GGs Zatch! Nothing but praise for that impeccable

of yours.. I mean holy sh-.. Your spacing, I can tell, is absolutely astounding. Even mocking me by just standing in the exact vicinity to dodge my every move, simply doing nothing LOL. I mean, I'm not going to lie, I rejoice in such expertise. You only sporadically incurred a shield-grab, and consistently punished my whiffed grabs.. T.T
Not to mention the off-stage gimps QQQQQQQQ
Good games Sai. Had much more of a difficult time playing than it might have seemed, that intercontinental input delay was gnawing at my shield game most specifically.
You. Have. Got. To. Be. Kidding. Me...
I mean, I inferred
particularly from your (nigh on) flawless WiFi-powershielding game that I was dealing with a very seasoned warrior, which has been around the proverbial block for quite the while O.O
Seriously, I was actually terrified when I selected

initally, and see my volleys of arrows fired in vain rofl.
Can't play the Pit and Zamus MUs too well as Ike with that disruption. Had lots of fun, though; you have a pretty challenging set of characters. I've never played a Zamus that can keep control of her armor pieces like you did most of the time. I had a hard time determining whether you'd throw them at me or chuck them up to keep them from expiring.
It was pretty evident that I had to resort to projectile-supported characters after those pitiful attempts to best your

with my somehwat.. novice

(dat Falcon Punch @ Yoshi's though lols). Quite funny actually because, since we had played those rotation matches in which you primarily played with

, I just had this epiphanic episode unveiling the true potential of

.. I mean, I bet that you can sympathise with how that very blunt u-air toe-tip outwardly launches the adversary with such a disproportionally vast trajectory. It's pretty unique to see that his character-mechanics can be so powerful when allocated in proper array. Jab-cancelling, FF N-air -> jabx2 -> u-tilt or so.. Just those nimble, swift moves imbue him with I don't know.. This specific kind of flair.
And as for the armor piece game: thank you for the laudatory remarks! I was personally not so fond of the industry of the zoning with the pieces (felt like the feeble connection paralyzed my mobility a bit..), so I tried to capitalise on the ''mind-game'' element of it. Moreover, the supremacy of your technical abilities made it difficult to conquer your own armor piece game with optimal glide-toss zoning.. But hey, I tried! :D
Nice arrow control with Pit, also. You seemed to adapt a bit whenever I started powershielding the pattern of your immediate arrow releases. Also impressed to see yet another player around here using turnaround jabs. They're godlike. <3
Oh why thank you! I've been spending quite some time to optimise my arrow game (and incorporate some shenanigans with those looped arrows and whatnot), so I'm glad that it shows. And I figured that it was futile to maintain that firing cadence when you were just warping over the field powershielding my every single arrow rofl..
Pivot-jabbing (or however you'd coin it) is a nifty asset indeed! I should also adopt that frequent pivot-grabbing of yours (not a dashing pivot-grab but a stationary one ;o); it's just so baffling at times.
Zatchiel, Saimunn, want to 2v2 later? We should see if we can find a 4th player.
Formidable idea! Although, I can only confirm my participation on a preliminary basis; I might be leaving soon.. But the idea is nonetheless delightful, and it is mostly cordial of you to invite me :3