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The Ness Support Thread


Smash Apprentice
Nov 24, 2007
Oh please, don't flatter yourself, is not my fault you're the only supporter left and a very predictable one too.

He's not. Most Ness supporters have, however, realized that fools like yourself will continue to believe your assumptions to be facts and try to force them on others. Thus, they stay out. You don't see Captain Falcon fans with a huge thread, discussing why they want him back. They do, he either will or he won't, and nothing that anyone posts will change it. Same deal here.


Smash Hero
Dec 20, 2006
New Pork City, Colonel Mains: Ness, Luc
Oh please, you're only here to be ridiculed and try to start fights, you think you're putting up a great argument, when all you do is spam smilies and Ness sprites, believe me, it's pathetic.

Plus, I love how you don't reply to "trolls and flamers" but throw indirects at all of us to keep the argument going, hypocrite much?


Smash Ace
Oct 24, 2007
Trust me, I'm not right behind you.
OMG! two one liners in the thread, great support, two thumbs up![/sarcasm]
Vesper, you've gotta be the biggest douche yet that I've seen on Smash Boards. :laugh:

What do you want me to do? Try to prove that Ness is still in through some weird facts that I pull out of my *** so you can bash me and make yourself look good? Ummm....nahhhhhh! xD :p

I know that his chances are slim... maybe even impossible, but I like Ness, and would like to see him return. That's supporting right? :)


Smash Ace
Jul 10, 2007
New Hampshire
why? because we like Ness and want him to return? i don't think a single supporter here has said "Ness is returning no questions asked" we just want him to return, so GO AWAY if your gonna keep bashing us


Smash Lord
Oct 1, 2007
don't you flamers belong in the in the other ness thread. go there. now. and die.

Wu Tang Gang

Smash Ace
Nov 12, 2007
With your girlfriend.

To the germ who said that everyone here thinks that Ness wont be in but hopes he will, look back at DoucheBlade's posts. It so happens, that he's gone a ****ing smilie spree and says Ness is a shoe in, as well as some other random people.


Smash Champion
Nov 21, 2007
New York City

To the germ who said that everyone here thinks that Ness wont be in but hopes he will, look back at DoucheBlade's posts. It so happens, that he's gone a ****ing smilie spree and says Ness is a shoe in, as well as some other random people.
I never said he was a shoe in lol, I have never said Ness was definately going to be in brawl, I said he had a chance and I hope he did...

:ness: for brawl!



Smash Champion
Nov 21, 2007
New York City
So then, you're a hypocrite. You flamed the Blooper Troopers for wanting the Blooper inside Brawl in any form whatsoever.
I will admit I am not ordinarily anti- character, but anyone who supports Blooper and Mog deserve it, and of all people you should know.

But really.. you can't compare a generic enemy to Ness. Just like how you guys say we can't compare Ness/Lucas to Mario/Luigi.

Oh btw.. I notice that you are attempting to start trouble (again,sadly), and if you continue to try to start an argument thats off topic, I will not respond to you.

:ness: for brawl!


Wu Tang Gang

Smash Ace
Nov 12, 2007
With your girlfriend.
I will admit I am not ordinarily anti- character, but anyone who supports Blooper and Mog deserve it, and of all people you should know.

But really.. you can't compare a generic enemy to Ness. Just like how you guys say we can't compare Ness/Lucas to Mario/Luigi.

Oh btw.. I notice that you are attempting to start trouble (again,sadly), and if you continue to try to start an argument thats off topic, I will not respond to you.

:ness: for brawl!

Hah, so you classify sense and logic as trolling and "starting trouble"? What are you, one of the Ashley supporters?

Anyways, I hope you get some contacts and revise the Lucas Special Moves update,

There’s a character named Ness who has appeared in the Smash Bros. series up until now, and Lucas is very similar. They are from the same family of PK users.
For further reference, it's the first sentence of the update.


Smash Hero
Dec 20, 2006
New Pork City, Colonel Mains: Ness, Luc
Pichu has a good returning, he's not a clone of Pikachu, I mean he hurts himself, that sets him apart from Pikachu, he's so unique than they both can be in the game with no problem, plus, Pichu is SO important to Pokemon, being in Melee is enough reason for Pichu to return Sakurai has to devote an entire update to state that Pichu is out for me to believe it, Pichu has a chance!

for brawl!:cool::cool::cool:

On a more serious note, I guess this thread has reached an entire new level of fail, "we don't know what to say, so we'll just spam smileys and sprites." The only intelligent Ness supporter in this thread is PSIguy89, next time don't be so dull with your comebacks, I'm guessing is hard to deal with the truth, right? Whatever, Ness won't return, yes, the logical conclusion. *gasps* Bye!


Smash Champion
Nov 21, 2007
New York City
Hah, so you classify sense and logic as trolling and "starting trouble"? What are you, one of the Ashley supporters?

Anyways, I hope you get some contacts and revise the Lucas Special Moves update,

For further reference, it's the first sentence of the update.
If your really had sense and logic as you claim, then you would know that the only reason someone who is anti-ness would enter the Ness support thread.. is to start trouble..

This thread is to support ness and keep hope for him... You being anti-ness obviously will not do this so what do you do? you find a way to flame of for wanting Ness in... So logically there is no reason for you to be in this thread if you don't want to support ness.. logically speaking of course :cool::cool::cool:

Oh and I'm not sure if you have heard this before (I'm sure you have :cool:) "Up until now" was used for other updates and did not deconfirm the thing/person it was used for, So thus up until now logically does not deconfirm or confirm Ness.

:ness: for brawl!


Pichu has a good returning, he's not a clone of Pikachu, I mean he hurts himself, that sets him apart from Pikachu, he's so unique than they both can be in the game with no problem, plus, Pichu is SO important to Pokemon, being in Melee is enough reason for Pichu to return Sakurai has to devote an entire update to state that Pichu is out for me to believe it, Pichu has a chance!

for brawl!

On a more serious note, I guess this thread has reached an entire new level of fail, "we don't know what to say, so we'll just spam smileys and sprites." Next time don't be so dull with your comebacks, I'm guessing is hard to deal with the truth, right? Whatever, Ness won't return, yes, the logical conclusion. *gasps* Bye!
I'm not sure if you realized.. but this is neither a Pichu support thread, or a Anti-Ness + sarcasm thread... So your off topic.. and trolling.



Smash Ace
Mar 9, 2007

Until Now:

[adverb] used in negative statement to describe a situation that has existed up to this point or up to the present time; "So far he hasn't called"; "the sun isn't up yet"
Synonyms: so far, thus far, up to now, hitherto, heretofore, as yet, yet, til now

This was posted by someone several pages back...


Smash Champion
Nov 21, 2007
New York City

Until Now:

[adverb] used in negative statement to describe a situation that has existed up to this point or up to the present time; "So far he hasn't called"; "the sun isn't up yet"
Synonyms: so far, thus far, up to now, hitherto, heretofore, as yet, yet, til now

This was posted by someone several pages back...
No amount of facts will sway them into thinking Ness still has a chance so something like this will be overlooked or flamed, sadly.

:ness: for brawl!


Wu Tang Gang

Smash Ace
Nov 12, 2007
With your girlfriend.
No amount of facts will sway them into thinking Ness still has a chance so something like this will be overlooked or flamed, sadly.

:ness: for brawl!

If your really had sense and logic as you claim, then you would know that the only reason someone who is anti-ness would enter the Ness support thread.. is to start trouble..

This thread is to support ness and keep hope for him... You being anti-ness obviously will not do this so what do you do? you find a way to flame of for wanting Ness in... So logically there is no reason for you to be in this thread if you don't want to support ness.. logically speaking of course :cool::cool::cool:

Oh and I'm not sure if you have heard this before (I'm sure you have :cool:) "Up until now" was used for other updates and did not deconfirm the thing/person it was used for, So thus up until now logically does not deconfirm or confirm Ness.

:ness: for brawl!


"To start trouble"? That's why I've been calling you all gay and you all fail and treating you like Micheal Vick treating his dogs at a dogfight. (I hope you guys know what sarcasm is.)

That makes no **** sense. You're more in denial than the K.K. Slider fans.

Besides, when the **** did I ****ing flame anyone here? My names not HollaBackRyu, y'know. Instead of accusing people of flaming just because they're right, accept the fact that he's not comming back.

I support Ness all the way. I just can't stand someone saying that Ness will come back when Sakurai himself said Ness wont.

Besides, havn't you been infracted for spam by abusing the **** smileys? I hate it. No one here likes it, either.


Smash Champion
Nov 21, 2007
New York City
"To start trouble"? That's why I've been calling you all gay and you all fail and treating you like Micheal Vick treating his dogs at a dogfight. (I hope you guys know what sarcasm is.)

That makes no **** sense. You're more in denial than the K.K. Slider fans.

Besides, when the **** did I ****ing flame anyone here? My names not HollaBackRyu, y'know. Instead of accusing people of flaming just because they're right, accept the fact that he's not comming back.

I support Ness all the way. I just can't stand someone saying that Ness will come back when Sakurai himself said Ness wont.

Besides, havn't you been infracted for spam by abusing the **** smileys? I hate it. No one here likes it, either.
Do you flame so much you can no longer tell when you are doing it?, and your sentence about supporting Ness is contradicting.. If you know hes out.. why do you support him for brawl? Unlike us who don't think hes out...

Using smilies as part of my post is not spam... just because you and the other trolls/flamers don't like it doesn't mean its against the rules.. (Although by the logic I see that comes from most of the flamers.. anything that they don't like must be wrong, sadly.)

and please If you are going to support Ness, then welcome.. join our support.. but if you are going to tell us we are (Insert insult here) because Sakurai said (Insert reason here) then please find another thread.

:ness: for brawl!

Oct 12, 2007
No matter if they have different A moves, why would Sakurai give Lucas Ness' moves instead of giving him Mother 3 moves and letting Ness keep all of them?

Wu Tang Gang

Smash Ace
Nov 12, 2007
With your girlfriend.
Do you flame so much you can no longer tell when you are doing it?, and your sentence about supporting Ness is contradicting.. If you know hes out.. why do you support him for brawl? Unlike us who don't think hes out...

Using smilies as part of my post is not spam... just because you and the other trolls/flamers don't like it doesn't mean its against the rules.. (Although by the logic I see that comes from most of the flamers.. anything that they don't like must be wrong, sadly.)

and please If you are going to support Ness, then welcome.. join our support.. but if you are going to tell us we are (Insert insult here) because Sakurai said (Insert reason here) then please find another thread.

:ness: for brawl!

No no no, I WISH he was in Brawl. However, I actually faced the truth he wont be in.

By the way, you do know you're practically throwing oil at me for falsely calling me a troll, right?

Plus, you're really only calling me a troll because my opinion conflicts with yours. To call other people who don't agree with you trolls, violates freedom of speech. Freedom of Speech is the first Amendment, ergo you have just broken a law.

Anyways, I wish he was in Brawl, but sadly he was replaced by Lucas because Sakurai is lazy.
Oct 12, 2007
Fire Arrows cause a fire attack.

PK Freeze causes an ice attack.

PK Freeze is controlled by holding B and guiding an ever growing collection of energy.

Yeah, SO different.

If his B moves aren't cloned, then Y Link's aren't either.

The Kirby Kong

Smash Journeyman
Jan 7, 2002
I'm just applying your logic to a character in the same situation as Ness, so don't try to backseat moderate or pretend you actually have a point.
You fail at logic.

Pichu hasn't been mentioned in any update whatsoever, while Ness' name has been thrown around a few times. Wether that mention is good or bad news for Ness is to be seen, but the mentions alone make the situations that much more different.
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