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The Ness Support Thread


Smash Ace
Jul 10, 2007
New Hampshire
that would make my day ^^
if for soome reason Ness has to be unlocked i look at it this way. it just means hes totally worth it


Smash Ace
Jul 10, 2007
New Hampshire
has anyone else here played MOTHER 2 because of Ness? i didn't know the game he came from until i really started liking him in both smash bros games, then i went out and bought his game ^^ (and all the other MOTHER games aswell)


Smash Ace
Jul 10, 2007
New Hampshire
that would be sweet! i've been waiting for that game since i got my wii (the day it came out)


Smash Champion
Nov 21, 2007
New York City
Nintendo needs to put some new games up there, even if they aren't like full fledged adventures they could be something simple.. including their characters.


Smash Ace
Mar 9, 2007
I think Shigesato Itoi(EB creator) said he wasn't doing anymore EarthBound games. It's in a link or interview somewhere.

Luke Groundwalker

Smash Lord
Jul 23, 2007
I think Shigesato Itoi(EB creator) said he wasn't doing anymore EarthBound games. It's in a link or interview somewhere.
Shigesato Itoi likes to change his mind a lot, trust me. It's completely possible, knowing him, that he'll make another game if he feels like it.

I'm guessing right now he really doesn't have much inspiration to make a sequel, but trust me, if he does he'll do it knowing him.


Smash Ace
Oct 28, 2007
Saffron City
Shigesato Itoi likes to change his mind a lot, trust me. It's completely possible, knowing him, that he'll make another game if he feels like it.

I'm guessing right now he really doesn't have much inspiration to make a sequel, but trust me, if he does he'll do it knowing him.
Well, he better make another Mother, and soon.


Smash Ace
Mar 9, 2007
You know, maybe we can get Deku Boy, the topic creator, to post some EB info in the first post . EB is a great game, but not everyone knows about as much as those who played it. Directly from the greatest EarthBound fan site, Starmen.net, is this sum up of what EB is all about:


In 1995, RPGs were stuck in a rut that Dragon Quest had dug. Most were still set in medieval times, with knights and mages battling mythical monsters with swords and magic. Few games dared to defy this mold until EarthBound (MOTHER 2 as it is known in Japan). No other game was like it, except maybe its prequel, MOTHER, which had not been released outside of Japan. EarthBound introduced, and even today continues to introduce, RPG fans to an entirely different experience.

The story is set in the 1990s in Eagleland, a kitschy and romanticized parody of America (perfect lawns and quiet suburbs). No dragons, mystical knights, or staff-wielding wizards appear in this game. You are just an average 13 year old kid from the suburbs...until the night a meteor lands in your backyard. The local wildlife start attacking you, a gang of local hoodlums begins causing trouble downtown, you realize that you have psychic powers, and a mysterious messenger from the future tells you that you are destined to save the world.

But, before you face any of this, your mom reminds you to change out of your pajamas.

Armed with a cracked baseball bat, a lucky charm for protection, and whatever food you can find (including whatever gets thrown into the trashcan outside the burger joint), you begin your quest to stop the evil alien Giygas from destroying the world.

A few highlights from the game:

* obsessive-compulsive police roadblocks
* bribing crooked politicians
* saving a girl kidnapped by a cult obsessed with the color blue
* solving a town's zombie problem
* freeing a race of aliens enslaved by a talking pile of puke
* fighting hippies with toothbrushes
* wandering inside a psychedelic minus-world ruled by an evil statue
* being taught by a talking monkey how to teleport

But, before you get too involved in these kinds of things, you should remember to call your mother. If you go too long without hearing her voice, you'll get homesick.

In addition to this, the EarthBound universe draws heavily from pop culture. Some references/hat-tips you might pick up if you're paying attention:
* The Beatles
* Chuck Berry
* Monty Python
* Blues Brothers
* Little Rascals
* The Loch Ness Monster
* Stonehenge
* More Sci-fi-Horror B-Movies from the 1950's than you can count

The massive success of MOTHER 2 in Japan prompted Nintendo of America to give EarthBound a pretty heavy-duty marketing campaign - posters in video game stores and rental chains, ads in magazines, coupons for $10 off the purchase of the game, and even TV commercials (still pretty rare for video games back in 1995). The best part is that the campaign's slogan was "This Game Stinks."

In addition to the marketing materials, the fine folks at NOA poured their heart and soul into one of the funniest and most thorough players' guides ever to come with a game. It even came with scratch 'n sniff trading cards at the back, one of which was a 'mystery scent' (that turned out to be pizza) that you could mail in to Nintendo and get a free air freshener (which bore the image of a pizza man from the game). Even EarthBound's box was an advertisement: instead of a regular SNES game box, EarthBound came in a huge, brightly colored box which held both the game and the free player's guide.

Despite the hype and effort, EarthBound did not sell well in America. This was due partially to EarthBound's simple graphics, which weren't designed to push the graphical capabilities of the SNES like other titles of its era (Chrono Trigger, Final Fantasy VI). Even today the simple graphics serve as a stumbling block for many potential gamers, but they belie EarthBound's brilliant plot and dialogue.

The more people who learns more about EB, the better. Right!?


Smash Champion
Nov 21, 2007
New York City
... well, if we're lucky he could be an Assist Trophy.
Why are you trolling, making a statement like that will most likely start trouble.

and if you don't want to appear as a troll atleast back up what you say..

he will be an assist trophy why..?
if we're lucky? what for?


Upward and Forward, Positive and Persistent
Feb 25, 2007
Livermore, the Bay repping NorCal Smash!
He's out, for all of the Ness fans out there, you may just get to see him as an Assist Trophy.
F*** you! Seirously, Ness had better be a alternate Lucas outfit, or I'm gonna send hate mail to Nintendo complaining that I HATE JAPAN ONLY CHARACTERS!

Send them back to the contintent they failed in. The reason most series remain Japan-only is that they fail in this day and age, period. That is the case 90%-95% of the time. The other 5%-10% is cultural stuff, which is understandable. Still, most series that never reach here are failures. The few that do that aren't Nintendo or Sony made are generally poor, average, or mediocre games. *points at reviews* There are acceptions, but that is the case most of the time. One of the few times is long-running series, like Fire Emblem, which is a rare exception.

MOTHER 3 is just the fact that Reggie sucks, and should stop focusing on crap like Nintendogs, non-gamer stuff, and light gamer stuff soley and start caring about fans as a whole. Shigesato Itoi probably doesn't know the MOTHER 3 international release outcry, but Reggie has stated he does. The fact is Reggie is a failure as a Nintendo of America President, and always will.

Good thing Miyamoto doesn't fail like these guys, and same with Kojima. That is why they will ALWAYS have more loyal fans then most (if not all) other game makers.

Also, Sakurai's graphic design team should stop being lame with alternate colors (no one likes colors, we like costumes/looks; they are clearly not seeing the way the fans see it), and make Ness a alternate Ness outfit. Do that for every cut character from Melee to Brawl, because it is the least you can do for the fans. Otherwise, might as well stab them in the balls. Dr. Mario, Pichu, Roy, Shiek (that'd be hard, but it should be done if Shiek is cut), anyone cut needs to be a alternate costume. That way, the fans are still happy.

It is the LEAST THEY CAN DO, and they better do it, or they'll have a nice new enemy in me.

O, and finalark, may your most desired characters for Brawl not even make it in the game.

And all you trolls, stop being a**es, or GTFO!


Smash Lord
Jul 1, 2007
Panama, Panama, Central America...
F*** you! Seirously, Ness had better be a alternate Lucas outfit, or I'm gonna send hate mail to Nintendo complaining that I HATE JAPAN ONLY CHARACTERS!
Did you even play EarthBound, ever?

Send them back to the contintent they failed in. The reason most series remain Japan-only is that they fail in this day and age, period. That is the case 90%-95% of the time. The other 5%-10% is cultural stuff, which is understandable. Still, most series that never reach here are failures. The few that do that aren't Nintendo or Sony made are generally poor, average, or mediocre games. *points at reviews* There are acceptions, but that is the case most of the time. One of the few times is long-running series, like Fire Emblem, which is a rare exception.
MOTHER 3 wasn't a failure...

Also, Sakurai's graphic design team should stop being lame with alternate colors (no one likes colors, we like costumes/looks; they are clearly not seeing the way the fans see it), and make Ness a alternate Ness outfit. Do that for every cut character from Melee to Brawl, because it is the least you can do for the fans. Otherwise, might as well stab them in the balls. Dr. Mario, Pichu, Roy, Shiek (that'd be hard, but it should be done if Shiek is cut), anyone cut needs to be a alternate costume. That way, the fans are still happy.
Characters are cut in fighting games all the time, get used to it.

It is the LEAST THEY CAN DO, and they better do it, or they'll have a nice new enemy in me.
Oooh, how scary.


Smash Champion
Sep 26, 2007
R.M.B. were else?
F*** you! Seirously, Ness had better be a alternate Lucas outfit, or I'm gonna send hate mail to Nintendo complaining that I HATE JAPAN ONLY CHARACTERS! ]
ok, complain about sakurai doing what he intended to do since melee.
Send them back to the contintent they failed in. The reason most series remain Japan-only is that they fail in this day and age, period. That is the case 90%-95% of the time. The other 5%-10% is cultural stuff, which is understandable. Still, most series that never reach here are failures. The few that do that aren't Nintendo or Sony made are generally poor, average, or mediocre games. *points at reviews* There are acceptions, but that is the case most of the time. One of the few times is long-running series, like Fire Emblem, which is a rare exception.]
so...the japanese suck at makeing games? stick to playing your X-box and halo. if you havtn realized, all of nintendo's games were originaly japanese. and alot of the ones that are japan only are high quality, just not as big as the ones such as mario or zelda. nintendo is now decideing to expand the marketing of japanese only games here, expect it more.
MOTHER 3 is just the fact that Reggie sucks, and should stop focusing on crap like Nintendogs, non-gamer stuff, and light gamer stuff soley and start caring about fans as a whole. Shigesato Itoi probably doesn't know the MOTHER 3 international release outcry, but Reggie has stated he does. The fact is Reggie is a failure as a Nintendo of America President, and always will.]
no comment
Good thing Miyamoto doesn't fail like these guys, and same with Kojima. That is why they will ALWAYS have more loyal fans then most (if not all) other game makers.]
miyamoto is a great guy.
Also, Sakurai's graphic design team should stop being lame with alternate colors (no one likes colors, we like costumes/looks; they are clearly not seeing the way the fans see it), and make Ness a alternate Ness outfit. Do that for every cut character from Melee to Brawl, because it is the least you can do for the fans. Otherwise, might as well stab them in the balls. Dr. Mario, Pichu, Roy, Shiek (that'd be hard, but it should be done if Shiek is cut), anyone cut needs to be a alternate costume. That way, the fans are still happy. ]
you do know its possible for alt costumes to be unlockable right?
It is the LEAST THEY CAN DO, and they better do it, or they'll have a nice new enemy in me.]
oh one fan will hurt them so much[/SARCASM]
O, and finalark, may your most desired characters for Brawl not even make it in the game.]
this spite is just unhealthy and wrong, please avoid hate like this over one character, other wise you are much worse than the person you are flameing.
And all you trolls, stop being a**es, or GTFO!
I never set foot in there and dont plan on ever doing so.


Smash Lord
Aug 15, 2007
Very scary ruins
Let's make an army and attack Nintendo!
Many people will be disappointed if Ness is cut. BTW I don't hate Lucas. I just prefer Ness.
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