I watched Tim Rogers' video review on Dragon Quest XI. Initially I avoided it even though I love Tim Rogers, because I thought it might have some spoilers, but when a friend told me it didn't I changed my mind.
The video is actually an incredible summation of why we love Dragon Quest, and rejections of the usual criticisms ("it's old-fashioned" "the plot isn't surprising" etc.), and why he considers DQ 11 to be the best one.
If any one of you reading this thread is on the fence about Dragon Quest, give this video a watch, because if this can't change your mind, then nothing will.
My current goal is to play through some of a Dragon Quest game nightly until the Switch version of this game comes out. I'm currently working on DQ4 for the DS, after which I'll replay 5, then start 6, 7, and 8. I have to skip 9 and 10 because the former is multiplayer and no one around me wants to play DQ with me, and the latter was never released over here in the West. So once 8 is done I'll play DQ 11.