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The Louisiana Thread: Flarefox Forever - We are alive.


Smash Ace
Jan 28, 2006
Metairie LA
lol, i like how im in all these banners and i havent played anyone in like year

i have a new charcter im gonna play ..... its f'n pro

the only thing is i dont think people can handle it ...... not even me

well, i have fun playing this character i feel confident with him and people will defintly underestimate it and/or not know how to fight it , the only question is executution


Aug 11, 2002
Austin, TX
shyguy,...i hope its not too low tier. (i'd go out on a limb and hope its ganon...)
we've only got 1 ganon main in LA anyway, and i'd guess he's prolly my 4th best atm...

but bleh...u prolly trying too hard and hope to surprise us all w/ something wierd like Roy or Pikachu....hope ur anus is ready for some exercise..cuz its gonna take a while w/ those characters to learn to fight the high tiers ;)

but...ur not the only one with secret weapon in the works.......then again i've told 3 people. god i suck at secrets...but hopefully when mine is ready, it'll give one of the best smashers in LA a run for their money as their main. >: )


Aug 11, 2002
Austin, TX
well..lee is the only person i'd say that has a 'good chance' at beating me in a tournament. good being- higher than 50%. my guess would be aroun 60%. If he isn't on his A+ game though, and i'm on mine, the fight is obviously going to be won by me, though.

i'll say John is still a threat, although i'd put my favor in around 60%, again.
But if he's on his A game and i'm on my C game, he'll deffinatley win.

but new faces popup...players get better. But while the common good smashers improve and increase their competition...the fewbest smashers are improving too..and constantly keeping that set distance ahead of the rest, so its just really hard to ever catch up...but it is possible with enough commitment, patience, and willingness to look at your game and get rid of everything in your game that doens't help you "play to win" and focus on never using any form of attack/defense that opens the chance of risk. (example: pillaring w/ falco behind their shield, as oposed to in front. a perfect pillar in front is still 100% safe...but the possibility of error is forgiven...if you're behind their shield in the first place. Mindgames have to be balaned w/ the tech skillz0rz.)
Taylor did it. Granted, he chose Marth as the easiest means of accomplishing it...he did reach the pinnacle of LA's metagame, from literally coming from a n00b's skill level that i was easily ****** with my worst characters vs. his sheik.
hm...although he did use me and manny's insults as his fuel to get revenge......he still hasn't actually won a tournament where me, lee, or john was present ;-)


Smash Journeyman
Oct 16, 2005
Battle Rouge
Believe or not, after 3 grueling and embarassing years of playing with only the Green Machine, I'm thinking of just picking someone new. Any random character will do. I was like all the Marth players who thought all they needed was one character, except that Marth is good and Luigi, well, isn't. I tried new characters before, but I didn't want to be a sell-out, so it was always low tier (Link, Pika, Roy, Bowser, Zelda). I finally realize that those characters are low tier for a reason and I'm not naive anymore.
Also, if I may digress, as I look at the new Battle Rouge sig, I think that a Shyguy would be an awesome addition to Brawl, but that's just me.


Aug 11, 2002
Austin, TX
use someone good....but also who is underappreciated in LA.
my new character that i'm working on is actually Peach. If you think about it....we only have 1 serious peach player in the entire state of Louisiana.

Captain Falcon is also extremely underused. Use him.
We have enough Fox, Falco, and Marths. Even Sheik is rarer in these parts. Ganon, Mario, and Jigs need better representation as well.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 16, 2005
Battle Rouge
The Captain is too fast for me (probably Sheik too). It would be the most radical change ever to go from Luigi to the Captain. I do like Ganon (he's a bad dude, even his jabs look hardcore). I also wanted to try the IC's, but there's too much going on and too much to remember with the whole desynching thing. That's why I started with the Eternal Understudy, he's quasi-simple. And Sonic is much too fast to learn in a month or two. I might try Samus, what about that?


Smash Apprentice
Mar 13, 2006
The Captain is too fast for me (probably Sheik too). It would be the most radical change ever to go from Luigi to the Captain.

I might try Samus, what about that?
ZOMG i pLae $@mus. Yeah Samus is really good. I favor slower, floaty characters, and I like characters with lots of mind games and projectiles. Samus is this in a nutshell. She packs a punch with her super missile (personally I think it's too powerful. It should be nerfed a bit for Brawl.) And her Charge Shot is the pwnzors, especially when put at the end of a combo. She has ******** good recovery. If you don't smash her into the sides or top of the screen, and just "knock her off," she will always be able to make it back. Always. Unless your openent is a really good edge-gaurder.

Im actually trying to move to C. Falcon, and Im having the same problem you are. GOing from Samus to the Captain is too much of a jump in terms of speed. Watching me play Captain after 2 hours with Samus is like watching a ******** blind kid try to drive a Nascar race car. i.e. I kill myself a lot.

I was going to move to Marth, but too many people play Marth. Maybe Doc... cause everyone who I know who plays with Doc sucks with him....

Also, iceman, I agree that shyguy should be in Brawl. I think he would make an awesome addition.

But you know what would make an even better addition?? Zitz, the leader of the Battletoads. I mean, hes got the look, he fits the bill, and his smash moves practically right themselves. His fist turns into a sledgehammer and WHAM!. Plus he and his other 2 mutant street fighting universe saving amphibian brothers all got their start on a Nintendo, and have had numerous games appear on Nintendo consoles. And they are owned by Rare, remember the company that helped make the Donkey Kong Country series for the N64? And Goldeneye? Remember Goldeneye? That was a good game....


Smash Champion
Jan 23, 2005
P-Cola Florida
I picked up Luigi fairly easily from using Doc since their moves are kind of similar. I imagine it'd go the other way as well and make Doc or Mario an easy choice. Jiggs would also be good because she's easy to pick up in general and you're probably used to looking for openings to get Luigi's up-b on so rest works the same. I would suggest ICs because of similar WD but they would definately take the most work on to be good with.

As a Samus main, I'll let you know that while she can handle most characters she doesn't truely counter anyone and has trouble vs. basically everyone above her. Plus everyone who counters Luigi also counters Samus so you're going to have just as much trouble vs those guys. That said, it's probably a good idea to first try Doc/Mario/Jiggs/ICs since you'll be able to use them for better countering.

*edit*: Bakemonky, Nintendo doesn't have access to Rare anymore, they are now with Microsoft only. :(


Smash Apprentice
Jul 12, 2006

And EET call my cell or something, i wanna play smash today and **** :D

You too shyguy o_O


Smash Apprentice
Mar 13, 2006
*edit*: Bakemonky, Nintendo doesn't have access to Rare anymore, they are now with Microsoft only. :(

ok, im over it now. well that sucks.


Aug 11, 2002
Austin, TX
now don't anyone get too excited....but just now....i THINK....i'm not 100%...sure.....but...i'm feel i'm very close to having cracked a 100% accurate method of easily starting and continuing the IceClimber TRUE INFINITE combo....holy ****....if i'm the first one to figure this out! XD

lv 9s break out of grabs pretty good...and once i grabbed bowser at 80 % he didn't escape til 200....
i've had multiple successes w/ marth, too. (from what i tested, but lv9 marth is just aggravating to grab since he just keeps jabbing nana)


Smash Lord
Aug 14, 2005

I started off with Capt Falcon then Fox. Moving from Falcon to anyone else isn't a huge challenge since characters after him aren't so dynamic, and so far playing other characters has only allowed me to think of newer strategies with Capt Falcon and do more tricksies. It takes a lot of dedication for players to play Captain Falcon though since the only thing you can abuse is his speed and nothing else. Spamming knees will get you killed since the attack has a duration, no range, and no priority. Rather players will have to undersatnd every matchup, know how to abuse their speed to keep at right distances, understand which setups are best at what situations, remember key percents, and play as technically perfect as possible since the guy's so freaking easy to combo and edgeguard. But after a lot of time and effort, you've got youself a really dynamic character. Unfortunately though, Falcon doesn't have too many good matches and doesn't "counter" anyone. >_> At best he either has a slight advantage or goes even with characters including low tier characters which blows (Ex. GW is considered to go even with Falcon, how many mid+ tier characters can you say go even with GW?).

But regardless, *loves Captain Falcon a lots*

As for Fox, I just love to play fast and be technical so it kinda came naturally. Not much to say since playing Fox isn't reall that "hard." I know people make a big hoopla about how technical Fox is, but really what you need to know is how to abuse his dashdance game, U-throw to U-air, waveshine to grab/u-smash, and JC u-smash and there's most of your game there. The rest is just perfecting your technical game which comes naturally and developing your mindgames which unfortunately only really comes through experience :(.

And atm, I'm able to play a ****load of characters.

Marth was easy to pick up, and I kinda hovered towarsd him since Tony plays him. But I must admit my Marth blowzors with edgeguarding compared to most, and I have to stop using Fair -> Uair so much since all that does is allow you to juggle longer and before you know it, it's not possible to KO with marth >_>.

Ganon took no effort at all as a transition character since I've already got shffling down, and from there it was just working on mindgames and perfecting my platform dashes and wavelands. Plus it feels really badass with the amount of power the guy has. Fun as hell to play, still have to ditto Ska one day *calls Ska out* :D

Sheik took me a while but now I've developed a style that closely resemles Shu and Kou (Japanese players) so lots of needle work and lots of wavedashing and foxtrots to make it appear like I'm moving faster than I actually am. Really only picked up this character just to annoy Tony's Marth, but now it's quickly becoming maybe my best which is bad since I still love Falcon >_>;;; But the character's still pretty knew and inexperienced, so it should blow against most guys :p

Falco doesn't take a whole lot of time to develop since a lot of his game was muscle memory. I did learn pillaring behind shields and all that jazz for a while, but it just didn't suit my style very well which revolved more on just JC shines as fast as possible and mindgames via lazers. SHLs took me a long while to get since I didn't get how to do it for a while, but now I can SHL and rSHL really fluidly witht he laser bairly above the ground. Still I've never really face anyone who chaingrabs yet since Tony and Ryan thinks that's "gay" but are now more inclined to since I'm doing it to them. And like my other characters, I don't have a lot of experience as well since the only people I ever play are Tony and Ryan and nobody else T_T.

The ICs aren't that hard either just heavy on mindgames for grabs but the technical stuff isn't too bad (including continuous desynchs which you kinda get right after you try them :/). But mindgames kind of flow naturally with the ICs since the very fact that there are two of them can be confusing, and after a few rounds you start to pick up on chaingrabs and such again.

Samus is ridiculously fun to play with since she probably has the most "tricks" out of every character. GOD I love grapplecancelling tricks, love comboing with her, and just doing unconventional bombtricks with her. Seriously is one of the funner people to play, and since she has no bad moves it allows players to really pick and choose and create their own styles (Compare Wes's Samus to Aniki's to Hugs to Oro's to Mankosuki's or to Lee's even.). It seems like Samus is probably the most stylistically diverse character but like Mankosuki says, she doesn't really counter anyone (except say the Ice Climbers) but she does have a lot of bad matchups. :(

As for Peach, she's probably the character that took me the longest to learn. >_> Floatcancelling, that awkward DJC she has, and just comboing in general was difficult for me to get a grasp on. She was just . . . weird . . . And I love Brown Mario (the player, thought he was the most awesomeset player ever) so of course I jumped to playing Mario and from there I just moved to Luigi and now Doc. But those are like backburner characters that I'd never take out in a real tourney and only really use for friendlies. And I can't play Jiggly too well. >_> Probably the only mid+ character I completely fail at and won't ever get good at . . .

As for low tier, I love and am comfortable with Link, like Mewtwo (haven't used him in a long time), and I LOVE BOWSER. **** that guy is so muc fun to use!!! Seriously the best fun character to have around, and I can still eek out wins with him and not "just barely" either.


So ah anyways Iceman, it's your call or you can be a ***** like me and do everyone (or atleast try to and possibly have failed doing so . . . >_>).

And I also need to play against people soon . . . And I don't want to wait till Thanksgiving also . . . Tony, Ryan, and I need to go and play some other guys who are ready and willing to own us so we don't just get progressively better and more technical against each other but fail when we play others.


Smash Cadet
Dec 3, 2005
Gonzales, Louisiana
use someone good....but also who is underappreciated in LA.
my new character that i'm working on is actually Peach. If you think about it....we only have 1 serious peach player in the entire state of Louisiana.

Captain Falcon is also extremely underused. Use him.
We have enough Fox, Falco, and Marths. Even Sheik is rarer in these parts. Ganon, Mario, and Jigs need better representation as well.
I am repping both mario and ganon. yep, i'm mediocre.:chuckle:


Smash Cadet
Dec 3, 2005
Gonzales, Louisiana
Also, we should try and grab dibbz for thanksgiving, or any time I can come down to play. Sars I would love to ditto you, I just hope I don't screw up. I was pretty well at the end of the tourny, but I don't know if that was from people being toasted or from me just being on my a game. I just want to play the Laf. people again, I had too much fun. Especially against Nick, when I had to pull out the p**sy style against him with mario against his marth.


Smash Lord
Aug 14, 2005

Unfortunately Sars lives in Kenner which is an hour away from Baton Rouge. There actually are "tourneys" that take place here, but I do Rugby on Wednesdays and that's when the tourneys are held. T_T Convenient, eh?

Anyways, for an address I live at the intersection of Power Blvd and West Esplanade. I seriously would love to play against people (sure Tony and Ryan would too), but it's kinda hard when I live that far away from everyone else. T_T


Smash Apprentice
Mar 13, 2006
I got a little side tracked while I Was supposed to be studying. I do think that Ganon is one of the cooler characters in Melee, so I made this.

I guess it's part 2 in my "weird weaving technique wallpaper series...

part 1 was this...

I will prolly do Fox or Marth next


Smash Journeyman
Oct 16, 2005
Battle Rouge
Bake, you sure take up alot of room when you post. Soon we're only gonna get about 2-3 posts per page. Not saying it's bad, especially since those wallpapers look friggin awesome. Wallpaper 4 life.


Smash Apprentice
Mar 13, 2006
This thread is already 191 pages long. Do you really mind the extra pages?

Im jk.

The peeps at the artwork forum like my wallpapers. They told me to open a shop and I quasi-did (I didn't officially open one but I have like 3 orders to do.)

First up is a Shiek for one of the admins...


Smash Apprentice
Jul 12, 2006
Everyone, esprit is Thomas, and he mains link, its good so :D

He lives in BR.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 16, 2005
Battle Rouge
No, Manko, for the last time, this is the talking thread and all the other Louisiana threads are serious. What we need to do is rename this thread "The Louisiana Thread, Formally Known as Mall of Louisiana", if changing the thread title is possible. I wouldn't know, I don't start threads, I just write in this one.
And Esprit, welcome, tell us a little about yourself (preferably in the LA locator thread).


Smash Lord
Aug 14, 2005
So ah, I'd love to go to the STD but exams are coming up, and I have to take SATs this Saturday. -_-

*is sore*

****, Rugby is so much fun. Sore as hell after practices, but it's so much fun.


Aug 11, 2002
Austin, TX
i have no school tomorrow or friday..and then a free weekend(unless job orientation happens)..but either way...

i'm up for some smash....somebody make me an offer ;)


Smash Lord
Feb 23, 2006
Sierra Vista, AZ
I want to announce that Marth's Ledgehop spike (Dair) is now to be called the Nyte spike.

Marth, to me, is very fast and easy to learn. I really think for someone to play with him correctly, mind games must be learned and to remember, that the fsmash is not more important than all of the other moves. All of them are equal in status and if amatuers try to spam the fsmash, they will be breakdanced against by an awesome luigi player :D Also, Counter is a useful move, but only for recovery if anything. Nyte spikes are great Fox/Falco killers only if Marth Players can time it right and learn how to HOLD the jump button, forget this and its one way ticket to smash hell.

I dont know why I typed this but I feel good doing so. Sars Pirate, eat your heart out :D
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