Give me proof that they aren't legendary and I will believe you. Nobody has been able to do that yet.
what u call this:
In neither of these sites say deoxys and mewtwo are legendary:
while the ones below that ARE legendary do say that they are, indeed, legendary:
Mewtwo is from legendary ORIGINS, hes not legendary, also what the other guy said is true, wikipedia is just stuff guys put as their opinions, still:
In these sites they put actual infromation from the pokedex, and no where does it say that mewtwo are legendary, meanin it comes from the GAME, meaning it true.
Look there are pokemon that are only one of a kind, all of them are powerful and if u knock them out, there gone, still not all of them are legendary, like 98% of the unique pokemon are legendary, but deoxys and mewtwo arent, but there still unique and one of a kind, mewtwo was created in a lab, it escaped and thats it, hes originated from the legendary MEW, but hes not a legendary pokemon, hes more like a better version of mew, better in almost everyway...
Deoxys is actually a virus that mutated and transformed into the deoxys we know, now it went into space and stayed there, in the pokedex, nowhere does it say hes legendary, while all the other unique pokemon (not counting mewtwo) do say that they are indeed legendary, ive been playing pokemon and watching the tv show since they were both released, tough I dont see it anymore, I still know all of this because its fact, im tired of saying that.
U say there legendary cause they cant breed and are unique? show me a site were it actually says thats the rule so they can be considered legendary.
"In wikipedia there on the legendary list!" Wikipedia is a place where people put there opinnion, and still mewtwo is from legendary origins, hes not legendary, and if u check the profile in neither deoxys or mewtwo state that there legendary neither does the pokedex.
"But there legendary!" No there not...
"But they are!" Nop...
"There hard to catch!" So, there tough, over lvl 50, duh there gonna be hard but that does not make them legendary...
"Remoraid is rock/water" No his EVOLUTION is...
"Remoraid is legendary!" He's rare, very rare, so is dunsparce and the dog that apints with his tail, that dont mean anything...
Ok so I can finally end this discussion im gonna change topic...
I was wondering yesterday about some newcomers in my mind and what would there super be, but had not much of an idea for deoxys, any toughts?