlamboyant/RTF
Region: Atlantic South (North Carolina)
Brawl Friend code: no internets. sorry, guys <3
Do you go to tourneys? I will in the future. So yes. C:
Username/Tag: Shaky
Region: Atlantic South ( West Palm Beach, Florida)
Brawl Friend code: 0989-1506-0452
Do you go to tourneys? Yes, now that I can drive.
Username/Tag: Straked
Region: Atlantic South (Land O' Lakes, Florida)
Brawl Friend Code: 2621-5096-3365
Yes, I attend a mid-level monthlies regularly. No videos, no names. Sorry.
User Name/Tag-Lizard
Region- Atlantic South/ Tallahassee
Brawl Friend code- Will be edited soon.
Tourneys- Yes- GIGS/ PHB/ random Floridas
User Name/Tag-PMKNG
Region- Atlantic South/S.FL (NMB)
Brawl Friend code- 2277-6554-9599
Tourneys- Yes- occasionally
User name/Tag: Bwell
Region: South (Texas)
Brawl Friend code: 0473-7497-1312
Do you go to tourneys? I would enjoy to start playing in tournaments and would most likely use a Ness main.
User name/Tag: K.K_Slider/ K.K
Region: ( Atlantic South : North Carolina )
Brawl Friend code: ( Insert choice of vulgar insults here internet in the world = no friend code )
Do you go to tourneys? ( Soon hoping that my entry fees dont get nom nomed beforehand. )
User name/Tag: Duchock/ dUCH
Region: Atlantic South / Alabama!
Brawl Friend code: Ugh, no.
Do you go to tourneys? Yep! Usually anything that's getting attention that's within' 1 or 2 state's distance or anything in-state.
User name/Tag: Kirbichu / K-CHU
Region: Atlantic South - GA
Brawl Friend code: 4425-7487-4545
Do you go to tourneys? No (If only I had a car.....)
User name/Tag: MugiwaraYonkou
Region: North America (Mexico)
Brawl Friend code: N/A
Do you go to tourneys? Yes, only the locals tought
Region: Miami Gardens Florida
Brawl friend code: 3780-8706-0088
Do you go to tourneys? Starting to again did win some playntrade dubz in 08. Starting to go to monthlies zp tourneys and would soon be going to others
User name/Tag: KHOLD
Region: Atlantic South
Brawl Friend code: 2793-3765-6410
Do you go to tourneys? No
User name/Tag: Dajayman (Dajay)
Region: Midwest
Brawl Friend Code: 0000 0000 0000 (None for now)
Do you go to tourneys? Yes, if they are in Chicago.
User name/Tag: Dekar
Region: Midwest
Brawl Friend code: 1891-2126-7280
Do you go to tourneys?: yes, fo sho
User name/Tag: FireKirby7/FireK
Region: Midwest
Brawl Friend code: 3952-7717-6470
Do you go to tourneys? No, but I want to
User name/Tag: Levitas
Region: Midwest
Brawl friend code: lol no online for me
Do you go to tourneys? Yes
User name: Lucas
Region: Central
Brawl Fc: 0301-9470-7217
Do you go to tourneys? No
User name/Tag: Milk!!
Region: Midwest
Brawl Friend code: Don't own a Wii.
Do you go to tourneys? I host them as well as enter them. Ness is that wild card to surprise everyone with!
User Name: neomagic
Brawl Tag: NeoM
Region: Midwest
Brawl Friend code: Super Smash Bros. Brawl
Do you go to tourneys? Yes
User name/Tag: Raph
Region: Midwest
Brawl Friend Code: 3909 7338 8171
Do you go to tourneys? Life says no.
User name/Tag: rel12
Region: Midwest
Brawl Friend code: 2793-025-7328
Do you go to tourneys? No... Not good enough XD
User name/Tag: Silver0p
Region:mid west
Brawl Friend code: 0860-3305-0702
Do you go to tourneys? Would if i could
User name/Smash64
Region: Midwest
Brawl Friend code: (2105-8356-1705)
Do you go to tourneys?: Yes i been going to Circuit events here is the link so you can see my record
User name/Tag: Sync
Region: Midwest/Ohio
Brawl Friend code: 0645 7541 1814
Do you go to tourneys? Online, yes. Not in RL until I finally get approval from my parents :/
User Name/Tag: Eagleye893 (i use Eagle in tourneys)
Region: Midwest (IL)
Brawl Friend code: 4339-2173-3483
Do you go to tourneys? Yes, and steadily rising up the ranks
User name/Tag: Zen1/Zen
Region: Midwest
Brawl Friend code: 3007-9729-9519
Do you go to tourneys? Yes =O
User name/Tag: NintenJoe
Region: Midwest, Illinois
Brawl Friend code: IDK, its in my details. I play WiFi very infrequently.
Do you go to tourneys? Yes, but I've only been to a few and I haven't played Ness yet at a tournament.
Username: Cacti
Region: Midwest (MI)
Friend Code: 3437-2753-3232
Tournaments?: Just my local LOLAADL, but I plan to go to any upcoming ones near enough to me.
User name/tag: Riley
Region: Midwest
Brawl Fc: 1160-9433-1255
Do you go to tourneys? Nope : /
Username/tag: KASr/CY
Region: Midwest
Brawl Friend code: 1806-0460-6300
Do you go to tourneys? Yes, if the yare in Chicago or somewhere close to me.
Username/Tag: camzaman (CAM)
Region: Southwest (UT)
Brawl FC: 3093-6793-5136
Do you go to tourneys? No
User name/Tag: Comet
Region: Southwest (TX)
Brawl friend code: 0516-6986-4410
Do you go to tourneys? Yes
User name/Tag: Dizzi
Region: Southwest
Brawl friend code: N/A
Do you go to tourneys? Yes
User name/Tag: Ethan
Region: Southwest.
Brawl Friend Code: 0731-4413-3635
Do you go to tourneys?: Nope
User name/Tag: Flash
Region: Pacific West
Brawl Friend code: 227763158037
Do you go to tourneys? Sometimes
User name/Tag: Z~Mangz
Region: Southwest baybee Albucrazy wea you at
Brawl friend code: Don't play online
Do I go to tournys: Yes,
User name/Tag: Adin
Region: Southwest
Brawl Friend code: 4468-0646-6585
Do you go to tourneys? Yes
User name/Tag: TheVince / ViNCe
Region: Southwest - AZ
Brawl Friend code: 1505-0176-1082
Do you go to tourneys? I would if I could.. (No)
User Name: RogueThunder
Region: Southwest (Az)
Brawl Code: 5026-4118-4544
Do you go to tournies? Not yet
User name/Tag: DerpDaBerp
Region: Southwest, AZ, Tucson
Brawl Friend code: 4425-1180-3016 (don't expect me online)
Do you go to tourneys? Yawp
Pacific West:
User name/Tag: FuPoo
Region: Pacific West
Brawl Friend code: 3566-1204-1446
Do you go to tourneys? Yes
User name/Tag: Gaussis
Region: Pacific West
Brawl Friend code: unavailable atm
Do you go to tourneys? Not yet...
User name/Tag: Goat
Region: Pacific West
Brawl Friend code: 2191-7385-7582
Do you go to tourneys? No
User name/Tag: Kennypu
Region: Pacific West
Brawl Friend code: (0130-1630-7135)
Do you go to tourneys? Yes
User name/Tag: Master Knight DH/Bloo
Region: Pacific West (California, in the Bay Area that doesn't deserve to call itself the "Yay Area")
Brawl Friend code: (0903-3155-2367)
Do you go to tourneys? No
Username/Tag: NoNessNoProblem
Region: Pacific West
Brawl Friend code: 5284-1068-5105
Do you go to tourneys? Yes
User name/Tag: onionchowder
Region: Pacific West (SoCal. San Diego lovin' baby!)
Brawl Friend Code: 2406 5007 7931
Do you go to tourneys? ehh. trying to.
User name/Tag: PKK
Region: Pacific West (Vegas)
Brawl Friend Code: 0774 3911 4389
Do you go to tourneys? Every Monday.
User name/Tag: PKSkyler ~SKY~
Region: Pacific West
Brawl Friend code: 5241-1676-7828
Do you go to tourneys? : Kind of.
User name/Tag: Uffe
Region: Mid-Pacific
Brawl friend code: 2277-7887-4196
Do you go to tourneys? No
User name/Tag: ViceGrip
Region: Pacific West (so cal)
Brawl Friend Code: 2921 8779 1286
Do you go to tourneys? Heck yes
User name/Tag: Man of Popsicle/muddy
Region: Pacific West
Brawl Friend code: 4940-5239-9786
Do you go to tourneys? No
User name/Tag: IL&D
Region: Pacific West
No, I don't enter tourneys
User name/Tag: xoxokev/COOL
Region: Pacific West
Brawl Friend code: 0473-7664-9173
Do you go to tourneys? Yes
User name/Tag: Cale/Slight
Region: Northwest
Brawl Friend code: 3824 7045 6509
Do you go to tourneys? Yup, every one I get the chance to...Which, with the amount of smash that occurs in ID, isn't many
User name/Tag: Achoral
Region: Europe (France)
Brawl Friend code: 4596 8764 8268
Do you go to tourneys? Yes
User name/Tag: AvariceX
Region: Canada
Brawl Friend code: 1075 0433 0869
Do you go to tourneys? Yes
User name/Tag: Bubbleman / Bubb
Region: Central and South America (Puerto Rico)
Brawl Friend code: Unavailable
Do you go to tourneys? Yep, once in a while.
User name/Tag: CAN91
Region: Canada
Brawl Friend code: 0731-4443-4642
Do you go to tourneys? Nope.
User name/Tag: Crim
Region: Europe (Norway)
Brawl Friend code: 0259-1801-4093
Do you go to tourneys? If there's ever any nearby
User name/Tag: Gold
Region: Europe (Sweden)
Brawl Friend code: 1805-2375-7586
Do you go to tourneys? No.
User name/Tag: KiCRS
Region: South Ontario, Canada
Brawl friend code: 1203-8907-1340
Do you go to tourneys? Soon.
User name/Tag: Lightosia (Lgtsa)
Region: South America (Brazil)
Brawl Friend Code: I don't have yet...
Do you go to tourneys? Yes
User name/Tag: Lilmister/Bolis
Region: Oceania (Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea)- currently in the Philippines
Brawl friend code: 1848-4637-2547
Do you go to tourneys? I wish they even held tourneys let alone had a smash community in the Philippines
User name/Tag: Luigi player/LP
Region: Europe
Brawl Friend code: 3351-5514-9570
Do you go to tourneys? Um in my country yes lol
User name/Tag:Luiz.
Region: South America.
Brawl Friend code: 4296-4710-2829
Do you go to tourneys? Yes but there aren't any big ones where I live.
Username/tag: Meteor Master
Region: Australia
Brawl FC: 1375-8635-4694
D you go to tournies: I win some.
User name/Tag: Monk
Region: India
Brawl Friend code: (3222-6637-2142)
Do you go to tourneys?: No
User name/Tag: Prolific
Region: Australia
Brawl friend code: Soon to be online (Christmas)
Do you go to tourneys? Yes
Region: Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Brawl Friend code: (5284-1255-2024)
Do you go to tourneys? Not yet.
User name/Tag: StevenMcToweleee/TOWEL
Region: Southern Ontario
Brawl FC: 3136-6297-3028
Go to tourneys? Only if they are within my area/time
User name/Tag: DaMan
Region: Europe (England)
Brawl Friend code: 3566-4774-2871
Do you go to tourneys? Only online ones
User name/Tag: Ugg
Region: Soutern B.C.
Brawl FC: 3179-6037-6510
Go to tourneys? Would if I could.
User name/Tag: ZedF (may change)
Region: Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Brawl FC: 2363-6452-1260
Do you go to tourneys: Those in GTA, I try.
User name/Tag: MRbloke
Region: Niagara, Canada FTW!!!
Brawl Friend Code: 3566- 1324-4901
Do you participate in tournaments: yes,
only one so far (Only In Niagara 4)
User name/Tag: Crim
Region: Europe (Norway)
Brawl Friend code: 0259-1801-4093
Do you go to tourneys? If there's ever any nearby
Name/tag: Pazx
Region: Australia! NSW (And also ACT if I feel like going down there)
Brawl Friend code: 0774-9234-0265
Do you go to tourneys? If there were enough around here, and MY WIFI SUCKs so no online ones either.
User name/Tag: S1-14
Region: (Netherlands, Europe)
Brawl friend code: 2578-4799-3604
Do you go to tourneys? Yes

*Please note that this may become a very long thread. I will constantly try to update it to fit all the Ness players. Following the correct format will help me dearly. The magic of copy and paste*
Just fill out this form:
User name/Tag:
Region: (Atlantic North, Atlantic South, Midwest, Southwest, Pacific West, Australia, Canada, Europe, Central and South America, or International.)
Brawl Friend code: (XXXX-XXXX-XXXX)
Do you go to tourneys? (Yes or No, this is to determine if you might play one of these Ness' at your local tourney, and to count how many do)
You do not have to main Ness you just have to play him.
List of Ness players:
Atlantic North:
User name/Tag: 13370
Region: Northeast USA
Brawl FC: 4254-1216-3108
Do you go to tourneys: Every once in a while.
User name/Tag: AfroThunderRule/(Love)
Region: Atlantic North
Brawl Friend code: (3823-8768-8358) I play online ALOT.
Do you go to tourneys? I went to one tournament before, this one:
And I lost to someone called Blackanse. XD (I may go to it again in the future if I had more money. XD)
User name/Tag: blankvi/blank
Region: Atlantic North
Brawl Friend code: 4983-8273-5352
Do you go to tourneys? no
User name/Tag: Chris
region: Atlantic North
Brawl Friend Code: 5155-2597-2904
Do you go to Tourneys?: No, maybe once I get my driver's licence...
User name/Tag: Earthbound Zero/EB0
Region: Atlantic North (Ohio, like what Crazed Sign says.)
Brawl Friend code: (4983-4744-8110)
Do you go to tourneys? Only if they're nearby.
User name/Tag: Falco_Waddledoo
Region: Atlantic North
Brawl Friend code: (4725-7628-5327)
Do you go to tourneys? No, not a lot.
User name: Jorge
Region: Atlantic North
Brawl Fc: 2836-1218-3608
Do you go to tourneys? : No but Im going to start going.
User name/Tag: Jtails
Region: (Atlantic North, NYC)
Brawl Friend code: dont have wifi
Do you go to tourneys? Yes every weekly and monthly in NY. as well as some random side tournies here.
CT and NJ if resources permit..
User name/Tag: M&M
Region: Atlantic North
Brawl Friend code: 5241-3816-7731
Do you go to tourneys? Sure, if it's close by
User name/Tag: Mik!
Region: Atlantic North
Brawl Friend Code: 2364-1673-9257
Do you go to tourneys? ... not yet
User name/Tag: Mrtyr
Region: Atlantic North
Brawl Friend code: 5370-0098-4146
Do you go to tourneys? No.
Tag: N.OW
Region: Atlantic North
Brawl Friend code: 2148-7806-8763
Do you go to tourneys? Yes, haven't been to one in a while though
User name/Tag: NessOnett(Ness)
Region: Atlantic North(NY)
Brawl Friend code: 1633-3884-0685
Do you go to tourneys? Those that are nearby
Username/tag: Ness_Success
Region: Atlantic North
Brawl FC: 4253-3149-4379
Do you goto tournies: Yes
User name/Tag: Ref
Region: Atlantic North
Brawl friend code: I go on spectator only.
Do you go to tourneys? Yes
User name/Tag: SlipperyNess/Rodpy
Region: Atlantic North (summers Pacific West)
Brawl Friend code: Still no WiFi
Do you go to tourneys? Yes, but they're tough to find in the middle of New Hampshire...
User name/Tag: Sage
Region: Atlantic North (NoVa)
Brawl Friend code: Don't play online
Do you go to tourneys? I go to tournaments.
Username/Tag: TLOZ
Region: Atlantic North
Brawl Friend Code: 1547-4751-2949
No tourneys
Region: Atlantic North(Maryland)
Brawl Friend code: 0473 8732 1427
Do you go to tourneys? Yes
Username/Tag: CNOTE
Reigion: Atlantic North
Friend Code: NO ONLINE for me.
Do you go to tournys: permitting work and school yes
User Name/Tag: Falco Waddledoo
Region: Atlantic North
Brawl Friend code: (4725-7628-5327)
Do you go to tourneys? No, not a lot.
User name/Tag: VivaTheSaturn
Region: Atlantic North (Long Island, New York)
Brawl Friend code: 0775-2419-2842
Do you go to tourneys? Yes
User name/Tag: x3l1t3x
Region: Atlantic north
Brawl friend code: 3351 5920 8317
Do you go to tourneys? If I can
Tag: C-Vac
Region: NJ (for the next month)
Friend code: 3866 7705 2922
Tourneys? No, I'd like to though
User name/Tag: SwallowFury
Region: Atlantic North (Bronx, New York City)
Brawl Friend code: 3567-0386-1996
Do you go to tourneys? No, but soon. Travel johns.
User Name/Tag: x13mako
Region: Atlantic North (Cortland, New York)
Brawl Friend Code: 5370-0177-9373
Do you go to tourneys? Not yet but I would like to.
User name/Tag: Funen1
Region: Atlantic North/Midwest
Brawl Friend code: None.
Do you go to tourneys? Yes.
User name/Tag: Mac77
Region: Atlantic North
Brawl Friend Code: 2535-3273-3318
Do you go to tournies? Not as of late...
Atlantic South:
User Name/Tag: Crio(sphinx)
Region: Atlantic South (Repping the South Carolina)
Friend Code: Online is made of universal fail
Tourney goer?: Yes. Placed 7th at WABA and 3-5th every week for the past 2 or 3 months at the Gamer's Edge Weeklies. Looking to broaden my tournament going horizons, but they're so far away (Georgia or FL mainly)
User Name: Forsworn
Brawl Tag: Reach
Region: Atlantic South (Florida)
Brawl Friend code: 3480-2205-0657
Do you go to tourneys? No
Username/tag: Masky
Region: Atlantic South (Gainesville FL)
Brawl FC: I forgot... but if you want to play then PM me, even though I don't play online a lot I'm always happy to learn from or teach other Ness players (:
Tournaments: Yes
User name/Tag: mobilisq/red/zerg
Region: Atl. S. (j-ville, FL)
Brawl Friend code: 0583 7415 2942
Do you go to tourneys? I would, but so far havent managed to
User name / tag: NeoN
Region: FLO RIDA... I mean, Atlantic South.
Brawl FC: 3694 9684 5281
Tournaments: Only participated in one, been to 3. So... no, I guess.
User name/Tag: P 4
Region: Atlantic South
Brawl Friend code: 1676-3340-7993
Do you go to tourneys? Just one, on the release night, but none since then because there aren't many locally.
User name/Tag: R
Region: Southwest (miami, florida)
Brawl friend code: 5112-3091-0035
Do you go to tourneys? I want to, but no.
User name/Tag: RoyTheFlamboyant/RTF
Region: Atlantic South (North Carolina)
Brawl Friend code: no internets. sorry, guys <3
Do you go to tourneys? I will in the future. So yes. C:
Username/Tag: Shaky
Region: Atlantic South ( West Palm Beach, Florida)
Brawl Friend code: 0989-1506-0452
Do you go to tourneys? Yes, now that I can drive.
Username/Tag: Straked
Region: Atlantic South (Land O' Lakes, Florida)
Brawl Friend Code: 2621-5096-3365
Yes, I attend a mid-level monthlies regularly. No videos, no names. Sorry.
User Name/Tag-Lizard
Region- Atlantic South/ Tallahassee
Brawl Friend code- Will be edited soon.
Tourneys- Yes- GIGS/ PHB/ random Floridas
User Name/Tag-PMKNG
Region- Atlantic South/S.FL (NMB)
Brawl Friend code- 2277-6554-9599
Tourneys- Yes- occasionally
User name/Tag: Bwell
Region: South (Texas)
Brawl Friend code: 0473-7497-1312
Do you go to tourneys? I would enjoy to start playing in tournaments and would most likely use a Ness main.
User name/Tag: K.K_Slider/ K.K
Region: ( Atlantic South : North Carolina )
Brawl Friend code: ( Insert choice of vulgar insults here internet in the world = no friend code )
Do you go to tourneys? ( Soon hoping that my entry fees dont get nom nomed beforehand. )
User name/Tag: Duchock/ dUCH
Region: Atlantic South / Alabama!
Brawl Friend code: Ugh, no.
Do you go to tourneys? Yep! Usually anything that's getting attention that's within' 1 or 2 state's distance or anything in-state.
User name/Tag: Kirbichu / K-CHU
Region: Atlantic South - GA
Brawl Friend code: 4425-7487-4545
Do you go to tourneys? No (If only I had a car.....)
User name/Tag: MugiwaraYonkou
Region: North America (Mexico)
Brawl Friend code: N/A
Do you go to tourneys? Yes, only the locals tought
Region: Miami Gardens Florida
Brawl friend code: 3780-8706-0088
Do you go to tourneys? Starting to again did win some playntrade dubz in 08. Starting to go to monthlies zp tourneys and would soon be going to others
User name/Tag: KHOLD
Region: Atlantic South
Brawl Friend code: 2793-3765-6410
Do you go to tourneys? No
User name/Tag: Dajayman (Dajay)
Region: Midwest
Brawl Friend Code: 0000 0000 0000 (None for now)
Do you go to tourneys? Yes, if they are in Chicago.
User name/Tag: Dekar
Region: Midwest
Brawl Friend code: 1891-2126-7280
Do you go to tourneys?: yes, fo sho
User name/Tag: FireKirby7/FireK
Region: Midwest
Brawl Friend code: 3952-7717-6470
Do you go to tourneys? No, but I want to
User name/Tag: Levitas
Region: Midwest
Brawl friend code: lol no online for me
Do you go to tourneys? Yes
User name: Lucas
Region: Central
Brawl Fc: 0301-9470-7217
Do you go to tourneys? No
User name/Tag: Milk!!
Region: Midwest
Brawl Friend code: Don't own a Wii.
Do you go to tourneys? I host them as well as enter them. Ness is that wild card to surprise everyone with!
User Name: neomagic
Brawl Tag: NeoM
Region: Midwest
Brawl Friend code: Super Smash Bros. Brawl
Do you go to tourneys? Yes
User name/Tag: Raph
Region: Midwest
Brawl Friend Code: 3909 7338 8171
Do you go to tourneys? Life says no.
User name/Tag: rel12
Region: Midwest
Brawl Friend code: 2793-025-7328
Do you go to tourneys? No... Not good enough XD
User name/Tag: Silver0p
Region:mid west
Brawl Friend code: 0860-3305-0702
Do you go to tourneys? Would if i could
User name/Smash64
Region: Midwest
Brawl Friend code: (2105-8356-1705)
Do you go to tourneys?: Yes i been going to Circuit events here is the link so you can see my record
User name/Tag: Sync
Region: Midwest/Ohio
Brawl Friend code: 0645 7541 1814
Do you go to tourneys? Online, yes. Not in RL until I finally get approval from my parents :/
User Name/Tag: Eagleye893 (i use Eagle in tourneys)
Region: Midwest (IL)
Brawl Friend code: 4339-2173-3483
Do you go to tourneys? Yes, and steadily rising up the ranks
User name/Tag: Zen1/Zen
Region: Midwest
Brawl Friend code: 3007-9729-9519
Do you go to tourneys? Yes =O
User name/Tag: NintenJoe
Region: Midwest, Illinois
Brawl Friend code: IDK, its in my details. I play WiFi very infrequently.
Do you go to tourneys? Yes, but I've only been to a few and I haven't played Ness yet at a tournament.
Username: Cacti
Region: Midwest (MI)
Friend Code: 3437-2753-3232
Tournaments?: Just my local LOLAADL, but I plan to go to any upcoming ones near enough to me.
User name/tag: Riley
Region: Midwest
Brawl Fc: 1160-9433-1255
Do you go to tourneys? Nope : /
Username/tag: KASr/CY
Region: Midwest
Brawl Friend code: 1806-0460-6300
Do you go to tourneys? Yes, if the yare in Chicago or somewhere close to me.
Username/Tag: camzaman (CAM)
Region: Southwest (UT)
Brawl FC: 3093-6793-5136
Do you go to tourneys? No
User name/Tag: Comet
Region: Southwest (TX)
Brawl friend code: 0516-6986-4410
Do you go to tourneys? Yes
User name/Tag: Dizzi
Region: Southwest
Brawl friend code: N/A
Do you go to tourneys? Yes
User name/Tag: Ethan
Region: Southwest.
Brawl Friend Code: 0731-4413-3635
Do you go to tourneys?: Nope
User name/Tag: Flash
Region: Pacific West
Brawl Friend code: 227763158037
Do you go to tourneys? Sometimes
User name/Tag: Z~Mangz
Region: Southwest baybee Albucrazy wea you at
Brawl friend code: Don't play online
Do I go to tournys: Yes,
User name/Tag: Adin
Region: Southwest
Brawl Friend code: 4468-0646-6585
Do you go to tourneys? Yes
User name/Tag: TheVince / ViNCe
Region: Southwest - AZ
Brawl Friend code: 1505-0176-1082
Do you go to tourneys? I would if I could.. (No)
User Name: RogueThunder
Region: Southwest (Az)
Brawl Code: 5026-4118-4544
Do you go to tournies? Not yet
User name/Tag: DerpDaBerp
Region: Southwest, AZ, Tucson
Brawl Friend code: 4425-1180-3016 (don't expect me online)
Do you go to tourneys? Yawp
Pacific West:
User name/Tag: FuPoo
Region: Pacific West
Brawl Friend code: 3566-1204-1446
Do you go to tourneys? Yes
User name/Tag: Gaussis
Region: Pacific West
Brawl Friend code: unavailable atm
Do you go to tourneys? Not yet...
User name/Tag: Goat
Region: Pacific West
Brawl Friend code: 2191-7385-7582
Do you go to tourneys? No
User name/Tag: Kennypu
Region: Pacific West
Brawl Friend code: (0130-1630-7135)
Do you go to tourneys? Yes
User name/Tag: Master Knight DH/Bloo
Region: Pacific West (California, in the Bay Area that doesn't deserve to call itself the "Yay Area")
Brawl Friend code: (0903-3155-2367)
Do you go to tourneys? No
Username/Tag: NoNessNoProblem
Region: Pacific West
Brawl Friend code: 5284-1068-5105
Do you go to tourneys? Yes
User name/Tag: onionchowder
Region: Pacific West (SoCal. San Diego lovin' baby!)
Brawl Friend Code: 2406 5007 7931
Do you go to tourneys? ehh. trying to.
User name/Tag: PKK
Region: Pacific West (Vegas)
Brawl Friend Code: 0774 3911 4389
Do you go to tourneys? Every Monday.
User name/Tag: PKSkyler ~SKY~
Region: Pacific West
Brawl Friend code: 5241-1676-7828
Do you go to tourneys? : Kind of.
User name/Tag: Uffe
Region: Mid-Pacific
Brawl friend code: 2277-7887-4196
Do you go to tourneys? No
User name/Tag: ViceGrip
Region: Pacific West (so cal)
Brawl Friend Code: 2921 8779 1286
Do you go to tourneys? Heck yes
User name/Tag: Man of Popsicle/muddy
Region: Pacific West
Brawl Friend code: 4940-5239-9786
Do you go to tourneys? No
User name/Tag: IL&D
Region: Pacific West
No, I don't enter tourneys
User name/Tag: xoxokev/COOL
Region: Pacific West
Brawl Friend code: 0473-7664-9173
Do you go to tourneys? Yes
User name/Tag: Cale/Slight
Region: Northwest
Brawl Friend code: 3824 7045 6509
Do you go to tourneys? Yup, every one I get the chance to...Which, with the amount of smash that occurs in ID, isn't many
User name/Tag: Achoral
Region: Europe (France)
Brawl Friend code: 4596 8764 8268
Do you go to tourneys? Yes
User name/Tag: AvariceX
Region: Canada
Brawl Friend code: 1075 0433 0869
Do you go to tourneys? Yes
User name/Tag: Bubbleman / Bubb
Region: Central and South America (Puerto Rico)
Brawl Friend code: Unavailable
Do you go to tourneys? Yep, once in a while.
User name/Tag: CAN91
Region: Canada
Brawl Friend code: 0731-4443-4642
Do you go to tourneys? Nope.
User name/Tag: Crim
Region: Europe (Norway)
Brawl Friend code: 0259-1801-4093
Do you go to tourneys? If there's ever any nearby
User name/Tag: Gold
Region: Europe (Sweden)
Brawl Friend code: 1805-2375-7586
Do you go to tourneys? No.
User name/Tag: KiCRS
Region: South Ontario, Canada
Brawl friend code: 1203-8907-1340
Do you go to tourneys? Soon.
User name/Tag: Lightosia (Lgtsa)
Region: South America (Brazil)
Brawl Friend Code: I don't have yet...
Do you go to tourneys? Yes
User name/Tag: Lilmister/Bolis
Region: Oceania (Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea)- currently in the Philippines
Brawl friend code: 1848-4637-2547
Do you go to tourneys? I wish they even held tourneys let alone had a smash community in the Philippines
User name/Tag: Luigi player/LP
Region: Europe
Brawl Friend code: 3351-5514-9570
Do you go to tourneys? Um in my country yes lol
User name/Tag:Luiz.
Region: South America.
Brawl Friend code: 4296-4710-2829
Do you go to tourneys? Yes but there aren't any big ones where I live.
Username/tag: Meteor Master
Region: Australia
Brawl FC: 1375-8635-4694
D you go to tournies: I win some.
User name/Tag: Monk
Region: India
Brawl Friend code: (3222-6637-2142)
Do you go to tourneys?: No
User name/Tag: Prolific
Region: Australia
Brawl friend code: Soon to be online (Christmas)
Do you go to tourneys? Yes
Region: Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Brawl Friend code: (5284-1255-2024)
Do you go to tourneys? Not yet.
User name/Tag: StevenMcToweleee/TOWEL
Region: Southern Ontario
Brawl FC: 3136-6297-3028
Go to tourneys? Only if they are within my area/time
User name/Tag: DaMan
Region: Europe (England)
Brawl Friend code: 3566-4774-2871
Do you go to tourneys? Only online ones
User name/Tag: Ugg
Region: Soutern B.C.
Brawl FC: 3179-6037-6510
Go to tourneys? Would if I could.
User name/Tag: ZedF (may change)
Region: Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Brawl FC: 2363-6452-1260
Do you go to tourneys: Those in GTA, I try.
User name/Tag: MRbloke
Region: Niagara, Canada FTW!!!
Brawl Friend Code: 3566- 1324-4901
Do you participate in tournaments: yes,
only one so far (Only In Niagara 4)
User name/Tag: Crim
Region: Europe (Norway)
Brawl Friend code: 0259-1801-4093
Do you go to tourneys? If there's ever any nearby
Name/tag: Pazx
Region: Australia! NSW (And also ACT if I feel like going down there)
Brawl Friend code: 0774-9234-0265
Do you go to tourneys? If there were enough around here, and MY WIFI SUCKs so no online ones either.
User name/Tag: S1-14
Region: (Netherlands, Europe)
Brawl friend code: 2578-4799-3604
Do you go to tourneys? Yes

*Please note that this may become a very long thread. I will constantly try to update it to fit all the Ness players. Following the correct format will help me dearly. The magic of copy and paste*