ah the misinformed americans... we discovered your country... you owe us so deal with it. its zeig heil by the way... another thing.. Britain is not a continent.. American Civil war = a war within America hence no outside involvement so congratulations on winning that one whoever posted that and what Americans do we have here, you base your roots on the different people from different countries who colonised you..... you have irish american, italian american, african americans.... in fact there is no such thing as just being american.... wow what great culture... and the difference is... iv been to America which gives me more right to judge rather than you fools who base their entire knowledge of Britain on Hugh Grant films. congratulations for making yourselves look slightly more intelligent than expected by being able to spell Britain. Seems like America breeds humans like its beers.... weak and transparent...
just kidding kids.... cant wait till i sort me comp out and get to playing online so we can settle this score like people with impending rsi
1. Just because you landed here in a boat doesn't make you good at smash.
2. Sorry I dunno how to spell in German we weren't nearly occupied by them.
3. Who said Britian was a continent?
4. Who said anything about the American Civil war?
5. Who the hell is Hugh Grant? Sure ain't Chuck Norris that's for sure.
6. You aren't very good at this game.
7. Transparent? I've never been able to see through someone.
8. What's wrong with your comp? Everyone's comp has something wrong before they play online.
9. If you hope to settle the score by beating us wow good luck with that, you'd do much better just trying to make lame beer jokes.
10. Who is gonna be the first person to 5 stock you when you play online?