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The Louisiana Thread: Flarefox Forever - We are alive.


Stuff here
Feb 14, 2006
Baton Rouge, Louisiana
Wew. Mura makes all the points I was gonna make. *highfive*

Even if the hacks do develop into a large aspect of the Brawl community, those anti-melee enthusiast will still hold standard brawl tournies. No reason to worry, basically.


Smash Ace
Jul 15, 2006
Wew. Mura makes all the points I was gonna make. *highfive*

Even if the hacks do develop into a large aspect of the Brawl community, those anti-melee enthusiast will still hold standard brawl tournies. No reason to worry, basically.
In an attempt to ignite a flame war, I can only say: @sshole good, butthole bad.


Smash Cadet
Feb 7, 2008
Shreveport, LA
Urgh. Here it comes...brace for Redson's idiocracy, lunacy, ignorance and ****storms...

I never really could get the hang of wavedashing back in Melee. In Brawl, I guess I can say remorsefully that I liked the fact that it didn't have Wavedashing or any of that stuff. Blame my lack of skill, I know its true. Honestly, while I miss the speed of Melee somewhat, Brawl is better suited to my tastes.

This being said, I stupidly believe that this wavedashing hack is just one step in turning Brawl into Brelee, and ruining the tournament scene that I desired to participate in. If it was just wavedashing in friendly matches, it would be fine. But I sincerely don't think it will stop there. I understand some people want a game that feels like melee did, but this hack just won't be like that. I (Again, stupidly) believe that this will eventually be implemented into tournaments everywhere, changing the way many people play the game. I'm sorry if I seem radical for this, but if this hack is tossed into tournament gameplay, I'm quitting. I came to play Brawl, not Brelee.

It was hinted at this would happen not too long ago, when people hacked their Wii's to make tripping dissapear. One of the most complained about "Features" that made Brawl "Brawl" was removed to make it more reminicient of Melee. Some tournaments have most likely implemented it into the system. It's like making a new, "Improved" Brawl, "Now with more Melee!"

I'm sorry you guys are so dissatisfied with Brawl to have to hack the game to make it into an almost entirely new game, but don't mess with it unless its for friendlies. If "Brelee" is made by the fanbase, I really do think that Brawl itself will eventually fall down and die, replaced by its more Melee reminicient "Update".

It makes me have to quote "Slakerz" for a moment here. "Why can't this completely different game be more like that one?"

Don't listen to my ramblings unless you're willing to have an intelligent discussion about it. I'm aware that I'm ********, I'm aware that I most likely know nothing about the game, and yes, I am aware I am jumping to conclusions. But right now, I just can't help but be worried about it.

TL;DR: Plz dunt **** with Brawl. D:

Inb4 flame

Not that I'm worried it will take over the tourney scene. But IF it does, I'm completely done with this game and all future installments. If people want Melee so bad, they can keep playing it and leave the people who fricken enjoy Brawl alone. I was ecstatic that WDing and L-canceling was gone from Brawl. It made me enjoy the game 10 fold. I might have minded the slow speed, floatyness, live to ungodly percentages thing had sakurai had kept in WDing and L-canceling. But since he took out the 2 things i would have rather lived without I applaud this game and enjoy every second of it, be it against a million metaknights, chain grabs, or laser locks.

Don't like Brawl? Go F yourself.

EDIT: Lol vvv


Smash Champion
Jan 23, 2005
P-Cola Florida
Sudai: I tested ROB's freezing some more.

You can WD on the ground just fine. The problem is when you air dodge and then go into the free fall of vulnerability. If you touch anything during this fall, like try to DI your fall, the game will freeze have a constant beep sound. If you let yourself fall, you're able to touch the controls again when you hit the ground, but they don't register at all until the opponent hits you.

So it's either freeze the game, or freeze yourself. Either way, it's fairly unplayable with ROB. Kirby's hella fun with WD though and I imagine I'd say the same for MK if I played him at all. So yeah, don't worry guys this won't become a standard. Unless of course somebody fixes ROB's glitch.


Stuff here
Feb 14, 2006
Baton Rouge, Louisiana
Sudai: I tested ROB's freezing some more.

You can WD on the ground just fine. The problem is when you air dodge and then go into the free fall of vulnerability. If you touch anything during this fall, like try to DI your fall, the game will freeze have a constant beep sound. If you let yourself fall, you're able to touch the controls again when you hit the ground, but they don't register at all until the opponent hits you.

So it's either freeze the game, or freeze yourself. Either way, it's fairly unplayable with ROB. Kirby's hella fun with WD though and I imagine I'd say the same for MK if I played him at all. So yeah, don't worry guys this won't become a standard. Unless of course somebody fixes ROB's glitch.
Or just ban ROB from Brelee.. :/ That'd make me super sad.

Slyfer, it's not gonna take over Brawl. When brawl first came out, people used to suggest high gravity mode as it produced more combos and increased speed. That's a built in feature and it wasn't even necessarily to make things more Melee-esque. It was rejected. People aren't going to accept a hack that changes thigns too much. It -won't- become part of the standard ruleset. I'd be willing to bet my butthole on that (and Sudai sure as hell loves his butthole).


Smash Cadet
Feb 7, 2008
Shreveport, LA
Or just ban ROB from Brelee.. :/ That'd make me super sad.

Slyfer, it's not gonna take over Brawl. When brawl first came out, people used to suggest high gravity mode as it produced more combos and increased speed. That's a built in feature and it wasn't even necessarily to make things more Melee-esque. It was rejected. People aren't going to accept a hack that changes thigns too much. It -won't- become part of the standard ruleset. I'd be willing to bet my butthole on that (and Sudai sure as hell loves his butthole).
I'm sure it isn't. But the fact that this hack was even created pisses me off about the people in this community can't even accept a game for what it is. The fact that even SOME people would just love for something like this to happen on a global scale pisses me off. I think people who are Pro-MakeBrawlLikeMelee are in the same camp of the Anti-Abortionists. They should all just go jump of the Golden State Bridge before they put suicide nets under it.


Banned via Warnings
Mar 22, 2007
New Orleans
First of all Slyfer, with that attitude you have, I'm not convinced that you're different from any of the fickle, feeble-minded Brawlers whom I spoke of earlier. You sound like the same type of people who scold Melee players and their "abusing the physics" and "using Fox only FD" etc, then go right into Brawl and do the same things. Do you want me to start pointing out the ways in which your precious community is similar to the Melee community which you shun? Exploiting the physics, Using top tier characters, Making tier lists, not playing "for fun" and all the other requirements of being a "tourney***". Did you ever notice how, though L-cancelling was gone, Brawlers were still happy about this auto-cancel ****? It's because they are fickle and stupid. If they hated l-cancel in Melee, then they shouldn't've given a **** about auto-cancelling. It's this mentality that pisses me off because these people are the ones running the **** community. If you hated wavedash in Melee, then why aren't you protesting your *** off about Mortar sliding? If you hated L-cancel, then why didn't you reprimand your fellow Brawlers about how auto cancel wasn't important? Why aren't you mad as hell that Sakurai even put it in? It's because Brawlers live by a double standard: They hated everything in Melee, yet those same concepts they hated have been made prevalent in Brawl. So get off your high horse about Melee players, you're no different.

Deleted member

it's just the first time i played you at the gw brawl tourney, you said the match vs marth was horrible, and i said i didnt think it was very bad; and ken even feared some peaches in which he would pick falco and only laser camp on FD. you seemed to strongly disagree. some fox discussion came up later and i think i recall you saying fox was also a really bad matchup.

if im mistaken; my bad. it doesnt rly matter anyway tho o.O

just opinions.

i think i predicted almost this exact tier list after the last list came out with only fox and falco in the top. ive been playing melee for too long.


Smash Rookie
Jun 28, 2007
slyfer was too noobish to learn how to wavedash when we all played. don't listen to him, he would always tell me he cant wait to see wavedashing and l-canceling gone to see who has real skills. You should have heard us on the way to baton rouge :p


Smash Journeyman
Dec 31, 2006
Baton Rouge, LA
First of all Slyfer, with that attitude you have, I'm not convinced that you're different from any of the fickle, feeble-minded Brawlers whom I spoke of earlier. You sound like the same type of people who scold Melee players and their "abusing the physics" and "using Fox only FD" etc, then go right into Brawl and do the same things. Do you want me to start pointing out the ways in which your precious community is similar to the Melee community which you shun? Exploiting the physics, Using top tier characters, Making tier lists, not playing "for fun" and all the other requirements of being a "tourney***". Did you ever notice how, though L-cancelling was gone, Brawlers were still happy about this auto-cancel ****? It's because they are fickle and stupid. If they hated l-cancel in Melee, then they shouldn't've given a **** about auto-cancelling. It's this mentality that pisses me off because these people are the ones running the **** community. If you hated wavedash in Melee, then why aren't you protesting your *** off about Mortar sliding? If you hated L-cancel, then why didn't you reprimand your fellow Brawlers about how auto cancel wasn't important? Why aren't you mad as hell that Sakurai even put it in? It's because Brawlers live by a double standard: They hated everything in Melee, yet those same concepts they hated have been made prevalent in Brawl. So get off your high horse about Melee players, you're no different.
Yeah.. Needless to say I called it. I called it towards Taylor's Melee tier list comment as well with regards to Marth. It's cool, though. No big deal. Good argument, Mura. I still blame this competitive community, though.

Slyfer, I understand where you're coming from, but calm down a little. One thing I've learned though is that yelling doesn't do anything. Be calm and wait. I don't think this will be the standard, but if a built in mode was even considered, then it is possible, but most likely not. People wanna play smash the way they want to. Melee and Brawl alike. I am sad that they are extremely similar these days, but that's how it goes.

Shyguy, you should post more often. Miss you, man. =]


Smash Cadet
Feb 7, 2008
Shreveport, LA
First of all Slyfer, with that attitude you have, I'm not convinced that you're different from any of the fickle, feeble-minded Brawlers whom I spoke of earlier. You sound like the same type of people who scold Melee players and their "abusing the physics" and "using Fox only FD" etc, then go right into Brawl and do the same things. Do you want me to start pointing out the ways in which your precious community is similar to the Melee community which you shun? Exploiting the physics, Using top tier characters, Making tier lists, not playing "for fun" and all the other requirements of being a "tourney***". Did you ever notice how, though L-cancelling was gone, Brawlers were still happy about this auto-cancel ****? It's because they are fickle and stupid. If they hated l-cancel in Melee, then they shouldn't've given a **** about auto-cancelling. It's this mentality that pisses me off because these people are the ones running the **** community. If you hated wavedash in Melee, then why aren't you protesting your *** off about Mortar sliding? If you hated L-cancel, then why didn't you reprimand your fellow Brawlers about how auto cancel wasn't important? Why aren't you mad as hell that Sakurai even put it in? It's because Brawlers live by a double standard: They hated everything in Melee, yet those same concepts they hated have been made prevalent in Brawl. So get off your high horse about Melee players, you're no different.
Coming out swinging huh? I suppose I'll go a round.

"You sound like the same type of people who scold Melee players and their "abusing the physics" and "using Fox only FD""

No I did not approve of abusing the physics. My friends can actually attest that I've said it's an exploitation of the physics engine. I don't like exploits. I do not apologize. The FD Fox only thing I thought was a bit absurd. I never got it since Sheik/Marth/Falco were **** near toe to toe with Fox.

"Exploiting the physics, Using top tier characters, Making tier lists, not playing "for fun" and all the other requirements of being a "tourney***"."

How can you exploit Brawl's physics to a point to where it's **** near required to win a serious competitive match? And I never complained about tier lists. I happily used Zelda, Roy, and Link towards the end of my Melee career. I don't recall even calling any of the characters cheap. I do believe in playing for fun. The only people i make fun of if I make fun of anyone are Tier whores. If you generally like the character then by all means. But playing a char just because he's at the top of the tier list loses brownie points with me. I'm not saying I was a low tier *****. I just played who I liked.

"Did you ever notice how, though L-cancelling was gone, Brawlers were still happy about this auto-cancel ****? It's because they are fickle and stupid. If they hated l-cancel in Melee, then they shouldn't've given a **** about auto-cancelling. It's this mentality that pisses me off because these people are the ones running the **** community. "

First of all I barely know what auto canceling is, because it's automatic for the moves that Sakurai didnt feel the need to have a ton of lag on. Of all the gripes i had with Melee, Lcanceling was the one i didn't really care too much about. Even though i thought it was BS how Gannon was so strong you could Lcancel out of his hard hitting moves so fast. But w/e. I don't frown upon it per se. But I am glad it's gone.

"If you hated wavedash in Melee, then why aren't you protesting your *** off about Mortar sliding?"

I care not about Character specific ATs since i believe all characters should have something unique about them. The only character who can effectively mortar slide is Snake. As far as I see it, it's a character AT. Nothing more. Plus, Wavedashing is IN NO WAY like Mortar Sliding. I would think you'd have more sense than to compare the 2. And another thing, I don't protest against it. I just have the opinion that I hated it in Melee and say good riddance to it in Brawl. In fact all my friends liked/loved/didnt mind it. I'm pretty much the only one in my group who doesn't like it. I'm not a sheep, I'm not spouting any double standard stuff. I have my views. And I thought it was an exploitation of the physics engine. I don't give a **** if it was in the debug menu. How the hell do you even get to the debug menu? that's right, hacks/AR/whatever thing you use to do whatever the hell you like to video games that you don't deem worthy until a new glitch/AT/exploit is found.


What's up LA thread!!! I'm new to the boards, but not to smash. I've never been to a tourney before, but I'll be at the one on the 26th. I just hope I don't get beaten too badly 0_o

I probably don't have any respect here but as far as Melee vs Brawl goes, we shouldn't argue about it. We all have our opinions and should just leave it at that. Is there anyone that lives in Metairie that plays at Dibbz?


Smash Cadet
Feb 7, 2008
Shreveport, LA
Yeah.. Needless to say I called it. I called it towards Taylor's Melee tier list comment as well with regards to Marth. It's cool, though. No big deal. Good argument, Mura. I still blame this competitive community, though.

Slyfer, I understand where you're coming from, but calm down a little. One thing I've learned though is that yelling doesn't do anything. Be calm and wait. I don't think this will be the standard, but if a built in mode was even considered, then it is possible, but most likely not. People wanna play smash the way they want to. Melee and Brawl alike. I am sad that they are extremely similar these days, but that's how it goes.

Shyguy, you should post more often. Miss you, man. =]
First of all, I wasn't yelling. I'm not even angry. I just think it's ridiculous what people will do to have things their way and alter gameplay.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 31, 2006
Baton Rouge, LA
First of all, I wasn't yelling. I'm not even angry. I just think it's ridiculous what people will do to have things their way and alter gameplay.
Yeah.. I know.. But everyone's different, that they are. That's why it's been split between casuals and competitiors. It's cool, though. Don't turn into me, though.. lol..

But yeah.. No fighting, guys. I still like to read this thread from time to time. Mostly to see how Shyguy is doing.


Smash Cadet
Feb 7, 2008
Shreveport, LA
slyfer was too noobish to learn how to wavedash when we all played. don't listen to him, he would always tell me he cant wait to see wavedashing and l-canceling gone to see who has real skills. You should have heard us on the way to baton rouge :p
Noobness has nothing to do with it. I think/thought it was absolutely ridiculous Wding+Lcanceling was such an integral part of competitive Melee that you basically had no chance against someone who could integrate both into their gameplay. I don't believe any tech should be practically required to play seriously. But once again, it's just my opinion.


Smash Ace
Nov 19, 2006
One big room, full of bad *****es
Can we all just get along....please???

If it makes everyone feel better I met this crazy ***** at work and her name was Giovanna >.>
My feeble attempt at peacekeeping failed miserably...I'll stick to being a douchebag tyvm >.>

What's up LA thread!!! I'm new to the boards, but not to smash. I've never been to a tourney before, but I'll be at the one on the 26th. I just hope I don't get beaten too badly 0_o

I probably don't have any respect here but as far as Melee vs Brawl goes, we shouldn't argue about it. We all have our opinions and should just leave it at that. Is there anyone that lives in Metairie that plays at Dibbz?
I told u already I play at Dibbz!!! Get ya maf#ckin mind right son!!! Don't forget about that Brawlfest at my crib the Saturday before the tourney foo.

get at this guy beasting this boss battle

...I would rip my eyes out then break all of my fingers....


Smash Cadet
Feb 7, 2008
Shreveport, LA
Yeah.. I know.. But everyone's different, that they are. That's why it's been split between casuals and competitiors. It's cool, though. Don't turn into me, though.. lol..

But yeah.. No fighting, guys. I still like to read this thread from time to time. Mostly to see how Shyguy is doing.
Ok, please believe me when I say I'm not trying to fight about anything. But I have to ask. Why is it that you're called a casual just because you don't follow the melee mentality? That's another thing that upsets me. You're casual if you hate WDing you're competitive if you do it/liked it. I consider myself competitive at Brawl, but because I don't follow the Melee mob mentality I'm automatically a scrub/noob/casual. It just irks me. And Vaughn I'm not saying you called me a casual or anything. I'm just calling some things into question.


Stuff here
Feb 14, 2006
Baton Rouge, Louisiana
Competitive means doing what ever it takes to win. "Scrubs," by the traditional competitive definition, have personal "honor codes" (don't say you don't have any because you do in regards to wavedashing and l-canceling, you said so yourself) that they choose to play by, not because it's in the rules, but because they just don't like it.

I don't like the term "scrub" but sadly, it's the most common used word in this scenario.. :/


Smash Ace
Nov 19, 2006
One big room, full of bad *****es
Ok, please believe me when I say I'm not trying to fight about anything. But I have to ask. Why is it that you're called a casual just because you don't follow the melee mentality? That's another thing that upsets me. You're casual if you hate WDing you're competitive if you do it/liked it. I consider myself competitive at Brawl, but because I don't follow the Melee mob mentality I'm automatically a scrub/noob/casual. It just irks me. And Vaughn I'm not saying you called me a casual or anything. I'm just calling some things into question.

First. Read and you'll either forever play to win or you'll be forever diverted from competitive gaming. Everyone great or that will become great in anything competitive follows all of these mantra.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 31, 2006
Baton Rouge, LA
Actually, Slyfer. Those are all good questions. People aren't necessarily calling you a casual per se. And being casual isn't necessarily a bad thing. Though I do believe that "casual" is a dirty word in the competitive world and vice versa. The 2 just really can't co-exist together. Not completely at least. A lot of people who played Melee loved the Melee mentality that they shared back then and they believed that was the way to play competitively because they were used to that mentality. Can you blame them at least? It was around for at least 6 years. Maybe whenever most people see someone that isn't very knowledgeable about the AT's and physics of the game, they believe that that person doesn't take the game too seriously and is a "scrub." And of course the actual casuals take offense to this. I don't know. There's still a lot about these things that many people don't know. What we do know at least is that the community has indeed come to this level. And it is because of these mentalities that both of these classes cannot exist. And you just gotta wait it out, I guess.

I don't know if it helped, but I sure hope it did.


Smash Cadet
Feb 7, 2008
Shreveport, LA

First. Read and you'll either forever play to win or you'll be forever diverted from competitive gaming. Everyone great or that will become great in anything competitive follows all of these mantra.
I've already read that a very long time ago. And I'm sorry guys, let's drop it now before it gets out of hand. I'm sorry I made that intro to casual vs competitive debate. I care not to help contribute to what might be pages upon pages of a casual vs competitive debate.

Anyway, I can't wait to show you all the way of Lucario once I get my shirt and show it off next month.


Stuff here
Feb 14, 2006
Baton Rouge, Louisiana
I understand that. But if that was truly the case, we'd all be Metaknights. :/ But I'll accept that definition now since I don't want anyone hating my guts because I won't shut up about it.
There's gray area in this subject, like most subjects. There's no real mandate for where being a casual player ends and being a competitive player begins, but generally, being against something because it exploits physics shoves you into the casual camp. That, complaining about tiers, complaining about a specific strategy, or just making ridiculous johns (that one's dedicated to you, Nickest Knight of the Nyte time~ D: ).

Not saying that you do all, or any of these, just trying to help you clarify where the gray turns white enough for people to call it white or black enough to call it black.


Smash Cadet
Feb 7, 2008
Shreveport, LA
Actually, Slyfer. Those are all good questions. People aren't necessarily calling you a casual per se. And being casual isn't necessarily a bad thing. Though I do believe that "casual" is a dirty word in the competitive world and vice versa. The 2 just really can't co-exist together. Not completely at least. A lot of people who played Melee loved the Melee mentality that they shared back then and they believed that was the way to play competitively because they were used to that mentality. Can you blame them at least? It was around for at least 6 years. Maybe whenever most people see someone that isn't very knowledgeable about the AT's and physics of the game, they believe that that person doesn't take the game too seriously and is a "scrub." And of course the actual casuals take offense to this. I don't know. There's still a lot about these things that many people don't know. What we do know at least is that the community has indeed come to this level. And it is because of these mentalities that both of these classes cannot exist. And you just gotta wait it out, I guess.

I don't know if it helped, but I sure hope it did.
It did, and I'd discuss it more but I hear enough whining from the people I play smash with about this debate to get into one with even more people. And I know the people I play with will just HAVE to jump in on the conversation just as one already did, and mud slinging will occur and I'd rather just not deal with it. So I'd rather just drop it while I still have the chance.


Smash Cadet
Feb 7, 2008
Shreveport, LA
There's gray area in this subject, like most subjects. There's no real mandate for where being a casual player ends and being a competitive player begins, but generally, being against something because it exploits physics shoves you into the casual camp. That, complaining about tiers, complaining about a specific strategy, or just making ridiculous johns (that one's dedicated to you, Nickest Knight of the Nyte time~ D: ).

Not saying that you do all, or any of these, just trying to help you clarify where the gray turns white enough for people to call it white or black enough to call it black.
I think that part is ridiculous that it does that, but whatever. Btw, since when did you decide to main/secondary whatever GnW? I saw you playing as him during the tourney and thought it was odd since you're so beastly with Rob.


Stuff here
Feb 14, 2006
Baton Rouge, Louisiana
I think that part is ridiculous that it does that, but whatever. Btw, since when did you decide to main/secondary whatever GnW? I saw you playing as him during the tourney and thought it was odd since you're so beastly with Rob.
*shrug* I picked up a few chars. I play ROB, GnW, Marth, and ZSS now. Picking up Lucario and either Falco or D3 soonish. I've just been messing around with a lot of chars and finding that I enjoy quite a few of them.


Smash Master
Feb 16, 2008
Baton Rouge
What's up LA thread!!! I'm new to the boards, but not to smash. I've never been to a tourney before, but I'll be at the one on the 26th. I just hope I don't get beaten too badly 0_o

I probably don't have any respect here but as far as Melee vs Brawl goes, we shouldn't argue about it. We all have our opinions and should just leave it at that. Is there anyone that lives in Metairie that plays at Dibbz?
Welcome to the party.
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