Im done with smash. I will no longer be playing this game anymore for the whole summer. I had a very anoyying day and I learned something about myself. Something I did not like at all. So this was my last day of playing, I already packed up my cube so I would not be tempted to play. I'll play again when Amber if fully healed from her injurys. I think that should give me enough time to ease my mind. I try to think that I was a beast as everyone says I am, but I did poorly. this is why I dont like people saying that I am when I cant back it up when it counts. Im not a beast or what ever good thing people call me, Im just some average Peach player. Cause when I beleive that I am, i **** up, and get *****. I cant ever beat vanz in a Peach ditto. I get close and freaking fail every damm time. and I get beat bad at the end. and techo0 just brought out the hate of fox in me. I dont know how to fight fox. Mid level I can handle, but **** related to 0's fox I cant handle. Once I get shined, I might as well drop my controller cause I get shined from one side to the other. if I cant handled space animals or freaking Peach dittos, I am in bad shape, I lose easy in these three fights, I do better against Marth and shiek. and I played a falco who was just laser after laser, to cheap kills. I could not do anything at all. I was so heated I felt like punching something hard just so my fist could bleed. Once I feel pain I take it and then I start to feel better later. thats why I wanted to punch something. I nearly did on the way home.
So thats it, Until Amber ( My girlfriend) is fully healed, I quit this game. She was in a car reck last month. she came home on the 17 but she has a broken rib, right arm and leg. Got says it would take a few months for her to recover. and while she is recoveribg that is the time period im gonna drop this game, so most likey smash for this summer is over. I dont feel like feeling like a failure when I practice day and night, look at vids for help, ask for help on the boards and study it all...........just to lose in Peach dittos and do horrible against cheap azz fox and falco. Its really imbarrassing how I play and lose and I felt that way today alot. Not to mention My Peach is just to predictable. so my confidence is dead for now, I lost it all. and this crew battle I just cant fight in anymore. I.H.N.C, If you wont fight I.E without me in it then its called off, if you will then fight the others with me out of it. you choose. I lost the will to play, spirit is broken and now I assume others dont wanna fight cause im not in, well sorry but I just cant play this game anymore, Im not smart enough for it and stuff. so Im calling it quits for now. I guess I can catch up on my art work. Its been a while anyway. sorry but my will is dead, if you guys are mad at me then fine. let it be, I wont be around to play anyway so you dont have to worry about seeing me around. Thats all I have to say for now............sorry..........I just dont feel like feeling like a faliure in this game anymore, it hurts.
I posted this in the weeklie thread but just in case some of you dont go in too look, I pasted it here so you all could know. later