you want Kumatora in?
Oh and thirdkoopa, important Lords? can you rephrase that? Lords = most important characters in the game.
Think about it , Mother is a small franchise (Game-wise.) With only 3 games that have a party of "Four" And most of them are the same/generic.
Fire emblem is one with 10 Different games and a
DIFFERENT Lord for each one of them (Michaiah = FE 10 , Marth = FE 1 , Ike = FE9 , Etc...) But when you have limited slots with only 2-3 You have to pick the most suggested/Important ones even if black knight/roy/sigurd/michiah/lyn/your face/etc...Would be cool , That and sakurai's biasim factors most things (Example , Sakurai likes Michiah more then lyn , Michiah gets in.) So this quite means that it's harder to overpopulate one game.
With Mother on the other hand practically most of the party members are the same

, Pokey is way better for a boss and has nothing going for him , Ness Ninten Kumatora Poo Paula Jeff And all the Mother 1 reps bring nothing/hardly anything new to the table , Oh and sakurai likes uniqueness.
All this leaves us with is giygas (The huge red fire ? No.) And claus , And on the other hand since Mother is a small franchise representing it's best one would be "Better" Than others(AKA , It sold a lot in japan and the third one has high regard.) He has popularity role and uniqueness going for him + Sakurai's biasim and sakurai tending to like claus more + Poll results.
Err did this make sence ?

...Because i hope it did.