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The Louisiana Thread: Flarefox Forever - We are alive.


Smash Apprentice
Jan 13, 2008
Baton Rouge, Louisiana
Mike G, I love your sig so much. It makes me lawl every time I see it, I might even try that in public once. XP

OH so I'm not spamming, are you sure they'll let non-LSU students in? Cuz if not, that could be a problem, obviously. >.> Also, you should make a thread for it, I think. The area's big enough (probably) to have plenty plenty of people.


Smash Lord
Jun 28, 2009
Baton Rouge, LA
Get as much information to us as you can before I decide to post it on the OP, Justin. We gotta make sure it actually gets going.


Smash Cadet
Aug 16, 2008
Houma / Thibodaux, LA
no one can win a religious argument its true.

i just wish i would have been born a few hundred years in the future. people are going to look at religion as one of those crazy things our uneducated great grand parents did. kind of like how we look at feudalism or fascism or racism or sexism. just another one of those crazy "ism's" that we had to purge from our systems because it was counter productive to the development of our species. it will happen understand, there will be no religion eventually. so enjoy your faith wile it is still the norm for the human species. i'm sorry death will be so disappointing for those with faith however.

but if religious views ever come in the way of my human rights, then i will not hesitate to tear apart the doctrine you believe so deeply in. religion has absolutely no place in government and i will argue with you about that until we are both blue in the face.


Smash Lord
Jul 31, 2008
Sudai when you come this Friday/Saturday can you bring everything? (SAB2, GBASP, Memory Card and GC cable thingy)



Smash Lord
Apr 30, 2009
Lafayette, LA
but if religious views ever come in the way of my human rights, then i will not hesitate to tear apart the doctrine you believe so deeply in. religion has absolutely no place in government and i will argue with you about that until we are both blue in the face.
I am doing a Gay Rights report for Civics and I'm going to be using a similar argument. I am a Christian, yes, but not everyone is. This is the land of the free which includes, but is not limited to, Freedom of Speech and Freedom of Religion. If we are free to follow our own religion, why is our own government using Christianity to run everything?


Stuff here
Feb 14, 2006
Baton Rouge, Louisiana
Ricky, while I agree current religion will be gone some day, I think it's silly to say all religion will be gone some day. Since the first records of history, every civilization has worshiped some kind of deity, even if was just nature. If religion is eventually phased out entirely, I think it'll be more than a few hundred years from now.


Smash Cadet
Aug 16, 2008
Houma / Thibodaux, LA
I'm so ****ing happy you feel that way curlz. I have so much more respect for you.

If every religious person in America was like you curlz you would see a lot less pissed of atheist telling religious people off.


Smash Hero
Jun 30, 2007
Humans are gay. There we have settled the argument that has been going on for the past two days.

Except Ricky, he's bi and Sudai is tri.


Smash Cadet
Oct 13, 2009
Baton Rouge, Louisiana
but if religious views ever come in the way of my human rights, then i will not hesitate to tear apart the doctrine you believe so deeply in. religion has absolutely no place in government and i will argue with you about that until we are both blue in the face.
i agree with you as well. although, i must ask you, are you high?


Smash Cadet
Aug 16, 2008
Houma / Thibodaux, LA
Ricky, while I agree current religion will be gone some day, I think it's silly to say all religion will be gone some day. Since the first records of history, every civilization has worshiped some kind of deity, even if was just nature. If religion is eventually phased out entirely, I think it'll be more than a few hundred years from now.
even further back, way before civilization. the first thing primitive man did was start making up things to worship - to feel safe - to feel like they had an understanding of the unknown.

but we are evolving and becoming more intelligent with every generation. the human i.q. increases like .33 every generation. Religion will be lost along with the other systems that we cling too. Religion will be lost when we have a complete understanding of how the universe works. When we finally see that it is nothing more than a natural system which we are just an insignificant part of. When we step down from our ****ing pedestal and admit that we're not as important as we like to pretend. When we admit that we are nothing in this universe and we simply exist for an insignificant amount of time then we die and no one remembers us.

depressing but i'm a realist and have never lost a wink of sleep over it.


Smash Ace
Jul 15, 2006
Man, I find it funnier to go around saying "Hail Satan" than to preach atheism. It's hilarious. xD


Guys, also, I think you're missing half of our arguments. Other than just arguing over existence, we argue about God's personality traits. Why would you want to worship a God that makes you suffer for all eternity for a few bad things you did on Earth. What could I possible do that is so horrible to warrant being punished for all eternity?


Smash Cadet
Aug 16, 2008
Houma / Thibodaux, LA
Vaughn would you please grace us with your all powered all knowing brilliant enlightened true version of what our pitiful little minds are failing to realize. Your arrogant comments have not gone unnoticed. Please grace us with that sexy mind of yours


Smash Hero
Jun 30, 2007
Man, I find it funnier to go around saying "Hail Satan" than to preach atheism. It's hilarious. xD


Guys, also, I think you're missing half of our arguments. Other than just arguing over existence, we argue about God's personality traits. Why would you want to worship a God that makes you suffer for all eternity for a few bad things you did on Earth. What could I possible do that is so horrible to warrant being punished for all eternity?
plus this isn't Puritanism where you are born to go to hell and just to have God waving at you with a smile on his face as you are sent to hell you have to do painstaking serious religious stuff, basically all pray no play. Or am I getting the wrong message from the Crucible?


Smash Ace
Jul 15, 2006
plus this isn't Puritanism where you are born to go to hell and just to have God waving at you with a smile on his face as you are sent to hell you have to do painstaking serious religious stuff, basically all pray no play. Or am I getting the wrong message from the Crucible?
Well, according to the Catholic faith any mortal sin present on the soul at the time of death means instant hell. Such typical mortal sins include: masturbating or not attending church on Sunday. Seems to me that everyone is going to hell.


Smash Ace
Oct 9, 2004
I dunno, as we learn more about the world through science and technology, the probability of religion existing as the source that most people look to for answers is losing its grip. The only reason I can see it sticking around is there are still way more questions than answers, especially on the origin of the universe, etc.

Religion was made cause it's a convenient answer for a species who has no means to verify why itself exist.

Why are we here? I guess we were put here? Put here, but by who? A creator !11one1 It seems an obvious flow of logic from a primitive subspecies of human on determining why they exist :x I think its obvious we're not different from any other part of the universe (but maybe not, who knows). Just cause we have developed perception doesn't mean we are special and were created by a god.

and why do the Christians here keep bashing their own people? Lol. I'm trying to argue the semantics and deeply rooted logistical problems and paradoxes with your ideology and you're all off bashing other Christians and talkin about separation of church and state and abuncha other two hundred year old civil issues >_>


Smash Lord
Apr 30, 2009
Lafayette, LA
Faith is a lovely thing my friend.

I've said it before. Let's please not bring Religion into this thread. I don't want to end up hating any of you, or vise-versa.
Funny thing is, I think this is bringing us closer together rather than tearing us apart.

<3 RickyB


Smash Lord
Jun 28, 2009
Baton Rouge, LA
Ehhh... I just don't think our minds should really worry about religion. If there's a God, then there's a God. If there is no God, then there isn't.

Our main purpose in life as humans is to just live it out and do whatever it is that we feel is right. Sure... we're not perfect, so there's always going to be dispute between humans in some fashion, but like I said before, we're humans. We're all different.

I think as long as we have at least a sense of telling the difference between right and wrong, then we should all be fine, regardless of religion. I mean it's not like we're constantly killing and stealing from each other, right?

The problem is that no one completely knows the full difference between right and wrong, so people make up their own vague definitions for both of them, so problems arise.

I think as long as there's at least a little bit of understanding between humans, then we're fine. It's not wrong to have beliefs, as long as we're all still in the pursuit of happiness.

Sorry about the sarcastic comments if they came off that way. I just think it's pointless to talk about this sort of thing. No one's minds ever change if people are trying to persuade each other and it eventually just turns into a spamfest of insults.

Anyway... Back to Spectator Mode.


Smash Hero
Jun 30, 2007
I dunno, as we learn more about the world through science and technology, the probability of religion existing as the source that most people look to for answers is losing its grip. The only reason I can see it sticking around is there are still way more questions than answers, especially on the origin of the universe, etc.

Religion was made cause it's a convenient answer for a species who has no means to verify why itself exist.

Why are we here? I guess we were put here? Put here, but by who? A creator !11one1 It seems an obvious flow of logic from a primitive subspecies of human on determining why they exist :x I think its obvious we're not different from any other part of the universe (but maybe not, who knows). Just cause we have developed perception doesn't mean we are special and were created by a god.

and why do the Christians here keep bashing their own people? Lol. I'm trying to argue the semantics and deeply rooted logistical problems and paradoxes with your ideology and you're all off bashing other Christians and talkin about separation of church and state and abuncha other two hundred year old civil issues >_>
Well keep in mind that science too is incomplete, it has many many theories and very few laws to it's name. So pretty much science is equally as "blind" as Christianity (because that's all religion equals now adays, no one attacks Buddhism).

Also I thought the term "Separation of Church and State" was relating to the Church of England. We are all familiar with Henry VIII, he was the Pope, he was the king. All that term means is that that there should not be a "Church of the United States" thus we have the freedom of religion. That term does not mean that a Christian or Catholic(since Catholics often more targeted) can't hold a government position like president. Or in case what I have said is still unlear all it means is the President can't come up and say "Hey America, you can't worship your religion, you are going strictly by my belief system or you will die." flat out.


Smash Ace
Oct 9, 2004
Guys, also, I think you're missing half of our arguments. Other than just arguing over existence, we argue about God's personality traits. Why would you want to worship a God that makes you suffer for all eternity for a few bad things you did on Earth. What could I possible do that is so horrible to warrant being punished for all eternity?
Good point, I find the greatest paradox in the Christian god is that he made us to be this way, and yet he punishes us for it? What??

"We must question the story logic of having an all-knowing all-powerful God, who creates faulty Humans, and then blames them for his own mistakes"

and like Nietzche said, "Convictions are more dangerous enemies of truth than lies."


and just to note, as the only religion I identify with is Buddhism Lol, Buddhist dont worship a god at all. so naturally, it goes hand in hand with todays science and western technology and is even increasing in growth around the world.

and what are you talkin about with the origin of the phrase "seperation of church and state"? Lol. I was just saying the part about the church and state cause someone else randomly started talking about how its prominent in todays america.


Smash Ace
Jul 15, 2006
Sorry about the sarcastic comments if they came off that way. I just think it's pointless to talk about this sort of thing. No one's minds ever change if people are trying to persuade each other and it eventually just turns into a spamfest of insults.

Anyway... Back to Spectator Mode.
I disagree. Arguing may provide another viewpoint not previously seen by someone. Arguing is a good way of testing one's beliefs against others to find what makes more sense.

Good point, I find the greatest paradox in the Christian god is that he made us to be this way, and yet he punishes us for it? What??

"We must question the story logic of having an all-knowing all-powerful God, who creates faulty Humans, and then blames them for his own mistakes"

and like Nietzche said, "Convictions are more dangerous enemies of truth than lies."

Exactly. Why would a God create us with the gifts of our senses and logic if he wanted us to disregard all of that to follow him blindly with faith. I'm pretty sure that Christians agree that Gods gives certain talents to people to be used for him. If I'm good at soccer, then God would want me to use my talents and play soccer. Why would he make me good at soccer if he wanted me to sit on a bench for a baseball team?


Smash Hero
Jun 30, 2007
Good point, I find the greatest paradox in the Christian god is that he made us to be this way, and yet he punishes us for it? What??

"We must question the story logic of having an all-knowing all-powerful God, who creates faulty Humans, and then blames them for his own mistakes"

and like Nietzche said, "Convictions are more dangerous enemies of truth than lies."


and just to note, as the only religion I identify with is Buddhism Lol, Buddist dont worship a god at all.
Thank you Eric. I was going to basically going to say that but you saved me the time. Nietzche ftw. and it's true. We have given faults, however we cannot go around blaming God for our problems. We cannot go around blaming God for what some idiot told you about how you are going to hell or some bull**** like that. Back on track about our faults, we must be a man and admit when we are wrong and take responsibility for our actions. Today we are touching up on Heidegger; an interesting thought that he passed on is that we did not choose to be thrown into this life, or this world with everything in it, but living life and being ourselves is the best way to "take responsibility" for being thrown into this life and world. It's a fact of life that we all have to face. We must all take responsibility for things that we don't want to.

I have a feeling I threw myself off while typing. May have been thinking too much while typing. lol.

Also I'm glad the flame went down. Makes it easier to discuss this like civilized human beings.


Smash Lord
Jun 28, 2009
Baton Rouge, LA
Good point, I find the greatest paradox in the Christian god is that he made us to be this way, and yet he punishes us for it? What??
Yeah that's something I never got early on. Why **** people to Hell if we're just doing what he made us to be. That doesn't make much sense to me.


Smash Hero
Jun 30, 2007
Yeah that's something I never got early on. Why **** people to Hell if we're just doing what he made us to be. That doesn't make much sense to me.
That reminds me of a thought I've had about Christianity that I've thrown in the back of my head.

What is Christianity was just a religion created from bits and parts of beliefs from around the world? Think about it. In the old Testament, Judaism (the basic father of Christianity) was no different than any other religion. They had devoted followers, they had a god and they made sacrifices to them. However in the New Testament, we see I guess you could say a less strict and less brutal form of the faith. You still have that one god but here he is preaching salvation and such as compared in the Old Testament where in my opinion was very close to puritanism where some of the smallest things could land you in hell. Also did you know that the book of Proverbs(I'm pretty sure that was it) wasn't even made by Christians. It was made by works from other religions? Why it was made and why it was thrown into the Bible I don't know. But I find all these things very interesting.

-side note on a personal matter: All I'm really concerned about is living my life like I should; to grow and better myself as best I can. To have faith and God and the angels/saints whom I personally believe are watching over me. Aside from that all that religious BS that I hear at mass I could care less about. Plus I've been confirmed, all I was asked was the Apostles Creed in like 3 questions: Do you believe in God, ...... enter other two questions that I can't remember (I was sleepy that night). Point being they said nothing about me having to follow the pope and all this BS that everyone (including myself) is tired of having preached in their faces.


Smash Ace
Jul 15, 2006
That reminds me of a thought I've had about Christianity that I've thrown in the back of my head.

What is Christianity was just a religion created from bits and parts of beliefs from around the world?
It is. I can link you to a whole article drawing parallels between Odysseus and Jesus.

-side note on a personal matter: All I'm really concerned about is living my life like I should; to grow and better myself as best I can. To have faith and God and the angels/saints whom
Who says that believing in God is how you SHOULD live your life?


Smash Hero
Jun 30, 2007
It is. I can link you to a whole article drawing parallels between Odysseus and Jesus.

Who says that believing in God is how you SHOULD live your life?
I honestly can't say I can believe that first comment.

for the second comment, I'm a bit confused on your term use of you. did you mean you(personal) or you(general) referring to people in general? If it was people in general then for that all I have to say is that I'm not saying believing in God is how people should live their lives. I was just personally stating what matters to me. Now living my life and believing in God, it's just how I was raised; it is what I personally see fit for myself for being me.


Smash Lord
Jun 28, 2009
Baton Rouge, LA
Who says that believing in God is how you SHOULD live your life?
It's not necessarily something he "should" do to live his life, but it's something that he wants to do because he thinks he can be happy that way.

That is belief in what he can to do to live his life to the fullest. And the same could be said about everyone in whatever way they want to live their lives as well.

That's why I find these debates to be vague.


Smash Hero
Jun 30, 2007
It's not necessarily something he "should" do to live his life, but it's something that he wants to do because he thinks he can be happy that way.

That is belief in what he can to do to live his life to the fullest. And the same could be said about everyone in whatever way they want to live their lives as well.

That's why I find these debates to be vague.
Well also if you are familiar with such things in Philosophy; the "Nature of Man" is not set in stone. It just isn't. There is no way that it ever will. We are all different and that is why the Nature of Man can never be set in stone. How we see ourselves is completely different then how your fellow human see's themselves. Heidegger explains basically how important the development of the individual is. With what we are given when we are born (faith, athletic ability, other skills, you name it) the most important thing is to take those things that we are given and make ourselves better and be who we truly are. So yes faith does play a part in that development of the individual and how a person sees fit to live their life.


Smash Ace
Jul 15, 2006
It's not necessarily something he "should" do to live his life, but it's something that he wants to do because he thinks he can be happy that way.

That is belief in what he can to do to live his life to the fullest. And the same could be said about everyone in whatever way they want to live their lives as well.

That's why I find these debates to be vague.
So his "belief" in god has nothing to do with philosophical or scientific arguments but rather because belief in such a god would make him happy? Now, I can't say what the truth is; but either way this goes against everything. From a Christian standpoint, it's selfish and doesn't actually consist of the love god demands. From an atheistic standpoint, it's totally absurd. It's lying to one's self. This reminds me of Cypher from the Matrix who wanted his memory erased and replugged into the Matrix because real life sucked. But, this raises an important question. What is more important? Truth or happiness?


Smash Hero
Jun 30, 2007
So his "belief" in god has nothing to do with philosophical or scientific arguments but rather because belief in such a god would make him happy? Now, I can't say what the truth is; but either way this goes against everything. From a Christian standpoint, it's selfish and doesn't actually consist of the love god demands. From an atheistic standpoint, it's totally absurd. It's lying to one's self. This reminds me of Cypher from the Matrix who wanted his memory erased and replugged into the Matrix because real life sucked. But, this raises an important question. What is more important? Truth or happiness?
Well, it is very important to have happiness, but it is also important to have truth. There is a concept that I recently learned under Kierkegaard that you can't truly human unless you are in a relationship (not the point of this post), but he does state however that a hermit who is in a relationship with God is still human. Who isn't to say that in a relationship with God, who is said to be a powerful, all knowing deity, that you can't gain happiness and truth from such relationship?


Smash Ace
Jul 15, 2006
Well, it is very important to have happiness, but it is also important to have truth. There is a concept that I recently learned under Kierkegaard that you can't truly human unless you are in a relationship (not the point of this post), but he does state however that a hermit who is in a relationship with God is still human. Who isn't to say that in a relationship with God, who is said to be a powerful, all knowing deity, that you can't gain happiness and truth from such relationship?
So now true happiness stems from relationships? Still, you're circumventing the question. Truth or hapiness, which is more important?


Smash Ace
Oct 9, 2004
I mean duh, the world is relative. some people get happiness from the idea that there a man in the sky with a plan for them in his heart of hearts!1 and some people get happiness sucking my dick. some people are your mom.

edit for more thnks to vaughn lol

and some people like to talk about religion, and some people dont and like to instead spam the same picture. and some people like to check the brawl back rooms and talk about stage selection like it matters, and some people dont care and get high.


Smash Ace
Jul 15, 2006
I mean duh, the world is relative. some people get happiness from the idea that there a man in the sky with a plan for them in his heart of hearts!1 and some people get happiness sucking my dick. some people are your mom.

edit for more thnks to vaughn lol

and some people like to talk about religion, and some people dont and like to instead spam the same picture. and some people like to check the brawl back rooms and talk about stage selection like it matters, and some people dont care and get high.
So in man's search for happiness, he creates God and influence the world in massive ways.
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