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The Forbidden Seven

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Jazzin' All Day
Jun 23, 2014
Port Barre
So, every smash fan should know about the forbidden seven in Brawl. Do you want them to be in

SSB4? If so, then how? Alternate Costume? Assist Trophy? Just a plain trophy? Playable? Discus
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Smash Lord
Jun 5, 2014
wherever I feel like
Not gonna comment on DLC cause I have strong feelings about that and I wouldn't want this thread going off topic on the second post.
Roy? Yes. I'm iffy on cuts though only if they aren't clones. Roy was a fun character in Melee and I'd like to see him return.
Mewtwo? EVERYONE wants Mewtwo in. Especially me. I mained him/her do they have a gender back in Melee, so yeah. I think that says enough.
Dr Mario can stay dead for all I care. As I said above, I don't really care for clones.
Dixie Kong I'm also iffy on, I'd rather see K Rool get in but if both do then why not?
Toon Zelda: Because we really need more clones on the Zelda side of things.
Toon Sheik: No thank you. There's no basis for them to be in the game, and while it wouldn't be as bad as a certain kart-driving statue of Peach I wouldn't like it. Plus, there's no basis for their existence any more with transformations gone.
Plusle and Minun: Could be cool if I cared about them. Except I don't.
So yeah, Mewtwo and Roy I'd like to see return but everyone else getting in is a no-no to me. 'Cept for Dixie who I'm sort of ambivalent on. And while Roy I don't see returning cause reasons, Mewtwo I'm confident in.


Smash Master
Dec 22, 2013
Gusty garden galaxy
Mewtwo- uh, yes please! Everybody wants Mewtwo!
Dixie Kong- Playable and w/o Diddy-- she's one of my most wanted!
Toon Zelda- I'd prefer her to be a trophy again like Brawl... and that's it.
Toon Sheik- I don't want her to ever exist. What a terrible idea. I'd rather Pink Gold Peach make it.
Roy- If playable, only as DLC. I don't want to see him on the main roster. If we get a FE roster of 4 characters and their all lords but none of them are Lucina, I'll be pissed. He'd be OK as an assist, kind of boring, I think DLC makes more sense.
Dr. Mario- alt or DLC, don't care either way
I'm currently betting on all of these as DLC except the toon girls. Actually, eh, maybe Mewtwo will be on the main roster.

And I guess that's all of the forbidden 6 ;)


Jazzin' All Day
Jun 23, 2014
Port Barre
Could you remind me on what the Forbidden 7 is?
Basically 7 characters who are on the brawl disc, but their files are incomplete. We can assume that they were not completed and added to the roster due to Time Constraints.


Smash Master
Apr 4, 2012
Switch FC
Basically 7 characters who are on the brawl disc, but their files are incomplete. We can assume that they were not completed and added to the roster due to Time Constraints.
Aaaaand. Who were they? All I remember is MewTwo and that's it.


Jazzin' All Day
Jun 23, 2014
Port Barre
Aaaaand. Who were they? All I remember is MewTwo and that's it.
Mewtwo, Roy, Dixie Kong, Dr. Mario, Toon Zelda, Toon Sheik, and Plusle and Minun tag-team (like Ice Climbers)
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Jazzin' All Day
Jun 23, 2014
Port Barre
Only one that I see as a possibility is MewTwo. So that's my opinion.
K. Roy can maybe be DLC. Dixie is still possible as well, but i would prefer K. Rool.
EDIT: Dr. Mario can be an alternate costume for Mario.
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Smashing idol~
Jun 18, 2014
Locked in Wii Fit Gym since 2014.
Switch FC
My thoughts on the 7 have always been:

Mewtwo: Sure, just buff him up. I feel he still has a good chance to be in this games initial roster.

Roy: Roy hasn't been active (the main character) in a game in a really long time...which is why I think it'd be great to have him return in Smash Bros. Buff him up though.

Dixie Kong: Needs to happen. 100% needs to happen.

Toon Zelda: The Nintendo crush of my childhood *sigh*
Really want. I have nothing against clones, and Toon characters are adorbs.

Toon Shiek: I alway's thought the Toon Shiek data was lazily named and intended to be Tetra.
If it was, that'd be better, makes sense again with Wind Waker HD, and Toon characters are adorbs.

Plusle and Minun: I would much prefer a Pichu Bros. tag team.

Dr. Mario: Literally the only vet I never cared about. I wouldn't be opposed to him returning though, if only because of how easy it'd be to put him in.

Jerry Applesauce

Smash Ace
Mar 29, 2014
The Internet
We're gonna stick with one character and one character only. Mewtwo. No one knows if he'll make it in, but's Sakurai's provocative.

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Jazzin' All Day
Jun 23, 2014
Port Barre
My thoughts on the 7 have always been:

Mewtwo: Sure, just buff him up. I feel he still has a good chance to be in this games initial roster.

Roy: Roy hasn't been active (the main character) in a game in a really long time...which is why I think it'd be great to have him return in Smash Bros. Buff him up though.

Dixie Kong: Needs to happen. 100% needs to happen.

Toon Zelda: The Nintendo crush of my childhood *sigh*
Really want. I have nothing against clones, and Toon characters are adorbs.

Toon Shiek: I alway's thought the Toon Shiek data was lazily named and intended to be Tetra.
If it was, that'd be better, makes sense again with Wind Waker HD, and Toon characters are adorbs.

Plusle and Minun: I would much prefer a Pichu Bros. tag team.

Dr. Mario: Literally the only vet I never cared about. I wouldn't be opposed to him returning though, if only because of how easy it'd be to put him in.
Yes! I realy want Toon Zelda (or at least Tetra) 6 Zelda reps aint bad and we need one more toon rep for Zelda IMO.
We're gonna stick with one character and one character only. Mewtwo. No one knows if he'll make it in, but's Sakurai's provocative.
Well, 'it' has the highest chance of being it. So He'll be in to raise the hype levels even more. He should get a trailer, "Mewtwo Strikes Back".


Upward and Forward, Positive and Persistent
Feb 25, 2007
Livermore, the Bay repping NorCal Smash!
In order of completion:

Mewtwo - It's gonna be playable.

Roy - Eh stands a shot. Eventually I believe he will come back.

Dr. Mario - Unless as an alt costume, nope.

Dixie - Could happen. I think eventually it will happen.

Toon Zelda - I think that ship has sailed (that was a honest to The King of Red Lions accidental Wind Waker pun).

Toon Sheik/Tetra - Copy and paste my previous comment.

Prai_Mai - Probably Plusle and Minun, which although an awesome idea if it was a tag team character concept, it sadly will almost definitely never happen.
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Curious Villager

Jun 24, 2012
It's kinda interesting that so far none of the "Forbidden Seven" have been officially disconfirmed yet, Sakurai has brought back a couple of removed ideas from Brawl to Smash 4 so I wouldn't be too surprised if he planned to bring back a few of these characters he didn't manage to implement due to time constraints.

Most particularly Mewtwo, Roy, Dixie Kong and Toon Zelda (maybe Dr. Mario too).

Doctor Mario could go either way I guess if he didn't implement a sixth Mario choice already (although I guess that probably also goes for Mewtwo and Toon Zelda and assuming six will be the new "cap" in terms of series representation) or if he would wind up an alt for Mario. Toon Sheik seems to be obsolete now that transformations are gone, which I presume was probably one of the reasons Toon Zelda didn't make it as Sakurai commented on the shorter and stubby legs of the "Toon" characters and how a lot of Sheik's moves consist of crazy acrobatic kicks. And we really have no idea who on earth "Pra_Mai" is so I guess I'll just leave it out of the equation.

Just my two cents on the matter.

Anyway, I'm fine with the four mentioned making it if they do plan to revisit them.

Diddy Kong

Smash Obsessed
Dec 8, 2004
Switch FC
My opinions about them?

Mewtwo: One of my most wanted. And the most popular requested character period. Should get in, no matter how.
Dixie Kong: Another popular pick, and one of my personal most wanted as well. Not as popular as K.Rool, but should really make it in nonetheless. With these 'recent' picks as Rosalina and Greninja, Dixie should get in as well in a similar manner. DLC or not.
Roy: One of my favorite candidates for DLC. He was a DLC character in Fire Emblem Awakening to, so it'd suit him well. Very popular in Japan to, so it could easily happen. Ike's Eruption should have made people aware he'll very likely won't make the innitial roster however.
Dr.Mario: Take it as DLC, but as a straight up clone he'd be extremely boring. At least differenciate him as much as Link / Toon Link are currently. Seeing as Mario hardly has any moveset changes, all would require for flexibility in the Doc's moveset. Not a character I myself would like to pay for. Alternative costume would be great. Or better yet: make all his Specials customisable for Mario and turn that into a DLC or unlockable alternative costume. Or some ****.
Toon Zelda: Zelda has the Phantom Slash for Down B. Her chances are pretty bad. Could be a straight up clone. Eh... There are much, MUCH better Zelda characters around overall.
Toon Sheik: Terrible idea. Shouldn't excist. Give me Toon Impa instead.
Prai_Mai: We never know what this was. And even if they where Plusle and Minun, the internet is now crying for Sceptile instead cause of Fire/ Water/ Grass.


Jazzin' All Day
Jun 23, 2014
Port Barre
It's kinda interesting that so far none of the "Forbidden Seven" have been officially disconfirmed yet, Sakurai has brought back a couple of removed ideas from Brawl to Smash 4 so I wouldn't be too surprised if he planned to bring back a few of these characters he didn't manage to implement due to time constraints.

Most particularly Mewtwo, Roy, Dixie Kong and Toon Zelda (maybe Dr. Mario too).

Doctor Mario could go either way I guess if he didn't implement a sixth Mario choice already (although I guess that probably also goes for Mewtwo and Toon Zelda and assuming six will be the new "cap" in terms of series representation) or if he would wind up an alt for Mario. Toon Sheik seems to be obsolete now that transformations are gone, which I presume was probably one of the reasons Toon Zelda didn't make it as Sakurai commented on the shorter and stubby legs of the "Toon" characters and how a lot of Sheik's moves consist of crazy acrobatic kicks. And we really have no idea who on earth "Pra_Mai" is so I guess I'll just leave it out of the equation.

Just my two cents on the matter.

Anyway, I'm fine with the four mentioned making it if they do plan to revisit them.
Prai Mai is Plusle and Minun, from what I heard. And I 100% agree with you. Since their files weren't completed, maybe he'll bring them back in someway (i'd say Mewtwo, possible Dixie on disc,. Roy, Toon Zelda DLC) since it may take less time to make and place them on the roster with the others.
My opinions about them?

Mewtwo: One of my most wanted. And the most popular requested character period. Should get in, no matter how.
Dixie Kong: Another popular pick, and one of my personal most wanted as well. Not as popular as K.Rool, but should really make it in nonetheless. With these 'recent' picks as Rosalina and Greninja, Dixie should get in as well in a similar manner. DLC or not.
Roy: One of my favorite candidates for DLC. He was a DLC character in Fire Emblem Awakening to, so it'd suit him well. Very popular in Japan to, so it could easily happen. Ike's Eruption should have made people aware he'll very likely won't make the innitial roster however.
Dr.Mario: Take it as DLC, but as a straight up clone he'd be extremely boring. At least differenciate him as much as Link / Toon Link are currently. Seeing as Mario hardly has any moveset changes, all would require for flexibility in the Doc's moveset. Not a character I myself would like to pay for. Alternative costume would be great. Or better yet: make all his Specials customisable for Mario and turn that into a DLC or unlockable alternative costume. Or some ****.
Toon Zelda: Zelda has the Phantom Slash for Down B. Her chances are pretty bad. Could be a straight up clone. Eh... There are much, MUCH better Zelda characters around overall.
Toon Sheik: Terrible idea. Shouldn't excist. Give me Toon Impa instead.
Prai_Mai: We never know what this was. And even if they where Plusle and Minun, the internet is now crying for Sceptile instead cause of Fire/ Water/ Grass.
Toon Sheik is terrible, should've been Tetra. But anyways, Toon Zelda could still work. Impa would be better tho. Sakurai could change-up some of her attacks to be a semi-clone like Toon Link or a completly different character from Zelda. As I stated before, i wouldn't mind Dixie, but i would prefer K. Rool.
I just have this feeling that Roy, Mewtwo, and Doctor Mario will be in the game as playable....with one being an Alternate Costume.
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Curious Villager

Jun 24, 2012
I think the better topic to have here is:
Are we getting another set of the "Forbidden 7" in Smash Bros. 4?
If things go as how they planned (Which they should as there isn't any Sonic type last minute addition as far as I can tell), then they really shouldn't. And if any of them do wind up missing out due to lack of time, then I can imagine them being finished off and released as DLC. At least that's how I see it... :/

Prai Mai is Plusle and Minun, from what I heard. And I 100% agree with you. Since their files weren't completed, maybe he'll being them back in someway, since it may take less time to make and place them on the roster with the others.
That's not entirely certain as the Ice Climbers have separate files from each other and Dixie being presumed to be originally meant within a tag team with Diddy also has a separate file so it hasn't been fully agreed yet to what Pra_Mai could possibly have been.

I can see it happening though that Sakurai will at least revisit some of them yes.


Smash Hero
Jul 13, 2011
I'll take Mewtwo, Roy, and Dixie. You can keep the rest.


Space Pirate
Jan 4, 2010
Switch FC
Dr. Mario is better off as an alternate costume, Toon Zelda seems unlikely with the Phantom Slash being taken by Zelda, in the scenario that Pra_Mai is Plusle & Minun I don't see their relevance when they aren't being used to promote the 3rd Gen remakes, and Roy... I guess it's not a popular opinion, but I don't think Roy has a reason to ever come back, no more so than any of the other cut Melee clones.

That leaves Dixie and Mewtwo. Dixie is up against K. Rool for the third DKC slot, and we don't even know if there will be a third DKC slot, so ultimately while more likely than the others she's still not super likely. Mewtwo is in if we get 6 Pokémon reps, no doubt about it, but that's a 50/50 imo, which still leaves him as the most likely of the bunch imo.
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Akko is my dear daughter!
Jan 5, 2013
For sure Lucas is going to part of the Forbidden 7, but I'm not sure about Squirtle and Ivysaur since it's most likely planned that they aren't in the game and it's just Charizard by himself.


Space Pirate
Jan 4, 2010
Switch FC
For sure Lucas is going to part of the Forbidden 7, but I'm not sure about Squirtle and Ivysaur since it's most likely planned that they aren't in the game and it's just Charizard by himself.
I doubt we're going to see the same number of unfinished characters again, that'd be pretty coincidental. Otherwise I don't think it matters much, we can't access Wii U files yet, and by the time we can the unfinished characters will likely have been added as DLC.


Jazzin' All Day
Jun 23, 2014
Port Barre
I'm glad that this thread did not get locked *does happy dance*
Now to answer the question above, we can't be sure who the new Forbidden 7 will be, heck there may not even be Forbidden Characters in the disc's data.


Aug 29, 2006
Mr. Sakurai's wild ride
I'm glad that this thread did not get locked *does happy dance*
Now to answer the question above, we can't be sure who the new Forbidden 7 will be, heck there may not even be Forbidden Characters in the disc's data.
I dunno, I think it's pretty likely for characters to get started and then cut as the development timeline becomes clear. It isn't too hard to believe. Maybe it won't be 7 again, but I'm willing to be there will be at least a few.

I'm going to say if K.Rool or Dixie gets in and the other doesn't (and K.rool isn't a boss), the other might be one.

cut vets (lucas?) are also strong contenders.

True Blue Warrior

Smash Hero
Oct 4, 2013
United Kingdom
Toon Sheik is the dumbest and most ridiulous idea with a plausible chance. Mewtwo and Dixie are good choices, though.


Banned via Warnings
Jul 27, 2006
Somewhere... overthinking something
Of the "Forbidden 7", I feel like Mewtwo, Toon Sheik, and Dixie have the highest chance of showing up, probably as DLC.

Mewtwo- Currently the most wanted character across the board by far. The temptation to simply make it DLC is probably immense given how the character would easily be downloaded by 80%+ of the people who bought the games. Make it 5 bucks and Nintendo would make a killing from it alone.

Toon Sheik- I always interpreted this as Tetra and I also think this is a strong candidate for a DLC character, given how early Toon Link was shown off. May wind up as a semi-clone of Sheik, with Sheik's kicks being replaced by dagger attacks and explosives simply being replaced by a variation of Toon Link's bombs.

Dixie- Once again, another easy cash grab for DLC. Replace Diddy's hand/foot attacks with Dixie's hair and give her a unique recovery and you could pretty much call it a day. I can easily see her being a semiclone of Diddy in the same fashion that Wolf is one to Fox.

As for the rest:

Roy- I can't see him coming back just because I think it's a lot more likely that Lucina will wind up as DLC and a potential Marth semi-clone.

Dr. Mario- Wouldn't be surprised if this wound up as an ALT for Mario, especially since we've already seen several characters with ALTs that give radical changes to their appearance.

Toon Zelda- I can't see how they would make her work. Link and Toon Link work because they have different proportions allowing for different attacks. Where Link uses kicks, Toon Link uses his sword. This wouldn't exactly work for Toon Zelda and I can't see them flexing their creative muscles beyond making her a clone character of regular Zelda.

Plusle and Minun- I don't see much of a point to their inclusion. With little demand and questionable relevance, I don't see what would spur them to add these two.


Smash Ace
Feb 15, 2014
Dixie would be amazing. I'd like to see mewtwo. And even though I want to see toon Zelda, I see why others don't and I personally don't expect her.


Smash Hero
Dec 24, 2001
Still up Peach's dress.
  • Mewtwo.
    DLC. "We're thinking about it" post roster decision time, most wanted Smash Bro. character across the board, Nintendo recovery from the financial ruin that was "Year of Luigi". Mad Cash.
  • Roy.
    DLC. Mad requested in Japan, still popular amongst Melee fan, IS considering a remake of his game, actually did more for FE than he gets credit for. Not enough to get in before Chrom. Won't not happen though if Robin or Lucina make it in as DLC instead.
  • Dixie Kong.
    Call me crazy but I feel like she's got half a shot of making it onto the initial roster still, even with Gematsu leak. If not; DLC. She's a big enough name to warrant it.
  • Doctor Mario.Alt. Fer crying out loud, alt. Do not make this a separate character again, regardless of whether it'd be odd for Dr. Mario to shoot fireballs. Even the guy who suggested him in the first place only wanted him as a costume.
  • Toon Zelda.Trophy. Regular.
  • Toon Sheik.
    Nothing. Ever.
  • Prai_Mai.
    No idea what this is. Not Plusle and Minun though. Even if it was; regular trophy at best.


Character Concept Creator
Mar 23, 2012
St. Louis, MO
Honestly, I think Mewtwo's the only one of them with a significant chance. He's still highly requested, still relevant nowadays after getting a signature move in Gen 5 and two Mega forms in Gen 6, and they could easily rework his moveset the way they did Pit's. Arguably, his biggest competition is Jigglypuff, since I kind of doubt they want 2/3 of Pokemon's reps to be from its first game.

I could see Dixie happening, though. We've had a couple nods to Donkey Kong Country already, with Kremlings in Smash Run and all of these unconfirmed Chunky sightings. If the roster's 51 characters, I'm pretty sure we'll get a new DKC rep. I'm hoping more for K. Rool, but Dixie would be okay.

I think a lot of people are actually overrating Roy's chances. Being in Melee doesn't give him any special treatment (isn't that right, Mewtwo?), especially since he was a full on clone. If the developers are pushing for unique characters, having red hair instead of blue wouldn't keep Roy from feeling any less redundant than Chrom. And the biggest strike against him: there are other, arguably more worthy Fire Emblem characters that have come into existence since Brawl. Awakening is actually far more popular in Japan than Binding Blade, believe it or not.

And honestly...I don't get the hype for Roy. It seems like most (but not all) of the support for him comes from people who've played Melee but haven't played a ton of Fire Emblem games and don't realize how many other viable characters there are. Nostalgia isn't everything, you know?

As for the others: Dr. Mario would have to be an alternate costume for Mario, which could certainly happen. There might not be a new Zelda rep at all this time, much less half-clone versions of Zelda and Sheik. And if Gen 3 wasn't relevant at all until earlier this year, with development starting only a few months prior, there's no way we'll get a rep from then, much less ones as disliked overall as Plusle and Minun. I could see a Gen 3 mon being DLC, though, but something like Sceptile would be more likely. :ohwell:


Smash Lord
Apr 9, 2014
Behind you.
roy no he can stay cut
mewtwo no much rather have Sceptile why he is gen 1 i don't care how cool he is to much gen 1
Plusle and Minun see mewtwo
toon zelda and toon Sheik a bunch of clones is no good why to represent zelda
Dixie unless she would be with diddy never
dr mario just make him a mario outfit


Jazzin' All Day
Jun 23, 2014
Port Barre
Honestly, I think Mewtwo's the only one of them with a significant chance. He's still highly requested, still relevant nowadays after getting a signature move in Gen 5 and two Mega forms in Gen 6, and they could easily rework his moveset the way they did Pit's. Arguably, his biggest competition is Jigglypuff, since I kind of doubt they want 2/3 of Pokemon's reps to be from its first game.

I could see Dixie happening, though. We've had a couple nods to Donkey Kong Country already, with Kremlings in Smash Run and all of these unconfirmed Chunky sightings. If the roster's 51 characters, I'm pretty sure we'll get a new DKC rep. I'm hoping more for K. Rool, but Dixie would be okay.

I think a lot of people are actually overrating Roy's chances. Being in Melee doesn't give him any special treatment (isn't that right, Mewtwo?), especially since he was a full on clone. If the developers are pushing for unique characters, having red hair instead of blue wouldn't keep Roy from feeling any less redundant than Chrom. And the biggest strike against him: there are other, arguably more worthy Fire Emblem characters that have come into existence since Brawl. Awakening is actually far more popular in Japan than Binding Blade, believe it or not.

And honestly...I don't get the hype for Roy. It seems like most (but not all) of the support for him comes from people who've played Melee but haven't played a ton of Fire Emblem games and don't realize how many other viable characters there are. Nostalgia isn't everything, you know?

As for the others: Dr. Mario would have to be an alternate costume for Mario, which could certainly happen. There might not be a new Zelda rep at all this time, much less half-clone versions of Zelda and Sheik. And if Gen 3 wasn't relevant at all until earlier this year, with development starting only a few months prior, there's no way we'll get a rep from then, much less ones as disliked overall as Plusle and Minun. I could see a Gen 3 mon being DLC, though, but something like Sceptile would be more likely. :ohwell:
Preaching are we ;)?
Roy IS pretty overrated, I give you that. But alot of people still want him in, so he should be DLC. I am still confident on Toon Zelda being DLC at least ;/.
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Kay kay

Just take the time to admire my signature
Jun 18, 2014
Dr. Mario, Toon Zelda and Toon sheik are the ones I feel like have the least possible chance.

Most see Dr. Mario as a ALT costume, and nothing else. If he were a separate character, cloning would be inevitable.

All the toons should not be separate. We've got Toon Link, lets just leave it at that.


Mii Fighter
Jun 16, 2009
Prai Mai is Plusle and Minun, from what I heard. And I 100% agree with you. Since their files weren't completed, maybe he'll bring them back in someway (i'd say Mewtwo, possible Dixie on disc,. Roy, Toon Zelda DLC) since it may take less time to make and place them on the roster with the others.
On the contrary, like Kikwi mentioned, both Plusle and Minun would need separate files. I standby Golden's theory that it was some unused custom character. Sakurai stating he considered Miis to be in Brawl seems to further support his theory.
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Smash Champion
Sep 23, 2007
Mewtwo, Roy, and Dr. Mario I would love to see. Mewtwo is self-explanatory. Roy for being a really cool Lord, breaks the trend of blue hair, and having an amazing Japanese VA. Dr. Mario for more sentimental reasons, he was an old main of mine back before I picked up Mewtwo, and there's a good chance he won't have that stupid Fludd thing for a down special move. A Fludd-less Mario is an awesome Mario.

Don't care much for the rest. Dixie could be interesting, but all I really want to see her do is twirl her hair in HD, but that isn't reason enough for playability :p


Jazzin' All Day
Jun 23, 2014
Port Barre
Mewtwo, Roy, and Dr. Mario I would love to see. Mewtwo is self-explanatory. Roy for being a really cool Lord, breaks the trend of blue hair, and having an amazing Japanese VA. Dr. Mario for more sentimental reasons, he was an old main of mine back before I picked up Mewtwo, and there's a good chance he won't have that stupid Fludd thing for a down special move. A Fludd-less Mario is an awesome Mario.

Don't care much for the rest. Dixie could be interesting, but all I really want to see her do is twirl her hair in HD, but that isn't reason enough for playability :p
Being a Really cool Lord isn't enough for playability if you're going by that logic:p. And I liked Dr. Mario waay more than Regular Mario in Melee, but now with Alternate Costumes...yea. Plus, Custom Movesets lets you turn F.L.U.D.D into Scolding
Fludd, so yeah. I miss Mario's tornado attack down b too, but if i makes you feel better, jump up and then ↓A.
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Smash Ace
Dec 22, 2011
1.Toon Sheik should stay out, there are countless of existing Zelda characters yet to be included in smash bros. There's no need to make up alternate versions willy nilly this isn't Mario Kart.

2. Toon Zelda at least a pre-existing character but she seems pointless.

3. Dr. Mario needs to be a costume only.

4. Praimai if it's plulse and minun i'd rather they stay out if it's someone else then maybe. If they want more pokemon then keep Squirtle and Ivysaur at least they're from a different class.

5. Roy if he's fully decloned maybe if not he should stay out, there's about 4 other Fire Emblem characters I'd rather see and they all have the letter n in their name.

6.Dixie and Mewtwo seem the likeliest and most appropriate of the seven.
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Mii Fighter
Jun 16, 2009
Well I posted already so I might as well just give my thoughts.

1) Mewtwo - I still have little to no doubt in my mind that Mewtwo will Strike Back in this game. Out of all of the "Forbidden 7" he is one of two I know will be appearing in Smash 3DS / U for sure.
2) Roy - If Roy does get in, it would have to be through DLC. Other characters would be much higher in priority than him.
3) Dr. Mario - Alternate Costume at best, DLC is plausible but I'm not banking on it.
4) Dixie Kong - She's the most likely in terms of newcomers from this list, but I still think K. Rool's massive girth will block the doorway for her to get in.
5) Toon Zelda - Not happening. Seeing as Zelda and Sheik are now being treated as separate characters it's more obvious that we have two Zeldas in the roster. A doubt a third will be happening.
6) Toon Sheik - Read above. Toon Sheik is just never happening now that her only reason to exist was to allow Toon Zelda to be a clone. Without transformations being a thing now, Toon Sheik is dead.
7) Prai_Mai - Already in the game as Mii Fighter, as far as I am concerned. The other one of the 7 that I am sure will make it into the game.
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