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The Louisiana Thread: Flarefox Forever - We are alive.


Smash Cadet
Dec 3, 2006
lol at Cyphus's DK going at least even with everybody. Does that make you tied for best in world?=P


Smash Cadet
Dec 25, 2007
Me and Shy had what could only be known as the most ******** Olimar ditto the world has ever seen. We sat there throwing Pikmin at each other for at least two minutes straight at one point. It was good nobody watched it, they would have lost their sanity. I also got my *** handed to me.

Also, sir what is your obsession with Pictochat. It baffles me.


Smash Cadet
Apr 10, 2006
New Orleans, LA
Basically Chad spent like 30 minutes straight trying to beat some song on insane. Eventually he got pissed, went into super rage mode, grabbed the cd straight out, and proceeded to crush it where the pieces flew all over the nearby area around the tv's. We had to stop the matches for a few minutes because nobody could stop laughing.
Lol for the record, Chad was only getting to about 49% threw the song, when he saw I got to 61% and higher thats when his fire started burning hahaha.

As far as dibbz goes.....theres a bunch of random peoples that show up and play brawl, look like they sort of know what there doing. Only problem is...One time i asked "can i get in on this?" there like yea sure we about to switch to 1on1's I said cool deal. After getting my turn, i literally ***** some guys lucario with mario and was on the stick for about 6 matches. They then decided to "kick" me off the system because i was taking time away from there friends..???

what kind of ***T is this? Im sorry theres a level between playing brawl and playing brawl to get better and move up a level.

Other than that, im waiting for the traveling to baton rouge, lafayette and florida again for some brawl tournies like we did for melee

For Example: Gameware, Taylors Dad's house (****ing Mansion), Bake's apt, DJ Ralph i think his name is, RAMS House..etc..

I would like to throw a brawl tournament at dibbz for those that would be interested. The only thing is, LAST time i brought this up to them Dibbz wants to take like 30% of the winning pot for hosting it there which is bs.

So We could always do it this way if wanted....

Have the tournament on a Friday or Saturday starting at about...3PM.

4 Stock, No items, Neutral stages etcc you know the deal.

$5 or $10 entry Fee, Double Elimination 1v1 blah blah.

1st - 60% 2nd 30% 3rd 10%

I'd pay for and hold both big screen TV's so we can have our matches running on both TV's. The only thing is We would keep it among us so dibbz is like why is there a big tournament with 50+ people blah blah blah go die in a fire or something.

If majority of us attended we should be looking at a good bit of 30 people. NOW IF we wanted to we could make a REALLY big tournament and spread the word how ever far as you want.

Slight problems:
Parking - we could park right across in the big lot.
Space around Tv's - Depend on the amount of people it can get VERY Crowded.
**** Talking - All players give and get respect.
Food/Drinks - Dibbz sells it. Plenty of food places on veterans.
Date, and Time - We will all have to decide on that one.

I just think it's about time we had what I would like to call...

Southern Louisiana's Brawl Bash I.

Then later on we can have Southern Louisiana's Brawl Bash II and etc.. III, IV, V, VI

Anyone interested? Thoughts? Questions? concerns?


Smash Ace
Jan 28, 2006
Metairie LA
-throwing pikmin @ eachother is awsome

-pictochat is awome

-being able to locate ur friend code is awsome

-lee is awsome

-spilling a jar of peanuts on the floor is not awsome

edit* - southern brawl bash is awsome

Deleted member

but are wii codes awesome? because all you non lazy ***** (mindgames, you are lazy) wont tell me where it is.


Smash Rookie
Mar 24, 2008
Hmm how long ago did someone do that to you cause I know for a fact someone asked me on friday if they could join in and I said were playing 1v1 there's a line. After the guy heard my anwser he walked awayT.T *not trying to flame ya here just wondering* if that was you no idea where your geting you ***** with mario and than we kicked you off ordeal but if it isn't sorry to hear that man. But hey some people are just *** hats at dibbz. I got flamed for liking lucario at dibbz because * He doesnt have good KO potential untill 100% >.> * And the title for the tourny is kinda long? Maybe like SEC Brawl bash? or Deepsouth Brawl? Throwing some ideas out there. And if you need someone to record the tournys let me know. I've got the full setup. Dazzle platinum, 4 S-video cables, 4 composite stereo cables , Av amplifier, 500gb external storage + macbook pro for editing. Sunday was a bore also no smash players just arcana heart and MVC2 with some CVS2. Anyone heading to Dibbz friday?


Smash Journeyman
Dec 31, 2006
Baton Rouge, LA
There are some possible tournies coming up soon. Randall and I will keep you posted.

Some of us might wanna go to Dibbz on Friday. I'm thinking I want to.

Everything ShyGuy mentioned is awesome. Even spilling peanuts on the floor.


Smash Rookie
Mar 24, 2008
Cool cool well I've got class in a few hours... can't sleep had to get wolf on my wii >.> Will have my friend code posted soon. Just gota get wifi in my house or buy the ethernet adapter.


Stuff here
Feb 14, 2006
Baton Rouge, Louisiana
Taylor, to find your Brawl FC, go into the wifi menu, click "Brawl" then click "With Friends" then click "Friend Roster" and your FC will be near the top.

As for DIBBz Friday. I completely forgot my little bro's birthday is on Saturday and my girlfriend's only day off this week is friday..so I'm most likely not gonna be able to go this week. Sorry Taylor and Vaughn. I love how I don't even have a job, yet a job is still holding me back. : (

You guys should still definitely go though and tell me how awesome it was.

Lee. Don't get nervous about it. Being nervous now won't help because either you're in the top 8, or you're not in the top 8. We all know you managed top 8 though, it's all good~ : ) As for recognition and shiz, I'm positive you'll get recognition just for being in the top 8. But dude. You kick ***. If you really want recognition, you should start playing in some online tourneys with me. Also, after 3ish today, I can play with you all night. ; )


Aug 11, 2002
Austin, TX
i dont see how DK would counter zelda ,_,
he's a huge target for din's fire. its frustrating approaching her, and he has no evasion against the longevity of her attacks...like when i'm above, and she just upsmashes...what do i do!? I cant attack or airdodge through it. Zeldas dash attack is still very good, and when used in combination with Din, it cuts back on DK's spacing game. hmm..her attacks' longevity outlasts my super-armor frames on Giant Punch, so i cant predict-punish like i would other characters.
On the flip side, Zelda dies from F.smash at 90%, while DK needs to be put at 150 to be KOed...unless i get lightning footed at 100 -___-

and kyle. yes, that would be correct. you should play me online.


Stuff here
Feb 14, 2006
Baton Rouge, Louisiana
I've just found that characters that can outrange Zelda and have moderately quick attacks (read DK's FTilt/BAir/DTilt) counter her rather well. A grab range that beats out Zelda's smashes seems to help too, but near as much as actual attacks. It's all about spacing and mindgames in those fights though. It's probably really not a counter, I've just found a lot of DKs that do really well against my Zelda, but I **** with my ROB.


Smash Ace
Jul 15, 2006
all this gamestop tourney **** is crazy. its really stressing me out for some reason. i guess bc i realllllly want the grand prize and the monies/recognition. there are around 27 gamestops that had the round 3 tourney and only the top 8 scorers in the final match of the round 3 tourney get to move on. it was 5 minute matches and i scored an overall +4 in my final round. i think i have a pretty **** good chance of making it top 8. i actually scored 6 ko's and had 2 falls. but 6 ko's in brawl in 5 minutes is almost crazy talk. im almost certain i get the trip to cali but ill post it on here when i find out for sure. all this is really stressing me out and ive never played brawl so much in my freaking life. im really going to go for the win. and i hope i make it there.
ps... i want to get as much online play as i possibly can. so if anybody can constantly pump me up i'd love that. <3 to all of you. except battousai
Meanie, you always pick on me!!!!!!1 :[

Jk, I still luv ya and all my friends think you're hawt. LULZ


You will pwn for that Gamestop ****, just gotta have confidence.


Smash Rookie
Jun 28, 2007
wow lee good job . yeah the rules for the gamestop is kind of dumb. hope u do it man, also i want to own some more people around louisiana :X lets get some **** started peeps


Smash Cadet
Dec 25, 2007
Another ******** abomination no human should ever be witness to.

Spiking contests between me and Lee. Tonight's tally before he logged or his internet went out, whichever one. Lee- 8, me-4.

Number of times we failed miserably- too many to count.

Also, he's getting really good with that **** wiimote. Be afraid, be very afraid tournament participants.

Deleted member

lol at both me and yorenec making the "Vii" typo.

Wii <--- just to make sure its possible to spell it right.

edit: LOL when you type VVii with a regular W it comes out Vii.



Smash Apprentice
Nov 9, 2005
An hour drive away from New Orleans, LA
all this gamestop tourney **** is crazy. its really stressing me out for some reason. i guess bc i realllllly want the grand prize and the monies/recognition. there are around 27 gamestops that had the round 3 tourney and only the top 8 scorers in the final match of the round 3 tourney get to move on. it was 5 minute matches and i scored an overall +4 in my final round. i think i have a pretty **** good chance of making it top 8. i actually scored 6 ko's and had 2 falls. but 6 ko's in brawl in 5 minutes is almost crazy talk. im almost certain i get the trip to cali but ill post it on here when i find out for sure. all this is really stressing me out and ive never played brawl so much in my freaking life. im really going to go for the win. and i hope i make it there.
ps... i want to get as much online play as i possibly can. so if anybody can constantly pump me up i'd love that. <3 to all of you. except battousai
Man you got that Lee, after you destroyed my Lucas, I was like..........wow..."screw you guys, I'm going home"-cartman :laugh: and I'll be more than happy to give you some online practice whenever I'm on.


Smash Cadet
Oct 19, 2007
Mario = M*rio
Luigi = L*igi
Zelda = Z*lda
Sheik = S*eik
Link = L*nk
Wario = W*rio
Rob = R*b
Lucas = L*cas
Ness = N*ss
Ganondorf = G*nondorf
Kirby = K*rby
Pikachu = P*kachu
Fox = F*x
Falco = F*lco
Wolf = W*lf
DeDeDe = D*D*D*
MetaKnight = M*taKnight
Pit = P*t
Bowser = B*wser
Pokemon Trainer = PT
Squirtle = Sq*irtle
Charizard = Chari*ard
Ivysaur = Iv*saur
Jigglypuff = J*gglypuff
Snake = S*ake
Sonic = S*nic
Toon Link = TL
Olimar = O*imar
Samus = S*mus
Zero Suit Samus = Z*mus
Ike = Ik*
Marth = M*rth
Lucario = L*cario
Diddy Kong = D*ddy
Yoshi = Y*shi
Mr. Game & Watch = G*W
Ice Climbers = I*C
Peach = P*ach
Captain Falcon = C. F*lcon

Wheeee! This is fun. And I think it's funny that if I type in *****, it comes out censored, but if I type in Pit I can express the word '*****'.


Smash Cadet
Dec 25, 2007
Stop being fooled, suckers.

Boards aren't actually down although they have gone to great lengths to make it seem like they are down. I applaud them for that.


Stuff here
Feb 14, 2006
Baton Rouge, Louisiana
I think D.i.d.d.y beats him out. I can beat most I.k.e.s consistently with my R_O_B unless the person's just flat out better than me. Lee's I.k.e is crazy, but I still manage to go about even with it. (Don't get me wrong, he ***** me with certain chars still. : P)

Edit: Forgot to put my point in. R_O_B is generally faster than I.k.e and I think that's why he beats him. D.i.d.d.y is much faster AND has 'nanners, thereofore I think that the two chars played at the same level would have D.i.d.d.y coming out on top more often than not.

Lee Martin

Smash Ace
Dec 22, 2005
Baton Rouge, LA
just to let everybody know. ive been playing using the wiimote the past week and will continue to do so for the next 2 weeks bc we have to for the tourney. only neutral characters are usable so if we play online and your good with a neutral character you should play them. sudai kept picking R_O_B against me LOL neutrals please? only for 2 weeks :]


Smash Master
Feb 16, 2008
Baton Rouge
Good Luck Lee. I can goof off with the original cast with you tomorrow if you want. Shame my better characters are 'Secret' like Snake. >>


Smash Ace
Feb 15, 2008
Atlanta, Georgia
When do I get to start ending lives?
Someone asked a couple of pages back what my friend code is. I'd posted it once before, but no one seemed to get that memo. Here it is again. I must really be hankering for some Smash. I can't stand repeating myself, but here I am doing just that to get my gun off.


Stuff here
Feb 14, 2006
Baton Rouge, Louisiana
Lee, I didn't know you only needed nuetrals at the time. Sorry. I played you last night with Kirby and Zelda some though. Too bad mine suck. x.x


SD Champ
Nov 30, 2006
Lafayette, Louisiana
I wish I could stomach SSBB :ohwell:


EDIT: <3 Lee. Good luck, bro. I am sure everyone here supports you. If not, I'll have to shank some hoes.


Smash Apprentice
Nov 9, 2005
An hour drive away from New Orleans, LA
Someone asked a couple of pages back what my friend code is. I'd posted it once before, but no one seemed to get that memo. Here it is again. I must really be hankering for some Smash. I can't stand repeating myself, but here I am doing just that to get my gun off.
that was me...sorry I didn't see your original post.

lucas is neutral?
yes the original(neutral) cast is: Mario, Link, Kirby, Pikachu, Fox, Samus/Zero Suit Samus, Zelda/Sheik, Bowser, Donkey Kong, Yoshi, Peach, Ice Climbers, Pit, Wario, Ike, Pokemon Trainer, Diddy Kong, Meta Knight, Lucas, King DeDeDE, and Pikmin & Olimar


Smash Ace
Jan 28, 2006
Metairie LA
i predict im gonna win the first LA brawl tourney, my pikachu is too good

Pit.... i still love u too dont worry,and my n!gga - g&w


Smash Journeyman
Apr 20, 2006
I predict the first [big] LA Brawl tourney will be on May 10, and at Laser Tag.

I also predict that I'll have the rules and stuff up, maybe even definitely in a new thread, in a day or two.
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