So my mom *****ed at me just now for not brushing my teeth for a week (i had gone to a friends place last weekend and forgot until now to unpack the mini bag containing my toothbrush and toothpaste) and even said she wasn't taking me to the dentist anymore. (only been twice for anyone who cares and both trips were "recent") I honestly don't give a flying **** about brushing my teeth as
A. that fluoride **** they got in most every toothpaste you can buy at your local Wal-Mart is actually BAD for your health (and NO, im not talking about ingesting it) and
B. being the lazy son of a gun I am in general, that particular quality about me works out nice since I honestly cannot remember the last time I legit brushed my teeth.
Thankfully, I've got strong teeth, I've just got to worry about plaque build up ehh **** that ****! I reckon so as long as I floss and run herbal water through my mouth every now and then, my teeth should still be in my gums by the time im 50!