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The Largest Arms in the World


caterpillar feet
Jul 20, 2008
Kindgom of Science
I'm pretty bored
In a cold and snowy field, with gentle cool breezes, a mysterious dark figure sauntered through. Suddenly, a light snow fall began, small cold frozen rain drops fall from the dark grey sky, and land silently on the already snow covered ground. The mysterious figure made its way to a small village, one that was at peace with everything around it. As the dark figure made its way through a weathered brown wooden gate, villagers that were carrying out they’re daily chores, looked and glared upon the outsider. The villagers were not one to take kindly to strangers. As the villagers glared towards the man, they saw his physical appearance.

A thick full head of black and blue long spiked hair slightly swayed from side to side with each step he took, along with the crisp stinging breeze that blew through the small village. A rough, but handsome face one filled with the look of a warrior, wore an expression of cold and heartless thoughts. One small village boy looked up towards the man, seeing as the man was six feet three inches tall; the boy had to look up. The boy bent down, picking up a cold and rugged rock. Without warning, the small boy quickly threw the rock aiming at the man’s temple. Swiftly catching the rock in his right hand, he stopped his journey forward through the village, and turned his head to the right fixing his gaze upon the boy.

What could be considered normal persons “whites of their eyes” were not white on him, his were a ***** black, almost like the night sky with no stars were in his eyes. His deep dark blue pupils remained fixed upon the boy. Still grasping the rock in his hand, he began to squeeze. With certain ease the rock seemed to explode in the man’s hand, but what really happened, was he crushed it. Opening his hand, he dumped the remaining dust of what use to be a solid rock, out of his hand, the dust then was carried off with the cool breeze. The child glared up at the man in fear, his knees shaking, his legs feeling the need to give out on him. Quickly the man turned and began to saunter forward.

As the villagers watched him continue on, they saw his dark blue silky cloak that masked his entire body, so none can see what he was like underneath. The only parts visible were his black leather boots, which reached up a little past his ankle. His eyes burned into each and every villager that gazed upon him. As he gazed upon each villager, he saw one shivering with fear. In his mind, he thought that it was pathetic that this villager was afraid. Suddenly he stopped and raised his right arm, his hand grasped the silky cloak that he wore, and quickly pulled it off. The cloak was carried off by the crisp stinging breeze, and danced with certain elegance.

Underneath his cloak he wore a dark blue silky vest, with a black undershirt beneath it. The shirt and vest both tucked into silk like baggy dark blue cloth pants. At the end where the pants reached the ankle, it tucked into the black leather boots. Around both of his wrists he wore dark blue bands of cloth, which served no real purpose. With the cloak now gone, his large muscular build could be seen for all to behold. Slowly, a menacing smirk crept its way across his lips. Raising his right hand again, he pointed to an old man, who appeared to be the village elder, and gazed into the man’s dull milky, almost lifeless eyes. Parting his red lips, he spoke in a loud booming dominant voice.

“Old man, I wish to fight the strongest fighter you have here. I know there must be at least one who can at least pose a challenge to me. Now make him come forward!”

As his words escaped his lips, the ground underneath him began to shake. While still pointing to the old man, his dark blue eyes continued to burn into the old mans. With a stern look upon his face, a dark blue aura of energy outlined his body. His energy which surrounded him, gave off the optical illusion of his body to be wavy, which in fact it wasn’t. Bright blue small bolts of violent energy quickly jumped from parts of his body. The ground underneath him suddenly began to slightly crack from the pressure of his energy being gathered. Lowering his right arm, he continued to glare at the old man. The ground stopped shaking and cracking as he waited for the village’s strongest warrior.

Quickly he turned his head and noticed a young warrior out in the distance, about fifty feet away from his current position. Slowly, a cynical smirk crept its way across his lips as his dark sapphire hues gazed upon this new adversary. Suddenly he noticed his opponent’s height; even from here he could tell that his foe was much shorter than himself. Without warning he felt a surge of power pour forth from his opponent when seeing a faint light blue aura explode from his body. His dark sapphire hues scanned from side to side, watching villagers flee for their lives.

Turning his entire body to completely face this new foe, he slid his left leg out in front of himself. As his left leg slid in front, his right leg slid back slightly, bending both of his knees. He raised his left arm, and bent his elbow, holding his arm out away from his body. Raising his right arm, he bent that elbow as well, but kept his arm close to his body, he was now in a fighting stance, ready to do battle with the newly exposed adversary. Quickly the cynical smirk faded from his lips, and was replaced with a look of the utmost seriousness.

The snow underneath him began to swirl up to his waist, as the dark sapphire aura engulfed his body once more. Suddenly, an explosion of energy was sent forth in all directions, expanding out to a small five feet range. This was due to him gathering his energy, which was now at twenty percent. With twenty percent, his top speed ranged from seventy to one hundred miles per hour. Along with his speed, he had enough strength to lift a giant boulder with one hand, and crush it just as easily, meaning a punch or kick from him could cause serious damage.

As his strength is increased, so are his defenses as well. His body now able to withstand the impact of a large semi truck traveling at full speed and smash into him without any harm caused to him. This was just the starting of his power, but of course he is able to be damaged, if his opponent has the strength to pull it off. His body slowly lowered closer to the ground, before he pushed off with his right leg. He quickly dashed towards his opponent.

As he moved at his opponent at the speed of ninety miles per hour, a slight afterimage of him trailed behind. Snow was sent flying into the air behind him as he ran, caused by the intense speed. It wasn’t an incredible speed, but one that was decent. As he ran he placed his left hand behind his back, and began to focus and gather energy into the palm. But this was no ordinary ki energy, he didn’t use such a thing, he used elemental energy of two types. The two elements that he used were that of ice, and darkness, which were easily figured out due to his hair and eye color.

In the palm of his left hand he gathered and focused dark energy. He focused the energy into the shape and size of a basket ball. The energy hummed in his hand as he sped towards his opponent, he wanted to waist no time in getting to know who his opponent was. Swiftly the gap between them was almost closed, but just before he clashed with his foe, he threw his left arm out from behind his back and shot the ball of energy at the ground just in front of his opponent. The dark energy then exploded out in a dome shape, two feet wide, and six feet high.

But just as quickly as the explosion expanded outward, it began to implode pulling whatever was caught within the range inward, crushing it until it there was nothing left. This was one form of the many attacks his dark energy could perform. But he could only watch and wait, hoping that his opponent was taken by surprise, or hopefully wounded to say the least, but he watched and wait in the few seconds his attack took place...

btw what is that game?


Through Fire, Justice is Served
Super Moderator
Oct 23, 2008
Beastector HQ
In a cold and snowy field, with gentle cool breezes, a mysterious dark figure sauntered through. Suddenly, a light snow fall began, small cold frozen rain drops fall from the dark grey sky, and land silently on the already snow covered ground. The mysterious figure made its way to a small village, one that was at peace with everything around it. As the dark figure made its way through a weathered brown wooden gate, villagers that were carrying out they’re daily chores, looked and glared upon the outsider. The villagers were not one to take kindly to strangers. As the villagers glared towards the man, they saw his physical appearance.

A thick full head of black and blue long spiked hair slightly swayed from side to side with each step he took, along with the crisp stinging breeze that blew through the small village. A rough, but handsome face one filled with the look of a warrior, wore an expression of cold and heartless thoughts. One small village boy looked up towards the man, seeing as the man was six feet three inches tall; the boy had to look up. The boy bent down, picking up a cold and rugged rock. Without warning, the small boy quickly threw the rock aiming at the man’s temple. Swiftly catching the rock in his right hand, he stopped his journey forward through the village, and turned his head to the right fixing his gaze upon the boy.

What could be considered normal persons “whites of their eyes” were not white on him, his were a ***** black, almost like the night sky with no stars were in his eyes. His deep dark blue pupils remained fixed upon the boy. Still grasping the rock in his hand, he began to squeeze. With certain ease the rock seemed to explode in the man’s hand, but what really happened, was he crushed it. Opening his hand, he dumped the remaining dust of what use to be a solid rock, out of his hand, the dust then was carried off with the cool breeze. The child glared up at the man in fear, his knees shaking, his legs feeling the need to give out on him. Quickly the man turned and began to saunter forward.

As the villagers watched him continue on, they saw his dark blue silky cloak that masked his entire body, so none can see what he was like underneath. The only parts visible were his black leather boots, which reached up a little past his ankle. His eyes burned into each and every villager that gazed upon him. As he gazed upon each villager, he saw one shivering with fear. In his mind, he thought that it was pathetic that this villager was afraid. Suddenly he stopped and raised his right arm, his hand grasped the silky cloak that he wore, and quickly pulled it off. The cloak was carried off by the crisp stinging breeze, and danced with certain elegance.

Underneath his cloak he wore a dark blue silky vest, with a black undershirt beneath it. The shirt and vest both tucked into silk like baggy dark blue cloth pants. At the end where the pants reached the ankle, it tucked into the black leather boots. Around both of his wrists he wore dark blue bands of cloth, which served no real purpose. With the cloak now gone, his large muscular build could be seen for all to behold. Slowly, a menacing smirk crept its way across his lips. Raising his right hand again, he pointed to an old man, who appeared to be the village elder, and gazed into the man’s dull milky, almost lifeless eyes. Parting his red lips, he spoke in a loud booming dominant voice.

“Old man, I wish to fight the strongest fighter you have here. I know there must be at least one who can at least pose a challenge to me. Now make him come forward!”

As his words escaped his lips, the ground underneath him began to shake. While still pointing to the old man, his dark blue eyes continued to burn into the old mans. With a stern look upon his face, a dark blue aura of energy outlined his body. His energy which surrounded him, gave off the optical illusion of his body to be wavy, which in fact it wasn’t. Bright blue small bolts of violent energy quickly jumped from parts of his body. The ground underneath him suddenly began to slightly crack from the pressure of his energy being gathered. Lowering his right arm, he continued to glare at the old man. The ground stopped shaking and cracking as he waited for the village’s strongest warrior.

Quickly he turned his head and noticed a young warrior out in the distance, about fifty feet away from his current position. Slowly, a cynical smirk crept its way across his lips as his dark sapphire hues gazed upon this new adversary. Suddenly he noticed his opponent’s height; even from here he could tell that his foe was much shorter than himself. Without warning he felt a surge of power pour forth from his opponent when seeing a faint light blue aura explode from his body. His dark sapphire hues scanned from side to side, watching villagers flee for their lives.

Turning his entire body to completely face this new foe, he slid his left leg out in front of himself. As his left leg slid in front, his right leg slid back slightly, bending both of his knees. He raised his left arm, and bent his elbow, holding his arm out away from his body. Raising his right arm, he bent that elbow as well, but kept his arm close to his body, he was now in a fighting stance, ready to do battle with the newly exposed adversary. Quickly the cynical smirk faded from his lips, and was replaced with a look of the utmost seriousness.

The snow underneath him began to swirl up to his waist, as the dark sapphire aura engulfed his body once more. Suddenly, an explosion of energy was sent forth in all directions, expanding out to a small five feet range. This was due to him gathering his energy, which was now at twenty percent. With twenty percent, his top speed ranged from seventy to one hundred miles per hour. Along with his speed, he had enough strength to lift a giant boulder with one hand, and crush it just as easily, meaning a punch or kick from him could cause serious damage.

As his strength is increased, so are his defenses as well. His body now able to withstand the impact of a large semi truck traveling at full speed and smash into him without any harm caused to him. This was just the starting of his power, but of course he is able to be damaged, if his opponent has the strength to pull it off. His body slowly lowered closer to the ground, before he pushed off with his right leg. He quickly dashed towards his opponent.

As he moved at his opponent at the speed of ninety miles per hour, a slight afterimage of him trailed behind. Snow was sent flying into the air behind him as he ran, caused by the intense speed. It wasn’t an incredible speed, but one that was decent. As he ran he placed his left hand behind his back, and began to focus and gather energy into the palm. But this was no ordinary ki energy, he didn’t use such a thing, he used elemental energy of two types. The two elements that he used were that of ice, and darkness, which were easily figured out due to his hair and eye color.

In the palm of his left hand he gathered and focused dark energy. He focused the energy into the shape and size of a basket ball. The energy hummed in his hand as he sped towards his opponent, he wanted to waist no time in getting to know who his opponent was. Swiftly the gap between them was almost closed, but just before he clashed with his foe, he threw his left arm out from behind his back and shot the ball of energy at the ground just in front of his opponent. The dark energy then exploded out in a dome shape, two feet wide, and six feet high.

But just as quickly as the explosion expanded outward, it began to implode pulling whatever was caught within the range inward, crushing it until it there was nothing left. This was one form of the many attacks his dark energy could perform. But he could only watch and wait, hoping that his opponent was taken by surprise, or hopefully wounded to say the least, but he watched and wait in the few seconds his attack took place...

btw what is that game?

Had to be done.


caterpillar feet
Jul 20, 2008
Kindgom of Science
Yea with the christmas tree.

Hm. I'm wondering if one should say "a RP battle" or "an RP battle." I was alway told that if a vowel follows afterwards then you use "an". But even though "R" is not a vowel, it is pronounced like "are" which begins with a vowel...


caterpillar feet
Jul 20, 2008
Kindgom of Science
Are you refering to the fact that I never heard of the game or I don't know proper grammar?

Edit: Oh the girl thing. Yeah I know, it's not cool.

Zen is a bad example. Don't do what Zen did :mad:


Smash Legend
May 8, 2008
Yeah, that was quite rude. :x I felt soooo sorry for her omg. ;__;


crystal skies
Jan 20, 2007
lol I came here to say something about kanye but I guess we're all kinda talking about it already.

Poor Taylor ); She looked pretty upset when kanye left.


crystal skies
Jan 20, 2007
Taylor Swift won the best female video award at the music awards, and Kanye goes up, takes the mic and is all like

"dat gurl beyonce's video is 1 of the best videos ever made BTWBTWBTW. k bai Taylor"

And Taylor was all like :(

And beyonce was all like. o.o


L o s t - in reality~
Jun 14, 2008
Taylor Swift won the best female video award at the music awards, and Kanye goes up, takes the mic and is all like

"dat gurl beyonce's video is 1 of the best videos ever made BTWBTWBTW. k bai Taylor"

And Taylor was all like :(

And beyonce was all like. o.o
hahahahaha Kanye is awesome xD


Smash Legend
May 8, 2008
Taylor Swift won the best female video award at the music awards, and Kanye goes up, takes the mic and is all like

"dat gurl beyonce's video is 1 of the best videos ever made BTWBTWBTW. k bai Taylor"

And Taylor was all like :(

And beyonce was all like. o.o
Perfect recap. xDDD

Beyonce really was surprised. That girl looked so sad, LOL. ._. I wanted to hug her.


crystal skies
Jan 20, 2007
hahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. I can already imagine a great meme in the making.

also, Chok your post count goes down by 200 a day. I think when I get back from school you'll be at 0 (or in the negatives which would be hilarious.)

hahahaha seriously though Chok, I can't stop laughing.


Smash Obsessed
Dec 25, 2002
Modesto, CA
haha, maybe. i have school later today though

and LOL yea i saw chillindude use it first though

funny stuff


crystal skies
Jan 20, 2007
So, has anyone checked digg.com today?

The top 3 diggs today are, kanye...kanye...

and m2k's kiss picture.

With 2500+ diggs.

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