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The Official "Megaman in SSBB" Topic!


How Long Have I Been Asleep?
Oct 10, 2007
Music I would like to see in Brawl:

Intro Stage (MM8)

Megaman X

Blaze Heatnix
Blizzard Wolfang
Burn Dinorex
Commander Yammark
Sigma (X6)
Cyber Kujacker
Highway (X)
Sting Chameleon
Zero Stage (X5)
X Opening Stage (X5)
Spark Mandrill
Storm Eagle
Magna Centipede

There are MANY more.


Smash Journeyman
Aug 14, 2007
Deer Park NY
My Music for X and Zero

1: Intro: Maverick Hunter X
2: Central Highway: MMX
3: Storm Eagle: MMX
4: Wheel Gator: MMX2
5: X vs Zero: MMX2/MMX5
6: Iris: MMX4
7: Blaze Heatnix: MMX6
10: Intro: MMX8


Smash Journeyman
Dec 18, 2007
Mega man for brawl. He's really getting slammed by all these predictions, lets just hope he's in, after all, if all the 'prophets' are fake it's irrelevant how many say he won't make it.


How Long Have I Been Asleep?
Oct 10, 2007
Mega man for brawl. He's really getting slammed by all these predictions, lets just hope he's in, after all, if all the 'prophets' are fake it's irrelevant how many say he won't make it.
Yeah it is disheartening a little, but my new blog on Megaman in Brawl I typed should make everyone feel MUCH better though, here is a little snippit:

4: It is not very likely Nintendo just missed Megaman, he was one of the top twenty most mentioned in the old Toukouken blog of Sakurai's, he is one of the top 10 most requested character for Brawl and as you can see by this Inafune would like him in. There is plenty of minute statements by both Capcom and Nintendo that kind of make it immpossible for this statement of "no contact" to stand. Inafune was asked about Megaman in Brawl about late 2006, where he replied to a curious inquisetor that, "that would be interesting now wouldn't it." Takeshi Horinouchi is the actual producer of the Megaman series right now, he is the man you WANT to go to for Megaman happenings, in last months issue of Nintendo Power. He said something very interesting, here is what it was:

NP: What's the next Megaman game on the horizon? More Star Force, ZX, or something else?

TH: This interview is coming out in January, right? [Close enough] Based on the timetable for the North American audience, I would assume the next game you get will be for the Star Force series. However, I'm sure you'd be happy if we got another game out to you before that.

What is interesting about this is that Star Force 2 does not have a release date, but has been heavily rumored to be released in March or April. Now he alludes that it is

possible for Megaman to appear in a game before that, however there is no game before that that he could possibly be in. Except one...


Smash Cadet
Dec 19, 2007
Gotcha phoenix. It is getting really old to see all of these fake rosters isn't it? I mean, it's fun speculation that we will all laugh about in the end, but it seems like every five minutes there is a new "leak" or "prophet" or whatever.

Maverick Hunter X

Smash Cadet
Jan 9, 2008
What? O_o

I was saying "nevermind" to a fake roster I posted here that looked to be true but wasn't.
What fake roster are you talking about?

Also, fantastic job on the blog. It made me feel a lot better about keeping hope alive for Mega Man, and there was even some stuff in there I didn't know. Thanks! ^_^


How Long Have I Been Asleep?
Oct 10, 2007
Gotcha phoenix. It is getting really old to see all of these fake rosters isn't it? I mean, it's fun speculation that we will all laugh about in the end, but it seems like every five minutes there is a new "leak" or "prophet" or whatever.
It is like I have stated before the first one to mention Megaman might be the real deal, not just because I want Megaman but because NO ONE includes him.


Smash Lord
Dec 24, 2007
Stockton, California
Star Pheonix there isn't any other game coming out that has Megaman in it? Or is Megaman based? Before March. Hmmm but he said another game... hmm more clarafication please Star.


How Long Have I Been Asleep?
Oct 10, 2007
Star Pheonix there isn't any other game coming out that has Megaman in it? Or is Megaman based? Before March. Hmmm but he said another game... hmm more clarafication please Star.
Exactly, there isn't any other game that he could possibly be in before Star Force 2.

Except one... Brawl!!!

Inafune is not in charge of Megaman, Takeshi Horinouchi is. HE is the one that if he said no, I would be crying over.

It seems like poor Inafune got a "Megaman X6" pulled on him by Capcom again.

How sad, he wants to make Legends 3 so badly, but Capcom will not let him. I have NO idea why he continues to work for them since they treat him like crap and do whatever they want with Megaman without him knowing.


Smash Cadet
Dec 19, 2007
Hey phoenix, are you Shadow from the nproject Megaman blog? I used to follow that blog, too bad it got so covered in Duke Nukem fans!(ugh) :laugh:


Smash Lord
Nov 11, 2007
Atlanta, GA
has anyone else heard of that rumor floating around? The one about a 3rd party being revealed next week?

Hopefully Sakurai found his way to Inafune awhile back, Megaman (if not Geno, for obvious reasons *points at sig*) would be my most hopeful 3rd party revealed. Let's see if the blue bomber can make his addition next week...

Maverick Hunter X

Smash Cadet
Jan 9, 2008
I haven't heard of that rumor... but I suppose we'll know if it's true or not next week.

Where did the rumor originate, do you know?



Smash Cadet
Dec 19, 2007
Didn't that rumor originate with thealmightygoat? His credibility has taken a fatal blow as of late, but let's all hope for a Blue update (bad joke, I know) for next week!
Oh yeah...Megaman for Brawl!!!:chuckle:


Smash Lord
Nov 11, 2007
Atlanta, GA
3. rapscouter
Rapscouter is possibly the most famous one of the bunch, he was the one who leaked a number of things about Pokémon Diamond and Pearl before it was released. He returns with a number of predictions, however, GameFAQs seems to keep deleting his posts, but I have Notepad files of all his predictions, and I will post them here, instead of posting a link.

For each set, he has stated that three things within are lies.

-Super Smash Bros. will be on the Virtual Console Feb. 4th. (The idea has been tossed around among leakers)
-Blastoise, Zapdos, Luxray, Combusken, and Grovyle eill be pokeball pokemon. (Blastoise & Zapdos are likely to return)
-There will be no more delays, this game will be out Feb. 10th. This game is Finished and has been finished the only reason it was delayed is so it didn't conflict with Super Mario Galaxy's sales. (Obviously, no more delays; although I don't buy that the game has been delayed while it was finished...)
-The Dojo will reveal the 3rd third party character not this week, but the following week. (The week of January 14-January 18) (almightygoat refers to another 3rd Party being revealed before release also)
-Metal Gear Solid will have three ATs, Cyber Ninja, Revolver Ocelot, and someone else who will bring a smile to your face. Revolver Ocelot stands on on side of the level and rapidly fires at everyone other that the person who threw the AT.
-Ditto is an extremely powerful pokeball pokemon.
Many people will not be surprised by the third 3rd party character, but many will be.
-Sothe, Trace, Professor Oak, and Kiddy Kong are Assist Trophiess. (Sothe was confirmed at JumpFesta)
-Luigi's Mansion, Gorons Mountain, and Kaptain K. Rool's ship are levels in SSBB.
-The third 3rd party's character level is from the same series, but not from the same game as him.
-1/2 of the SSB levels and 1/3 of SSBM levels are going to be in SSBB with improved graphics
-There's really a forth third party character that's gonna blow minds, don't who it is because my friend wouldn't even tell me.
-Falco will return due to his popularity. (Disagrees with ChaoticImplosion; Agrees with ChaosZero)
-Wii Bowling, Wii Shop, and Big Boss Blue's are all music in the game. (Wii Shop Music was confirmed via the Pictochat update)
-Poke Floats 2, and a level based on one of Bowser's airships will be in SSBB. (Poké Floats 2 was deconfirmed by Serebii)
-There will be DLC new levels and possibly items, ATs, and characters.
-The Ditto pokeball pokemon most of you thought was a lie, well if it was and even if it wasn't a lie, let me continue giving you some more information on him, when he comes out of the ball he copies the character that threw the ball, and unleashes their final smash. That's the reason I said he was really powerful.
-Rawk Hawk, Tricky, Twinrova, and kremlings are going to be Assist Trophies.
The boss battles from The Legend of Zelda in the Subspace Emissary are going to be big and epic.
-Tails, Knuckles, and Dr. Eggman are all the assist trophiess from Sonic that I know of. (Tails was mentioned by thealmightygoat)
-About 65% of the hidden characters are unlocked in the Subspace Emissary. (Sakurai did say a majority of characters would be unlocked through SSE)
-There is a level called Through Time and Space.
-Luigi will be able to jump higher and run faster, but slide sorta like in Super Mario Galaxy. (Luigi confirmation)
-The Frozen Flower, Bob-Omb, and the Red Shell are all items in SSBB. (almightygoat says Frozen Flower as well)
-Salamence, Hitmochan, Hitmonlee, and Staryu are all pokeball pokemon.
-Saffron City, Sector Z, Hyrule Castle, Mushroom Kingdom and Dream Land will return with improved graphics. (Vatro Xu mentions Sector Z; Serebii has deconfirmed Saffron City as returning)
-The Soundtrack for this game will be epic, there are supposedly over 200 songs in this game. It will have everything from The Super Mario Bros theme to The Metal Gear Solid theme.
-In Subspace Emissary there will sometimes be guest characters that join up with you, that will not be in the playable character roster.
-Tauroneo, Impa, and Boo are Assist Trophies.
-Some Music from Fire Emblem will be Fire Emblem Theme, The Strong, and Ascent.
-Ganondorf will be returning in his Twilight Princess form, and Fight with a sword, but move very slowly. (Interview w/ Eiji Aonuma, prophets have agreed)
-Green Hill Zone, and Good Egg Galaxy are levels in SSBB.
-An item called Rare Candy will temporarily make you stronger.
-Roy, and Marth are being taken out and being replaced by characters from Path of Radiance and Radiant Dawn.
-Fire Rods and Ice Rods will be items.
-Rundas, Daisy, Chain Chomp, and Agahnim will be ATs.
-Gateway Galaxy, and Chozo Ruins will be levels.
-Ridley is in Subspace Emissary.
-Final Destination is back. (Most leakers have said this)
-Metal Gear Solid will also have a item in SSBB, Magazine throw on the floor and if a fighter walks over it they will become distracted by it.
-Regirock, Registeel, and Regice will be pokeball pokemon.
-Supspace Emissary will take around 2-5 hours to beat depending on your skill level and how many worlds you wanna beat.
-Ness is back and playable, he has NOT been removed. (Most leakers have said this)
-Captain Falcon is back with a new moveset.
-There will be around 65-75 levels.[/color]

Other Comments by rapscouter:

Originally Posted by rapscouter
I never once said, that Ridley was only going to be in Subspace Emissary, and I also never said the magazine was going to be about porn.

Just to let you know Ness being playable wasn't one of my lies, he will be in SSBB and he will be playable I guarantee it and if he's not I will reveal my true identity and never come back to gamefaqs and you can put that in your sigs!
Rapscouter, the interesting thing about this rumor, is he states three things are false in every section.

Then again, it ALL may be false, but then again some things do agree with other predictors.

EDIT- He also stated the third third party character's stage comes not from their game exclusively, but from the series. Megaman shot into my head immediately.


Smash Cadet
Dec 19, 2007
I thought the exact same thing about the 3rd party stage comment rapscouter made. Glad to hear I'm not the only one.


Smash Lord
Nov 11, 2007
Atlanta, GA
Eh, I still can't see Marth not coming back. It doesn't make sense to me.
That could be a lie in itself, I do not see Fire Emblem only being repped by current characters of the series, and forgetting the roots of FE itself.

Roy however...

Well that's a completely different thing.

And I haven't given up hope on Megaman... that interview could've been something just to cover his tracks; I don't believe anything about SSBB until Sakurai says it's deconfirmed/confirmed.


Smash Champion
Jun 18, 2006
Philadelphia, PA
That could be a lie in itself, I do not see Fire Emblem only being repped by current characters of the series, and forgetting the roots of FE itself.

Roy however...

Well that's a completely different thing.

And I haven't given up hope on Megaman... that interview could've been something just to cover his tracks; I don't believe anything about SSBB until Sakurai says it's deconfirmed/confirmed.
I don't even think FE6 sold that well did it?

Yeah, that's the general consensus in this thread about Mega Man.


How Long Have I Been Asleep?
Oct 10, 2007
Hey phoenix, are you Shadow from the nproject Megaman blog? I used to follow that blog, too bad it got so covered in Duke Nukem fans!(ugh) :laugh:
Yeah, good ol Mega4000 and Rockmx8, the two bipolar loverboys.

Yeah it is Shadow, like I said before, my new blog is up if we wish to continue our Megaman discussion. Or we can do it here, or both. Take your pick. :laugh:



Smash Cadet
Dec 23, 2007
Megaman has been one of my favorite video game series since I first played them back on the NES, and I would love to see the classic Blue bomber going toe to toe with the blue streak.


Smash Rookie
Jan 11, 2008
Norwalk, CT
Original Megaman model for the win!

I wonder though. Do you think that he could cycle through the powers of the opponents he has destroyed? I think that would be a cool idea.


Smash Cadet
Jan 11, 2008
Hello, I've read most of what's going on, and I'd like to offer my insight on this matter.

I am pro-Rockman, and I do support him for Brawl.

But, let's think outside the box, shall we?

The Nintendo Wii has WiFi capabilities, allowing it to connect to the internet, correct?

Now, perhaps Rock might not be in the initial game, but what happens if Brawl will recieve updates, additional story, additional character and additional items and music through this. Brawl would be ever growing, continually expanding. Even if they can't fit Rock in at the deadline, you'll see him in a few months. Hence, Sakurai hasn't mentioned it* yet, so this may very well what is going to happen.

It seems everyone was thinking inside the box. I went outside with a wild idea, anyone like it?




Smash Lord
Dec 24, 2007
Stockton, California
hmmmm rapscouter. Though he said 3 things in there are lies. 3 things as in what? 3 words? sentences? or group of words. I don't get him. If 3rd party is revealed this coming up week. I'll believe him. Though I want him to say that Ridley is playable. :D


Smash Apprentice
Feb 20, 2004
Maryland, USA
I don't even think FE6 sold that well did it?
Actually, it sold the best of the GBA FE games released in Japan, with over 300,000 units sold.

...But because the game left such a bad taste in some people's mouths (as well as future games being largely dumbed down to prime for the West, among other things), sales continued to decline. Which is a shame, as the GC and Wii games are probably the best thing to happen to the series since FE5 on the Snes.

That said, a lot of Japanese players are actually looking forward to the DS game (which stars Marth in a remake of his first adventure) as hopefully a return to the "old ways" in more ways than one. So, when you especially think that much, there's NO reason for Marth not to be in; he being basically "Mr. Fire Emblem" to a lot of people not-withstanding, it would just be a wise decision to help hype up an upcoming game, just like Roy did last time.

As for the rapscouter comment....I'm not really believing in him any more than I do any other prophet, but the last quote about "stage may not represent the game that the character actually appeared" doesn't do much for Rockman, in my opinion. I mean, would it really make sense to have any of the other Rockmen appear in stages representative for another saga? Not really...even trying to flip-flip the two different versions of Zero wouldn't work well.

Frankly, that kind of quote does more to credit some one like Simon Belmont, from Castlevania (who I REALLY wished could have been here instead of Snake, but that's another story). After all, if there was a CV stage, it wouldn'r really matter which era it came from, b/c Simon's still the man, and it would still be CV-related in some way, enough that he wouldn't exactly stick out like a sore thumb (unless it was from the Aria of Sorrow time period...)

But any way...I'm still holding out for Rockman. Even in spite of the supposed mounting evidence...


Smash Apprentice
Dec 27, 2007
My friend considered that the comment about "a stage being from the character's series, not the game" is Megaman as a PC, and a stage from Megaman ZX.


Smash Apprentice
Feb 20, 2004
Maryland, USA
Somehow, being the newcomer, I think my idea just got brushed off. Eh.
It's not that, moreso because it's been suggested already, and the general consensus is that such a thing is just not in the cards.

First of all, what you're thinking just wouldn't work. You can't just have data "magically" appear in a game, just like that. The way DLC works (at least for the Console market) is that the data actually has to be fully programmed in the game already, and it's just up to the developer to allow us to"unlock" it through a DLC update. But it doesn't add anything to the game, it just shows off more of what was already supposed to be there in the first place. It's not like the way things work for PCs, where Mods can be distributed, which actually goes forth the alter/change the data to make it so that the addition can appear in your version of the game.

So, therefore, for your idea to work, Rockman (and all the stuff you suggest) would have had to been fully programmed into the game already, and it would just be a matter of Nintendo distributing the content whenever they felt like it. But it just doesn't quite work like that.

So again...not to put you on blast, but what you suggest can't happen, because we are limited to how DLC works.


Smash Cadet
Jan 11, 2008
*Pokes at MMORPG's* The Wii HAS internal memory. For the game to go through an update would be possible. The disc would have data on it to access the updates that are on the Wiidrive, as I'll dub it.

I do have a general knowledge of how it would work, but the chances of Nintendo doing that are low.

A good example of storing a update is to your Wiidrive is downloading stages. Nintendo limited the storing capacity so your Wiidrive wouldn't be over used, but perhaps so there would also be room for an update, hmm? It hasn't been deconfirmed, so it's possible.


Smash Apprentice
Feb 20, 2004
Maryland, USA
...Yeah, the Wii has internal memory...all 512 mbs of it (which is a falsehood in itself, as you can only use like 300 mb).

What you're suggesting would only work if a) the Wii had a REAL hard-drive and b) if Smash Bros. was going to be that kind of "persistent" game where it could be continuously malleable by both end-users and developers alike (a la Spore on the PC).

But it really ain't looking that way. Stages are different, because, relatively speaking, it's smaller data that could just as easily be taken on a SD card, saved to the space on the Wii's internal memory and traded over the 'net between friends. That's about as much in the way in "DLC" that we can really expect from this game; we'd probably be lucky if they were willing to do things like offer "character fixes" to balance the tiers (and even there, I think it's a bit too much).

So, I'm sorry pal...as much as I would like your idea to be a thing of reality, it's just not some thing that's really feasible here, in this particular case.


Smash Ace
Jul 20, 2007
Bah, prophets can go to hell. Rock/Megaman will be in regardless of what some 15-year old troll wants.

And there's a possibility for downloading characters, but it would be so restricted that it wouldn't be any good. And what if you don't have an internet connection? Missing out playing online is okay, but to miss out on an entire character? That's just mean.

Megaman for Brawl.

Aqua Rock X

Smash Ace
Oct 29, 2007
Rapscouter, the interesting thing about this rumor, is he states three things are false in every section.

Then again, it ALL may be false, but then again some things do agree with other predictors.

EDIT- He also stated the third third party character's stage comes not from their game exclusively, but from the series. Megaman shot into my head immediately.
The "3rd third party character's stage will be from the same series but not the same game" and "Many people will not be surprised by the 3rd third party but many will be" lead me as well to believe that Megaman is the 3rd third party. But, if the stage is not from the same a game does that mean we won't get Dr.Wily's fortress? Could we get the Highway from X or the Flutter from Legends? Alternatively, as nightmarish as this sounds, it could mean Dr.Wily's fortress with Megaman.EXE of StarForce. Though we could get Dr.W's place with X or Trigger.

On a side, off-topic note: The "Through Time and Space" stage and the "There's actually a 4th third Party character who's blow everyone's minds" statement lead me to believe Crono found some way to bring some SquareEnix representation to Brawl.

Edit: That is of course, if this prophet is true.
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