Alright, ive had it with these ******** arguments against Geno. What is with you people anyway?! What in the hell is SOO wrong with having a character in Brawl that we cherish from our childhood??
Last i checked, the entire Smash series is not about adding character because they're important, look at Ice Climbers or G&W or Sheik.
And for you haters information, we WERE humble until people like you decided it'd be fun to rip on us. Not to mention we wanted Geno to be known though respectable methods.
Is it too much for you to admit that SMRPG was influential?? maybe not to the extent of games like Mario 64 or any Zelda game, but it has had plenty of influence in the gaming industry.
Us SMRPG ans have been denied a true sequel to the game and all we ask now is for Geno to make an appearance in Brawl, just so we know we're not completely ignored.
Is that too much to ask? Apparently yes....