wart. if you see these two, please contact Hyrule athorities imeadiatly, and if you are Link, just go ahead and kill them.
Link: cool. its been kinda boring around here any way.
Link then proceeded to un-sheath his master sword. he took a step outside, and saw a nursing home.
Link: hmmm, thats weird, i never saw that before.
just as he said this, two ppl ran out of the nursing home. one had a mini air hocky table with him, and the other one was five feet, ten inches. He has a long black beard, and on his shoulder was a big wart. they were chasing a chicken, which was running as fast as it could, trying to fly away, but it couldnt with its under developed wings.
Link: Hey, you 2, stop!
he ran after them, and they turned to see who it was. when they saw it was the Hero of Time, they stoped dead in their tracks and into an ally, trying to escape. Link cornered them and was about to kill them like the news lady said, when the guy with the mini air hocky table said...