New Ramsaur hack pack is almost done. Final step is music, I'll be setting the PC to download a bunch of keitaro's old hack packs (Xsmash, SKTAR2, youmacon etc.) and extracting music from that and some of my own favorite songs. And since our internet connection comes from an African family pumping my bandwidth through wooden pipes all the way to the U.S. (which makes my download speed like 50-100kb/s) it's gonna take a LONG time to download them. So I'll download them tonight since I'm about to go to bed, wake up and do what I can before work, and finish it up after work. Hopefully it should be done in the next two days...then I'll get around to making a P:M version.
Teasers: Roger Craig Smith sonic voice, some characters' Japanese voices, only 2 skins (don't really like skins that much...and no it's not the Wario MK, Kappa) and much much more