Your Bowser can roll with my high-tiers... For the most part. I'm super impressed right now, if you couldn't tell. O_o
Good games, SWM. It was fun playing you, and I really would have liked to play longer, but my sisters are making me help out with the cooking.
That Up-B OoS is sooooo good, nice job with that. Sorry for picking Bowser's worst match ups (in other words, every character in the game besides Ganon). Although, DDD just isn't fair with the small step chain grab, so I didn't abuse that too much. ;P
Some good stuff going on with the grab release - jab follow up shenanigans as well. Actually frustrated me a bit. D:
Edit: Give me one second for advice... Like I said, people in my house are making me do stuff. ;P
Hmm, I'm going to say it now: Mario sucks, no offense. Not you, but the character. xD But I fully support you, as you are considered the low-tier hero in my mind. ;P
I think you could make good stuff happen though. I don't actually play Mario though, lol. U-air is a nice juggle move so abuse it, but don't make it super obvious or else that's a shield grab. D-smash is a bit of a GTFO move I feel, but it sucks when shielded. ;P F-smash is going to be your main kill move most of the time (I think...), but don't telegraph it from miles away just because your opponent is at kill percent.
Um, Bowser... Do your best not to just drop in from above with aerials, because as you could see, he gets juggled to no end by certain characters, MK being the dumbest with U-air strings forever, then even more on top of that. Grab releases are good, but don't fish, it'll get you punished all day long. Um... Bowser can be tricky with his ISJR (infinite second jump renewal) via Koopa Claw, get the mind games in. ;P
Other than that, I really don't know much about the characters, so... Otherwise, just generally, abuse Bowser's F-tilt as well because it has dumb range and stuff, and his D-tilt is tricky at the edge (I feel).