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The Louisiana Thread: Flarefox Forever - We are alive.


Banned via Warnings
Mar 22, 2007
New Orleans
Brawl is as fast as Melee, but it's not fast-paced. There's a big difference. Metaknight can swing his sword at light speed and whoop-dee-doo, but do you really want to see him go up against Melee's Falcon?


Smash Cadet
Oct 19, 2007
Hold up, let's get onto a more important topic. vaughn, gnuf, you guys think you're good at tetris attack, please please let's get this party started, I will show you a tetrising god that lives within me and have some *real* fun.

Lee Martin

Smash Ace
Dec 22, 2005
Baton Rouge, LA
I'm open to accepting money matches now that I'm confirmed to be coming to the May 10 shindig :)
hmm okay..

down for 20$ or 10$? i wanna do as many money matches as possible :p.
they give me such a rush lol!
ps. im only money matching people in sets of 2/3 on neutral levels only.
im not really down for gay *** counterpicks like havenbow or anything ******** really.

Dr Mario Kart

Smash Apprentice
Dec 20, 2003
:ohwell: From the very top player in the LA rankings? (sigh).

Maybe we'll see how singles go first, you might be taking my entry fees anyway :laugh:

I'm good for $10


Smash Ace
Feb 15, 2008
Atlanta, Georgia
hmm okay..

down for 20$ or 10$? i wanna do as many money matches as possible :p.
they give me such a rush lol!
ps. im only money matching people in sets of 2/3 on neutral levels only.
im not really down for gay *** counterpicks like havenbow or anything ******** really.
I hate Hanenbow with a passion.
When offered a counterpick, I always choose Frigate Orpheon.

Lee Martin

Smash Ace
Dec 22, 2005
Baton Rouge, LA
haha oh sounds good. and um im very certain John Wu will want to money match you too. probably ricky as well. the tourney should have a nice turn out though. many many really good players. should be fun :] you must be pretty dedicated or pretty confident if your traveling this far. lol. or maybe you just want to see what LA smash is all about. because its prettttty crazy. :D

Deleted member

And that's when I quit smash forever and go back to playing Tetris Attack and Mariokart.

It's truly a shame that people aren't giving Brawl enough of a chance for anything. Seems that everyone wants to go back to Melee already. Oh well.. Whatever they have fun with is fine with me. Whatever makes them happy.

I'm just glad there's something different for a change. I'm tired of Melee. It's like DDR Extreme. Old. Just like I prefer DDR SuperNova, I prefer Brawl.
i didnt read sars' post but not everyone is switching back to brawl already, but if we want to play melee after giving brawl a good chance (even though you assume we havent 'given it a chance for anything') it's our personal opinion. im not telling everyone what to do, i just dont like brawl.
im dont want to debate which is better because it's opinions not facts that make a preference. it's also not the competition aspect about either game; its not that i dont want to compete in brawl, i just dont like playing it in general. and you say you hate melee and pump for the competitve aspects, but no tournaments for brawl have happened now. after 3lt you'll probably be mad that people want to win so bad in brawl too.

also for the record, melee and brawl are completely different games, while ddr and subparnova are almost identical games; making that a bad comparison.

edit:: supermindgames?
so lee, do you like melee or brawl better? not that it rly matters, im just very confused.


Dr Mario Kart

Smash Apprentice
Dec 20, 2003
I wouldnt put too much stock into me traveling having anything to do with....anything.

I travel all the time for business, so I can pretty much go wherever I want without that much expense.

Its only 6 hours away according to mapquest, thats about the same time as going to the very southern part of Texas from here!

Dr Mario Kart

Smash Apprentice
Dec 20, 2003
Is there going to be some sort of seeding in the brackets based on perceived rank or location or something?

It would suck to come so far only to play the very best guys in round 1.


Smash Apprentice
Oct 25, 2007
BR City
Hold up, let's get onto a more important topic. vaughn, gnuf, you guys think you're good at tetris attack, please please let's get this party started, I will show you a tetrising god that lives within me and have some *real* fun.
If you dont make around 3X,XXX-4X,XXX then it wont be a challenge ;] One of my friend's brother makes close to 50,000 constantly. i havent played in like 2 years. i played for a few minutes last week to see how i would do and made only about 30,000...i suck now.

Bring on the Challenge


Smash Master
Feb 16, 2008
Baton Rouge
Also, good games to anyone I played on Saturday. I can't wait to play you guys in the tournament on Saturday. Lee kicked my *** all Saturday/Sunday, so hopefully I learned something from the beatings. I have one week to make a ton of adjustments for the tournament. [While working ftw!]


Smash Journeyman
Oct 16, 2005
Battle Rouge
Ooh, the Iceman might have to show up to this tourny. It'd be a good chance to get rid of some post-final blues. I haven't played in a while, so I might just be throwing my money away, but I'm always up for new things (like the Eiffel Tower {the position, not the actual landmark. for more info on this, come to my place around 10 tomorrow and bring banana lube, cuz Ice likes the banana}). Oh, and I'm awesome.
I haven't been here in a while. Did teh Cyphus really quit? That blows. Is there a reason, or is like a general lack of interest for all things Smash? If you left, I'll miss ya partner. I'll mail you your things back (you know what things.)


Smash Journeyman
Oct 16, 2005
Battle Rouge
****in Brawl.

Oh, and about this whole Melee vs Brawl thing. L2P, *******s. It's only been out for 2 **** months (not even). Give it a duckin chance. When Melee came out it was different. The only thing you could compare it to was 64, and Melee was leaps and mother ****in bounds ahead of that. Now a new game comes out, and y'all treat it like anything new, with the whole "oh, there's no WD, it's not technical, it's the devil's music, I'm an idiot and I suck at life (4life), lolomgrofl I hate new things!1!!1?!" act, you know that one. To those people who embraced it as a change, I salute you.
Do I think it's better? I don't know. Hell, nobody ****in knows, it's new. If you don't wanna play it, then don't ****in play it, but the rest of the gamin world is gonna pass you the **** up, so if you don't wanna be left behind get with the program. I remember when they had to burn disco records to kill disco, are we gonna have to do the same thing for you ****in hippies to stop *****in about Brawl? Here's a thought, play Melee at home if it makes you happy, and play the new game in tournies.
I remember a point in Melee when some characters couldn't possibly beat other characters, and towards the end those were the ones to play with (I remember when Luigi was cool, then he sucked, then he got cool again). Now people are saying who's gonna be top tier in Brawl already. Do y'all know? Really? People said the same thing in Melee, and they were wrong. Calm down, Nostra-****in-damus. It's been out literally about 57 days and people are saying "it sucks, let's go back to the good ole times." Saddle up folks, Brawl is here to stay.
BTW, I don't know anything about the game, really. I haven't read anything, I haven't even been on these boards in about 1 month or so. I've been playing WoW, Oblivion, WoW, Mass Effect, WoW, Flash games, and Mario Kart Wii (in that order), so my observation doesn't come from the game itself, but from history, the past when new games came out to replace old ones (like the new Mario Kart, for instance).
Srry for the double post, but I haven't been here in a while, so I deserve 2.
And to all you ball-lickers that are gonna tell me something stupid like "you don't know ****" or "you suck at this game, how can you talk", you can ****in suck it, seriously. Tell it to your ****in mom, and she'll tell me the next time she comes to my apt. Oh, and I owe her money, so tell I have it now. ****in assridin ****gobblers. Hopefully none of my post gets edited for lack of coherence.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 16, 2005
Battle Rouge
I'll give you that, Mr. Lee. WoW is a terrible game and anyone who plays it will go to hell (I've played it for 31 days, so I'll go to the 31st gate of hell, which is watching Gen. Lee sign the surrender letter over and over). I think you're saved regardless of what you do, however, since Jesus is from Houma (Raptor Jesus, if none other).


Smash Cadet
Oct 19, 2007
If you dont make around 3X,XXX-4X,XXX then it wont be a challenge ;] One of my friend's brother makes close to 50,000 constantly. i havent played in like 2 years. i played for a few minutes last week to see how i would do and made only about 30,000...i suck now.

Bring on the Challenge
Just to clarify because I've played so many versions of Tetris over the years. Are we talking about Tetris Attack for the SNES? If not, which one are we talking about? I'll have to go back and play it and see how I do.


Smash Ace
Jan 28, 2006
Metairie LA
so i know everyone hates it when i post tier lists because its too early, i dont know what im talking about blah blah.... well im gonna list who i believe is the best character in the game down to the worst, if u dont wanna hear it then dont read...

toon link
ice climbers
Pokemon trainer
capt. falcon

This isnt a tier list, more like how good i think they are right now. the characters im least sure about would probly be wario,sonic,wolf and lucas....

o.k. discuss/flame/ignore/praise


Smash Journeyman
Apr 20, 2006
Dr. Mario Kart, Singles will be round-robin pools (seeded by location) into a double elimination bracket. The bracket will be seeded by pool performance. So even if you happen to get placed in Lee's (or any other good player's) pool, you can still make the bracket.


Smash Lord
Feb 23, 2006
Sierra Vista, AZ
Oh, and about this whole Melee vs Brawl thing. L2P, *******s. It's only been out for 2 **** months (not even). Give it a duckin chance. When Melee came out it was different. The only thing you could compare it to was 64, and Melee was leaps and mother ****in bounds ahead of that. Now a new game comes out, and y'all treat it like anything new, with the whole "oh, there's no WD, it's not technical, it's the devil's music, I'm an idiot and I suck at life (4life), lolomgrofl I hate new things!1!!1?!" act, you know that one. To those people who embraced it as a change, I salute you.
Do I think it's better? I don't know. Hell, nobody ****in knows, it's new. If you don't wanna play it, then don't ****in play it, but the rest of the gamin world is gonna pass you the **** up, so if you don't wanna be left behind get with the program. I remember when they had to burn disco records to kill disco, are we gonna have to do the same thing for you ****in hippies to stop *****in about Brawl? Here's a thought, play Melee at home if it makes you happy, and play the new game in tournies.
I remember a point in Melee when some characters couldn't possibly beat other characters, and towards the end those were the ones to play with (I remember when Luigi was cool, then he sucked, then he got cool again). Now people are saying who's gonna be top tier in Brawl already. Do y'all know? Really? People said the same thing in Melee, and they were wrong. Calm down, Nostra-****in-damus. It's been out literally about 57 days and people are saying "it sucks, let's go back to the good ole times." Saddle up folks, Brawl is here to stay.
BTW, I don't know anything about the game, really. I haven't read anything, I haven't even been on these boards in about 1 month or so. I've been playing WoW, Oblivion, WoW, Mass Effect, WoW, Flash games, and Mario Kart Wii (in that order), so my observation doesn't come from the game itself, but from history, the past when new games came out to replace old ones (like the new Mario Kart, for instance).
Srry for the double post, but I haven't been here in a while, so I deserve 2.
And to all you ball-lickers that are gonna tell me something stupid like "you don't know ****" or "you suck at this game, how can you talk", you can ****in suck it, seriously. Tell it to your ****in mom, and she'll tell me the next time she comes to my apt. Oh, and I owe her money, so tell I have it now. ****in assridin ****gobblers. Hopefully none of my post gets edited for lack of coherence.
I changed my fckin main from Marth in Melee and Brawl, to Luigi because of you. Icey, you are my friend ;_;


Aug 11, 2002
Austin, TX
if people wanna dog on brawl, then thats their opinion. For anyone's info, 2 MONTHS, is a long time to play a game (hours every day). I think we should respect people's opinions.
If we can decide a game is AWESOME, within 2 months, then we should understand someone's opinion that a game sux in 2 months.

shyguy's tier lists are just saying what he thinks of the game now (which is why his opinion changes every week, lol), so its not like he's claiming he's going to be right in the long run. (i'd agree w/ his high tiers anyway...but eventually, high tier is all that matters anyway. no johns.

i find brawl boring. Its so defensive, because there are so few safe approaches. I miss the pressure game aspect. Sorry brawl isn't what i want it to be.....'fun.' I'm not trying to make DRAMA. I just think brawl is rediculously easy to learn. I honestly believe i could not play brawl a year, play a few nights with you people that would have passed me way up in a skill, and by the end of the 3rd night..i'll be going even...cuz all i have to do is copy-paste the playstyles. There's nothing techincally challenging to work out.
GOldenEye had strafing that separated the casuals from pros, melee had wavedashing and shuffling, MvC2 has crossovers and resets, 3rd strike has parrying. Thats what made those games great. There was a technically demanding aspect to it.
Now you can disagree with me, but theres a difference between making a comparative argument (what i did just now) and just saying the game sux.

i will continue to 'play' brawl, but its only here in houma w/ my college buddies, once a week, who suck at it. Its fun teaching them the basics that were in melee, and seeing them improve slowly. I'd do any houma smashfests, but i cant see myself traveling out of state for a brawl tourney, haha.
And this might be a little harsh....but there is a Strong correlation between people's skill in melee and their preference in brawl.
The worse people were at melee, the more likely they love brawl. And why wouldn't they? No offense to anyone, but its no wonder people who werent pro at melee love brawl. Its just campy.


Smash Master
Feb 16, 2008
Baton Rouge
Cyphus, everyone was sad at some guy's house that I went to on Saturday to play Brawl that you were basically done with it. It may have been the fact that they were drunk, but they were almost in tears over it.

Personally, I don't know you, but they were going on and on about how awesome you were.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 16, 2005
Battle Rouge
In response to Cyphus' post. I like that. Actually giving good reasons why you don't like the game (or, rather, prefer to play other games). I like when you post stuff other than "I'm awesome" (though there's a time and a place for everything).
Again, I don't know the game. My argument definitely didn't come from my interest in the game since you can't be for something that you don't know anything about (even though these fake *** political science major wanna-bes might beg to differ). ShyGuy just helped me with one of my points though. I remember last month (or a bit earlier) when people were saying Snake was too hard to work with, too slow, he might be fun to play with as an alt, etc. Now it seems like Snake is rapin. Who saw that coming? All I'm saying is don't speak too soon. We played Melee for 7 **** years. 7 years, and people were still finding things that worked and things that didn't. I just expected to come back to read the boards and find people talking constructively about the new game, strategies, etc, not bashing it and/or defending. That kind of took me by surprise to see people shutting it down. I'm not putting anyone down for not playing it or talking bad about it, I'm just saying if you don't like your reason shouldn't be "it's not Melee."
Oh, and are you takin Mario Kart matches on the WiFi thing? I finally got that workin. I'll play ya, but I sure as hell ain't gonna drive to Houma to play Mario kart.
Oh, and I love you too, Elvis. Are you havin fun with the game so far?


Smash Ace
Jan 28, 2006
Metairie LA
"The worse they were at melee the more likely they like brawl"

Azen? I dont think that statement holds true... more like the people that dislike brawl the most are the ones that enjoyed the technical aspects of melee, like flarefox,tim from LA.... mew2king....

people like to argue brawl is to defensive, campy.... i would agree with this except for metaknight being a better offensive character than even fox was in meele, u basicly have to approach with metaknight to be effective, no ones defense in the game can stop it save snake... i think meta paves the way for other offensive charaters diddy,olimar,marth,toon link,g&w.... against the defensive power houses that are snake & r.o.b


Smash Ace
Jan 28, 2006
Metairie LA
ShyGuy just helped me with one of my points though. I remember last month (or a bit earlier) when people were saying Snake was too hard to work with, too slow, he might be fun to play with as an alt, etc. Now it seems like Snake is rapin. Who saw that coming?
actually i did, i said a while back before there were even any tourneys that snake would be the best... if u want proof i can go back and find what page it was on


Smash Journeyman
Oct 16, 2005
Battle Rouge
Hell with you Shyguy, you can blow me. I just wanted a friggin example, and you have to steal my thunder. I don't mean that, I'm sorry. Forgive me?


Smash Apprentice
Nov 9, 2005
An hour drive away from New Orleans, LA
Yeah Iceman, there are so many people on Smashboards like the ones that you describe that I just kinda said F@ck em, and I'm not even gonna try to defend Brawl anymore...I've been saying the same stuff you've been saying, and I'm tired of wasting my time on stupid people. I can go back to a post of mine trying to defend Brawl 2 weeks after the game came out. But anyways bottom line is Brawl is awesome as well as 64 and melee.

Also Mario Kart Wii online play is freakin awesome, virtually no lag at all, so it's probably better playing multiplayer online instead of spit screen.


Smash Lord
Aug 14, 2005
My argument for Brawl isn't that it's campy. It's just boring to me, and it's not fun because they took away all the dynamism that was instilled in Melee. Azen does great in Brawl, so does Chillindude, Mew2King, PC Chris, Lee, etc. Yet the majority of all the good players in Melee have decided that they don't like Brawl and are playing Melee.

Really, my biggest beef with Brawl proponents is the time argument. :/ All of Melee's advanced tactics were discovered within 2 months. SWD, wavedashing, L-cancels, SHL, etc all were in the game within the first two months. Form then on it was just evolution. Two months into Brawl, and the only ATs you have are like not fastfalling aerials? Pressing shield when holding a grenade? The only thing that looks remarkable is DLX cancelling which literally took me two tries to do. A friend of mine actually told me what button combinations to press, and I did it on my second try and then did it consistently afterwards.

This is from a guy who learned wavedashing over the course of 5 months. I didn't even SHFFL till 8 months in the game, and I had no grasp of what dash dancing could possibly mean. And I DLX cancelled in 2 tries. I don't even remember how long it took me to SHL, and I remember abusing the hell out of my fingers just learning to waveshine.

This post isn't meant to inflame anyone's viewpoints on Brawl, it just expresses mine. I don't really mind a campy game, I just mind one that's numbingly boring for me. There's no action at all, and Brawl detracts further from anything the previous two games worked to do. 64 showed the extent of what technicality could do for combos, Melee showed the dynamism of movement, and Brawl basically is a condensed version of the two above things. There's no other ways to play about on stages, I won't say comboing doesn't exist, but comboing isn't a huge factor in gameplay. All of your spacing is basically reduced to just aerial spacing since approaches aren't worth it (I get off a grab, and nothing will happen as a result? wtf?).

I don't know. I just feel like the reason why smashboards.com was made was so competitive players have a forum to play competitively against each other. That's why other games when they come up get talked about, but people don't only talk about them. In a month, nobody will really mention Mario Kart cause that's just something that's passed and won't hold competitive interest. Melee however kept doing that and forced players to get better.

I really don't see that with Brawl. Especially since the most hardcore competitive players that we have are giving up on the game. Mew2King took like 6 years to become good. Before that he was just a forum ***** that people hated for constantly testing out frame rates and such. It took the guy 6 years and tons of dedication before he became good. Same with a lot of other players that are coming up on this scene. But the game can't maintain their interest, and really the only people that are just swtiching to Brawl are guys that, like Cyphus said, weren't very good at Melee or they're like low tier mains (Kirby Kid, Po Pimpus) that were just tired of losing so they quit :/


Smash Master
Feb 16, 2008
Baton Rouge
Moral of the story is, it's a different game, with different primary focuses.

It's like comparing :
Bid for Power [Quake 3 Mod] http://youtube.com/watch?v=tkMKOq92ef0
Quake 3 or another traditional First Person Shooter.

The issue here is that because it shares the same name [Smash Brothers] people are feel that everyone who liked Melee, should like Brawl. It is a different game. I loved Quake 3, and I hated Quake 4. I loved Tekken 3, and loathed Tekken 4 and 5.

Different Strokes, for different folks.
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