Smash Champion
User name/Tag: BluePSI
Region: (Atlantic North, Atlantic South, Midwest, Southwest, Pacific West, Australia, Canada, Europe, Central and South America, or International.) Europe UK
Brawl Friend code: (XXXX-XXXX-XXXX) >.> don't have it right now
Do you go to tourneys? (Yes or No, this is to determine if you might play one of these Ness' at your local tourney, and to count how many do) no
Region: (Atlantic North, Atlantic South, Midwest, Southwest, Pacific West, Australia, Canada, Europe, Central and South America, or International.) Europe UK
Brawl Friend code: (XXXX-XXXX-XXXX) >.> don't have it right now

Do you go to tourneys? (Yes or No, this is to determine if you might play one of these Ness' at your local tourney, and to count how many do) no