This looks nice. However, my learning curve was very very different. I've never played or seen ssb64 on the N64, and I was already a good player with melee before I started playing ssb64 on kaillera. Even now, I haven't touched a N64-controller, I only use keyboard. If anyone's interested, this is my learning curve:
1) Play the game after having played melee often enough to be good. In this phase I was mostly trying the controls, and adapt them (but not too much) to a good set of keys. Check which characters are in the game, what stages there are, and what the differences from melee are. Play some matches in training mode (I never played singleplayer). L-canceling was in the game, wavedashing not, try some other melee techniques.
2) Play on kaillera. Got ***** as I did this together with my phase 1, but after I got used to the controls I started getting better quickly. Pika became my main, although he was my worst char in melee together with kirby. Watch vids on youtube, of Isai and others. Since I knew shorthopping, Z-canceling, doublejumpcanceling, edgeguarding and almost all other techniques from melee, all I had to do is repeat the comboes I saw. This made me better than most noobs, although shorthop was hard for me to do, especially with fox, and Z-canceling didn't always work either.
3) Becoming fluently in the most important techniques, now I was able to not get owned by the better players out there. I knew there was enough to learn, but I thought I was a good pika, and since my country does not play this game on kaillera much, I thought I was one of the best of the netherlands on kaillera. Start making my own comboes, although uptilt/upair chains and imitating comboes are what I do most here.
4) Becoming good with all chars, it was not fun anymore using pika against noobs. This is the phase I'm in, and still I discover techniques like shorthop double lasering with fox, and although my pika is near it's best, other chars like my yoshi and mario need improvement. When fighting better players, mindgames are more important, and that's about the only thing that I can improve on, as are things that are hard to on on keyboard, like tilts. In reps emulinker, there aren't many players that can beat me, although there are some that match my level and that's the most fun fighting against. I don't lag much on emularena, but those mean americans just kick me because I have high ping... I can improve my skills in doubles though, I suck at teamplay.