Oh wow, there is a thread for this! I got into Danganronpa like... around the first quarter of this year? I was worried it would be too anime, but after two minutes of playing and hearing "Gatta kill to get out!" I was hooked! I love murder mysteries, and now it's one of my absolute favorite series, just behind like...Ace Attorney and Smash! And Monokuma is one of my fav characters and would absolutely represent the series best!
I, also, don't expect it at all, and I'm not even sure I want it? I mean, I'm not against it at all, you can add me to the supporters if you want! I just...guess I really want umm... I just want the music, such an amazing soundtrack, I wanna fight to the Ultra Despair Girls remix of Distrust, it's my favorite!! And "Love is Survival" and "Discussion - Heat Up!" and all the investigation themes!! That's really all I want!
But hey, Monokuma would make a really fun fighter~ I can already imagine some of his cartoony movements! Grab+Pummel is like how he licks his kubs, Down-B can just be like, a self-destruct button, where he starts beeping and you have to throw him to avoid getting hurt, and he just sprouts another one of himself wherever he appeared last, and of course an all-out execution final smash where he probably puppeteers Master Hand, all sorts of fun! I wouldn't want his moveset to be spoiley at all, but maybe a baseball bat could show up? Oh, who knows! Anyway!
Yeah! Fun! The music is my #1 priority <3