I know

, im gonna keep my playstyle the same (I can tell I have improved

) but im going to implement your advice to improve my playstyle even more :D
Figured I'd pitch in to give you some more advice you might not be aware of, you still being new to competitive play. At high levels of play, the game becomes less about using what the best option is
for your character, but rather what the best option would be
against your opponent. For instance, let's say your opponent usually likes to roll away from you at low percents because they don't want to be caught by your fthrow strings. If you notice that, rather than trying to grab him while he is shielding (which is usually the best option for you against a shielding opponent, especially at low percents), you can just run to where you know he is going to roll, then grab him and proceed to deal a lot of damage to him.
Basically, the game becomes more about noticing your opponent's habits and punishing them with whatever options your character has (if your character has any). Therefore, the best way to play would be to mix it up. You could keep using your character's best move over and over because it's been working out for you, but then a good opponent could just start punishing you for being so predictable. Once that happens, you're at a really bad disadvantage because your character's best move is now very risky to use.
Hopefully, this isn't too confusing. I have a hard time not being confusing at times.