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The Louisiana Thread: Flarefox Forever - We are alive.


Smash Ace
Nov 19, 2006
One big room, full of bad *****es
Louisianna, we will be hosting a two day tournament in Biloxi, Mississippi. A thread will be up soon, but would you guys be interested in going?

Alright, we'll I do have good news. A thread will be up today on what will be going on, but we have a few dates in mind.

The beginning of August at the earliest, which would be August 1-2 and August 8-9. We may have a place to hold it at, and if so, it will be a two day tournament. GameStop has not got back to us whether they will sponsor it or not, but the place will be free to use all weekend. The catch to that is some of the money will go to the D'Iberville Special Needs Soccer Team, set up for disabled and handicapped kids to play soccer and have fun. It will be a two day tournament, the first being Super Smash Bros. Brawl and the second being Melee. You will be able to sleep inside the place all night, and there are restaurants such as Taco Bell, Hooters, Applebees, Outback, Beef O' Bradees, and a few other places close by to the location of the tournament. We will have a Brawl Singles and Doubles and a Melee singles and doubles, each costing 10 dollars to enter. Prizes will consist of the entry fees and possibly others such as gift cards to Wal-Mart and GameStop, and possibly a new 32" TV. The better prizes will be in the tournament the most people express interest in, so weather it be Brawl or Melee, we do not know.

If you have any questions or concerns, you may post it here. We know it's a long way from most Mississippi Smashers, but assuming the prizes are good I don't think that it should matter that much. If most of you want Melee, then we will make the Melee Tournaments the ones worth the prizes. Just tell me what you guys want, as I hope all of you up north will want to come down here and meet the few smashers, like myself, secluded from everyone who is really playing the game. I will have the thread up, but also invite people yourself. People in the Melee scene don't know me nearly as well as they probably know all of you guys, so please help make this a successful tournament.


Originally posted in MS Thread.
YES I LOVE BILOXI!!! BEACHES, BABES AND NOW BRAWL!!! Plus by that time I'll be old enough to gamble and drink legally, but if its 2 days what are some inexpensive hotels there, preferably beachside.


Smash Master
May 24, 2007
Biloxi, Mississippi
YES I LOVE BILOXI!!! BEACHES, BABES AND NOW BRAWL!!! Plus by that time I'll be old enough to gamble and drink legally, but if its 2 days what are some inexpensive hotels there, preferably beachside.
Do you want a hotel? If you bring a sleeping bag or something you can sleep at the facility. It can hold a good 400 or so people, so...


Smash Ace
Nov 19, 2006
One big room, full of bad *****es
Do you want a hotel? If you bring a sleeping bag or something you can sleep at the facility. It can hold a good 400 or so people, so...
That's cool and all and I appreciate the kindness, but if I find a ***** to shag that night, I'd prefer to take her to a nice hotel to do the grown-up. So is there gonna be Melee and Brawl there? I've never actually been to a large Melee tourney though I would need lots of practice to actually make a showing.


Smash Master
May 24, 2007
Biloxi, Mississippi
You can rent out a hotel if you wish, then, but you can always just take her to your/a car, ya know :D

Anyways, the first day will be Brawl, the second day will be Melee. Singles and doubles for both, between, before, and after will be friendlies for either game. We will need TV's and Wii's for the occasion, so anyone who can bring them would be a great help.

Deleted member

johnny, you're silly. i havent played in a while (too much anime), but i didnt quit.

shyg, that joke was well appreciated.

ill be going to the boloxi tournament. my mom lives in pass christian so ill have a place to stay, but as far as people riding with me, yall will have to stay at the facility (which doesnt seem that bad).

matt, idk if ill be around this weekend but i think i have a day off.

dr.lite, what time can we show up? i know it starts late but id rather come early and play you guys for a while. lately ive been having alot of fun playing melee no matter who it is.

i had some other things to say but i dont remember.

randomly; 225-892-4778 my number for anyone who doesnt have it.


Smash Master
May 24, 2007
Biloxi, Mississippi
I am trying to get a thread up for the tournament, and when it's up, I'll post in this thread. It's just hard to give information without a date formed yet and such, but I'll try to get what I can tonight. Please post in that thread saying if you'll be able to come, and how many people you can bring. State if you are staying in the facility or not, and what tournaments you will attend. If you have any questions, post them here, or PM me. If it's urgent, you can catch me on AIM easily, SarikuUchiha, or Windows Live, which is FDSariku@live.com


Smash Ace
Nov 19, 2006
One big room, full of bad *****es
Have you seen Lee's hair? better reasons to keep a girl away.

And OMG Jackets?
huh? Was that an insult cuz if I wasn't black I would def have Lee's haircut, trust me I know what kind of hair gets b!itches.

You can rent out a hotel if you wish, then, but you can always just take her to your/a car, ya know :D

Anyways, the first day will be Brawl, the second day will be Melee. Singles and doubles for both, between, before, and after will be friendlies for either game. We will need TV's and Wii's for the occasion, so anyone who can bring them would be a great help.
I've got an LCD with HD hook-up so no lag that I don't mind bringing, if not I could just bring my Wii. Yeah and about the car thing, i have cloth and found at very long ago that semen stains show up very well >.> but I could shack it up in the compound and snag a room if necessary.

Somebody bring me xDDD

Ill buy you a dinner, hehehe. (not in a gay way though)
I could see what I could do, no promises though...get a fake ID too cuz I like to eat in the casinos when I go to the Lox. If you don't know where to get one just find someone with your same hair color and facial shape that's 21 and give them ten bucks to go get a new one (or however much IDs cost in Louisiana, I'm from FLA).


Smash Master
May 24, 2007
Biloxi, Mississippi
I won't get in the business of rides, that's all your guys doing :D I'm very happy so many people from Louisiana wants to come to this. None of the Northern MS Smashers seem to want to come, besides a few, anyways.


Smash Ace
Jul 15, 2006
I could see what I could do, no promises though...get a fake ID too cuz I like to eat in the casinos when I go to the Lox. If you don't know where to get one just find someone with your same hair color and facial shape that's 21 and give them ten bucks to go get a new one (or however much IDs cost in Louisiana, I'm from FLA).
Heh, maybe. As for the ID, bleh, I could just bring food in a backpack or try and find a McDonald's or some ****.


Smash Master
May 24, 2007
Biloxi, Mississippi
We will try to get a sponsor to sell food inside the facility for those who want to eat, lol. Otherwise, there is a Taco Bell, Beef'O'Brades, Wal-Mart, What-A-Burger, Wendys, GameStop, Hooters, Outback, and a few others within 5 miles of the location.


Smash Ace
Jan 28, 2006
Metairie LA
i wann go for the hot bytches and what not i need to be doing some fcking im in my prime if a girl opens her vag to me im gonna go at like tiger on gazzelle .......... oh ya and meele brawl blah whater acytocholine FOX&FALCO&META-K-night


Smash Ace
Jul 15, 2006
We will try to get a sponsor to sell food inside the facility for those who want to eat, lol. Otherwise, there is a Taco Bell, Beef'O'Brades, Wal-Mart, What-A-Burger, Wendys, GameStop, Hooters, Outback, and a few others within 5 miles of the location.
Perfect. :]

i wann go for the hot bytches and what not i need to be doing some fcking im in my prime if a girl opens her vag to me im gonna go at like tiger on gazzelle .......... oh ya and meele brawl blah whater acytocholine FOX&FALCO&META-K-night
xDDDDDDD Jeese, you are like my idol.:laugh:


Smash Master
May 24, 2007
Biloxi, Mississippi
If any of you need to get ahold of me, do not be afraid to message me or even give me a phone call. I will have the phone with me at all times, and only I will answer it. PM me if you want the number, I don't want to just openly give it right yet.


Smash Rookie
May 9, 2008
Baton Rouge, LA
Fa word, Taylor and Fred, i sure will try to..and I drink whatever, mixed drinks are vurry nice.

Whoever lemme know when u guys are playing, especially brawl for now, my cell is 225-266-7397.

k. o yea

Ryan, wut does ROB stand for? Rusty ole' Beewatch. Haha, no im joking, it doesn't stand for that but would be tight if it did.


Stuff here
Feb 14, 2006
Baton Rouge, Louisiana
Ryan, wut does ROB stand for? Rusty ole' Beewatch. Haha, no im joking, it doesn't stand for that but would be tight if it did.
Robotics Operating Buddy...BEYOTCH. That's right, now it's ROB...B. Eff yeah. But like, I haven't slept in 51 hours now...pissin' me off cause I want to sleep...I just can't... Fuclballs. Someone come knock me unconscious? Please?


Stuff here
Feb 14, 2006
Baton Rouge, Louisiana
Double post cause **** is ghey.

Recognize, lol at this -> http://www.smashboards.com/showthread.php?t=174462

You need to give someone your number, because we just spent like..the last 3 hours 40 minutes playing Melee. Too good, son. Oh, and we're playing a lot tomorrow (today? whatever Wednesday is) so like...give us your number!

Or call Taylor cause he posted his number up on the boards and he actually answers unlike most people on here. el oh el.

Deleted member

so uh, what is the name of 'this facility?'

i lived in long beach/gulf port for 2+ years and know boloxi fairly well.

also; im assuming we're playing brawl not melee. thats rly the only info im interest to know very soon.



Smash Apprentice
Jul 12, 2006
Me and Lee need to have a "Hotness Money match"

Rules: Whoever can obtain the most votes shall win.

ShyG: you crazy man <3

Taylor: Ill ride with you and ill pay some gas if needed.

Sudai: Are you going to biloxi? mfme? or whatever the fhuck that tournoment name is in laffyette?

david: ill PM you my number.

Mississippi guy
/girl? On which dates is this going to be hosted?


Smash Cadet
Apr 10, 2006
New Orleans, LA
That's cool and all and I appreciate the kindness, but if I find a ***** to shag that night, I'd prefer to take her to a nice hotel to do the grown-up. So is there gonna be Melee and Brawl there? I've never actually been to a large Melee tourney though I would need lots of practice to actually make a showing.
ROFL ^^^ Good Idea haha. I plan on getting a hotel as well as bringing some people.


Smash Cadet
Apr 10, 2006
New Orleans, LA
Sorry for the double post but there was one thing we did one time for a melee tournament that was the greatest and we need to do it for brawl/melee again.

We need to have a "house" party somehwere, Where we can have the following, If I leave you out im sorry!

Myself (Matt, Everpower)
Jiovanni (Kirby)
Chad Lee
Possibly Batt (his parents=gay)
Taylor of course
Shyguy <3
Freddy My sexy beast (Setsuma)

If I forgot you sorry, must not have met you enough times??

We need to get some Beer and brawl melee it up at someones house apartment for a 2 day thing 3 day thing. Even that kind of "friendly" tournament or $2 entry fee lol to buy more alcohol.

OR I say Since N.O. + BR + HOUMA Make up the smash community We should all go on a 5-7 da vacation, grab some hotel rooms, and live it up on the beach then drink at night and play some melee/brawl.

That would be some tight ****!

Also Ive talked to LEE, Ricky, John, Ray about something else. Ricky has a White Jacket hoodie with Star wolf airbrushed on the back.

I got the Idea that we should all go get White jackets, Get our favorite Brawl Character HUGE airbrushed on the back, The WII symbol on the sleeve And on the Front we put something like I would put My Smashboards name Everpower, Then I would put NOLASMASH meaning From Nola Crew. Baton Rouge could put BR or BatonRougeSmash and etc....

That way when we all go to big tournies and roll up we would be our own little showing ya digg? I mean its a good idea right? The jackets and airbrushing your only looking at $75


Smash Journeyman
Aug 23, 2004
Flower Mound, TX
Huh never thought there would be people up when I was in the morning.......unless you're all still awake from yesterday 0_o

Edit: Also what city is this gameware monthly gonna be in? I'm going to try and make it since I really don't have anything to do on the weekends. (plus I'll probably have beaten MGS4 by then) I'll finally have a chance to meet everyone, check out the skill, and compare it to my Texas bretheren.


Smash Journeyman
Apr 20, 2006
The Gameware tournament on June 20 is in Baton Rouge, and the street address is 3151 College Dr., Ste. A-1.

It's good to see interest in this. I think there's also someone from Minnesota who happens to be in town and is going to try to make it. Not to mention the locals and hopefully NOLA.


Smash Ace
Jan 28, 2006
Metairie LA
like seriosly im gonna end my life, i just cant do it anymore, im pathetic, i had to leave my job cuz i couldnt be around people.. i cant even leave my house... this is not what life is spose to be.... i like to think i know what im doing but i dont im so lost and the only reason i would keep going is for the chance that one day things may get better but id have to go throgh 10 more years of bull**** just to get there ill weigh my options....


Stuff here
Feb 14, 2006
Baton Rouge, Louisiana
ShyG... Don't do it. : ( I'll give you oral and make things better?

Freddy, I'm going to MFTW and hopefully going to the Bilouxi thing.

Taylor, the Bilouxi thing is doing both. Brawl first day, Melee second day.

samusdeway, most of us stay awake till stupid hours.

Oh, guys, I managed to fall asleep last night. ****ty sleep, but I guess it's better than nothing?


Smash Cadet
Oct 19, 2007
i like to think i know what im doing but i dont im so lost and the only reason i would keep going is for the chance that one day things may get better
If it makes you feel any better, you're not alone.

I think if anyone under the age of like...50 says any differently, they're lying.

We all want to be something we're not, we all want to be more, do more...accomplish more, but we're not. Heh, if you figure it out....please, let me know.


Smash Ace
Nov 19, 2006
One big room, full of bad *****es
Sorry for the double post but there was one thing we did one time for a melee tournament that was the greatest and we need to do it for brawl/melee again.

We need to have a "house" party somehwere, Where we can have the following, If I leave you out im sorry!

Myself (Matt, Everpower)
Jiovanni (Kirby)
Chad Lee
Possibly Batt (his parents=gay)
Taylor of course
Shyguy <3
Freddy My sexy beast (Setsuma)

If I forgot you sorry, must not have met you enough times??

We need to get some Beer and brawl melee it up at someones house apartment for a 2 day thing 3 day thing. Even that kind of "friendly" tournament or $2 entry fee lol to buy more alcohol.

OR I say Since N.O. + BR + HOUMA Make up the smash community We should all go on a 5-7 da vacation, grab some hotel rooms, and live it up on the beach then drink at night and play some melee/brawl.

That would be some tight ****!

Also Ive talked to LEE, Ricky, John, Ray about something else. Ricky has a White Jacket hoodie with Star wolf airbrushed on the back.

I got the Idea that we should all go get White jackets, Get our favorite Brawl Character HUGE airbrushed on the back, The WII symbol on the sleeve And on the Front we put something like I would put My Smashboards name Everpower, Then I would put NOLASMASH meaning From Nola Crew. Baton Rouge could put BR or BatonRougeSmash and etc....

That way when we all go to big tournies and roll up we would be our own little showing ya digg? I mean its a good idea right? The jackets and airbrushing your only looking at $75
Honestly I wouldn't mind having something like that at my place, but the parking is terrible since I live in a duplex and I'm assuming everyone would have to get drunk off their ***** since the only other sleeping arrangements are 2 sofas. Oh and my real name is Jared by the way.

like seriosly im gonna end my life, i just cant do it anymore, im pathetic, i had to leave my job cuz i couldnt be around people.. i cant even leave my house... this is not what life is spose to be.... i like to think i know what im doing but i dont im so lost and the only reason i would keep going is for the chance that one day things may get better but id have to go throgh 10 more years of bull**** just to get there ill weigh my options....
NO DON'T DO IT!!! I'm so serious though, most people who look at me today wouldn't imagine that the first 8 years of my life were spent in one of the poorest cities in America surrounded by a bunch of negativity (I won't get specific now, but trust me it was very bad), had one TV in the whole f!cking house, had to sleep in the same bed as my older brother until I was 10 years old, and had muthaf!ckers ridicule the f!ck outta me for no reason in particular. Things get better dude, you just have to always be proactive and wanting that change. The second you forget how badly you want that change is the same second that your very being slips into oblivion. Once you're there it becomes very hard to dig yourself out. I really hate going into details, but I've had to go through some really wicked **** that would've made most people come out all f!cked up. Fortunately, through my own will and self-determination I was able to find a way out. Also, I'm not saying that you should devote your life to Jesus Christ, but believe in something. Even if you believe that we all become nothingness when we die, wouldn't that give you an excuse to try to live it up to the maximum right now?


Smash Ace
Jul 15, 2006
like seriosly im gonna end my life, i just cant do it anymore, im pathetic, i had to leave my job cuz i couldnt be around people.. i cant even leave my house... this is not what life is spose to be.... i like to think i know what im doing but i dont im so lost and the only reason i would keep going is for the chance that one day things may get better but id have to go throgh 10 more years of bull**** just to get there ill weigh my options....
NO. I love ya ShyGuy, dun break my heart.


Smash Journeyman
Apr 29, 2008
Baton Rouge, LA
Double post cause **** is ghey.

Recognize, lol at this -> http://www.smashboards.com/showthread.php?t=174462

You need to give someone your number, because we just spent like..the last 3 hours 40 minutes playing Melee. Too good, son. Oh, and we're playing a lot tomorrow (today? whatever Wednesday is) so like...give us your number!

Or call Taylor cause he posted his number up on the boards and he actually answers unlike most people on here. el oh el.
Cool man, I'll definitly try to get to one of your houses lol!

My cell is 1-225-955-0845

I would really like to go play melee with you guys today ut I have no ****in idea how to get out of the house. My parents probobly wouldn't like me driving to some strangers house to play " A **** electronics" as they would say. <.< I'll try to work something out with taylor though.

P.S I got a car and drivers license and I'm home alone all day from 9:00 - 5:00
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