you guys are crazy i dont make nearly as much money as you think, ive had a lot of **** stolen in Cali, the 1450 dollar missing-skybus incident, plane tix, bad luck with a lot of scenarios, so basically ive only made a little over 10,000 dollars in the 2.5 years ive been playing due to a variety of different reasons
you all act as if im rich, for the time i put into this game i made like 2 dollars an hour, and don't forget all the time im doing stat tests or writing down strategy ideas. That's 4 times less than what working makes, and proportionally less than what other top pros make or have made, so don't act as if I'm lucky or rich, I save most all the money I got.
Where the F did this come from?!!? lol!!
I always thought this crew was interesting, I just think you guys aren't organized well. Who I consider to be the most important people in the crew "Inui, LK, Spam, Magus" seem to go to tourneys with randomness and half of the time have horrible trouble getting rides.
This is all my opinion and from what I may know but:
Magus seems to randomly come to tourneys with no real excuse for if he doesn't make it. Spam had horrible trouble due to parents during the summer so that's legit. LK can also be random but now he's over in Penn for college

. did say you weren't going to tourneys till Sept or something like that, but now it's Sept and you sound like you won't even be able to make Zenith. If you don't make Zenith, Atomsk is most likely out of luck. Spam isn't going to it, if he's not going, what's the chances of Magus. LK is in Penn for college

. I don't know about Xeo but are you going? Cheezit switched to Tunes

. I highly doubt Cradmazy is going. There is also an average of 1 THP member per out-of-state tourneys which usually only consist of a LK or Inui.
As for other crews, I know for a fact there will at least be 4 members of TSA and Tunes members there as there almost always is at every tourney. If I was in a crew and went to a big local tourney and had none of my members there, I'd be pissed and feel like crap. I can't explain how awkward it was when I saw Cradmazy at Cheezit's telling me he's in THP. I'm sitting there watching Eggm, Reik, and Bass cheering on their JFox as he goes against my fellow TSA member HBK with Sensei, Copy, and I cheering him on. Crad looked like a lone wolf, it saddened me
In the past this crew's attendance to tourney's was beautiful as I would see 3 to 6 of ya'll at a biweekly or big tourney all-together. At this point in time.....

"Sorry for all the sad faces"