I'm not sure if you're asking why Lain is #5 because you feel he is too low/high(when is he not amirite?)/inactive. So I'll address all of those.
Lain entered APEX and PS3, so he did in fact meet the activity requirement for the PR.
here are his (relevant) stats
Wins: Domo, Tech
Losses: Sky, Zero, Mikey, Kain
Every single person listed above Lain has a better win than Domo. Mikey has Lain himself (and Zinoto), Ray has Zinoto, I have Kingtoon, Zinoto has me x3 (also Rage if you think that is more notable). We also all have another win (if not 2-8 more wins) which are better than Tech.
Tutu and Tech also have better wins, but tutu only has Zinoto, and nothing else, so Lain's 2 wins and no losses to people who don't have the potential to win tourneys trumps him.
Coco has shown he can beat the people below him, with multiple wins over Tutu and a win over Tech, and his worse loss being fZk, who was PR'ed before going inactive.
To address why first 3 are in the order they are... (Copy/Pasted from PR Discussion Group)
"Rage's wins: Zinoto x2, Mikey, Roller, Tech
Roller's wins: KingToon, Speed, Coco x2, Tech x2, Fizzle, DLA
kingtoon>Zinoto x2 imo.
Tech x2>Tech
Fizzle=Roller (Fizzle was 3-0 with Roller before vengeance, don't think it's a stretch)
Speed+DLA+Coco x2>Mikey
Rage showed up for 2 tourneys, left early from one, before having to face his toughest competition, went just barely better than even with Zinoto over 3 sets filled with close games, to the point his wins over him could easily be argued as flukes.
Roller entered every single tournament, consistently placed high, placed highest out of state at VENGEANCE the biggest tourney this season outside of APEX, it could easily be argued Roller performed better than the rest of MI at APEX as well, Both the last 2 tourneys Roller has outplaced everyone else, his single loss this season to a player who has not won tourneys he went mk after losing game 1 WTP style (then proceeded to run through all of losers up to LFs).
Yeah, Rage doesn't have that anomalous loss, but he has actively avoided tourneys where he thinks he may lose. And left before his hardest sets at one of the 1.5 tourneys he attended.
Where as Roller has been the most active player in the state, attending every single tourney, and has significantly more (and arguably better) wins than he (Rage) does. If consistency does matter as we claim it does, why would his fewer and possibly less notable wins put him above the player with the most consistency/wins/best out of state accomplishments. (especially when PRs are used for OoS seeding)"
Zinoto over me should be obvious. He has beaten me 3 consecutive times this season, along with Mikey, Tako, and plenty of others. He has more and better wins overall than Rage, and has shown consistency even at events featuring top players.
You (Gio) aren't on the list because after you beat Sean, a win comparable to the 7/8 placers (Zinoto&SK being theirs) you proceeded not to win any more significant matches, and lost less significant ones than PR #s 6-8 did. Their wins are roughly equal to yours, so when we go to the consistency and losses as tie breakers, yeah you came out below them.
Your losses at MK banned tourneys did not count against you tho, btw.