great!!! 3mmanu3lrc, now i have someone than know more English than me, i am happy, now i can learn more
on topic
i am in the Water temple, the no Ztargeting challenge isnt so hard as i though ( at least until this moment)
i added some new rules to my challenge, so now is realy hard:
No Ztargeting
Small Magic Bar
no weapon, items and wallet upgrade
No fairies/no potions/no poes/no milk
only one bottle
no grass and jars new
no din fire new
Any magic spell (magic arrows and others), only you are able to use the spin attack
sacrifice something if you did a mistake new
Enemies, Shop, and minigames reguards only new
perfect Gerudo Fortres assault (only sword and shield, without getting hited and captured)
you must clear the gerudo training ground
No grass and jars: You cant cut grass, or braek jars or throw rocks searching items (hearts, rupees, deku sedds, arrows, etc), if you take a rupee than was in grass you must apply the sacrifice sistem.
No Din Fire: in a 3 hearts challenge, this item is usefull, but no more, you cant use it as a weapon, only for a puzzle solving item.
Punishment system: if you pick a heart from a jar, or grass, because you only have 1 hearts,or if you killed an enemy with Ztargeting, you must pay a prize
rupee/item picked from grass/jars/rock ====== 5 items (you must throw 5 bombs, or 5 deku nuts or 5 arrows)
heart picked from grass/jars/rock ====== 10 items (you must throw 10 bombs or 10 deku nuts or 10 arrows)
Oly shops, enemies and minigames:
To get rupees you have 2 ways: or you kill an enemy, or you win a minigame
To gain a items or a heart you have 2 ways: or kill an enemy or buy it in a shop.
these are my new rules, now the gamne is hard, the idea, is count the amount of time than you getting killed. if you was killed 5 times, try to reduce that amount for the next time.
for my next run i will add the no shield dificulty