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The Louisiana Thread: Flarefox Forever - We are alive.

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Smash Cadet
Aug 23, 2007
man i totally f'ed up at the tourney. idk what happened. it's ok though cause sudai and i made up for it in teams although it didnt really matter. good stuff laffy


Smash Apprentice
Jul 12, 2006
But you just said anything is awesome? Wouldn't you be contradicting yourself if you said anything is awesome then you said as long as its not happening to you?




Deleted member

i'd prefer melee something. it doesnt matter as far as teams or singles though. teams are too much fun.

we should probably just vote when everyone gets there.

Lee Martin

Smash Ace
Dec 22, 2005
Baton Rouge, LA
Brawls better than melee. but we cant argue about this. lol. i think for all future tournaments in la and everywhere. there should be a brawl singles and melee singles. if theres time.. brawl teams.:] im going to try to make it to the gameware tourney and bring some of new orleans with me. i will be entering brawl And Melee.

im on the toilet also. i always post when i poop. so just think about me pooping the next time i post. [;


Aug 11, 2002
Austin, TX
i vote brawl. i just can't take any more of melee...too many years of seeing the same stuff of fox, falco, marth, etc. To get better, from where i left off, requires that i take the next step into full-pro status...and i just dont have that much dedication and interest to play through a game that i can predict.

maybe melee is the better sandwich, but if you keep eating philly steak and cheese for years......u just grow tired of it, I'm liking this simpler peanutbutter sandwich i call brawl right now. Maybe its not as good, but i dont miss the stress.

I wouldn't doubt my DK is bottom of top 10 in the country right now. And my IceClimbers are just as dangerous, if not better. GW is my 3rd still. I'm comfortable with these 3 atm..everyone else i consider my "2ndaries."


Smash Apprentice
Jul 12, 2006
Brawls better than melee. but we cant argue about this. lol. i think for all future tournaments in la and everywhere. there should be a brawl singles and melee singles. if theres time.. brawl teams.:] im going to try to make it to the gameware tourney and bring some of new orleans with me. i will be entering brawl And Melee.

im on the toilet also. i always post when i poop. so just think about me pooping the next time i post. [;

Well, it's all about opinion, but imo melee is better, i mean, brawl is cool and all, but once you have played it for more than a month it just BORING. everything is too slow, theres no technical aspect, no light shielding, power shielding sucks, all you do are aerials, its just ridiculous, lol. I kinda look at it as a joke to be honest, like what was sakuri thinking.

But yeah, like i said, its all about opinion, some people like easy, slow simple games, some like very difficult, fast, and complex games i guess.

Lee Martin

Smash Ace
Dec 22, 2005
Baton Rouge, LA
Brawls mindgames just destroy melee's because the possibilities are so endless. i have a lot more fun in the game trying to predict and thinking of mindgames than just playing with technical things that just work like in melee. i get a lot more satisfaction out of brawl when i kill :] i dont think brawl is that slow and its not as technical as melee but its airdodge game is much more technical. it makes for a whole new game that a lot of people havent put enough time or given it enough of a chance to truly enjoy it. also... if brawl is so easy then random people everywhere would be winning tournaments. even at 3lt the top 4 were like me, john wu, dmk, and taylor. taylor placed really high for barely even playing brawl just because he's a smart player. i just wish yall would play it just a little bit more to understand the technical defense aspect of brawl. me, john wu, dj, john wu, pierre, chad and everybody else here are with brawl to stay, but i guess thats just our opinions. Brawl is amazing. except for tripping which i usually just laugh anyway when it happens :]


Smash Ace
Nov 19, 2006
One big room, full of bad *****es
I guess I need me a brawl teamate -_-
Yeah me too...Mario + Kirby = Greatness?

>_< i wanna go to this thing so bad. Dammit, I can't wait till I'm old enough to drive.
Yeah I know the feeling even though cars are more of liability now than ever, I've always preferred mooching rides off of people mostly because you never know what kind of misadventures you get into.

Well, it's all about opinion, but imo melee is better, i mean, brawl is cool and all, but once you have played it for more than a month it just BORING. everything is too slow, theres no technical aspect, no light shielding, power shielding sucks, all you do are aerials, its just ridiculous, lol. I kinda look at it as a joke to be honest, like what was sakuri thinking.

But yeah, like i said, its all about opinion, some people like easy, slow simple games, some like very difficult, fast, and complex games i guess.
Brawls mindgames just destroy melee's because the possibilities are so endless. i have a lot more fun in the game trying to predict and thinking of mindgames than just playing with technical things that just work like in melee. i get a lot more satisfaction out of brawl when i kill :] i dont think brawl is that slow and its not as technical as melee but its airdodge game is much more technical. it makes for a whole new game that a lot of people havent put enough time or given it enough of a chance to truly enjoy it. also... if brawl is so easy then random people everywhere would be winning tournaments. even at 3lt the top 4 were like me, john wu, dmk, and taylor. taylor placed really high for barely even playing brawl just because he's a smart player. i just wish yall would play it just a little bit more to understand the technical defense aspect of brawl. me, john wu, dj, john wu, pierre, chad and everybody else here are with brawl to stay, but i guess thats just our opinions. Brawl is amazing. except for tripping which i usually just laugh anyway when it happens :]



Mike G

███████████████ 100%
Oct 3, 2002
The Salt Mines, GA
if a persons truly great in the game they should have the lead enough to where a trip wouldnt decide the outcome of a match. lol. its humorous more than anything.
I hope so man. You should be that "truly great person" . Good luck to you if you choose to take that path. :lick:

EDIT: Seriously, Good Luck.

Lee Martin

Smash Ace
Dec 22, 2005
Baton Rouge, LA
I hope so man. You should be that "truly great person" . Good luck to you if you choose to take that path. :lick:

i wasnt claiming to be that person. i never trash talk but im just throwing that out there. its not about the path. its about the Fun. :] brawls fun. i won a lot of money off of it, but money isnt everything. i play it for fun more than anything.

and lol@ Ryck. FRIST post. haha.


Banned via Warnings
Mar 22, 2007
New Orleans
maybe melee is the better sandwich, but if you keep eating philly steak and cheese for years......u just grow tired of it, I'm liking this simpler peanutbutter sandwich i call brawl right now. Maybe its not as good, but i dont miss the stress.
The big difference is, more people would rather a Philly than PBJ. Also, after you've eaten PBJ for too long, it makes you want something better even more. No one would rather a PBJ over a Philly (provided that that person likes both sandwiches). People will gladly go from a Philly to a sandwich that is just as good (like an Italian BMT, yum) and there would no brobmel because both sandwiches are just as good, but if Subway started selling PBJ, who the hell would buy it? People go to subway for something they can't get at home.

In short, that was a bad analogy.

Brawls mindgames just destroy melee's because the possibilities are so endless. i have a lot more fun in the game trying to predict and thinking of mindgames than just playing with technical things that just work like in melee.
Brawl's mindgames destroy Melee's? That's inaccurate. Brawl and Melee's mindgames are completely different. Melee's mindgames come instantaneous inate ability learned through much experience in playing, rarely does someone have to intentionally think about a mindgame to do in Melee; these mindgames come immediately through subconscious study of a match, a person could mindgame naturally without having to put focus on the mindgame itself. Brawl's mindgames are mindgames which are intentionally pondered, due to Brawl's "new momentum" people have to be constantly thinking consciously in order to mindgame.

I personally prefer Melee's mindgames. They relied mostly on effort you, yourself, put into training rather than natural ability. In Melee, you actually had to train for long periods of time to become good at a character. In Melee, you developed both technical skill and mindgames at the same time while you train. I feel more accomplished when I win in Melee because I know that my practice is paying off.

In Brawl, it's almost like mindgames are everything. It's so easy to pick up a character in Brawl and become decent it's ridiculous. It's like, once you learn the character's moves, all there is left is to mindgame better than the other person. You don't have to learn any difficult maneuvers that require technical prowess. It's just move knowledge and mindgames. I don't really have to train much in Brawl to be decent.

Also, wtf happened to SWF's style? We should riot.

Mike G

███████████████ 100%
Oct 3, 2002
The Salt Mines, GA
Lee: I know I know. Fun. I don't wanna argue man. It's not you i'm dissapointed with anyways lol

MuraRengan: what you said was pure truth. except for that sandwich analogy. I love ham an cheese lol

Deleted member

so i cant read what anyone says. swf's format is the real problem. not melee or brawl. i just feel like a kinder gardener again. wtf did anyone say? what state are people from? idk im so confused.

smash DI makes melee amazing. without it, melee is a garbage game full of broken combos that are basically infinities. this would be MC2 over again, but even gheyer for no reason.

for me; the fact that smash DI exists., makes melee. the only thing i really enjoy about brawl is it's airdodge system; and i think i only enjoy that because it's new. if a brawl style game had come out when melee did, and then melee came out when brawl did i think people would be like omg wtf this is pro as hell.
other than the new airdodge system, melee has so many amazing things brawl lacks, including general speed of game play. i dont feel it necessary to list all the things that were taken out in brawl because everyone knows. with smash DI, melee has everything brawl has. combos arent impossible break, and you must play even smarter to get in on your opponent because of the speed of play and technical attributes. the only person i rly surprised that likes brawl better is lee. i dont mind, you can do what ever you want and im fine with it. it just catches me off gaurd.

either way, i will continue to play both games. i just enjoy playing melee in my spare time; while i will only play brawl for money.

this isnt meant to offend anyone. you are entitled to your own opinion as much as i am. the fact remains that laf. and BR prefer melee and NO prefers brawl. then theres cyphus who doesnt rly play either game anymore but prefers brawl better because he cant win in melee with doc. LOL.

recognize what time should i come over tomorrow?


Smash Ace
Jan 28, 2006
Metairie LA
u can change the format back to how it was in user cp forum display or sumthing

i just watched colbol's fox, how the f does he do that ****, he did like nair-shine-nair and i turned off my computer


Smash Apprentice
Jul 12, 2006
I agree with taylor, and mura.

Ill probably do the same thing that taylor is doing and play both. I enjoy brawl, it just bores me after a few matches.

Dude i was watching Jman fox vs Colbol fox, that **** was crazy, though i didnt know what was going on with colbol, he got 4 stocked :x


Smash Apprentice
Jul 12, 2006
For discussion, questions, etc. on this tournament please go to the tournament listings thread: http://www.smashboards.com/showthread.php?t=164840

With the recent announcement of the cancellation of FC this summer, I have decided to work on hosting a large scale tournament which will hopefully meet the size and scope of other large out -of-state tournaments, here in Central Florida. The tournament will run a course of 4 days, during which time, we hope to offer several different events in both Melee and Brawl. Here are the details that I am looking at right now:

Dates: Thursday July 17, 2008 to Sunday July 20, 2008

Location: The Central Florida YMCA, the Y will be able to offer us not only a huge basketball court to have the main event, but also a smaller room for check-in and registration, and the Lockheed Martin center, complete with multiple laptops, displays, and projectors.

Also, there's showers, so don't stink up the joint!!


814 W. Oak Ridge Road
Orlando, FL 32809


too lazy, i'lll do it later, mapquest, qq nubs

**Possible schedule of events!** (NOTE: ALL EVENTS ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE AT ANY TIME)

Day 1: Thursday July 17, 2008

11:00 AM - Registration/Check In, Online Confirmation

1:00 PM - Super Smash Bros. Melee Doubles tournament

When Doubles ends, either 1st round of singles pools will begin or Crew battles, depends on how much time doubles takes.

Day 2: Friday July 18, 2008

11:00 AM - Check In for Singles (Check in will only happen if singles did not start the day before)

1:00 PM - Super Smash Bros. Melee Singles Tournament (If pools start the day before, we will continue pools during this time, then progress into brackets). At the end of the tournament, people can play until the venue closes for the day.

Day 3: Saturday July 19, 2008

11:00 AM - Check in registration for Doubles (are you seeing a pattern in the schedules yet??)

1:00 PM - Super Smash Bros. Brawl Doubles Tournament (again, we can start singles early if time permits, otherwise we can do Brawl crew battles).

Day 4: Sunday July 20, 2008

11:00 AM - Check in for Singles (again this will only be if singles did not start the day before, although we will do fast check ins to make sure people did not mysteriously disappear between rounds).

1:00 PM - Super Smash Bros. Brawl Singles Tournament

**If there is any spare time at all during the tournament, we will host random/low tier tournaments provided there is enough interest**

ALSO, let me know if you guys want 64, we can find setups, its just about whether or not people want it.

End of Tournament


Super Smash Bros. Melee

•4 stock
•2/3 sets
•3/5 finals
•8 minute time limit
•Items off
•Ties broken by lives, then %
•First stage agreed upon or random
•Dave’s Stupid Rule (DSR): No stage may be used twice in a single set if the counter-picking player has already won on that stage.
•Double Blind character pick can be called at anytime.
•Stage Knock Out: Each person may choose one stage to be disabled for the entire set, it must be chosen at the beginning of the set, after initial characters are chosen.
•Advanced Slob Picks: Loser may choose the next stage or select to go random. The winner may then change their character, followed by the loser.
•Bring your own controller
•Controller Mods, Glitches (IC Freeze Glitch, Mewtwo Soul Stunner, etc), and tactics used to stall a match (wall-bombing, rising pound), are banned.
•Team Attack will be ON
•Life stealing allowed

Wobbling is allowed until 150 percent, in which case it is considered stalling the match.

The Mages DQ Rule is applicable when a player is late for a match and it goes as follows:
2 Minutes Late – Warning
4 Minutes Late – Loss of first match of set
6 Minutes Late – Loss of set
(i <3 the mages rule)

- Singles Stages on random – Final Destination, Dream Land 64, Fountain of Dreams, Battlefield, Yoshi’s Story And Pokemon Stadium.
- Singles Stages Banned - Hyrule Temple, Yoshi 64, Fourside, Icicle Mountain, Flatzone, Venom, Brinstar Depths, Big Blue, Great Bay, onnett Princess Peach's Castle, Great bay, Yoshi's island (pipes), Mushroom Kingdom 1/2

All other levels open for counterpicks.

Regional crews rules

10 players per region
40 stock
stadium, fd, dreamland=randoms
if you pick a specific level, the opponent has the opportunity to switch chars. otherwise each crew will have everyone write down predetermined characters and who goes first.
The first stage is random or agreed on.

all crews will play each other in a round robin. best record of wins and losses win. If two crews die, aka go 4-1 or something, whoever won the head to head wins. If somehow the head to heads off set in a 3 way tie, winner will be determined by # of stock.

Super Smash Bros. Brawl

Rules= Stock
Stock = 3
Handicap = Off
Damage Ratio = 1.0
Friendly Fire = On
Self-destruct = -1
Items = Off
Best 2/3
Finals best 3/5


Final Destination
Yoshi's Island
Lylat Cruise


Pokemon Stadium 1
Luigi's Mansion
Delfino Plaza
Castle Siege
Pirate Ship
Frigate Orpheon
Rainbow Cruise


Pipes (Yoshi's Island - Melee)
Distant Planet
Green Greens
Green Hill Zone
Jungle Japes
Pokemon Stadium 2
Bridge of Eldin
Big Blue
Mario Circuit
Shadow Moses Island
Port Town
Mushroomy Kingdom
Rumble Falls
New Pork City
Mario Bros. Old
Flat Zone 2
Hyrule Temple
Spear Pillar

Regional crews rules (there haven't been any real crew battles yet, so there's not real specific rules, but i'll just use the melee rules with changes in stages.

10 players per region
30 stock
fd, battlefield, smashville = randoms
yoshis/lylat/PS1 = counterpicks
if you pick a specific level, the opponent has the opportunity to switch chars. otherwise each crew will have everyone write down predetermined characters and who goes first.
The first stage is random or agreed on.

all crews will play each other in a round robin. best record of wins and losses win. If two crews die, aka go 4-1 or something, whoever won the head to head wins. If somehow the head to heads off set in a 3 way tie, winner will be determined by # of stock.


All prizes are going to be some form of currency, most likely it will be a percent of the pot to be determined later, or a fixed prize, but we hopefully want to give out at least 10 thousand in prizes. Also, I want to pay to a lot of places also, sooooo yea, the more people show up, the more money, ya dig?

Other stuff/Misc. crap


**The following packages and offers may change at any moment, especially individual registration, we may later abandon it for a full package in order to minimize loss of expenses**

You may have noticed in the schedule, that there are 2 hour check-in periods for all 4 days. That may change depending on whether or not we can have online registration, but irregardless, there will be separate fees and registrations for each event. Even though brawl is new, we have to accept the fact that some people will come just to play melee (in fact we're counting on that to bring in lots of OOS'ers), and also that some people won't want to play melee, but instead will come to play brawl, since they know they would just get ***** in melee. So, we're gonna set up things like this:


Melee/Brawl events

Ok, so for the prices the breakdown is this:

Singles events will be $25 dollars each.
Doubles events will be $40 dollars per team (each person will have to pay $20)

In addition, a mandatory $10 dollar per-person fee is included in all events. The prices shown reflect the fee, the fee is per event so each event price is the final price.

Alternative package


This covers the following:

Brawl singles ($15)
Brawl doubles ($10)
Melee singles (15)
Melee doubles ($10)
Venue fee ($10)

ALL CREW BATTLES ARE SEPARATE FEES! They will be 5 dollars per person, per crew, according to rules, each crew must have 10 people, therefore it will be 50 dollars per crew. You can pay for crew battles the day of, there will be no online registration for them.

Online Registration

Registration is handled by Acteva, an event management and registration group. You can now register here:


The prices indicated are the prices here, unfortunately there is a processing fee, which varies based on how much the tickets cost (so the 20 dollar ticket will only have 1.25 fee while the 60 dollar package will have 2.82). Please make sure to answer the question below (i think it will force you to anyways).

There are no refunds, so do not buy anything unless you commit to go!!!

Registration is Visa and Master Card only for now, I will see about getting PayPal up later.

This tournament is still in early stages, but it will happen, don't be fooled, this is gonna be the biggest tournament ever, tell all your friends, tell everyone you've ever met to come, I don't care how bad they are at smash, they need to be here!!!

Right now, I want opinions people, ideas, suggestions, I'm open to anything, hit me with your best shot, I want this tournament to be run exactly as people want, no screw ups, aight!?

Possible Attendance/ Pot Size

Basically, as far as attendance/pot stuff goes, this list is compiled of people who either posted/were mentioned in the three separate threads on boards right now. Even if you're not sure, or it's like a "i'll be able to go if hell freezes over thing", i'll still put your name down, cause i want everybody here no matter what. So i'm pretty much putting everybody's name down lol. With that being said, here's da list:

1. Frames
2. Honors
3. Mankosuki
5. Fenrir VII
6. SheerMadness
7. derf
8. JackHouser
9. hungrybox
10. OTRU...
11. GameDragonX
12. C@sh Mooney
13. everlasting yayuhzz
14. Kidd01
15. Eggz
16. Toubz
17. Atlus8
18. Revolutionary1804
19. Shmooguy
20. RockCrock
21. lime_backwards
22. killer tofu
23. QueenDVS
24. Pritch
25. purekorea
26. Hylian
27. Nick Riddle
28. ESAM
29. TheManaLord
30. Diego
31. xYz
32. Dop/Splinter/WTA
33. ColBol
34. BO!
35. TBP!
36. R.I.P.
37. TheLaw
38. Rx-
39. Finch
40. kiwiii
41. MattDotZeb
42. kirkq
43. Gimpyfish62
44. Lambchops
45. dguy6789
46. Evil_Peach 18
47. festizzio (REGISTERED!!!)
48. BentNapkins
49. Rohins
50. DJ Combo
51. TheZhuKeeper
52. Silent Wolf
53. Chip.
54. Deva
55. JTB
56. Kira
57. The Game II
58. Linguini
59. Laijin
60. Raistlin
61. DaRkNeSsOfHeArT
62. S4MUS4theWInN
63. Tsunami157
64. Gerbil
65. h1roshi
66. Atomic_Punk
67. Dark Sonic
68. Rob_West
69. Envy
70. BossMagnet
71. Marin
72. Zoro
73. uuaa
74. bluray
75. at&t
76. kyon
77. vericz
78. legion
79. action *******
80. leafgreen386
81. CultofRubrik
82. BladeofApollo
83. Ares
84. Harriet the Guy
85. Wizkid
86. Captain Crunch
87. GA Peach
88. PaperstSoapCo
89. 2-Tone
90. SmashMac
91. Sworddancer9034
92. Renth
93. xxhvosukexx
94. Lavos
95. DaShizWiz
96. KeepSpeedN
97. Handorin
98. Kamano
99. UltimateShinigami
100. OffTheChain
101. HugS
102. Samus_Abe
103. XGShadowstar
104. SamDvds
105. nice1
106. Boxob
107. Kraz
108. many 37
109. Rend
110. dsoli
111. Rutger
112. person 701
113. Angry Lobster
114. Shai Hulud
115. Chexr
116. Eci4
117. LozanoGarbanzo
118. Gmoney
119. C-PO
120. J-SON
121. AMR
122. Jesus
123. Lukas
124. XOFF
125. ReDD
126. TBAR
127. Tetsuo
128. Broke
129. Jono
130. BL
131. RTKO
132. Necro
133. Kei-Kei
134. araknophobik
135. Fizz-sama
136. Prac352
137. MarsFool!
138. The Alpha Gundam
139. Miztik
140. Monk/Honkey/Banana
141. 8-bit
142. Afro Thundah
143. smashplayer16
144. Ballistics
145. Sethlon (REGISTERED!!!)
146. Tom
147. dogy samich
148. I Am Infinity
149. PolMex23
150. Cort
151. D3ltaPunk
152. Vicious Delicious
153. daisey
154. Teczero
155. soap
156. WWJasonD
157. MrPBody
158. Tears of Sephiroth
159. ashes
160. Dobs1007
161. sumtime
162. Ranjiz
163. Kyon Owitawa
164. Superstar
165. Proteus
166. 19666falcon
167. skrach8
168. Jx31
169. StripesOrBars
170. IShotLazer
171. OffTheChain
172. TheReflexWonder
173. HRNUT
174. CO18
175. Lounge805
176. Fearless
177. Loto
178. crispyone
179. Force
180. nevershootme
181. Duchock
182. Gindler
183. forkgirl
184. quatripain

Ok, maybe not ALL of these people are coming for sure, but they've expressed interest, which is a start!

IF THEY DID, however, here's the estimated total pot size @ 60 dollars a person (assuming everyone pays for all events):

$11,040, to be distributed among 4 events.

Let's keep it up people!

Dude, we have to go to this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anyone interested???????

Deleted member

freddy get your car and drive me

edit:: i may mostly want to go to watch how lee does in brawl singles.

cyphus are you competing again?


Smash Rookie
May 9, 2008
Baton Rouge, LA
glad to see i predicted the Laf tourny pretty much right, mwaha. Gj Taylor and Freddy. Couldnt really say 3rd, 4th and etc since everyone's pretty good.


Banned via Warnings
Mar 22, 2007
New Orleans
guys, I figured out how to change the design back to sexy mode. Edit options, then go to Thread Display Options, then in Postbit Location, change it from Top to Left


Smash Rookie
Nov 7, 2006
Brawls better than melee. but we cant argue about this. lol. i think for all future tournaments in la and everywhere. there should be a brawl singles and melee singles. if theres time.. brawl teams.:] im going to try to make it to the gameware tourney and bring some of new orleans with me. i will be entering brawl And Melee.

im on the toilet also. i always post when i poop. so just think about me pooping the next time i post. [;
can i be some of that new orleans that you bring? ;D
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