Smash Master
one more question, is the pic of tifa in your av a cosplayer or an action figure? i can't really tell.
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Purple with the pink tennis shoes. Used to be red but I got bored so made the change.What color Lucas do you main?
It's kinda cool getting recognized. Like joining some random livestream and the Lucas topic comes up, somebody usually mentions me. It's a pretty good feeling since recognition is like the only perk of being a Lucas main xD. As for being considered the best, iunno. We'll see if I do anything I can be proud of when Winterfest comes around. As for if I think I'm the best Lucas main, well, I'll wait till that question is are considered as the best Lucas main, how do you feel about that?
I used to write short stories when I was in high school. Galeon was the common name for my main character. Didn't even start off anything specific, I just thought the name was cool. I needed a username to sign up with on smashboards and didnt think I'd have to rep it for so long. Only people who call me Galeon though are people who just know me as the Lucas player. All my friends call me C.Where did you come up with your name?
To tell you the truth, it just came down to training mode. What helped was that I reaaaally wanted to learn it. Lucas was 'ok' to me at that point but then I saw this cool new trick where you could hit someone.. and didnt have to stop till they were dead. It brought me so much joy lol. I wanted to have it perfect, so I just practiced until I got it. It doesnt take long if you're enjoying it (not getting frustrated). Now, I can actually jab lock chars across the stage without looking at the screen. Perfect time to stare at/console your opponent or turn away from the screen to ask someone to buy you a soda mid match.How did you learn how to use dtilt lock so well in the last stock of ? Did you practice for hours on end wiggling the control stick from down to left from down to left without accidentally doing an ftilt or dsmash or dash attack or whatever, or did you just use your c-sick somehow?
I don't drive. I go to whichever tournies my steady ride goes to when I have the money. Now that I work, I have the money but less time ha. I actually b-stick for all matches except for Pikachu (since I prefer being able to consistently di his stuff than spacing pk fires/zap jumping). I'll know if I'm going to Pound 4 when Winterfest finishes. If I make money or if I'm still feeling super into Brawl, then I'll go. Otherwise, not really into spending that much money to go somewhere just to play brawl. My favorite color is purple.Why don't you go to more tournaments?
Do you still B-stick for some matchups?
Are you going to Pound 4?
Do you have a job?
What's your favorite color?
Hmm changes like every week, really. I used to loooove BK sooo much but then they discontinued my Cheesy Bacon Tendercrisp and since then, I've chosen never to forgive them. Checkers has the Baconzilla but I hate their fries. Wendy's is.. a tragedy. I only eat there when I'm broke. Despite making a terrible mistake, I still gotta go with BK since the BK Oreo Sundae Shake is just way too good when its done right.your favorite fast food joint?
you play any other games competitivly?
?the best Lucas main
Yup. By playing enough people, you just get used to seeing certain situations and being able to deal with them. I'll tell you straight up that I'm not a creative player. If I'm forced to fight something I've never seen before then I'll get wrecked. If I've been in the situation from past experiences, I can adjust and know what to do. One of my biggest regrets in this game was when I was first getting my name out there and started getting 'big-headed', not doing friendlies with Lucas. I would beat them with a secondary char or a char I didnt play kind of as if saying "See? I can beat you with this character. I dont have to play Lucas." But that style of thinking only hurts you since you're losing out on experience.You owned me hard, you Lucas is so sexy xD, how did you get it like that, by practicing with the "right people"?
Actionb@stard is another Lucas in Fl. He actually made me change my playstyle a little because our playstyles are so different. I play my Lucas in a generally safe way and expect my kill moves to be ftilt and dthrow. I'd only use a smash if they did something really unsafe or airdodge into me. I watched him play and he would throw it out and get early kills with it. He would also punish some platform landings with usmash from below. I was just like O_o because I knew things like that were punishable with smashes but I just never went for it cause I wasnt used to it. Onithewolf is a newer Lucas player in Fl. He's probably the youngest brawl player in the state and is promising. The kid learns pretty fast and fixes things when they get pointed out to him. All he needs is more experience.Have you noticed any other Lucas players worth mentioning in the state of Florida?
Do you still play Melee? If so, which character(s)?
Do you have any secondaries?
Does it bother you when random people approach you asking for friendlies/money matches?
Any hobbies outside of gaming?
How long do you plan on making your Smash career?
Do you think you could play Lucas as well without corn rows?
What's your college major and/or plans for the future?
What sort of short stories do/did you write? I'm just curious 'cuz I also write (fiction) in my free time.
Recognition keeps me playing Lucas. I so wish that I didnt do well when I picked up Lucas. If I didn't, I'd be playing a clearly better char by now. But now I'm just used to him so its hard to change. I'm trying though.What makes you keep using Lucas, not a higher tier character?
What advice do you have for Lucas mains trying to get better?
Do you like waffles?
Lol, I guess it doesnt come up alot in convo.Why is it that not until about less than a week ago we found out that your black O.o?
Ha, this question is pretty tough. I've been called the best Lucas literally since the game came out. I had a vid of me winning a tourney for the game in like a week after it was released but I've never been able to actually say that I'm the best Lucas. Cant bring myself to do it. There's alot of good players out there. Okin was the first Lucas I watched that really impressed me cause it was like ****, this guy's smart. Nowadays, people like Tyr and Apc are beasting it up like crazy. The thing about trying to gauge who the best is among Lucas players is that in the end it does come down to opinion. None of the notable Lucas players get a chance to fight the same people so you cant compare that. We rarely meet at the same tournies or travel. Placings are generally inconsistent. All the vids that are out are either tourney matches that are good, but you know don't show everything or friendly matches where us Lucas players sandbag our ***** off/try new things.Do you think you're the best?
Snake or Diddy. Silly chars. They're beatable but man, I feel like I try so much harder. They can almost autopilot and keep it close.Who would you say is your hardest matchup?
I used to avoid watching other Lucas players as a pride thing but now I watch and steal shamelessly. I liked Seanson's dairs at the ledge in his old vids against Rob, stole em. I liked Apc's footstool dairs so tried to find situations for em. I liked how Sade caught airdodges after nair with smashes so consistently so I stole that. I liked Tyr's general use of dair and forced it in my anti-Snake game. Like I said, I'm not creative so its great to see cool new things to add to my game.have you ever watched some videos of other Lucas players to learn/copy/whatever stuff? Could you name them?
I like Brawl+ Lucas. I like Snake in standard brawl since your work/predictions actually shows itself in your reward, maybe more than it should.Would you prefer fighting in the standard Brawl, or hacked ones like Balanced Brawl and Brawl+? (bbrawl removes all grab release crap)
He's too much of a man for someone not to rep him. I could go into examples but I dont wanna do spoilers for those who dont keep up with the manga.Why is raikage your sig?
Right where he is. His placing was put up probably without knowledge of some of Lucas's better things but also without some of the worse things. In the end, it kinda balances out to where he is.Where do you think lucas should be in the next tier list?
I have the rom on my comp and I got up to the part with Salsa. Haven't played it in like a month now, though. I have a history of never finishing a 1p game (unless there are cheat codes that warp you to the last level). I'm way more into fighting games or just anything where you can make someone lose.Have you played MOTHER 3?
I played M2K back in 2008 at FAST in pools. Got 1 stocked close then easily 2 stocked. Fought Ally on wifi only mid 2008 when I started doing wifi to get snake practice and got 2-stocked over and over. It was pretty bad. I didnt even challenge him again lol.Have you played M2K and/or Ally?
(This might have been answered) How long did it take you to master the DAir DTilt Lock combo 'till you were able to lock your opponent all the way across the stage?
Do you like Lucas Ditto's?
How long did it take you to get used to Zap Jump recovering? I've seen video's of you recovering that way.
What's Lucas's best edge guard technique in your opinion?
What's your favorite taunt?
Do you like any sports?
Lol I didnt really have a choice in the matter, apparently. He teamed with Shaky at Halloween Bash with the team name 'In honor of Galeon', they got 2nd and decided to ditch me, which in hindsight is pretty funny (team name plus the fact we dont place lower than 2nd). Terrible, but funny. His reasoning was that Shaky did not get gimped and had a bthrow. So to test out who he would team with, he decided to team with both of us at Tommy G's smashfest to see who he did better with against Chaz+Seibrik(current number 1 team). I was up first. To directly fix the problems he said we had, I decided to stop stock tanking, fight up front so its harder to get me off stage and use more kill moves. The result was that I was killing them at an average of 110% (early 80% fsmash/usmashes with dthrows/ftilts at 140) and didnt get gimped once in like the 4 sets we had. However what I didnt count on was that Seibrik learned how to ledge Justin so he starts getting stagespiked at 60... consistently, and it looked like he was getting frustrated. The final rundown I believe was that we lost the first, won the next 4, lost 3, won 2.How could you let Riddle replace you with Shaky?
Why did you guys break up the team if you consistently placed 2nd.
Aren't you and Nick Riddle Bffs? xP
Its funny. Although I helped give most of the advice for how Lucas ended up in BB, I still have yet to play it. So probably normal Brawl. If Lucas/Ness didnt have to deal with gr shenanigans, they'd both probably be solid mid tier. My favorite food? Probably blueberry pancakes with Hungrybox commentary. I love that guy xD.Would you prefer playing standard brawl or Balanced Brawl (where abuse against ness and lucas through Grab Release is eliminated), if given the choice between two tournaments that use either one?
If grab release crap didn't exist (i.e. Lucas and Ness come out of GRs within the same amount of frames as everyone else) where would you think Lucas is on the tier list?
Favourite food?
Answered the first question lolsince noone asked it yet... Do YOU think you're the best Lucas main?
and.. C? I presume that's like the first letter of your name.
yeah sry, my comp was being stupid and didn't display a whole page where you answered that question.Answered the first question lol
And all my friends call me C, yea. My real name is Chandan. It's an indian name that means Wooden Sandal. The H is silent. Guess how often that gets butchered? So everyone calls me C, ha
Like I said, if my friends stop playing, I'm done. I dont especially like the game, its just what we all play. So if they moved on, I would too. A good number of em have already decided brawl wasn't for them so now there's only a handful left playing seriously. No idea how long till I retire, realistically; it could be a month from now, could be never.Do you think you'll retire any time soon or continue playing?