ga isnt good as it is for many reasons.
one thing is everybody thinks there better than the other person..which is funny to me..just play smash,learn and get better
other thing is..alot of us dont even play with each other..i know me merck,soft and shag play alot during the week..shag lives like more than an hour away..where there are plenty of others who live within 20-30 minutes from me.
dogysamich lives pretty far so im not blaming him.
but i live in lawrenceville and that is like the center area of ga smash at the moment smashfest will help out, but people want to play at certain people's house..whoa "fox killer 3000 is def not going there to play" i mean..we play a video game. lets play video games..too much favoritism in smash when we can get much better if we were united
last thing is..everybody wants to run tournies a certain way or at a certain place. all i heard u do sleepy is down josh's tourny idea which it is the best thing that happened to ga in a while.
Ga smashers- stop thinking that no one will show up at tournies..just go to get better and have fun.
4th thing which is prob the most important..we need a different venue thats not waba and close to the lawrenveville area since there are alot of smashers here(tbag,rock lee,martin,blue jim,etc) yes they still play
Venue would help out alot if we throw other tournies and want oos to come thats not the to series.
last thing - we need brawl and melee tournies- brawl players like melee..anti is playing more and more melee just because of apex..big lou plays and im sure others do.
ps. and making the tournies cheaper wont do much money do we spend on stupid things..lets stop being cheap for once
nuff said
That "elitism" you mentioned imo is the point of the whole crew thing. IMO we're all too friendly when it comes to competing because our scene is so small. It's not "oh xxx is there, i don't want to play there" it's "oh xxx lives there, let's go play over there." as you can see, since people in ga just drive to other areas (like shag). more detail later about the crews thing, i guess i should make that thread sometime soon.
What? I really like Josh's tournament series. I never said it was a bad idea or anything.
Lowering the price works. Guess how many people entered the free melee tournament for experience at US Gaming arena?
also, saying "let's stop being cheap for once" is easy to say, but once again, not everybody has the money for a door fee + tourney fee. the venues are nice and work well for what they're used for. It's just that the tournaments are primarily brawl and a lot of our players are primarily brawl players. For example, I'm picking up brawl. Am I going to enter the waba tournaments while I don't have a job? no, because mentally I can't justify putting in $20 (10 door fee + 10 entry fee) when I know i could have saved it for vital things I need in the future. I understand that you make sacrifices for the game, but there's no need to make stupid ones.
For example, lounis, who is good at both games, only entered brawl for a while when he wasn't working because it was too much money each weekend.
Why don't Tommy and Jim enter btw?
Tommy used to make money johns (door fee + entry fee lol waba) but he should be able to make these house tournaments.
You keep making general statements about what will attract new players
You say you want to see the Ga smash scene improve and grow
Yet you seem to be fighting me when I finally try to do something about it!
There are NOT fresh faces eagerly awaiting the day smash tournaments lower their prices.
There are NOT fresh faces that need crews in GA in order to start playing SSBM.
NONE of these ideas are going to attract NEW smashers.
New smashers do not care about a $5 difference in price or a crew existing in their area.
They join because they like the game.
You said I am not reading your posts, but all your post brag of ways to bring in new players without
any specific details on how.
Most of your ideas are an excellent way to help enrich the existing community, but please stop labeling
them as a better way to bring in new smashers.
you're not looking at them as long term ideas.
you're assuming i mean that people are waiting in the sidelines to jump on the opportunity to join the game, but that's not what i mean at all. my ideas are to make participating in melee more attractive to brawlers and beginners.
the idea with crews is to bolster our existing scene in the long run so more people have more places to smash and increase the general competitive feel of GA. Certainly we could do this without crews, but crews are a fun and easy way to get people hype about things. Draft crews not so much. by increase the competitive feel, I'm referring to the fact that GA as a whole is too friendly when it comes to smash because our scene is small. Like Evan said, the big scene for GA smash is located in a concentric area and we just drive to each other's houses and play friendlies with each other for hours. The sense of companionship is stronger than the sense of competition, which in a way is a good thing, i guess.
new smashers certainly do care about $5 as many of the "new smashers" could be brawlers who want to pick up melee. many "new" smashers (brawlers or not) can feel like they're throwing their money away. For example, Dan and I took Dan's friend Chris to POE3. we were playing with him before the drive and he was having a good time. Chris has been kind of playing competitive melee on and off for the past few years. He played some friendlies when we got to the venue, and instead of being more excited to play in the tournament, he decided he wasn't going to enter because he felt like the 10 or 15 dollars to enter was just going to be wasted money for him. had the price been lower, it would have been easier for him to mentally justify the "loss."
you think i'm fighting you when it comes to this tournament series, but i'm certainly not. I really like the idea and it's an easy way to do all the good things we need to bolster the existing scene and possibly bring in new players. I never said "this is a bad idea" or "this tournament series is stupid/isn't going to go well" or anything like that.
I understand if I seemed "hostile" when mentioning clashing dates, but I just wanted to bring it to your attention and not let it get you discouraged, as it would affect attendance. HBox said he wanted to come to one, but he definitely couldn't when he was hosting a WATO! but he's still interested, which means a lot for this series. That's the kind of thing I wanted to bring up.
If you read my previous post (which I admit was kinda vague) I honestly think if we combined our efforts, GA's scene could easily explode the way NCs has.
The best way to get new players is to go to tournaments that have a large number of other games. Like final round etc. that is where we get most of out new faces these days...
I would like to agree with you about FR, but you've seen how that has gone in the past. :/
long post.
for the too long;didn't read, here's what i said