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The Louisiana Thread: Flarefox Forever - We are alive.


Aug 11, 2002
Austin, TX

me and gamma are going to crash the night at kyle's tnoight and go the tourney tomorrow.
Lee ain't coming.
So thats some easy money for whoever takes lee's spot ;)
i missing a ****ing party a a camp w/ alcohol and young girls for this...so everyone better show up! >:o


Smash Apprentice
Jul 7, 2004
Baton Rouge, Louisiana
the girls must not have been too young (14 or younger) because i know you wouldnt have passed on that one. i also work at 4 so we have to do the tourney in 2 hours and 45 mins so i can lose in the finals before im forced to forfeit. so if you're not around right when ur match starts (no exceptions even for br noobs) you lose the match.


Smash Cadet
Dec 3, 2006
Cuphus ought to be here within the hour or so, anyone's free to stop by for a little smash tonight.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 16, 2005
Battle Rouge
Ice Mann ain't going either. I'm drinking tonight, then going home tomm. Sorry I can't put more in the pot for someone else to win.


Smash Journeyman
Apr 20, 2006
So, there was a rather small turnout for Gameware today. Taylor, Matt, Kyle, Cyphus, Vaughn, Randall, Joshua, Issac, Chris, and Johnathan were the ten entrants. We did mini round robins in two pools of 5. The top three from each pool advanced.

Pool A: Taylor, Johnathan, Matt, Chris, Issac
Pool B: Vaughn, Cyphus, Kyle, Joshua, Randall

From Pool A, Taylor, Matt, and Issac advanced. From Pool B, Cyphus, Kyle, and Vaughn advanced.

Then, one person from one pool was paired with one from the other pool.

Taylor and Vaughn; Cyphus and Issac; Kyle and Matt

Cyphus and Taylor advanced. I don't know who won out of Kyle and Matt though. However, the three winners did a round robin to determine the top 3.

Cyphus got first, Taylor second, and Kyle/ Matt third. I think this is how it went.

Anyways, it was good playing against everybody, and I hope more people can make the next one.


Stuff here
Feb 14, 2006
Baton Rouge, Louisiana
I'd have been there, but I figured I had better chances at winning money in poker (which I did~ $50 ftw~ :D) and the tournament was probably over by the time I got off work. x.x


Smash Lord
Sep 16, 2006
Whats up everybody, my bad about invading you guys thread like this, but Make sure you guys come to RAM'S BD BASH Tourney!!!!!


Smash Journeyman
Oct 16, 2005
Battle Rouge
Ten people? That's embarassing. GJ Cyphus, NAGJ Taylor, and to the person who came in tenth, good luck in future endeavors, and may God have mercy on your soul.


Smash Apprentice
Mar 13, 2006

I've been MIA for a while, cause school is kicking my ***. But, spring break is coming up, and so I will have another tourny at my place to celebrate. This will be the late tourny at my apartment, since I'm moving out after this semester, and my new roomates may or may not want to host smash fests.

Stay tuned for future announcements, but I will be advertising this tourny way more than the last two, so I hope to get quite a few people.


Smash Apprentice
Jul 7, 2004
Baton Rouge, Louisiana
chalk up another tournament for high stress lvls for me and cyphus.
our match went:

1-0 me, capt vs doc
2-0 cyphus, doc vs marth on fd
1-0; 100+% cyphus, doc vs capt

this makes 2 tournaments in a row ive been ahead going into the last stock (this time by a whole stock) and i crack under the pressure and do stupid things (miss sheild grabs, afraid to miss shffls blah blah) i feel completely on par with cyphus and i dont see how ppl could see it another way.

i think the results last tourney were

1-0 cyphus, falco ditto
4-0 me, marth vs falco on FoD
1-0; 100+% cyphus, doc vs capt

no johns, they were all very good games and obviously i didnt deserve to win if i couldnt, i just feel like maybe la has now stepped it up now, and me cyphus and lee (atleast) can call ourselves professional. (jon wu too) with us all being on par with one another.


Aug 11, 2002
Austin, TX
its funny how it works though. Throughout my fights vs. the capt, i could only feel "i dunno what to do" and "how could i get hit by that?" and had no concept of how taylor was performing.
And apparently the same thing is going through his mind.
bleh...i just feel i need to learn to fight capt w/ doc, since i won't always be able to counterpick w/ falco.
dunn if SDs are worth mentioning, but our Yoshi fight was pretty neck and neck, despite me SDing at 50%.
Then i did my 'thing' w/ doc vs. marth, and then our 3 match was just, imo, pretty stupid on both our parts. Taylor read me pretty good though on a few key moments where i performed as i habitually do in certain situations, but it seemed it was just whoever made the most mistakes, since if doc eats a knee or is above for capts UpAir he's practically guaranteed dead, and capt is basically dead if he's off the level.

i'm open for suggestion though about what to do w/ acknowledging our good players, but imo if its about grouping instead of ranking, then we gotta cut it short w/ lee, cyph, wu, rick, ray, taylor (as far as LA's "pros" go), but i still think theres a significant difference between Lee..and lets say Ray. Which is why i guess i moved onto just a powerranking.(and if u think theres a dip u can illustrate that as such)

1. A
2. B

3. C
4. D

As far as crew battles at INN5 go though...a crew has to be 4-6 people...which technically we meet the criterian perfectly...but in terms of lotting stock on the best players, it isn't always benefical to spread ur forces too thin. Legally, we can enter w/ 6, and pick and choose 4-5 players each round who we think will suit the oposing team best. Granted some scenarios call for situational use, i think if we man it up to sit out a fight when its best for the team, or take one for the team and go out first...if we play our cards right we can come out on top.

Lee Martin

Smash Ace
Dec 22, 2005
Baton Rouge, LA
ahah sounds good.
not much just at school on smashboards because this school is just dumb.
cyphus really liked though when he was in high school.
i dont know how. =[


Smash Cadet
Apr 10, 2006
New Orleans, LA
RAM its in florida isnt it :(.....

I MIGHT be able to go but i dont want to go alone....

If i did come it be saturday morning nad leave sunday morning -_-.

cyphus any chance i can meet up with you at your place with lee also or who ever soon i want to start working on some things and need ur opinion on some things (also to figure out why when im winning i lose in the end lolol)

Anyhow yea so just let me know i'll drive to BR 1 weekend??


Smash Lord
Mar 20, 2006
The Land of Magical Deserts.
Yeah it's in Florida and come and stay whenever ya want. I just want this tourney to be a success. I'm sure if you Car pool with another 3 ppl you would only have to fill up atleast once twice at the most. and divided by 4 ppl that won't cost much at all.


Smash Rookie
Jan 18, 2006
Baton Rouge, LA
Baton rouge people let me know when you guys play so I can stop by, I wont hold you back too much, I have a lot of experience with the 64 version:


Aug 11, 2002
Austin, TX
yea matt..u can just like..come whenever. just gimme a call on a random day to check to see if i have any plans already...and if not, we'll just wing it from there =)


Smash Champion
Jan 23, 2005
P-Cola Florida
FL goes to LA (I've been 3 times, Boomstick 1, and it's like a second home to RAM) but LA won't go to FL. :( (Aside from Taylor & eet at Anime South, they rock. Although that was way back before our crew even formed!)

RAM, offer them booze at your place. LA loves to get smashed while they smash. ;)


Smash Lord
Mar 20, 2006
The Land of Magical Deserts.
Actually LA will always be my home, befor I Moved I was going to be part of John's Wu's Crew, but I must say I enjoy not hearing gun shots all the time in Floirda.


Smash Apprentice
Jul 7, 2004
Baton Rouge, Louisiana
if by your little diagram you were trying to put a significant gap between you/lee and everyone else thats just funny. i do agree theres a gap but i would place it behind eet, or if not behind him then more like

lee cyph jon taylor

ricky ray eet

like i said ricky hasnt beaten me and consistently in tourneys and friendlies i go even with you all. i could say the same things about doc as you said about capt., probably because neither of us have much exp fighting lower high tier chars (ie. not marth, fox, falco, shiek) cept i feel i know how to play vs peach, capt, samus but not a char like doc. few "good" players actually main him tho many people play him for fun. and i think its funny that u listed me last fnr (fornoreason) in your post. and if we want to talk about low % kos, most of mine were 60-70% due to the easyness of edgegaurding falcon. i dont have pills to make me live twice as long. i had to get u to 100-120 every stock so i dont really see how u can complain. and like u of all people always understand, an sd is an sd and i was still ahead of you on pkmn with none of those. say what u want but you won't convince me you're better, tho it doesnt really matter what either of us thinks, it only matters who wins the tourneys.

and yes you were very predictable at the end of pkmn but so was i. its hard to judge skill when we know how each other play so well. at a big tournament however players will hardly know our playstyles, so we'll really see then

and tho i havent beaten jon in a tournament, ive beaten his marth with dk, capt, and maybe others in friendly play and tho friendlies dont count, i think it means more vs jon or lee just because for them there is no such thing as a sandbag. (btw i dont think ive beaten lee since cajun showdown 1 or 2, which ever one i got 2nd lol, and when he was at kyles that night but that doesnt rly count.)

all this aside you know i love you brandon ;)
im also interested in learning some martial arts strickly for personal acomplishment and physical expansion; not to fight, so you should show me some stuff.
your jacket is sitting cozy at my house aswell.


Smash Lord
Mar 20, 2006
The Land of Magical Deserts.
That would be cool if you can come Mary, if you can get three other ppl interested then everyone riding can split gas and make way here. I also know that my boy Lee is interested in attending and this tourney will be good practice for inn.


Aug 11, 2002
Austin, TX
nah, i didn't mean to imply anything w/ the "AB_CD" example. that was coincidence. I didn't feel like typing out "ABCDEFG_HIJKL"

i guess i just don't see skill levels black & white. i get what ur saying that we're all equal players...but the way i see it, ricky and ray make the cut as well.

Last tourney we did at Dibbz in N.O....ricky and ray both brought me to my last stock, 3rd fight high damage. Same thing as you did.
u gotta at least give some credit to my word, what lee will vouche, and what kyle will vouche(if u ask them)...that ricky and ray are deffinately improved...so if u could just humor me and take my word for it..cuz i hate mentioning that u hadn't played them in forever. :/

ray just plays for fun really, like u. Ricky is prolly comparable to me now. and if u can deal w/ how lee plays, then its not much different from John's anti-sandbag style as well =)
he'll listen to me though, if i tell him to just chill and play for fun w/ u...so u wouldn't have to worry about him being an ***...We're all just a smash-family, and we want u to join the reunion. =)

and although exact order is very "bleh", there are some less arguable points such as overall, all things considered, Lee is our MVP. and u can only work ur way down from there...but our data is simply limited w/out BR vs. NO in so long, so..i hope u don't blame me for my educated assumptions of them being on ur level, cuz i try to operate from as unbias as possible, so i can't lie to myself to avoid conflict if that makes sense. i'm just trying my best , sir.

but yea...i <3 u too taylor. i'd love to show u some realistic useful fighting techs. it makes me happy knowing something so simple might one day help someone somewhere down the road.

Lee Martin

Smash Ace
Dec 22, 2005
Baton Rouge, LA
i love the whole smash family ^mm hmm.!
and no im not picking sides but ricky and ray have improved quite a lot.
especially ray's young link. that thing is ugly. ugly awesome.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 16, 2005
Battle Rouge
Partner, if you'd allow me to come to your place, I'd love to play tonight. Luckily, I'm fairly ****ty at the game as well, so it'd be practice for both of us.


Smash Lord
Feb 23, 2006
Sierra Vista, AZ
Let's break this last quote down from Icey:

"Partner, if you'd allow me to come to your place, I'd love to play tonight."

Let's break this down...

"I'd love to play to Nyte."

See. This means spikings for all. Wait till I get out of my Nyte classes.

Okay, In all due seriousness, I'm gonna speak here.

I think any ranking system needs to be abolished untill we can actually have a statewide tounament that includes the actually die hard, travel out of state (Or out of town for that matter) players, specifically, BR and NO. Unless we have a "Cajun Showdown" that invites most of the smashers in this state down to the Capital or N.O. Any power ranking is pretty inferior and basically a guess of that smasher. I will use myself and SetsumA in example.

In Cyphus' eyes, I rank higher than Set because I have better consistency in my game and It never flucuates, however in Taylor's view, Setsuma ranks higher than me because on Set's better days at smashing, he can defeat anyone on Cyphus' or Taylor's 2nd tier, while my consistency make my move's more predictible in Taylor's eyes.

I believe any tier list should have a committee of the Top smashers in the state working together instead of arguing on who is the better player. BUT in order to do this, I feel that we should have a Large In-State Tourney to decide on these "Power Rankings."

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