You're a failure at understanding insinuations from the Color Changes update, which some people even took as a deconfirmation, so please, don't even tell me that Pichu isn't on the same situation as Ness because that would take the denial on this thread to a whole new level, the only thing separating them at the moment is popularity and even Pichu has a following, doubtful that he's returning just to please that following and Ness isn't exactly the most popular character in Smash either, if there is a disposable character from the first game it is Ness.
And what is your few times? 2? Gimme a break!
Way to go, you completely evaded my point.
Seriously, why would Sakurai be throwing around Ness' name?
Normally when a character gets cut, the game developers make sure to not even mention them, cause they are afraid they create hype around the character, and then the fans will expect that character to return. Dr Mario, Pichu, Young Link anyone? Not a single mention anywhere. Meanwhile both Ness and Captain Falcon have been mentioned. Is it a coincidence that they are veterans?
You see this a lot in the business.Throw around the name a few times and people get attached to it. That's why when characters get cut, they always make sure to not make a big deal out of it. Don't give any signs of hope. That way people tend to accept it.
That's exactly how it's NOT going with Ness. 2 out of 3 updates that Lucas has gotten, he was compared to Ness. Why compare him with Ness if he's not in the game? Why use Ness' name at all? Why create the hype around Ness?
They could've just said "This is Lucas, he is from the Mother series, blah blah blah", no instead they say "This is Lucas, he is like Ness". Why is he rubbing it in?
I've never seen a game developer create hype around a character when he knows that character isn't going to make it. It's just entirely against common sense. Does he intentionally want to hurt the Ness players?
Why remove a veteran that people have attached to?
Considering all this, I'd find it very unlikely for Ness to be removed.
But of course there is always the possibility that he does get cut, and in that case I'd find it very unprofessional of how Sakurai went about it.
Now then, one last thing... If you take a look around these boards you'd see that even if Ness was replaced by Lucas. Then Ness would still be a very popular choice for a new character. Moreso than most ridiculous suggestions on these boards.
Putting all this together, it can only mean two things to me.
1. Ness will return.
2. Sakurai is letting his fans down.
I'm sure a bunch of people will flame me for that last statement, but when comparing these decisions with other game developers' decisions... it's the only conclusion I can take.
( Example: If someone knows a thing or two about Starcraft, read the "story so far". And what do you know? a key character doesn't even get a single mention? How come? cause they're not to create any possible sign of hope of that character returning. )
PS. I'm currently studying Game Design, and I'm not gonna deny the possibility of being wrong, but I think I have a bit more insight into this matter.