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The Lucario Shrine


Smash Master
May 23, 2006
But Blaze WAS in that movie and had alil fight with Deoxy.(if you know Deoxy you should know blaze)

And being the title pokemon isn't much to someone if they haven't seen it or been around when said movie was at it's peck.

Also, lots of people remember that movie as the weakest ending EVER to such a good plot. (Pokemon tears bringing that lame back to life. . . .my goodness)

And I don't see how someone would get on line, play poke at a high level of poke play, and NOT know the starters. Would said person say "Humm, my starter is pretty coo, maybe I should check out the other starters from other, early gens. . .".


Smash Lord
Apr 6, 2006
Ballarat, Australia
And being the title pokemon isn't much to someone if they haven't seen it or been around when said movie was at it's peck.
it is much to someone of people are playing with ubers, when every person has a mewtwo in their team.
Also, lots of people remember that movie as the weakest ending EVER to such a good plot. (Pokemon tears bringing that lame back to life. . . .my goodness)
it was still the best pokemon movie. what? did you expect a movie aimed at children to have the main protaginist get killed after doing a good deed?
And I don't see how someone would get on line, play poke at a high level of poke play, and NOT know the starters. Would said person say "Humm, my starter is pretty coo, maybe I should check out the other starters from other, early gens. . .".
so... know you're talking about the starters as if they're a packaged deal... people arent going to search up information for every starter just because they use one. they are just going to search for pokemon of a certain type to strengthen their team. if people found starters that interesting in the game, starters would be the only pokemon people use, and i dont see people use more than 1 starter often.


Smash Master
May 23, 2006
it is much to someone of people are playing with ubers, when every person has a mewtwo in their team.
So someone plays pokemon at a high HIGH level but never thought about the last 3 gens before it?
it was still the best pokemon movie. what? did you expect a movie aimed at children to have the main protaginist get killed after doing a good deed?
Well, they COULD of had him. . . you know, not die (turn to stone) but still stopped the fight. I wish Lucario could have been reborn or something but no. . . He AND Latios (sp) died.
so... know you're talking about the starters as if they're a packaged deal... people arent going to search up information for every starter just because they use one. they are just going to search for pokemon of a certain type to strengthen their team. if people found starters that interesting in the game, starters would be the only pokemon people use, and i dont see people use more than 1 starter often.
No, im not saying their a "packaged deal" Im saying they are some of the most well known and remembered pokemon of their games son. I really can't see how your definning possible, hypothetical ignorance with so mcuh they would have to be blind to. Really, how many people are not going to know a few popular pokemon from each gen if they are playing pokemon's most recent game? The closest thing I see to that is people who stopped playing pokemon other the 1st game so they have no idea who Lucario, Blaze or Deoxy are (which is very, VERY rare).


Smash Master
May 23, 2006
Blaziken never actually fought Deoxys, only the Deoxys clones.
(WTF is up with youtubes. . . did they just do a full on poke movies clean out?)

I COULD show you a vid but I can't find the movie any more.

But Blaze was the only other pokemon out-side of Raqazza(sp) to attack the real Deoxy. She did a over-heat beam aimed directly at the REAL Deoxy because she was getting pissed with the Deoxy clones. Once Blaze attack him Deoxy went into D form and did his M2 bloke than flew back and had the clones carry everyone that was there (Blaze, Blaze trainer, Minun) away.


Smash Journeyman
Nov 8, 2006
Washington DC
Lucario doesnt even seem like a clone to Mew2 I mean look at him he cant levitate, He seems like a new type of pokemon like a Aura pokemon <.< if thats where there going with this movie <.<! then lucarios (sp) dead.......... D: It was interesting though
Best pokemon movie is the first 1 and always will be XD first time i cried in a theater when i was a kid XD


Smash Master
Nov 3, 2004
Boulder Creek, CA.
Lucario is more mystic than psychic... a monk, ninja, eastern magic user even, from a time long ago, compared to mewtwo's artificial, technological origin and scientifically labled powers.


Smash Cadet
Nov 27, 2006
Lucario is more mystic than psychic... a monk, ninja, eastern magic user even, from a time long ago, compared to mewtwo's artificial, technological origin and scientifically labled powers.
Lucario is a fighting/steel pokemon, the Lucario you see in the movie is just a special one kinda like ash's pikachu and how it can some how take on other pokemon clearly superior, really Lucario is just a fighting/steel pokemon with no psychic powers, maybe mystic though


Smash Master
Nov 3, 2004
Boulder Creek, CA.
He can learn the TM Psychic and can Egg Move Mind Reader. His pokedex description says he can read minds.

It's not just the movie version.


Smash Journeyman
Nov 8, 2006
Washington DC
Wtf hes a steel type pokemon wow that disowns :(. I thought they maded the movie to promote a new type of pokemon called aura :( this saddens me Kaid * hates steel type pokemon especially aron*


Smash Lord
Apr 6, 2006
Ballarat, Australia
im pretty sure you may all know this, but im pretty certain that all pulse moves are energy sphere projectiles made up of their respective elements. water pulse would be a shooten sphere made up of water, while pulse bomb would be a shooten energy sphere made out of fighting energyu, that could perhaps explode on contact. i'd say that pulse bomb would have slight homing abilities, sort of like samus's unsmashed missiles.


May 15, 2006
Wtf hes a steel type pokemon wow that disowns :(. I thought they maded the movie to promote a new type of pokemon called aura :( this saddens me Kaid * hates steel type pokemon especially aron*
Aura is his species descriptor. Sort of like Squirtle is the "tiny turtle pokemon."


Smash Master
Jan 13, 2007
Binghamton, NY

Here is my thoughts on lucario.

In my opinion i think lucario is a movie based fad like mewtwo was.(you notice mewtwos not all rhat popular anymore.)He was popular tho in time for ssbm,and that is why he was in the game.Lucario i think is the same,and based on that will apper in the game most likely.

Knowing jpn tho,they'll put riouro the baby form in:laugh:


Smash Journeyman
Feb 16, 2007
No, the time is now, he will be in Super Smash Bros. Brawl, I am 90% sure of it, he is the most appropriate Pokémon to add by far, foolish are those who doubt it.


Smash Journeyman
Feb 16, 2007
Lucario is quite a deserving character for SSBB, and could easily be very original. I think that Sakurai should build it with defense and countering in mind, as opposed to aggression. It would go very well with his general ´guardian´ and pacifist nature, as well as his ability to see everything through the pulse of living things. Maybe I´ll do a moveset later...


Smash Lord
Apr 6, 2006
Ballarat, Australia
Bump a topic and all lucario loving n00bs flock to it disregarding my post in the prosess.
take a guess why...

anyway, mewtwo a movie based fad? thats BS. mewtwo was popular before its movie and it still is popular even after its movie. its the only pokemon character with a deep personality. if mewtwo isn't popular, who is? its still one of the most popular pokemon. saying it isn't popular is like saying the only popular pokemon is pikachu


Smash Cadet
Feb 22, 2007
in your mum
i could be wrong since i know nothing bout this Pokemon but by the pics it looks like his attacks would be based around/similar to mewtwo but like i said i don't know anything about the ones after the first two series really


Smash Lord
Jul 18, 2004

lucario is actually important to the series... and has some special significance over other pokemon...


Smash Master
May 23, 2006

lucario is actually important to the series... and has some special significance over other pokemon...
. . . .What does that mean? Meowth has more anime importance than any other pokemon beside Pika. . . he didn't make it in and if anime importance is what gets them in than he will make it in way before Lucario. Anime=/=importance for getting into brawl. . .


Smash Master
Nov 3, 2004
Boulder Creek, CA.
If the Blaziken thread is anything to go by, the first thing most people think of, when putting Blaze and Smash together in their mind, is "Captian falcon clone."

While that isn't nessisary, and it is possible to have a completely unique moveset, the fact is that a CF-clone moveset would fit Blaze just as good as Falco fits a Fox-clone moveset. Nevermind the fact that they are from completely different games... the characters are similar enough in concept that Blaze could be a GOOD clone, while remaining true to it's games.

But you keep saying Sakurai doesn't want clones. The only quote I've seen is that "Returning characters, on a significant scale, will be remade", but assuming he meant what you think... Should he bend over backward to come up with a unique moveset for a character who is one of only 36 or so who are NOT in Diamond/Pearl, who was never very popular in Japan?
Or should he add a new character, with unique typing, aquired through ingame event mirrored in the 8th Movie, the 2nd revealed 4th gen pokemon (and the first that was not an evo or preevo, but entirely original) and is popular across the globe?


Smash Master
May 23, 2006
. . . ^^^No one said anything about Blaze homs. And in all actually you could say the same about Lucario in the move-set area because he could actually be a GOOD Fox clone with a few M2 B/ smash like moves which wouldn't be against his character. IMO the main reason that people don't connect this to Lucario at first sight is because of the same reason they connect Blaze to Falcon. . . their sig attacks.
( Blaze kick, a attack that has never been preformed the same by any 2 Blaziken's in the anime, makes people think Faclon kick well PB doesn't have any connection to a gun. . .BUT as seen with the Lucario=M2 clone phase it does connect to something else in Melee)

Oh, and the Blaze thread really isn't much to go by. I can't see "most" smashers being repped in that tiny thread.

And, as I have said before, it's reasonable to assume that "returning characters" who where clones will be( for the most part) different in the move-set area to at least the extense Lugai was. Clones, as we all know, was mostly the result of how rushed SSBM was and the fact that they needed more characters. Time isn't tight like it was for melee and the divs have stated that they want to change the returning characters (to what level, we don't know) so I REALLY don't see them having to make more clones.
Also, Blaze is in DP. (As in, ALL pokemon are in DP. Don't have to be a wild and/or trained pokemon int said game to be traded in).

On the whole "not popular in Japan" thing. . . it's actually pretty funny. Lucario's fan-base has taken a pretty hard hit in Japan once people got him a saw that he was just. . . .slightly above arvg.
And by what means are we ranking "popularity"? By how much people on these forums like him because of his looks? If you add up every member on this site (even the majority that doesn't come to this part of the forums to voice their thoughts on pokemon), every member of Serebii.net (even the majority that don't actively post on the SSBB topic about characters) and every memeber on the Nsider that actually goes to the smash area you will see that it only adds up to a very VERY small % of he people who actually got SSBM sometime in the past.
"But he has a movie" . . . Soo? That movie had (in the states atleast) very lil promo (15-20 secs on WB saterday kids shows for about 2 weeks. . .) and was a DvD only movie mostly because Nintendo knows that the pokemon movies aint popular over here. So the masses don't really know him (I know a pokemon fangirl who plays every main pokemon game (RB-RSE) who recognized him only slightly from the promo on WB because she doesn't go on the web trying to research the newest pokemon games. . . she didn't even know his name) and all his actual fan-base and popularity is held on line . . . by the few on-line smashers that actually voice their opinion on the matter of pokemon in SSBB. . .at least we can say that Blaziken is well known amoung the masses.

And typing. . . .I don't really think Sakurai cares too much about it personally. He only showed us one pokemon he was interested in (Gard, who happens to be greatly loved in Japan) and that pokemon has the same typing as M2. Really, the point is that when it comes to pokemon we don't know what the divs are thinking. Yeah, Gard was the only pokemon at that time that Sakurai showed us that he finds interesting and she beat out Blaze. But she also beat out Lucario seeing as he was popular over there at that time and has been known about sence 05 with the release of his movie and pokemon MD (which he cameoed in too some level).

I really wouldn't be shocked if he added in Gard, replaced Jpuff with Buneary (or evol), replaced Pichu with P&M or 4th gen Pika rip and added Meowth.
We really can't say "w/e pokemon "deserves" to be in more than w/e pokemon" because we don't have a hand in what they do. . .the ones that "deserve" it the most are the ones that get in IMO.

(Sorry for the unreasonablie long reply. It's the result of bored+not remembering I got to work tomarrow/ today. Blaze wasn't apart of my other post to the least bit so theres no need to reply about her parts in this post unless you want to keep her in the subject. . . .to which you where the one to bring her into)

Edit- Lucario wasn't the 2nd 4th gen pokemon to be released.


Smash Master
Nov 3, 2004
Boulder Creek, CA.
(actually, I was replying to your "Why?" post, which concerned Blaze AND lucario.)

Some points you ignored.
1) Unless they get one from a copy of Ruby, Saphire, or Emerald, noone can get Blaze on their D+P cartrige... Wereas almost EVERY OTHER pokemon can. (No starters, no legendary trios, and no event or game specific legendaries. Everything else is catchable)
2) Lucario was the first ORIGINAL 4th gen pokemon revealed, (he wasn't a preevo of existing pokemon, line Snorelax or Sudowodo)
3) and as for the "add them all up, they are still only a small percentage of the people who bought melee" argument... that's grasping at straws. Do you know what the phrase "representational cross-section" is? Smashboards is a large enough sample size that the margin of error is fairly reasonable.
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