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The North Carolina Melee Power Rankings! Updated 8/14/14!

Dr Peepee

Thanks for Everything <3
Sep 29, 2007
Raleigh, North Carolina
A lot of good that one-sided perspective does.

She never had her own perspective considered once.

She just tried to be friends with everyone. There is nothing wrong with that.

I see both sides and I see the good and bad of both. I just want reconciliation, I don't want people condemning/hating people. It doesn't have to be like this, guys.

PS: I am no one's puppet. I am her best friend.

everlasting yayuhzz

Smash Champion
Aug 12, 2007
swaggin' to da maxxx
How can you not? I'm done playing dumb in the public eyes. She needs to get the **** out.
Playing dumb? This **** you're doing right now is nothing but dumb. Stop being such a little inconsiderate prick. You've caused more damage than she ever will just because you and a couple other ****tards won't let it go.

You really stoop this low to insult someone who is my girlfriend, regardless of the fact that she is someone I care about and this affects me too? Thanks, Smith. I'd appreciate it if you'd stop doing this **** in places where it can be seen by her. I don't give two ****s what you do in private.

everlasting yayuhzz

Smash Champion
Aug 12, 2007
swaggin' to da maxxx
She made Cam not go to APEX basically, and avoid the Melee community. Created a ****storm of drama, and turned you into a ****ing puppet. Yeah, totally doesn't deserve what she dishes out.
Another thing, Cam not going to APEX was no fault of Maria's. If he told me a lie and it wasn't his mom who told him he couldn't go and it was really his decision based off of the fact she was in the car, good ****. I don't really give a ****. That's his own decision and if he can't handle her presence, oh well. He's a big boy and he can do whatever he wants to. He doesn't need you sticking up for him.

Created WHAT drama? The drama people like you keep bringing up and blaming on her? I haven't seen her say a thing about anyone or do anything to anyone, yet you people keep thinking of **** to say. It's getting really old. If you're going to blame someone, at least blame the right people. Not Maria, not Josh, not Kevin and not me. It's you ****tards who have decided to hold a grudge.

DtJ SmithZzz

Happy Birthday Kjell
Oct 4, 2009
Raleigh, NC
A lot of good that one-sided perspective does.

She never had her own perspective considered once.

She just tried to be friends with everyone. There is nothing wrong with that.

I see both sides and I see the good and bad of both. I just want reconciliation, I don't want people condemning/hating people. It doesn't have to be like this, guys.
You can't see both sides if you're on the other, Kevin. I haven't seen **** fix, I've just seen you in great pain, I had to turn a song off just because it made you think of all this bull****, a song for Christ sakes. You don't even realize how ****ing painful it is to watch you put up with **** only for you to go back in like a dog. She tried to be friends, woohoo, I guess that includes ****ing Foxy.

Playing dumb? This **** you're doing right now is nothing but dumb. Stop being such a little inconsiderate prick. You've caused more damage than she ever will just because you and a couple other ****tards won't let it go.

You really stoop this low to insult someone who is my girlfriend, regardless of the fact that she is someone I care about and this affects me too? Thanks, Smith. I'd appreciate it if you'd stop doing this **** in places where it can be seen by her. I don't give two ****s what you do in private.
You can call this dumb, but I'm sick of what this community has become ever since she got here, she's made us ****ing high school hang out where we discuss the drama each and every ****ing tournament, and who's names do I hear in every joke, every ****ing talk? Maria, I hear Maria, and I hear Kevin, the most, Maria's become a joke, made our community a joke, and made Kevin a ****ing joke. I respect you Yay, but I'm sorry, I'm not backing down, I hope she can coop the damage we've given her, because she's getting exactly what she's done to this ****ing Video Game Community. I hope she ****ing see's this, she deserves every last bit of it.


Smash Hero
Oct 4, 2009
Greensboro, NC
ya'll need to chill and just play more ganondorf.

i mean really. he takes no skill.


lord karn

Smash Master
Jun 18, 2004
Raleigh, NC
I'm pretty sure that Knorr/Bill and probably several other people have caused as much drama as Maria if not more. I don't see why people consider 'drama' necessarily bad. Sure, there has been a lot of drama surrounding Maria, but it's just as much everyone else involved's fault as hers.

I like Maria. People just need to learn to chill out and not hold grudges. Unless she's done something that has really ****ed up your life or something I don't see why you can't just get along. Is it really that hard to coexist with people you don't like?

Dr Peepee

Thanks for Everything <3
Sep 29, 2007
Raleigh, North Carolina
You can't see both sides if you're on the other, Kevin. I haven't seen **** fix, I've just seen you in great pain, I had to turn a song off just because it made you think of all this bull****, a song for Christ sakes. You don't even realize how ****ing painful it is to watch you put up with **** only for you to go back in like a dog. She tried to be friends, woohoo, I guess that includes ****ing Foxy.

You can call this dumb, but I'm sick of what this community has become ever since she got here, she's made us ****ing high school hang out where we discuss the drama each and every ****ing tournament, and who's names do I hear in every joke, every ****ing talk? Maria, I hear Maria, and I hear Kevin, the most, Maria's become a joke, made our community a joke, and made Kevin a ****ing joke. I respect you Yay, but I'm sorry, I'm not backing down, I hope she can coop the damage we've given her, because she's getting exactly what she's done to this ****ing Video Game Community. I hope she ****ing see's this, she deserves every last bit of it.
I'm not against you guys, but it is a little unfair for everyone to gang up on her when she has yet to defend herself, despite the terrible things that have been said/done to her.

Conversely, I can understand justification for some doubts about her character. My only thing here is that I want people to really get to know her before they try to write her off so quickly.

She doesn't deserve this pain. She really, truly doesn't.

I wish this wasn't happening....come on guys.

everlasting yayuhzz

Smash Champion
Aug 12, 2007
swaggin' to da maxxx
You can call this dumb, but I'm sick of what this community has become ever since she got here, she's made us ****ing high school hang out where we discuss the drama each and every ****ing tournament, and who's names do I hear in every joke, every ****ing talk? Maria, I hear Maria, and I hear Kevin, the most, Maria's become a joke, made our community a joke, and made Kevin a ****ing joke. I respect you Yay, but I'm sorry, I'm not backing down, I hope she can coop the damage we've given her, because she's getting exactly what she's done to this ****ing Video Game Community. I hope she ****ing see's this, she deserves every last bit of it.
It takes two people to discuss something, and it takes one of you to bring it up. If this is all you talk about at tournaments, maybe you should reevaluate yourselves as people because it's not that ****ing interesting. You are just a bunch of bored ******* with nothing better to do than to rag on someone who hasn't done anything to you in specific, just **** you've heard. You know why it's the butt of every joke? Because you ******* won't let it go. You know why you think Kevin is a joke? Because you won't let it go. You know why you're causing damage to the community? Because you won't let it go. You know why all of this **** is happening in the first place? Because a select few of you two-faced idiots with nothing more than keyboard courage won't let it go.

Grow up a little bit and maybe with that gained maturity, you, along with the others, will realize how ****ing stupid you actually look. It's not even the people who were directly involved anymore, it's the peanut gallery looking for something to talk about. Grow up.


Smash Hero
Oct 4, 2009
Greensboro, NC
i'm thinking there should be a gboro smashfest tomorrow.

i gotta go there cuz of ****ing uncg.

and anyone between gboro and wilmington on the 40, hit me up and i'll play you.


bossa nova ♪

Smash Champion
Feb 15, 2010
maria has next to nothing to do with me not going to apex.

i mean, im not crazy about a dude's gf going on this type of adventure period cause stupid **** can occur like arguments that none of the other people are related to and that whole the-rest-of-the-car-is-third-wheeling thing, but that wasn't relevant for this trip. esp since maria's a generally a chill person anyway.

and @ maria quitting: lol wow what a ****in wimp.

DtJ SmithZzz

Happy Birthday Kjell
Oct 4, 2009
Raleigh, NC
Telling me to grow up is classic, you're telling me what I'm already in the process, but maybe if Maria didn't act like her height size we'd be okay.
**** this community, it's rotting into a pit, and either it's not seen by a few, or nobody has the balls to say it out loud like this, or the voice that does say it falls on deaf ears.
I give up, this won't go anywhere.

everlasting yayuhzz

Smash Champion
Aug 12, 2007
swaggin' to da maxxx
Telling me to grow up is classic, you're telling me what I'm already in the process, but maybe if Maria didn't act like her height size we'd be okay.
**** this community, it's rotting into a pit, and either it's not seen by a few, or nobody has the balls to say it out loud like this, or the voice that does say it falls on deaf ears.
I give up, this won't go anywhere.
I'm just letting you know you've got a lot more growing up to do. Her height is 4'11. Converted to inches, that's over 50 inches. You want her to ACT 50? haw haw haw.

Yeah, **** this community, minus the people who are actually smart enough and mature enough to know when to drop ****. Maybe, just maybe, Smith, they don't care enough to say anything or they just realize it'll cause more problems. You know, it's called being courteous to the people around you? If you didn't say anything, this **** wouldn't be happening right now. Hurf hurf.

Thank you for doing what I already suggested you to do to stop this senseless **** and dropping it. It's so much easier on everyone else and a lot more manageable than **** talking everyone and everything in sight about personal stuff.

bossa nova ♪

Smash Champion
Feb 15, 2010

definitely what karn said.

yay, why are you even responding????? how could i let myself think u weren't dumb.

Dr Peepee

Thanks for Everything <3
Sep 29, 2007
Raleigh, North Carolina
Telling me to grow up is classic, you're telling me what I'm already in the process, but maybe if Maria didn't act like her height size we'd be okay.
**** this community, it's rotting into a pit, and either it's not seen by a few, or nobody has the balls to say it out loud like this, or the voice that does say it falls on deaf ears.
I give up, this won't go anywhere.
You're part of the community too, so you have your own part to play in keeping it good. Bashing someone repeated isn't helping. There are so many better ways to handle situations like this, and this is the worst way imaginable. Hiding, then a few comments and a few more snide remarks down the line. Nothing good comes from that and it's really sad.

Maria is a good person and doesn't deserve this treatment without at least a fair chance to tell her side of everything. People have assumed the worst since SOME opinions have been spread around while she chose to stay quiet and try to change minds by just being nice.

Let it die if you have given up then.


Smash Obsessed
Oct 21, 2006
Raleigh, NC
so kevin

i do love you and all

but you're really upsetting me recently

all I want to do is play some smash =[

DtJ SmithZzz

Happy Birthday Kjell
Oct 4, 2009
Raleigh, NC
I'm just letting you know you've got a lot more growing up to do. Her height is 4'11. Converted to inches, that's over 50 inches. You want her to ACT 50? haw haw haw.

Yeah, **** this community, minus the people who are actually smart enough and mature enough to know when to drop ****. Maybe, just maybe, Smith, they don't care enough to say anything or they just realize it'll cause more problems. You know, it's called being courteous to the people around you? If you didn't say anything, this **** wouldn't be happening right now. Hurf hurf.

Thank you for doing what I already suggested you to do to stop this senseless **** and dropping it. It's so much easier on everyone else and a lot more manageable than **** talking everyone and everything in sight about personal stuff.
Whatever, I apologize to you, Kevin and Maria, and everybody else for saying anything. Sorry everyone.

Dr Peepee

Thanks for Everything <3
Sep 29, 2007
Raleigh, North Carolina
so kevin

i do love you and all

but you're really upsetting me recently

all I want to do is play some smash =[
I'm fine bro. Don't believe what you have been told.

I wish I could just play smash too, but other things have to be taken care of first, apparently.

Edit: Please just try to give her a chance or be respectful, Smith. That's all I ask. <3


Smash Hero
Oct 4, 2009
Greensboro, NC
man, these rankings are so legit.

that karnfest felt so long ago though.

we also need to figure out our next tourney. i gotta make my comeback and ascent before TO6 and #####

bossa nova ♪

Smash Champion
Feb 15, 2010
Sorry for trying to stick up for someone I care about, Cam. I guess that makes me dumb. :( Oh wise one, please forgive me for my sins.
lol oh i didn't realize maria took what smith said seriously.

but i guess he's the reason she's quitting lmfao.

this joke has become even funnier.


Smash Obsessed
Oct 21, 2006
Raleigh, NC
man, these rankings are so legit.

that karnfest felt so long ago though.

we also need to figure out our next tourney. i gotta make my comeback and ascent before TO6 and #####
karn stopped hosting, but NCSUs might start up again due to school coming back...I would assume maria isnt going to host any more =[ so I think NCSUs might be all that we have, unless JMH comes back to run some more.

or I run something


you got this kevin

Dr Peepee

Thanks for Everything <3
Sep 29, 2007
Raleigh, North Carolina
lol oh i didn't realize maria took what smith said seriously.

but i guess he's the reason she's quitting lmfao.

this joke has become even funnier.
Seriously Cam, this isn't some joke. This is about people's involvement in the community. This is about people's perception of others and about the way our community is viewed(by stalkers now too). This is serious and yet all you care about is getting your kicks by making this situation worse. It's not funny, it's not cool, it's seriously pathetic.

You are not mightier than us for condescending us, you just look like a ****.

lord karn

Smash Master
Jun 18, 2004
Raleigh, NC
we should start hosting tournies at unc in a dorm somewhere.

Cam, we should host wherever you are living.

There will also still be dukes.

lord karn

Smash Master
Jun 18, 2004
Raleigh, NC
oh yeah, I've also come to the conclusion that tournies every weekend are not a good thing for the community. Karnfest was so big because there was a lack of tournies in the summer. When tournies are biweekly instead of weekly, we are more likely to get a concentration of good players, and each good match becomes more hyped. We should try to have biweekly tournies and just smashfests on the other weekends.
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