Smash Lord
0:00 - isn't that stage banned?Here are a couple of mine that I would like Critiqued. Any helpful advice is welcome.
Vs. Wolf:
0:10 - be careful with your PKT2, using it on the middle of the stage is dangerous
0:24 - lol, that wolf has poor DI
0:32 - try not to use grounded pk fires, specially if you are going to spam it. SH PK fire are always a better option
0:41 - eat that Wolf! That's what happens when your are too agressive, but with bad spacing
0:47 - don't do that with PKT2. If your are being juggled, aim PKT2 directly to the ground, not like the way you used it
0:59 - you spam grounded pk fires, you get punished
1:19 - if you like to use PKT, then learn to use it :S
1:31 - good attemp to gimp him with PKT and PK Fire
No more to say. Good work with jabs and ftilts as getawayfromme moves. But i have to say this, both of you have to improve a lot. For you, don't stay there in the same place and spam PK Fires and smash, Lucas is a fast character if you know how to play him. As for Wolf, bair is your friend buddy, learn his ATs, like at 0:47, you could punish Lucas with your DACUS
i watched both matches, both i'm gonna critique the second one ( ). In the first one you played extremly good, looks like you know the matchup pretty well, and your Lucas looked so fast. But in the second one, i found some mistakesMore offline friendlies:
0:31 - grabbing the air? 2 missed grabs so far
0:36 - that's my move! XD j/k, but yeah, Olimar gets ***** by dthrow+utilt, and is easy to grab them because they don't like to be in the air
0:45 - i don't know how you do the FH airdodge, but if you look closely, you finish the move way before touching the ground. I would recommend fast falling the dair to autocancel it (watch Tyr) or use your second jump and going for another dair (I would say watch APC's videos, but my account got suspended T_T)
0:52 - you saved him :S if Olimar doesn't have his second jump, just grab the ledge and wait
1:17 - be careful with those PK Fires that send you off stage
1:31 - another grab missed
1:39 - too much grab >_>
1:54 - Olimar's ledge attack is too good, i hate it
1:58 - see? you have to fast fall your dair
2:21-2:30 - was there a problem with your control? you were only dodging
2:37 - lololol usmash to uair too good XD
2:57 - that last stock was **** :D good job killing olimar that fast