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The `Greatest Thread in the Universe` Meta-Thread


Banned via Administration
Jul 20, 2008
planking while watching anime with Fino
I don't like BB for it's horrible competitive value. ( I only say that due to how broken the game is. **** character balance, Tager can take on Nu. It's hilarious. Oh.. one mistake? 720 TRAP! PWNED! GAME OVER NOOB!

ps: Barrier bursting is hardly an option. It just makes it 1 more mistake = FOR SURE dead )

However the storyline and how the game plays on a friendly level is actually ****ing awesome. x50 better than Brawl in every single possible way.

Except it doesn't have Zamus, Sheik, or Snake. (The 3 best pieces of *** in Brawl)



Smash Hero
Jul 7, 2008

However the storyline and how the game plays on a friendly level is actually ****ing awesome. x50 better than Brawl in every single possible way.

I REALLY have to disagree here. BB really isn't as easy to pick up and play with a bunch of friends. BB also isn't 4-player, meaning it's not a group game. There aren't limitless options for enjoyment like items, 1% stamina matches, and custom rules. The casual depth of Brawl, and Smash in general, is amazing, and is basically why my group of friends play mostly Smash and Halo at our get-togethers instead of SF and BB.

zeroooo xD change ur avatar <3
NEVER!!! :(

The same reason we love Brawl.
Terrible games are easy to love.
I love Brawl because it's Smash. Also reasons above.

Nick, Susa, Zero
Our names all look super cute on the active users bar at the bottom of the page. Just saying <3 (pink, purple, and blue)

Also, BB is just addicting.
And dat @$$.
kawaii nee


Banned via Administration
Jul 20, 2008
planking while watching anime with Fino
nah i don't share I'LL HAVE U ALL TO MYSELF!!!!!!!

zeroooo xD change ur avatar <3
Oh I see, you're the jealous type.

This is such a hard decision. Not really, decision is obvious.

Whoever has the better avatar wins.

Loli won by default.

I REALLY have to disagree here. BB really isn't as easy to pick up and play with a bunch of friends. BB also isn't 4-player, meaning it's not a group game. There aren't limitless options for enjoyment like items, 1% stamina matches, and custom rules. The casual depth of Brawl, and Smash in general, is amazing, and is basically why my group of friends play mostly Smash and Halo at our get-togethers instead of SF and BB.

kawaii nee
1) Disagree with the picking up thing. You can always sandbag or play a character you have no ****ing clue how to play. (lol Ragna or Tager for me) :awesome:

2) Good point.

3) Another good point, but then we have to draw a line on how I use the word casual. It's different for everyone.

I play casually, but in a COMPETITIVE nature. In Brawl when I play casuals, whether or not items are on, it's always 3 stocks. ALWAYS. However I won't play as gay as possible (as I would in a friendly, which I see as tournament practice)

So I play "casually" in the sense that I study the **** out of the game, it's frame data, physics, and combos. Still... I treat it seriously like a job, but I play it merely for the enjoyment because on an actual competitive, tournament level. It ****ing sucks IMO.




Smash Hero
Jul 7, 2008
Smash is designed from the ground up, to be a party game. A game that you play with your mates after school. It's simple, only using two buttons and directions. To enjoy Smash, all you need is a crash course in "Press A, B and directions to attack, up to jump", turn items on to high and you've got hours of fun right there.

Blazblue is designed to be a competitive game (they ****ed up though). It has restrictive movement, arbitrary tech skill requirements and non-simple gameplay. To really enjoy it, you need to invest time in it to learn how to play.

This is what I mean by picking up. I don't really consider sandbagging or playing a new character as making it easier to pick up for the other person playing. They still have NFI what's going on.

also ragna abcd 214d true combo ezpz


Banned via Administration
Jul 20, 2008
planking while watching anime with Fino
But man do I wish avatars on SWF had an alright length limit. =[

I go onto this one forum that has no height limit for avatars, and nobody really abuses it. But most people have avatars about the size of the picture I'll post at the end of this post. Width is 150px

In fact, it's so unobstructive and so many people use square avatars regardless, that it's **** amazing. It opens up a huge amount of options as far as avatar choice goes, and I even took the liberty of editing a picture to hell (rotating it, bringing out it's color, and adding font... lmao took like 30 seconds)

If I could have this as my avatar on SWF, I totally would. But until I find a good way to turn it into a small ugly square without ruining it. Nu stays.

I'm actually going to change my policy on avatar limits for all the forums I'm an admin at, and work with administrators where I moderate at to try and bring this change to the forums. Staff here hates me so I can't here. =P



Smash Hero
Jul 7, 2008
Hold on, so that's not abuse? Long avatars are incredibly obnoxious, especially with one liner posts. I have the postbit above posts as well, so that'd be **** annoying. 150x150 would be nice though.


Banned via Administration
Jul 20, 2008
planking while watching anime with Fino
Not on their forum that's about average and maybe like 1-2 people go over that, and that's why side postbit = ftw.

It's REALLY not that bad.... :x I ****ing love it, and I've seen a LOT of creative avatars.



Smash Hero
Jul 7, 2008
I like top postbit, makes more space for text.

On a graphics design forum I used to frequent, people used vertical sigs and they're annoying as ****. Vertical avatars would be the same IMO.

Although I definitely agree that they can be visually appealing, with some effort.


Banned via Administration
Jul 20, 2008
planking while watching anime with Fino
I like top postbit, makes more space for text.

On a graphics design forum I used to frequent, people used vertical sigs and they're annoying as ****. Vertical avatars would be the same IMO.

Although I definitely agree that they can be visually appealing, with some effort.
More space for...text?

I should switch to top postbit to have any idea what you mean. From the single time I tried it, I hated it. But 40 posts/page is win. :awesome:

Vertical signatures annoy me. Vertical avatars not so much, so long as the post is of decent length. (AKA: Abuse your vertical signature by constantly posting one liners everywhere you go is abuse of your signature. Loses signature rights)

But I won't be selfish. If it really is THAT annoying for top postbit then I can understand the argument. But the forum I use doesn't even allow top postbit (AFAIK... haha) so... tough luck there.



Smash Hero
Jul 7, 2008
More space for...text?

I should switch to top postbit to have any idea what you mean. From the single time I tried it, I hated it. But 40 posts/page is win. :awesome:

Vertical signatures annoy me. Vertical avatars not so much, so long as the post is of decent length. (AKA: Abuse your vertical signature by constantly posting one liners everywhere you go is abuse of your signature. Loses signature rights)

But I won't be selfish. If it really is THAT annoying for top postbit then I can understand the argument. But the forum I use doesn't even allow top postbit (AFAIK... haha) so... tough luck there.

Well, the forum width doesn't change regardless of your postbit, right? So if your postbit is on the left, then you lose the 120-150px of space on the side, which means the text is wrapped around less space than a top postbit.

It also means that your postbit doesn't vertically expand until the end of you post, which is really just wasted space.

I prefer top. <3

Well I prefer bottom, but that's another time.

I don't see why you would hate it though.

40ppa is <3 indeed!


Banned via Administration
Jul 20, 2008
planking while watching anime with Fino
Well, the forum width doesn't change regardless of your postbit, right? So if your postbit is on the left, then you lose the 120-150px of space on the side, which means the text is wrapped around less space than a top postbit.

It also means that your postbit doesn't vertically expand until the end of you post, which is really just wasted space.
First part is annoying for me. I prefer reading down than across, less eye movement overall. :urg: I despise books that think it's awesome to have like x2 the width of a normal book. I like my paperback Stephen King books of like 10-15 words per line. So this comes straight down to preference.

The 2nd part makes perfect sense however, and that waste of space can be filled by longer, more awesome avatars. ;)



Banned via Administration
Jul 20, 2008
planking while watching anime with Fino
An awesome rule of thumb if a forum were to have longer avatars. Ensure that you have quality posts that match your avatar length. (Which means the avatar would mostly just be annoying in social threads, and would force those who want it to provide quality data in matchup threads and such)




Smash Hero
Jul 7, 2008
That would be amazing. Put effort in, or reduce your avatar size!

So it really is an e-peenis size.

Why the **** is p3nis censored?


Banned via Administration
Jul 20, 2008
planking while watching anime with Fino
***** ****** breast.

Pretty sure none of those are supposed to be censored as they are the correct terminology for the body parts.

Guess they haven't updated the censor yet? Pretty sure we need to say ***** and ****** for the debate hall? :s


Happy birthday Nick!!!!

Now what would your choice of pleasure be?



Smash Hero
Jul 7, 2008
Not even for the debate room. People wanting to have serious discussion about certain things are being hindered by a 12-year-old mentality.

If suck or sucks aren't censored, then they shouldn't be censored either.


Banned via Administration
Jul 20, 2008
planking while watching anime with Fino
Pretty sure the filters just haven't been updated. There was discussion about updating them.

D(a)mn should also be getting uncensored, I made an argument for it and it was largely voted to be uncensored due to making sentences sound worse than they are


**** you looks like fuuuuuuuuuuuu

The argument to keep d(a)mn censored was "it's considered bad in certain regions or by certain people" where I made the argument we should than censor "idiot" and any other derogatory word that is referencing to intelligence, because in Japan calling someone stupid is one of the largest insults in their country. If you want to pick a fight, that's a good way to do it in Japan.

But of course, I was argued against because catering to the non-existant people who are hurt by the word "dayum" is obviously better than catering to the Japanese who are hurt by being called stupid.

****ing racist *** staff. They wonder why I have issues with 90% of them and their intelligence.



Smash Master
Sep 28, 2008
susa never sleeps....also i read all that i missed while i was sleeping...all i even wanted to comment on was...andrew...u like i on the bottom? not on top? ME TOOOOOOO wait wait wah??? =/ anyways nick riddlesss the bess <3 im not even going to school just so i can eat lunch with him arent i nice? lol nah i have no money to get home from school soo i cant go today =[ oh wells it's k :D


Smash Master
Sep 28, 2008
susa wants to diieeeee lalalalala it's k susa when ur dead ur spirit will come to where i am and ill be like YES now i can **** u! and as i try ill just fall through ur body =[ dont diiiiieeee oh noes! and..andyyy im gonna call u andy now :) lol WHY CANT IT WORK MY THINGIE IS HUUUUUUUUUUUUGE :D


Smash Hero
Jul 7, 2008
susa wants to diieeeee lalalalala it's k susa when ur dead ur spirit will come to where i am and ill be like YES now i can **** u! and as i try ill just fall through ur body =[ dont diiiiieeee oh noes! and..andyyy im gonna call u andy now :) lol WHY CANT IT WORK MY THINGIE IS HUUUUUUUUUUUUGE :D
Why won't it work...?

Your thingie is huge...?



or do i?


Banned via Administration
Jul 20, 2008
planking while watching anime with Fino
susa wants to diieeeee lalalalala it's k susa when ur dead ur spirit will come to where i am and ill be like YES now i can **** u! and as i try ill just fall through ur body =[ dont diiiiieeee oh noes! and..andyyy im gonna call u andy now :) lol WHY CANT IT WORK MY THINGIE IS HUUUUUUUUUUUUGE :D
Someone sounds really, really hyper right now.

Did you just have a coffee or something?

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