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The Louisiana Thread: Flarefox Forever - We are alive.


Smash Rookie
Jun 28, 2007
sudai that is called a chinese firedrill. it is a beautiful site, also to make it more fun kidnap old people and put them in your car. when you stop at a red light get the old person and throw them at another car. its the ultimate sign of disrespect.


Aug 11, 2002
Austin, TX
i hadn't been on here in a while..i see alot of posts, but its good to see i didn't miss anything important.
i've just been having fun w/ my bffgf here in FL..yup.
i didn't request off for that tournmaent the 28(?)th, cuz of these 12 days already w/out work...so i'll probably have to work, but i'll still try to get off. i should just like...quit...that'd be fun..taking it easy for a couple months...but blah, i dunno, i sometimes like my job.

butthole good.


Stuff here
Feb 14, 2006
Baton Rouge, Louisiana
Vegta, I know of the Chinese Firedrill, but this was not it. It was when we stopped to get gas and stuff, just so people could hang out with everyone.


Stuff here
Feb 14, 2006
Baton Rouge, Louisiana
I'd hope we didn't do it Zoolander style. None of us are that rich. Lawl~

Nah, I don't really remember much of the dream other than what I already shared. haha


Smash Master
Feb 16, 2008
Baton Rouge
i hadn't been on here in a while..i see alot of posts, but its good to see i didn't miss anything important.
i've just been having fun w/ my bffgf here in FL..yup.
i didn't request off for that tournmaent the 28(?)th, cuz of these 12 days already w/out work...so i'll probably have to work, but i'll still try to get off. i should just like...quit...that'd be fun..taking it easy for a couple months...but blah, i dunno, i sometimes like my job.

butthole good.
Awesome that you're having fun with your girl.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 29, 2008
Baton Rouge, Louisiana
And god said, let there be Redson.

But Redson did not come. He was in the smashboards with a rather sad announcement.

Straight to the point. I'm quitting the competitve scene of Brawl/Melee/whateverthe****youkidscallitthesedays. After this Christmas holiday, I'm done. Over. I wont touch Barwl or Melee anymore, I'm officially out. Why? you may ask me. I'll gladly (Read: Sadly) tell you.

School. My grades are piss poor this semester. I'm talking straight C's here, guys. I need to get my *** in gear; I've got my future to worry about, and Smash isn't my future by far. I can't let something I do for fun (Read: Lol ADD distractions) ruin my chances of getting into a good college.

Please, don't tell me I should manage my time better, because I can't. I've tried, but as long as there is the presence of a computer/wii/ds, I will constantly be distracted from my studies. I've tried to amend this, but I simply can't. I used to be able to absorb information like a sponge, but over time, I've had to learn so much more, and I can't learn like that anymore. I came to the only rational conclusion I can: Time to bear down and study for once. Even if it means giving away what I love most, my videogames.

I'm actually already behind in school. I'm a Junior who's taking two sophomore classes: Geometry and Biology. I'll have to take summer courses just to catch up again. I'm even taking a freshman class, Spanish I, because I failed out of Latin. I'm so behind, it hurts me to realize that the odds of me getting TOPS are very low. My parents don't plan on paying for college, so I'm responsible for everything I do.

Lets not forget my parents, who are pressuring me into keeping up with my studies. I just can't accept Brawl as a past-time anymore. I've got to focus on one thing, or I won't get anywhere in life. I cant earn a living playing Brawl, and quite honestly, it would probably help me socially too if I broke off the whole Brawl thing for a while. I seclude myself in my room playing this ******** game, leaving opportunities to hang out with real people (Not CPU's) and have fun with my life.

So...yeah...Don't expect to see me much after the holidays. I'mma miss ya'll goons.


Smash Master
Feb 16, 2008
Baton Rouge
Redson, in all honesty you need to learn to manage yourself, and your distractions. [Though you don't want to hear that, and said you don't want to hear it, it is true.] If you remove them all from the equation, the issue IS going to happen again in the future once they are introduced again. This is all you really need to do:

Take all your power cords/batteries for your game systems and give them to your parents. You don't get the power cord/batteries back until you have completed all of you work.

Without having some form of reward/leisure time you aren't going to be able to focus. You're going to burn yourself out, and you aren't going to learn the coping measures/tactics that you need to handle this in the future. Worse yet, you might just find something just as distracting to do [day dreaming, doodling, etc].

Other things to do:
Join a study group. You won't/can't ditch them for a video game. Don't use your usual friends.
See if there is free tutoring at school that you can take.
See if you can take correspondent courses to increase your GPA/fill in those gaps of classes you're missing.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 29, 2008
Baton Rouge, Louisiana
Take all your power cords/batteries for your game systems and give them to your parents.
Know what's funny? I've tried it. So many times. My parents look at me like I'm ********, and tell me to go do my work instead of *****ing about how I can't. This isn't their fault, it's mine. I need to learn how to overcome my distractions, which is why I'm pulling myself away from Brawl, my main distraction.

Studygroup? Funny. I don't have friends. I'm honestly pretty much alone at my school, despite Bomber, and I wouldn't study with him even if I had a huge exam coming up the next day. His intelligence level scares me. (It's mewtwo good.)

I don't have the motivation to join a study group. I do, however, have a geometry tutor that comes by every Monday and Wednesday when I need help.

There's actually a John I use many times during the school year. I'm honestly not sure if it's legit or not. "I don't have any motivation," is the John I cling to oh-so-dearly. And honestly, I don't. I don't see myself doing anything in five years. I don't want to do anything because I have nothing to look to. I've gotten so much better in Brawl because I've had a goal: Win at least one tournament before I quit. Looks like I never met that goal, but hell. If I had something that I wanted to do with my life after school, maybe I would apply myself so much more than I do right now. Maybe then I'd be making the grades I know I can make, which is straight A's. But again, what's the point?

I'm too cynical.


Smash Ace
Jul 15, 2006
IM NOT A HOMO. Although, talking to people in a gay voice is funny. Especially when they don't know you. I'mma try that in Beaumont. "Hey, boo, how are you?"



Smash Ace
Jul 15, 2006
A hollow victory if you have to act like something you aren't.

Oh wait...
I'll admit, sometimes I act gay... but whatever. I'm not so that's all that matters. Having a lisp doesn't help either but who gives a ****. I'll just beat the **** out of anyone who has a problem with how I act. :]

Smooth Criminal

Da Cheef
Oct 18, 2006
Hinckley, Minnesota
I suck because I got laid at 16 and have a slight lisp. Yeah... I totally see it.
Oh, wow. You got laid at sixteen. Congratulations! You and like, millions of other guys your age have gotten some. Not a real mark of manhood, Battou.

And btw, I got laid at fifteen.

And, doubly stated btw: I was only joking with you. Should have been clearer.

Smooth Criminal


Smash Journeyman
Jun 29, 2008
Baton Rouge, Louisiana
I suck because I got laid at 16 and have a slight lisp. Yeah... I totally see it.

This confuses me to the point of disgust, you know. I can't seem to understand why people think you are automatically better than the rest of the population because they got "Laid". I can understand the frat boys; they're a race of their own that have their own customs and contests. Those include football and drinking, but hey. It still doesn't show that just because you ****ed a girl, you're awesome. How? How are you awesome? Have I just been brainwashed by the catholic church into thinking that you should save yourself for whoever the **** it is that's unfortunate enough for you to love? Is it just me that think's there's something horribly wrong about getting laid, then talking about it like you're the big ****?

That disgusts me, Battou. It really does. Explain to me why it makes you not suck. Explain to me why, just because you got laid at the age of mother****ing sixteen, you are less of an *******, or are better as a person. In the long run, it doesn't even ****ing matter that you got laid at the age of sixteen. In the long run, the only thing that could possibly come out of the fact that you ****ed a girl already in your small, pathetic life, would not only be the thirty seconds of pleasure that you probably lasted, but the chance to get the chick preggers so that you'll have to deal with a screaming little mini-battou for the rest of your life. Or were you just planning on running away if push came to shove? Because honestly, you're too young for that kind of responsibility, and with your McCain pro-life ****, the chick wouldn't be able to get the abortion, so you wouldn't have any way to get your scrawny white *** out of this situation.

Who cares if you have a lisp. Who cares if you got ****ing laid. Enjoy your consequenses for being a dumb-****, but never, EVER, say that just because you got laid at the age of 16, you don't suck anymore.

AND YOU, SMOOTH CRIMINAL. Instead of talking about who was stupid and got laid at the younger age, why don't you just have a pissing contest like normal men? That will show him who the real man is.

/needlessly long rant of **** that probably doesn't make sense and will get Redson flamed.


Smash Ace
Jul 15, 2006
Oh, wow. You got laid at sixteen. Congratulations! You and like, millions of other guys your age have gotten some. Not a real mark of manhood, Battou.

And btw, I got laid at fifteen.

And, doubly stated btw: I was only joking with you. Should have been clearer.

Smooth Criminal
Ehh, sorry I always have to act tough and ****. You've seen what others have posted in this thread, it's nothing personal. If it makes you feel better, I was one of the last of my friends to get laid. xD Maybe that's why I think it means more than it really does. But heh, 15. xDDD


Smash Master
Feb 16, 2008
Baton Rouge
Yes, you were brain washed by the Super conservative view point of 'NO SEX.' Sex is part of being human, it's perfectly natural when you are prepared to take the consequences. If you cannot walk down the isle of Wal-Mart and purchase condoms without snickering, or blushing, you aren't ready for sex. =p Essentially, if you're utilizing proper condom [spermicide condoms only, plz] use + birth control + the girl actually knowing her menstrual cycle, the chances of having a child are close to improbable, even in ideal situations where the female's egg, and the male's sperm are actually both healthy during that particular moment in time.

Ps: Ran waited until he thought he found the girl that was going to be his wife. This means Ran waited until he was 22 to have sex, or really do anything sexual at all. This lead to an -unhealthy- sexual relation with the girl in question, since we were both clueless as to the actual expectations of sex in a relationship, or anything in regards to it.


Smash Ace
Jul 15, 2006
Yes, you were brain washed by the Super conservative view point of 'NO SEX.' Sex is part of being human, it's perfectly natural when you are prepared to take the consequences. If you cannot walk down the isle of Wal-Mart and purchase condoms without snickering, or blushing, you aren't ready for sex. =p Essentially, if you're utilizing proper condom [spermicide condoms only, plz] use + birth control + the girl actually knowing her menstrual cycle, the chances of having a child are close to improbable, even in ideal situations where the female's egg, and the male's sperm are actually both healthy during that particular moment in time.

Ps: Ran waited until he thought he found the girl that was going to be his wife. This means Ran waited until he was 22 to have sex, or really do anything sexual at all. This lead to an -unhealthy- sexual relation with the girl in question, since we were both clueless as to the actual expectations of sex in a relationship, or anything in regards to it.

I wasn't brainwashed by anyone. Hence, how I'm not a virgin. As for buying condoms and giggling... ehh. I plead guilty. But at the same time, I'm not stupid. I know the consequences of doing certain things and how to avoid them. :]

Smooth Criminal

Da Cheef
Oct 18, 2006
Hinckley, Minnesota
AND YOU, SMOOTH CRIMINAL. Instead of talking about who was stupid and got laid at the younger age, why don't you just have a pissing contest like normal men? That will show him who the real man is.

/needlessly long rant of **** that probably doesn't make sense and will get Redson flamed.
Yeah. If THAT part of your diatribe was meant to insult me, I'm going to crop you into the "conservative idiot" category.

You don't even want to start with me.

Edit: And I agree with Ran, btw.

Smooth Criminal


Smash Journeyman
Jun 29, 2008
Baton Rouge, Louisiana
Yes, you were brain washed by the Super conservative view point of 'NO SEX.' Sex is part of being human, it's perfectly natural when you are prepared to take the consequences. If you cannot walk down the isle of Wal-Mart and purchase condoms without snickering, or blushing, you aren't ready for sex. =p Essentially, if you're utilizing proper condom [spermicide condoms only, plz] use + birth control + the girl actually knowing her menstrual cycle, the chances of having a child are close to improbable, even in ideal situations where the female's egg, and the male's sperm are actually both healthy during that particular moment in time.
Yay argument time.

I'm not against sex before marriage, quite honestly. I just don't think it should be used to prove how "Manly" you are to your friends. I'm not a holy man, in the least. God and I have this thing where, y'know, we don't speak. It's still a moral thing for me though, despite the fact that I'm not religious. It seems wrong to me that someone would go around shouting, "I had sex, thus I'm better than you" when all it really proves is that they're an obnoxious prick.

I stand by what I said. We all have our opinions on this stupid subject. Mine are obviously far different from ya'lls.

Edit @ Smooth Criminal: I was actually incenuating that you could beat him at a pissing contest, thus proving that you were more manly. :\

SUPER EDIT: Let's not bring politics into this. They're stupid.


Smash Ace
Jul 15, 2006
If it makes you feel better, I had sex because I love the girl. I wouldn't do it otherwise (I don't think... I could just stick with my right hand.) In before, "hurhur 16 year olds don't know what love is."


Smash Master
Feb 16, 2008
Baton Rouge
Have I just been brainwashed by the catholic church into thinking that you should save yourself for whoever the **** it is that's unfortunate enough for you to love?
I answered your question.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 29, 2008
Baton Rouge, Louisiana
In before, "hurhur 16 year olds don't know what love is."
Love's a *****, that's what it is. You devote your life to a ***** only to have her treat you like **** later and tell you that you're a worthless piece of dog crap that might as well go die, because no one in the world will ever miss you.

I'd drink to that.



Banned via Warnings
Mar 22, 2007
New Orleans
Ps: Ran waited until he thought he found the girl that was going to be his wife. This means Ran waited until he was 22 to have sex, or really do anything sexual at all. This lead to an -unhealthy- sexual relation with the girl in question, since we were both clueless as to the actual expectations of sex in a relationship, or anything in regards to it.
Not particularly bad since you both were confused. She can't call it bad sex if she's never had it with anyone else.

Redson: **** yeah, virgins unite!

Sex isn't important to me. It's not one of the things on my to do list. However, it's not something I'd pass up if given the opportunity either >_>. I've kinda had the "Whatever happens happens" mentality. I do that to counteract the "Sex is the only reason why a guy lives" mentality that my friends have. I'm probably the only one amongst my friends who is still a virgin, or is not entirely focused on getting laid. Plus, I'm lame and probably couldn't get laid anyway.

Dude, batto that pic is ****in gross and hot at the same time.


Smash Ace
Jul 15, 2006
I really don't want to express anymore of what I believe because I feel as though Ill jsut get blasted for it.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 29, 2008
Baton Rouge, Louisiana
Redson lost his copy of Final Fantasy Tactics Advance 2. This makes Redson very sad. He misses his team of Moogle Gunners, who could singlehandedly take down the final boss. We should all buy Redson a new copy of FFTA2. D:
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