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The Half Genie Protector of Scuttle Town, Shantae for SSB4 (WayForward wants her in Smash)

B.H. and DD

Smash Apprentice
Jul 25, 2015
Yeah, if Shantae gets in, the only other character we would want after that is Black Mage. If those two get in we would celebrate like there is no tommarow. But seeing Shantae at all would make us really happy. So much HYPE!


Smash Apprentice
Aug 12, 2015
Not to go on a depressing and slightly off-topic monologue especially with this new article, but in light of the Layton situation I want to say this:

You know what really blows my mind about the DLC discussions right now? The fact that seemingly all of these people are speaking so positively about a character like Layton and going on tirades against certain other characters, like Krystal (because it's Krystal) or our own supported idea here for petty reasons. "Indie = impossible" and such.

I don't know how many of his fans are here so I mean no offense, and I haven't played his series. That said, I do like Ace Attorney, have played a little of that franchise and do think Phoenix Wright would be a funny addition to Smash. But I still acknowledge that Phoenix would more or less be an unneeded joke character, and Layton's not really that different; his series just seems like it has a little more action compared to AA. But it's still a puzzle game/graphic novel in the end, isn't it?

When Shantae appeared on iMDB, basically everyone wrote it off. Now Layton's VA writes a very oddly-worded tweet and everyone's assuming he's confirmed. I don't get it.

Like I said, I mean no offense to Layton fans, but it would just seem odd for a graphic novel character to get in over other sorts of newcomers first. I realize he wouldn't be the only joke character on the roster, they've been appearing in Smash since Melee. However, Sakurai once was skeptical about Villager and as it stands now, isn't it possible he might want more traditional fighters what with how many more unusual ones are already in?

I feel like we specifically have an incredible amount of bias and double-standards being used against us, and every now and then the dissent gets to the point where I feel like I'm going to be sick. And it's spiked in the last day or two thanks to this new "leak".
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Shadow Novus

Smash Apprentice
Oct 10, 2013
With all the fan-made relationships between characters in Smash Bros, I can imagine people making a mother/daughter relationship between Shantae and Samus if Shantae gets in, meant to symbolize that Shantae is the next generation of games like Metroid.
Haha and for some reason I imagine Shantae and Pit getting along really well, them being both youthful energetic and good-hearted heroes (with Pit maybe having a bit of a crush because hey maybe he's never met a half genie girl before and let's be honest, Shantae is very easy on the eyes) xD

Captain Fun

Smash Lord
Apr 10, 2014
When Shantae appeared on iMDB, basically everyone wrote it off. Now Layton's VA writes a very oddly-worded tweet and everyone's assuming he's confirmed. I don't get it.
Everyone wrote it off because IMDB is like wikipedia. Anybody can edit it, and we've seen plenty of false IMDB info on Smash and for games like MVC3. Hell, there's still plenty of misinformation on IMDB now.

The VA tweet on the other hand is allegedly from Layton's VA himself. It's a bit different from some nobody stealthily editing a page anyone can edit.

As for everyone assuming Layton is confirmed? I mean one some sites, but plenty of people here are skeptical.

EDIT: I feel like I should clarify, that I'm saying this as someone who would like to see characters like Shantae because the "expected" choices bore me a bit.
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Smash Champion
Aug 1, 2015
Everyone wrote it off because IMDB is like wikipedia. Anybody can edit it, and we've seen plenty of false IMDB info on Smash and for games like MVC3. Hell, there's still plenty of misinformation on IMDB now.

The VA tweet on the other hand is allegedly from Layton's VA himself. It's a bit different from some nobody stealthily editing a page anyone can edit.

As for everyone assuming Layton is confirmed? I mean one some sites, but plenty of people here are skeptical.

EDIT: I feel like I should clarify, that I'm saying this as someone who would like to see characters like Shantae because the "expected" choices bore me a bit.
Someone noticed that Layton's VA appeared on IMDb and asked him about it, hence the tweet.


Smash Champion
Aug 1, 2015
Right, but the thing that gives the Layton rumor any credibility at all is the VA's response on twitter, not the random IMDB listing.
Um, the exact same thing happened with Shantae.

Someone noticed Christina Vee on the cast list, asked her about it, and she said that she didn't even know that was there, and wrote it off as false, as she said that she didn't even recieve any actual calls regarding a VA job for that.
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Captain Fun

Smash Lord
Apr 10, 2014
Um, the exact same thing happened with Shantae.

Someone noticed Christina Vee on the cast list, asked her about it, and she said that she didn't even know that was there, and wrote it off as false, as she said that she didn't even recieve any actual calls regarding a VA job for that.
Right, and then the Layton VA said the following:

How is that the exact same thing?
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Smash Apprentice
Aug 12, 2015
The problem is that Christopher denied it before, and his tone here doesn't come across as all that serious. His Twitter proper is hidden anyway, and I find it hard to believe a professional voice actor would be naive enough to think he could post something online and not worry about it spreading, under the assumption that he did know something.

Anything's possible, but it would seem more likely that he's messing with people.
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Smash Obsessed
Jul 30, 2015
Where the weather changes as much as my avatar
The problem is that Christopher denied it before, and his tone here doesn't come across as all that serious. His Twitter proper is hidden anyway, and I find it hard to believe a professional voice actor would be naive enough to think he could post something online and not worry about it spreading, under the assumption that he did know something.

Anything's possible, but it would seem more likely that he's messing with people.
Yeah I'd say that's the case, from the way he wrote that, it doesn't seem like he's actually serious about that

Haha and for some reason I imagine Shantae and Pit getting along really well, them being both youthful energetic and good-hearted heroes (with Pit maybe having a bit of a crush because hey maybe he's never met a half genie girl before and let's be honest, Shantae is very easy on the eyes) xD
I've actually brought up that idea as well of Shantae and Pit on this thread and we talked about it for a bit, (I think I started talking about on page 95)


Smash Journeyman
Jul 9, 2015
Switch FC
SW 1668 7817 3192
Not to go on a depressing and slightly off-topic monologue especially with this new article, but in light of the Layton situation I want to say this:

You know what really blows my mind about the DLC discussions right now? The fact that seemingly all of these people are speaking so positively about a character like Layton and going on tirades against certain other characters, like Krystal (because it's Krystal) or our own supported idea here for petty reasons. "Indie = impossible" and such.

I don't know how many of his fans are here so I mean no offense, and I haven't played his series. That said, I do like Ace Attorney, have played a little of that franchise and do think Phoenix Wright would be a funny addition to Smash. But I still acknowledge that Phoenix would more or less be an unneeded joke character, and Layton's not really that different; his series just seems like it has a little more action compared to AA. But it's still a puzzle game/graphic novel in the end, isn't it?

When Shantae appeared on iMDB, basically everyone wrote it off. Now Layton's VA writes a very oddly-worded tweet and everyone's assuming he's confirmed. I don't get it.

Like I said, I mean no offense to Layton fans, but it would just seem odd for a graphic novel character to get in over other sorts of newcomers first. I realize he wouldn't be the only joke character on the roster, they've been appearing in Smash since Melee. However, Sakurai once was skeptical about Villager and as it stands now, isn't it possible he might want more traditional fighters what with how many more unusual ones are already in?

I feel like we specifically have an incredible amount of bias and double-standards being used against us, and every now and then the dissent gets to the point where I feel like I'm going to be sick. And it's spiked in the last day or two thanks to this new "leak".
As other people have mentioned, the sense of legitimacy for the Layton thing comes from comments made by the original voice actor on twitter which seemed to hint at it. I seriously doubt it means anything though.

As for why Layton receives so much less negativity than Shantae, frankly it's because nobody aside from Layton supporters perceives him as a serious threat. Until Shantae became one of the most talked about and voted for characters online, she received very little negativity too. Because she has become so popular though, she is now a target for people who don't want to see their own characters (whom they believe are more deserving) trumped by her. The same thing happened with Shovel Knight to some extent - he was super popular right at the beginning, and then the chorus of voices stating he has no chance and no right to a spot in Smash came along, and his hype kind of died down. Shovel Knight does have a weaker case to make than Shantae, but the false perception that he has no chance at all has unfairly hurt his actual chances.

That's why it's so important that we keep countering naysayers. As long as we don't let them dictate the popular narrative about her, I think we can expect her popularity to keep surging. There's so much good fan art of her on Miiverse and elsewhere. We are overall still winning the argument. We just need to stay vigilant now that resistance to Shantae is stiffening.

Also that RTC is complete bull****. I wish they did Shantae a week earlier when I would have actually had time to respond to it. Thanks YellowLord, DoctorSanity, and whoever else stuck up for her over there.

You know that any thread about assigning numerical scores to a characters chances is going to be kind of a joke. Nobody knows anywhere near enough to actually justify a numerical value, but numbers are great for giving your totally subjective gut feelings and biases a veil of scientific authority.

In general I am really sick of people claiming this or that character has NO chance when they are really just guessing. That doesn't just apply to Shantae even. I see people saying that K. Rool is definitely not coming because the costume de-confirms him. Where the **** are people getting that from? Did Sakurai say that? No. It's a guess people are passing off as a certainty. Utter garbage. We can say that lack of Japanese recognition is probably a disadvantage for Shantae, as is being third party, but we have no way of gauging how much of a disadvantage those things are, because we have basically no insight into the selection process. It's lucky for us that pretty much every other rival for Shantae also has disadvantages that are probably at least as bad as Shantae's. It's a very enviable position to be in.

I'm sure I sound like a broken record to anyone who's read my other posts in here, but we really face a totally new situation as Shantae supporters now. It's still super important to keep spreading awareness for Shantae via Miiverse, YouTube, etc, and so many of you guys are awesome artists doing a great job with that (I wish I had something to contribute on that front lol). However now we face a situation where Shantae actually is very talked about and well-known among potential ballot voters. More and more I'm starting to think that our new main challenge is to counter all of this unwarranted and unfounded anti-Shantae talk, so that it doesn't dominate people's impressions of her.
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Shadow Novus

Smash Apprentice
Oct 10, 2013
I've actually brought up that idea as well of Shantae and Pit on this thread and we talked about it for a bit, (I think I started talking about on page 95)
Yay it's not just me! I didn't realize how well into that you guys went until I read those pages just now. I normally don't ship but it totally works xD


Smash Lord
May 25, 2015
Puerto Rico
Liger or Liger0X
Switch FC
SW 7220 7680 7239
Well no matter what I will continue supporting Shantae to be in Smash WII U/3DS.

Let's keep on having faith throughout the last month of the ballot.



May 11, 2015
Who knows? :3
As other people have mentioned, the sense of legitimacy for the Layton thing comes from comments made by the original voice actor on twitter which seemed to hint at it. I seriously doubt it means anything though.

As for why Layton receives so much less negativity than Shantae, frankly it's because nobody aside from Layton supporters perceives him as a serious threat. Until Shantae became one of the most talked about and voted for characters online, she received very little negativity too. Because she has become so popular though, she is now a target for people who don't want to see their own characters (whom they believe are more deserving) trumped by her. The same thing happened with Shovel Knight to some extent - he was super popular right at the beginning, and then the chorus of voices stating he has no chance and no right to a spot in Smash came along, and his hype kind of died down. Shovel Knight does have a weaker case to make than Shantae, but the false perception that he has no chance at all has unfairly hurt his actual chances.

That's why it's so important that we keep countering naysayers. As long as we don't let them dictate the popular narrative about her, I think we can expect her popularity to keep surging. There's so much good fan art of her on Miiverse and elsewhere. We are overall still winning the argument. We just need to stay vigilant now that resistance to Shantae is stiffening.

Also that RTC is complete bull****. I wish they did Shantae a week earlier when I would have actually had time to respond to it. Thanks YellowLord, DoctorSanity, and whoever else stuck up for her over there.

You know that any thread about assigning numerical scores to a characters chances is going to be kind of a joke. Nobody knows anywhere near enough to actually justify a numerical value, but numbers are great for giving your totally subjective gut feelings and biases a veil of scientific authority.

In general I am really sick of people claiming this or that character has NO chance when they are really just guessing. That doesn't just apply to Shantae even. I see people saying that K. Rool is definitely not coming because the costume de-confirms him. Where the **** are people getting that from? Did Sakurai say that? No. It's a guess people are passing off as a certainty. Utter garbage. We can say that lack of Japanese recognition is probably a disadvantage for Shantae, as is being third party, but we have no way of gauging how much of a disadvantage those things are, because we have basically no insight into the selection process. It's lucky for us that pretty much every other rival for Shantae also has disadvantages that are probably at least as bad as Shantae's. It's a very enviable position to be in.

I'm sure I sound like a broken record to anyone who's read my other posts in here, but we really face a totally new situation as Shantae supporters now. It's still super important to keep spreading awareness for Shantae via Miiverse, YouTube, etc, and so many of you guys are awesome artists doing a great job with that (I wish I had something to contribute on that front lol). However now we face a situation where Shantae actually is very talked about and well-known among potential ballot voters. More and more I'm starting to think that our new main challenge is to counter all of this unwarranted and unfounded anti-Shantae talk, so that it doesn't dominate people's impressions of her.
This. This right here has a ton of meaning, guys. Also, no problem; That RTC thread made me need to step in and defend her because of all the negativity she kept commonly getting on that thread.
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Mighty Minotaur

Smash Cadet
Jun 30, 2015
Hey guys! I need some help.

I saw the trailer for the Smash Bros. Crusade update, and noticed a lot of Shantae positivity in the comments below.
A guy by the name of 5th Kie (The rest of his name has ... so I'm assuming that his full YouTube name is "5th Kie...") made this comment:
"SHANTAE MOTHER*******!!!!! FIRST CRUSADE, THEN FOR WII U!!!! #VoteForShantae #ShantaeForSmash"
I joined the hype band wagon, but a couple comments later, some guy shows up and starts blasting us for supporting Shantae. Now, YouTube has been very buggy recently, with comments disappearing and reappearing at random. I've been fending off his arguments (Which have been very bad, but he doesn't seem to think so) but he's really starting to wear me down.
Another thing is that his grammar is very, very bad. I'm not normally a grammar nazi, but this guy is going to kill me.

This was his most recent comment (In response to me generally saying that he should slow down when he types, and that he should stop arguing because I've basically debunked his arguments. He also believes that I've somehow been deleting his comments because I'm scared of him.)

"+Mighty Minotaur lol you talk about my grammar when your grammar alone is ****.You didn't debunked anything instead of showing foolish comment and avoiding most of my comments.1 if you would have debunked anything then you wouldn't been scared to ask for my comments to be deleted but hey,i couldn't expect less from peoples who likes stupid characters lol.I proved your comments are invalid i have the satisfaction .Hell wasted enough time of my life with scared peoples"

I would greatly appreciate help ASAP. Here's the link. (Just scroll down through the comments, you'll know it when you see it.)
If you don't have a YouTube account, I would greatly appreciate some advice on what to do with this guy. Thanks!


May 11, 2015
Who knows? :3
Hey guys! I need some help.

I saw the trailer for the Smash Bros. Crusade update, and noticed a lot of Shantae positivity in the comments below.
A guy by the name of 5th Kie (The rest of his name has ... so I'm assuming that his full YouTube name is "5th Kie...") made this comment:
"SHANTAE MOTHER*******!!!!! FIRST CRUSADE, THEN FOR WII U!!!! #VoteForShantae #ShantaeForSmash"
I joined the hype band wagon, but a couple comments later, some guy shows up and starts blasting us for supporting Shantae. Now, YouTube has been very buggy recently, with comments disappearing and reappearing at random. I've been fending off his arguments (Which have been very bad, but he doesn't seem to think so) but he's really starting to wear me down.
Another thing is that his grammar is very, very bad. I'm not normally a grammar nazi, but this guy is going to kill me.

This was his most recent comment (In response to me generally saying that he should slow down when he types, and that he should stop arguing because I've basically debunked his arguments. He also believes that I've somehow been deleting his comments because I'm scared of him.)

"+Mighty Minotaur lol you talk about my grammar when your grammar alone is ****.You didn't debunked anything instead of showing foolish comment and avoiding most of my comments.1 if you would have debunked anything then you wouldn't been scared to ask for my comments to be deleted but hey,i couldn't expect less from peoples who likes stupid characters lol.I proved your comments are invalid i have the satisfaction .Hell wasted enough time of my life with scared peoples"

I would greatly appreciate help ASAP. Here's the link. (Just scroll down through the comments, you'll know it when you see it.)
If you don't have a YouTube account, I would greatly appreciate some advice on what to do with this guy. Thanks!
Honestly, I'd just ignore him and not argue with him anymore, if I were you. He's just another moron that is trying to waste your time. Let's be honest; I doubt he can be even negotiated with to change his mind anyway, so that's why I'd just say to ignore him.
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Smash Journeyman
Aug 16, 2015
Maybe Mighty No. 9 will get lucky and some of Shantae's good game design will rub off of her.


Shadow Novus

Smash Apprentice
Oct 10, 2013
Hey guys! I need some help.

I saw the trailer for the Smash Bros. Crusade update, and noticed a lot of Shantae positivity in the comments below.
A guy by the name of 5th Kie (The rest of his name has ... so I'm assuming that his full YouTube name is "5th Kie...") made this comment:
"SHANTAE MOTHER*******!!!!! FIRST CRUSADE, THEN FOR WII U!!!! #VoteForShantae #ShantaeForSmash"
I joined the hype band wagon, but a couple comments later, some guy shows up and starts blasting us for supporting Shantae. Now, YouTube has been very buggy recently, with comments disappearing and reappearing at random. I've been fending off his arguments (Which have been very bad, but he doesn't seem to think so) but he's really starting to wear me down.
Another thing is that his grammar is very, very bad. I'm not normally a grammar nazi, but this guy is going to kill me.

This was his most recent comment (In response to me generally saying that he should slow down when he types, and that he should stop arguing because I've basically debunked his arguments. He also believes that I've somehow been deleting his comments because I'm scared of him.)

"+Mighty Minotaur lol you talk about my grammar when your grammar alone is ****.You didn't debunked anything instead of showing foolish comment and avoiding most of my comments.1 if you would have debunked anything then you wouldn't been scared to ask for my comments to be deleted but hey,i couldn't expect less from peoples who likes stupid characters lol.I proved your comments are invalid i have the satisfaction .Hell wasted enough time of my life with scared peoples"

I would greatly appreciate help ASAP. Here's the link. (Just scroll down through the comments, you'll know it when you see it.)
If you don't have a YouTube account, I would greatly appreciate some advice on what to do with this guy. Thanks!
Left my 2 cents in but honestly seems like one of those guys you just can't reason with. Even if he keeps going I wouldn't worry about it, I'd like to think anyone who matters will have the sense to not give people like that any credibility

B.H. and DD

Smash Apprentice
Jul 25, 2015
Oh my gosh guys! Miiverse has been FLOODED with Shantae pics all day! It's crazy how popular she has gotten. She is most definitely in the top 10 in America. This is so exciting!


Smash Obsessed
Jul 30, 2015
Where the weather changes as much as my avatar
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Smash Hero
Feb 15, 2014
I had an awesome dream last night where Shantae ,Krystal, Impa and Dixie got confirmed as a part of a "Ladies" DLC pack which came with mostly female Mii costumes including a Chun-Li costume for Brawler, a Roll costume for Swordfighter, and a Risky costume for Gunner, Sequin Town as a new stage, Venom and Kongo Jungle from Melee returning as retro stages

It was awesome I hope we hear some good news soon
>Roll costume

Which Roll? Classic, Mega Man 8, Battle Network or Legends?
Classic or 8, most likely.
I prefer MM8's design of Roll myself
I prefer MM8's version of Roll, too. Though her Classic design is adorable as all heck!:love:You know what's funny? My #1 pick for a second Mega Man rep/original Capcom rep IS Roll. Probably due to waaay to much MvC. Literally, I almost always pair Mega Man and Roll together.:)They're just so cute together!:love:


The Inspired Artist
Jul 14, 2014
I prefer MM8's version of Roll, too. Though her Classic design is adorable as all heck!:love:You know what's funny? My #1 pick for a second Mega Man rep/original Capcom rep IS Roll. Probably due to waaay to much MvC. Literally, I almost always pair Mega Man and Roll together.:)They're just so cute together!:love:

>Mentions MM8 Roll


I love you all.

Cuz come on.

She's so adorable in this outfit. Period.


Creator of Lego Theory
May 22, 2012
Switch FC
I'm a fan of Roll's 8 outfit too. Just has more charm compared to the classic.

And to keep things relevant, has anyone got any Shantae in Mega Man outfits artwork lying around?

Wario Bros.

Smash Obsessed
May 19, 2006
In a van down by the river
Switch FC
Roll is cute, but I'm not crazy over the idea of a THIRD Capcom character in Sm4sh when there's PLENTY of other companies that could get a character in.

B.H. and DD

Smash Apprentice
Jul 25, 2015
Roll is cute, but I'm not crazy over the idea of a THIRD Capcom character in Sm4sh when there's PLENTY of other companies that could get a character in.
I feel the same. That's why I want Shantae (WayForward) and Black Mage (Square Enix)


Smash Apprentice
Apr 12, 2015
I at least want a Roll costume considering all the different iterations of Megaman getting their own costumes.
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Smash Lord
May 25, 2015
Puerto Rico
Liger or Liger0X
Switch FC
SW 7220 7680 7239
Yeah I noticed that miiverse has a bunch of new Shantae Fanart.
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