Now before we continue, lets get on track: Jackie Chan shocked viewers by blurring past them, but a sumo wrestler named Umaga and a talking turtle tackled him, to which they both start jibbering random stuff. Then Falkick steps on the turtle and turns into Hades. Chuck Norris came in to observe the scene I suppose, then says to a Giant Owl "O RLY?" to which the owl ate Chuck and Umaga, flew to Disney to stab Jackie Chan with his beak, went to my place and got drunk, and eventually woke up with a Geno doll and a Barbie at his side at Las Vegas. The owl receives a chilling phone call saying he is the father of both of them, so the Owl flies with Geno and Barbie to Bermuda. They saw a needle stuck in a bottomless pit of doom due to a pile of false mustaches. They put the mustaches on, when suddenly...
The Owl started puking, and a bunch of phlem and barf landed on Barbie, thus dissolving her. But out of the Barf came Umaga, and he said...