- Name: Dan
-Handle: Dsyxelic
- NorthEast USA, New York
- I can WaveDash, waveland, l-cancel, shorthop, shieldgrab, tech, walltech, A LITTLE BIT OF SHL (just started falco, but mained fox), dashdance, and I can DI pretty well .
I have no tournament experience unfortunately since I am underage... (14) so I can't drive myself to tournies... my parents wouldn't let me anyways since they absolutely hate games and treat me like a child. I play my friends time to time and I usually 2-stock them in a 4-stock match so thats the level they're at. I play my sister at home and she is an okay player who maximized her potential without the use of advanced techniques. So basically, she's the best she can be without advanced techniques... but I still got an advantage so I usually 2-stock her as well. I'd like to use falco better since I'm starting to main him and I just want to learn more! This sounds fun.

Question: Do we have to take videos of ourselves for homework or whatever? I can't.
1. What is a waveland? It's almost like a wavedash just that you do the airdodge from the air and not the ground. Do an airdodge diagonally very close to the ground while in the air landing to make a "sliding" effect.
2.Why do Falco players jump when they shoot lasers? I think that Falco players jump when they shoot lasers to minimize the lag from firing the laser and when landing, they can execute a quick attack. Also, when you jump, you can jump forward a little to advance on them while on the otherhand you cannot advance when lasering on the ground.
3. Why do you think I asked you to use the C-stick during the assignment? I think you asked us this because a dashcancel should be used with smashes and by using only the C-stick, it focuses our training on the dashcancel. (Sorry if it sounds confusing)
4. Which of Falco's smashes will hit a player the fastest? DownSmash?
5. Name a professional or retired professional player who is good at dash-cancelling.
Umm... BombSoldier? DaShizWiz? PCChris? Forward? One of them is probably good at dash-cancelling.
Please accept me into the school ^^
[x] I did the assignment
[x] I did the advanced assignment
[x] I did the assignment but could still use work on my Dash-Cancels.
[ ] Skipped this one (add a reason if you like)
Still made some mistakes on the advanced one but I managed to do it once at least.
And I have an idea! How bout another forum is made just for the school (on a separate site of course) doesnt have to be fancy or anything just so students can discuss things and its easier to spread out news instead of going through tons of pages of this thread. A chatroom lesson would be cool too with a few available lessons in a chatroom every month.