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The Lagtastic Online Discussion Thread **Sephiroth for S-Tier**

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#HBC | Dark Horse

Mach-Hommy x Murakami
Jun 12, 2010

Dark Horse, $mike, -NaPPy, -Ran, .joel, 94teen, 9Kplus1, :034:, :mad:, A Diamond For Disease, AceSe3don, ACTION PANDA, ac_burito, Anaky, Asdioh, AshuRawRun, awsmsean, B0NK, BadKarma, Bandit, banney, bballin, BEES, BKupa666, Blinky, Bloodcross, bobtheknight, boss8, br3compactor, BriGuy64, BurrowedLurker, Bwett, C0nn0r, Cable, chamberlin, charmander1065, Chris Benoit, Chuee, coney, Corpsecreate, Creaty, crismas, Croissant, CTL17, cutter, czarlc, C~Dog, Dajin, DallasPhat, Dark 3nergy, DaShizWiz, dch111, Defiled, DevilKiller, Diakonos, Dice01, Dido, dirtboy345, DJBrowny, dmac, Dodongo, Dragonrage, Dream Land Works, ds22, Dynamism?, ElPanandero, Engdrew, EPsilon933, e_alert, F8AL, Falcinho, Falco400, Farguade, Fletch, Frown, FrozenHobo, Fågelholken, G. Vice, Gaia_x, gamemasterdevil, GamePadVA, GameWatching, Giob, GoldShadow, GoofBall, GreatFalco, greatness_007, Greward, GunmasterLombardi, Gustav Wind, Hey_its_YO, hotgarbage, I R MarF, ihavespaceballs, InferiorityComplex, Infestion, ironwallaby, Jam Stunna, Bringer of Order, Janne, jasonhan416, Jayford, Jazz.star, jber4life, jiovanni007, Jolteon, Jonkku, JPOBS, kackamee, Kail, Keitaro, KillerJawz, kirbykid, Konohalotus13, KoRoBeNiKi, Lamarie, LashD094, Little_England, LoliLovesRain, luckylime, LumpyCPU..., Lythium, M@v, Makenshi, Master JBone07, Master Raven, MattDotZeb, Matteron, McSnapple, Megachuk, MetalMusicMan, Meteor Master, mikeray4, Mind Trick, Mogwai, MonGo0sE, Moooose, moosehunter, Moozle, Mr. Doom, Mr.Freeman, MrBlueSky, n88_2004, Nicholas1024, NickRiddle, Nidtendofreak, noodles, O D I N, Paix, PB&J, Pete278, Pharrox, pheX, Phillyrider807, Pika Phael, pikazz, PKSparkxx, Pluvia, Pokemon Trainer Red, Prometheus, Purple Mantis, puu, PyleDriver1690, Pyrostormer, R00R, Rain(ame), rapidtransit247, Rei-gun, Retroking2000, ReverendGadgetBoy, Richard7, riocosta123, rockem7, Rockettrainer, Ronike, royalasian, rpgfighter, Rukkiko, Scarlet Jile, shanus, Shibisoma, Shugo-Chan, Silfa, Sinji, skaterbaj, SlashTalon, SlowpokeGuy, Smash G 0 D, smashkng, sneakytako, Sonic Storm, sonicmaster5000, SoniKupo, SpaghettiWeegee, Spam_arrows, ss118, standardtoaster, Stealth Raptor, Stratford, Strong_Bad, suika510, Supreme Dirt, Suspect, Swiss, TakFR, Tamoo, Tarmogoyf, Technodeath, tedeth, The Dashing Knight, The Filth, The MC Clusky, The Mofo, The Paprika Killer, The Wrath of Koarin, TheAceLucario, Tigertenaka, Toadster5, toasty, tsitsaron, Typ_Ex, Tyson651, UberMario, Ussi, UTDZac, ValTroX, Vermanubis, vgmastaricky, Volcanic Doomfire, vVv ChiboSempai, walsh, watermelon_1234, Wave+, Wind Owl, worldjem7, Writer Kupo, WW Ganondorf, X1-12, XkaruX, Yeroc, Yikarur, yummynbeefy, Yusei F., Z'zgashi+, zDuck, zhengman777, ZodiakLucien, _umbra_, _Yes!_, ~N9NE~, ~Shao~, §chizm

Mr. Johan

Smash Hero
Jul 9, 2009
Edmond, OK
The pokemon GSC Route 26 remix made by Hapi is the greatest thing I have ever heard.

Go listen to it. Right now.

Grey Belnades

The Imperial Aztec
Jan 20, 2009
Brawley, CA
*Angry impatient grr* GRR! :mad088: You win this time grey but i'll be back the next day OR the next day...or the next day and the next day and the next day....*perpertually continues*
*strokes beard*

I shall wait for you but for now, farewell. I'm off to take the writing test for my Driver's Licence.


Oppa Gundam Style
Feb 3, 2010
Wow...Mario IS broken.
I wonder what Jimmy will think of this >__>
*makes it my sig*
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