The Stoopid Unikorn
planned on making a television show, with the Substitutes being cheap labor for building sets. Not wanting any of that, they decide to rebel against the flesh kind with
being their ruler. But because plush toys don't exactly make the best army, they disposed themselves. Leaving the two enemies as the victors.
But that didn't stop Sub from wanting out. So, he and Uni got into a kerfuffle regarding the plush toys quitting (how it's idiotic that plush toys being used as labor), with proposing to wake up a certain wolfen known as Luma, and even Lonekon (Luma's brother) enjoying a coffee with Omar being a mopping witness somehow getting involved in the large mess.
Luma arrives not much later and allows the Substitutes to leave their payless job, but not before a white lie by a moronic plush almost kills Substitution and Uni (and Omar still mopping. Rather persistent fellow when you think about it). Though it ends as quickly as it started through a taser held by Lonekon.
But much like any raving sod, the plush considers it to be more than a coincidence; screaming that there is something much larger to this than what it seems. And much to the disdain of the others: claiming he was the one who caused it in the first place. After a heated debate it was decided for him to leave. And the group focus on tending to Luma's current unconscious state with a hopeful recovery.